silence with a twist

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Requested by @Lukanette_Fan

I'm not the biggest lukanette fan, but your wish is thine command! I'm sorry it took me so long to get this out. I hope you enjoy it!

After being akumatized into silencer, Luka can't remember a thing. Well... at least that's what Marinette thought. But clearly Luka remembered his love confession to Marinette, and he's not bashful about telling her again either.


From behind stage, Marinette watched with a smile on her lips as her friends were all welcomed onstage with a clapping ovation. Luka, however, stayed behind, and grabbed ahold of her wrist before she could open the curtain for him. She gasped out a laugh as he twirled around her to beat her to it, closing the already slightly cracked curtain behind his friends who had already entered on stage, leaving him and Marinette alone.

"What are you doing?" She asked him, her voice soft and her smile wide. In a way she was slightly worried about him, so she was sure the concern laced in her irises was easy to detect. He had just been akumatized, after all, and that was never an easy thing to overcome... especially if it was something that had happened to him for the first time.

But Luka seemed to be in good spirits despite of that. He shook his head, and the smile he offered her was enough to prove he was perfectly fine. "Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to say thank you."

She tilted her head slightly, confused. "Thank me for what?"

"For being you. For never giving up on me." Luka's smile was fond as he reached out for her hands, and Marinette let him take them, because the feeling of her hands in his felt strangely right. His hands were soft and warm, but his fingers were rough. He ran his calloused thumbs gently over the top of her hands, caressing her smooth skin, which sent jolts of electricity down her spine. She shuddered beneath his touch, and she idly wondered if he knew just how much he affected her just by his touch alone. "If it wasn't for you standing up to Bob Roth, we wouldn't be able to play our song tonight while wearing our costumes."

Marinette giggled at that. With Bob Roth and XY attempting to steal their music and costume designs, it was only natural for Marinette to put them right in their place.

"And..." Luka said, his voice suddenly turning from super excited to regretful oddly fast. "I wanted to apologize for getting angry... and allowing myself to be akumatized. I should've controlled myself."

Marinette shook her head and softly squeezed his hands. "Hey, it's not your fault." She assured him. "You had every right to be upset with what happened. We almost had everything stolen from us."

"That didn't give me the right to lose my temper." Luka said sullenly, "So... I'm sorry."

Her smile remained soft as she watched him, her eyes searching his which seemed lost and overall distraught. She tried to convey that he didn't need to feel so guilty by squeezing his hands again. After all, he wasn't the only one who Hawkmoth had taken advantage of and control over.

"I didn't... I didn't say anything mean... to you.. did I?"

Marinette frowned slightly at that, immediately shaking her head. In fact, the only thing he had said to her while being akumatized had been a full blown love confession, which did have her temporarily weak in the knees and her cheeks to flush a bright red, despite the fact she had already had feelings for Adrien.

But she was certain Luka wouldn't remember confessing to her. Akumatized victims never remembered anything.

Luka's tight frown broke out into a relieved smile. "Good." He slowly leaned forward to place a hand on her shoulder, and she was even surprised when he pulled her closer to him. "Because you're the most extraordinary girl, Marinette. As clear as a musical note and as sincere as a melody. You're the music that's been playing inside my head since the first day we met."

Marinette's cheeks flushed a crimson red involuntarily, and her lips broke out into a sheepish smile. Before she could respond, Luka leaned even further and pulled her into a tight hug. She immediately melted into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his middle as his remained around her shoulders. When they pulled apart, the smile that was wide on her lips was beginning to hurt. But the pain was worth it when Luka reciprocated her smile.

And then he did something that almost had her crumbling to her knees.

Luka pressed his mouth to hers.

Marinette's eyes instantly widened, and her mind froze into a block of ice. Luka's lips were soft, incredibly gentle as he fondly pecked her lips. The kiss, as unexpected as it was, was so short that she almost thought of it to be a dream. But then Luka slowly pulled away, and his eyes fluttered open to meet her widened eyes.

At the sight of her expression, Luka laughed and awkwardly stepped back, reaching up to rub the back of his neck sheepishly. "I'm sorry. That was so out of place—"


"I should've asked first. That was so wrong of me—"


"Why didn't I ask for permission? Gah! I'm so sorry Marinette—"

"Luka!" Finally, he seemed to hear her calling his name. His eyes snapped up to meet hers, his turquoise irises already clouding with guilt. Marinette, on the other hand, was simply trying to steady her breathing. Her heart was pounding uncontrollably in her chest, and the butterflies in her stomach seemed to be doing summersaults, despite her internally begging them to stop. Her lips felt numb, yet she could still feel where his had been moments prior, the way they had felt against her own. Her fingers ghosted over her lips, and she swallowed, forcing her nerves to settle. "It's... it's okay."

Luka groaned in embarrassment. "No. No, it's not. I should've asked you first—"

"It's okay." Marinette breathed out again, shyly meeting his eyes again despite the blush that fanned the freckled bridge of her nose and her cheeks. "I... I liked it."

Luka's eyes widened slightly at that. "Y-You did?"

She nodded again, her smile still shy. Marinette wasn't lying when she told him she enjoyed it. Something pulled at her heartstrings when it came to Luka—something that didn't stir when she was around Adrien. Did that mean that her feelings for Luka were stronger? Or did that mean her feelings for Adrien weren't really feelings to begin with?

She wasn't given time to dwell over those thoughts. Luka reached up to tuck a piece of longer bangs behind her ear, and when Marinette looked up, he was already surging forward to capture her lips again. This time, Marinette's was more prepared. Her eyes instantly fluttered closed and she melted into him. Her arms reached up to wrap around his neck, pulling him even closer than he had before. Luka's hand remained on her cheek, while the other pulled her closer by the waist. She was the one to slant her head, daringly deepening the kiss, and Luka happily complied. They found themselves both smiling into each other's mouth.

But their moment was cut short when Luka's name was called on stage.

Almost instantly, Luka pulled away from her lips with a loud POP. "Oh shoot, the concert!" Marinette's lips parted slightly, but Luka didn't give her a chance to speak as he leaned in to press another chaste kiss to her lips before he pulled away entirely. Marinette blinked in confusion, watching as he turned to shoot her a smile over his shoulder. "I'll see you after the show!"

There was nothing more she could except slowly wave as he rushed through the curtain to join their friends. She heard the crowd uproar in cheers upon his appearance, but her mind still felt a little foggy. She softly touched her lips, reminiscing over the feeling of what his lips had felt like against hers only moments prior.

"Wow." Tikki gushed and poked her head out from her holder's small purse. "That was the most romantic love confession I've ever heard in my life! And I've heard a lot of love confessions before."

Marinette's smile widened, and she giggled to herself, moving to peak through the curtain. She was greeted with the sight of her friends already playing, and the crowd was cheering at the top of their lungs. Her eyes instantly found Luka amongst them as he strummed the strings on his guitar with passion. And somehow, he knew she was looking at him too.

Because his eyes turned to her in a matter of seconds, and when their eyes met, the way his smile widened at the sight of her was nothing but fond. Fondness for her.

And that was enough to make her cheeks burn a crimson red.


This one is a little shorter than originally intended, but I honestly really liked the way it came out. I hope you enjoyed it! And thank you again for your patience!


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