the lovers duel 🔞

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Since I've finished my list of requests (unless I missed one ((please lmk if I have!)) I'm here to bring you an idea of mine that's been on my mind for a while now. The prompt has a warning for blood, but no blood is described.

That's it. Enjoy.

* 🔞 + for sexual implications in dialogue and language. Hell is used once. *

In this twisted tale, Ladybug and Chat Noir are the villains. They're good at it, too—so much so that when one of them proposes changing sides, the other isn't too keen on the idea.


Even when he was trying to practice his discreetness, it was obvious to any onlooker that Chat Noir was undoubtedly in love with his partner, and it wasn't just because of her looks—though her beauty was truly impossible to match. He loved everything about her, from her beauty to her personality to her wit... but his favorite thing about her was just how much her insanity matched his.

They were two crazy individuals who shared their drive for power. They were obsessed with it, so much so that when they'd heard about the magic behind magical jewels called miraculous, they knew they'd have to have one of their own. So, they hatched one of their biggest heists yet, a plan to steal the two most powerful miraculouses: the ladybug earrings and the black cat ring.

Ideally, those two miraculouses were perfect for them. These jewels were known to be the Ying to the others Yang, and Chat Noir knew that was exactly how his relationship with her was.

Without her, he would be nothing and visa-versa for her.

As if on cue, he heard the whisk of her yo-yo. He glanced up, finding his lady adorned from head to toe in red—and not just the color of her usual spandex polka-dotted suit, oh no. She was wearing an entirely new suit, one she had acquired from learning how to upgrade her powers.

After all, she was the miraculous holder of creation.

"Have I ever told you how gorgeous you look in red~?" He asked with a purr, unashamedly leaning forward on his baton to admire her further.

She approached him with a hypnotizing sway of her hips. Ladybug rolled her eyes with a small smile. "Yes, but that usually happens when I'm covered in the blood of our enemies and not when I'm wearing a new suit."

Chat Noir grinned. "You're gorgeous either way."

Her hands found their way across his shoulders. A brush of her fingers against his nape had him shuddering.

"Sap." She whispered amongst the little space that remained between their lips, her grin just as cunning as his.

He licked his lips in anticipation. "I hope you plan to kiss me, beautiful."

She responded with a giggle, and then she leaned forward. Her lips lightly pressed his as if to tease him, but Chat Noir wouldn't allow that. His hands quickly wrapped around her waist as he pulled her forward, his lips instantly molding deeply with hers. That allowed him to swallow in his lady's moan, as well as allow his hands' access to roam even lower to her pronounced lower region and squeeze.

Ladybug smiled against his lips, and he reciprocated that smile. He was so in love with her. He truly couldn't believe that she was his.

All too soon, the love of his life slowly pulled away, and his lips, needing her endlessly, tried to follow. But she stopped him short with a finger to his lips and then rested her forehead against his, allowing her eyes to flutter close as if to savor the moment. He complied with a content sigh, though he would have preferred to keep making out.

"There's something I want to talk to you about," she whispered between them. "Could you spare a minute for words instead of kisses?"

"I suppose I could be miserable for a few minutes." He teased. He then leaned forward to briefly press a delicate kiss to her forehead before pulling back entirely. "What does the lady wish to talk about?"


Chat Noir instantly frowned. Master Fu, the guardian of all the miraculouses, made their lives incredibly miserable because he was so determined to get the miraculouses they had stolen back. But would they give up the miraculouses to make their lives easier? Definitely not!

"What about him?"

Ladybug's smile slowly fell, revealing her coldness for the old man. "He sent out another holder to track us down," she said, "They call her Rena Furtive, and she's a lot more powerful than I expected."

Concern quickly consumed his features. "How so?"

"She's able to manipulate her powers and her suit, similar to what I can do, but that's not all. She's wielding more than one miraculous at a time."

"What?" His eyebrows rose up his head. "I thought that was impossible?"

"I thought so too," Ladybug said solemnly, "But I guess we were wrong... and I-I... I underestimated her."

"What do you mean by that?" he asked worriedly, " Have you already had an encounter with her?"

To that, Ladybug nodded silently. Anxiousness slowly lowered into the pit of his stomach, making him feel a bit uneasy. He knew his lady could handle just fine without him, but they usually never did things without the other.

"Without me?"

His lady licked her lips nervously. "Not... purposely. She... she confronted me... while I was in my civilian form."

Chat Noir's eyes widened in disbelief—but that wasn't the only emotion swirling in his emerald irises. Fear also clouded his usually sinister green orbs.

No one had ever been able to discover their identities. Many had tried, but none had ever been successful.

But now, someone knew who Ladybug was underneath the mask—someone who wasn't him. It was only a matter of time before Master Fu found out, too.

He quickly reached out to place his hands on her shoulders. "How the hell did she find out?"

It was a stupid question to ask. From the look on his lady's face, it was easy to tell she had no idea herself and, therefore, had no answer to give him. He'd always been certain that they were the masters at keeping their identities hidden, even before they'd acquired the miraculouses. For someone to discover who they were was supposed to be impossible.

His hands tightened ever-so-slightly around her shoulders. "What did she do to you? Did she hurt you?"

"No, no," Ladybug shook her head. "She actually... talked to me, normally, as if I wasn't her enemy. She didn't even want to fight."

"She was trying to trick you."

His lady shrugged. "She tried to negotiate with me."

Chat Noir chuckled a bit sadistically as he shook his head. He released her shoulders a moment later. "Don't tell me you actually fell for that."

"Of course not," she quickly defended herself and then folded her arms across her chest, "But I did listen to what she had to say."


"And... she mentioned she had a proposal, one that had been discussed amongst all the holders..." Ladybug started off slowly. He said nothing in response, instead listening to what this mysterious holder had told his lover. "She said that if we were to return the miraculouses, the holders would agree to pardon us of all of our crimes."

Chat Noir cackled. "Yeah, right. I don't believe it for a second."

"Neither do I," Ladybug said. To others, it would seem she meant that statement, but he could hear the doubt laced behind her words—the lingering but: "But what if it is true?"

"So what if it's true?" he countered, folding his arms across his chest. "Since when are we known to surrender? To give up our prized stolen possessions?"

"We wouldn't be surrendering." She argued. "We would be cutting off the biggest thorn in our side on a clean slate."

"And at what cost? Our powers?"

"Since when did we need powers to be good at what we do?"

He wasn't one to unleash his insanity on those he loved, but what his lady was suggesting boiled his blood to the bone. He couldn't deny she made a valid point—they didn't necessarily need the miraculouses to be the most notorious villains in all of Paris... but since when was just enough ever enough for them?

"I'm not giving up my miraculous." Chat Noir sneered at her. "And if you give them yours, that will make you a traitor, and you know how much I hate traitors."

Ladybug wasn't at all phased by his threat. "It was just a suggestion."

He stepped forward, his gaze transfixed on her and his jaw set. "Why would you even suggest that anyway? Are you suddenly bored with your life? Will getting some blood on that red suit of yours get you off?" He smirked then, his pearly whites flashing before her eyes. "I know it would for me~"

Ladybug scoffed, but there was a hint of seductive humor laced in those irises of hers. She fought the smile that threatened to pull at her lips. "I suppose that might make me feel a little better."

Grinning, he extended his arm. She looped her own in his. "Well then," he wiggled his brows. "Let's do what we're best at—getting each other off."

Ladybug let out one of the most beautiful laughs he'd ever heard in his life, and he found absolute pride in making her laugh and smile like that, but he found himself quickly silencing it by pressing his lips to hers. Ladybug quickly obliqued and practically devoured him. She nipped at his bottom lip, an action she knew riled him up all too well. As he growled into her mouth, he pulled her even closer with a hand on her lower back. Their bodies pressed together did little to prevent his imagination from running wild.

He was certain about most things that fell into his lap. That being said, he knew this woman was meant for him. He loved her more than words could possibly describe.

But what he didn't know was that her suggestion hadn't come from nowhere. As they kissed each other senselessly, she made her lover believe he was all that was on her mind, but in reality, she had a conflicted mind. Her thoughts wandered to her flat stomach, and every time they did, she secretly wondered whether she wanted to remain a villain...

...or become a mother.


Yeah, it's kinda short, but I've had this idea on the back of my mind for a long time. I figured with all this writer's block I've been experiencing lately that I should work on something new.

See you in the next one-shot! (Be sure to check out my bio or the 'Welcome to My Profile' book underneath 'update schedule' for when the next scheduled update will be.)


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