the unfair life of marinette dupain-cheng pt3

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Requested by @Ninoism and a few others.

Alright, so four of you asked for a part 3... and 3 of you gave me your vision for it. Now LET'S MIX EM ALL TOGETHER!

I didn't think this was going to be requested, but oh how wrong I was. Also I'M SORRY ITS BEEN MONTHS SINCE I UPDATED. I hope this little update makes up for it!

Feelings are spilled, Chat Noir tries to lighten the mood with a ton of puns, and Marinette is having a mental breakdown. Neither of them expected their reveal to be so overwhelming.


Adrien had already anticipated Marinette's initial reaction to discovering his identity because knowing her as well as he did, it was obvious that she would most likely freak out. He expected her to possibly have an emotional break down and he certainly even expected things to be a little awkward between them at first, but what he hadn't expected was to be completely avoided all together.

Marinette was already bashful around him at school, but now, it was obvious to anyone who looked that she was purposely avoiding him. Every time Adrien would try approaching her with a shy wave, her eyes would widen fearfully at the sight of him, and she would find some way to escape before he could make it to her. Whether that involved dragging Alya to the restroom, or weaving her way through the maze of students in the hall, Marinette seemed to be successful in evading him at all costs. Knowing she was avoiding him on purpose hurt him a lot more than he cared to admit... and it also embarrassed him. The looks their friends secretly shared indicated they too noticed Marinette's weirder-than-usual behavior.

But no matter how much he tried to simply talk to her, Marinette kept him unsuccessful. Realizing he would never get anywhere with her as Adrien, he decided it was time to visit her again as Chat Noir.

He landed on her rooftop unexpectedly one night when he'd finally grown the courage. It was a school night, and he knew Marinette would definitely have something to say about that, but the smitten blonde was desperate to talk to her. Exhaling heavily, he gently knocked his knuckles against her trapdoor and took a step back. With his hands nervously clasped behind his back, Chat Noir rocked back and forth on his heels as he patiently waited.

Not a moment later did he hear rustling below, indicating he hadn't woken Marinette up. He exhaled in relief at that. Chat Noir took another involuntary step backwards when the trapdoor suddenly opened upward, revealing a messy bun atop the young designer's head. Marinette was already dressed in long fuzzy pajama pants and a tank top. When she peeked up at him, she was sporting a nervous smile. Even her eyes portrayed a wince.

"I know it's a school night," he began rather cautiously, nervously licking his lips. His gloved hands came in front of him now, still clasped together unsurely. "But I need to talk to you."

Marinette's smile twitched against her will... and so did her eye, he realized. "Do we have to have this conversation tonight?"

He nodded. His eyes portrayed desperation more than they did determination. "Please?"

Their eyes silently searched one another's before Marinette finally sighed dejectedly and further opened the hatch. As she moved to climb down, Chat Noir slowly followed after her, gently closing the hatch behind him.

She was already underneath her duvet when his boots hit her mattress.

Marinette didn't waste any time. "Can you de-transform?"

His eyes widened a bit in surprise, (mostly because he hadn't expected Marinette to want to see his other half, considering all her efforts thus far had been to avoid that side of him) but he nodded nonetheless, because he wouldn't tell her no. "Plagg, de-transform me."

A flash of green light illuminated the dimly-lit bedroom. In the blink of an eye, Adrien had taken Chat Noir's place.

Marinette visibly shuddered.

Her reaction had a frown slowly pulling at the corners of his lips.

Was she disappointed it was him?

That was the first thought that crossed his mind. When he found out Marinette was Ladybug, he had personally been thrilled, if not a bit relieved knowing they were the same person. But perhaps that wasn't the same for Marinette. Maybe she hadn't been expecting it to be him, maybe she didn't want it to be him...

He lowered his gaze to his lap, finding his hands nervously ringing together on their own accord.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a black blur wiz by and faze through the wall, indicating Plagg had taken his leave.

Marinette remained incredibly quiet as she simply stared at him. He found her gaze to be rather intimating, almost as if she were scrutinizing him.

He cleared his throat, deciding to break the silence. "Are you disappointed?"

Her eyes snapped up to his at that, something ablaze in her irises. When she didn't answer, he continued talking, "I just feel like you've been avoiding me because you're disappointed, so if that's true, just go ahead and tell me now—"

"I'm not disappointed that Adrien is Chat Noir." She interjected with the assurance, though the blank look on her face was hard to come by. "I'm disappointed for another reason."

He raised a confused brow at that. "What else would make you disappointed?"

"You knew I was avoiding all of my friends for a reason and yet you tricked me by coming to me as Chat Noir. Plus, you're not supposed to use your super-hero self for personal stuff."

"You can't blame me for that." He frowned at her. "I was worried about you. Everyone was worried about you, and everyone knew something was wrong too."

"I had it under control."

"No one is saying you didn't, but you were miserable." He pointed out matter-of-factly. He wanted her to know that she could rely on him, that she could come to him with any burdens that she might have. That she could trust both sides of him.

For a moment, her stern gaze slightly faltered, revealing the pure vulnerability behind it. He wanted to reach out to her and hug her, but he also didn't want to cross a line.

"I know exactly how you feel," he said instead when she remained silent, his voice so soft as if he were approaching a timid animal. "So I want to be there for you if you ever need a shoulder to lean on. Your friends will always be there for you to an extent, but I would like to be there for it all, if you'd let me."

He outstretched his arms a moment later, allowing Marinette the option to come to him; to trust him. He remained there for her with open arms, patiently allowing her to decide what she wanted. With tear-filled eyes, a choked sob fell from her lips as Marinette finally gave in and moved across the bed to fall into his warm embrace. His arms instantly circled around her, pulling her as close to him as physically possible. Marinette threw her arms around his neck, her nose burying into the crook of his neck as she softly wept. He began to rub gently circles in the small of her back, his way of silently assuring her that he was here.

And then Marinette did something else he hadn't been expecting.

She started to laugh.

Confusion once again clouded his features as he pulled back slightly, holding Marinette by her shoulders so that he could get a good look at her face. She was grinning now, tears still falling down her cheeks, but she was softly laughing, and he had no idea why.

"What's so funny?" He found himself asking more out of concern rather than confusion. "Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine." She assured him breathlessly. Her arms were still circled around his neck, giving her hands access to his nape. Her fingers were absently playing with his little blonde hairs, and she was still smiling eerily wide. "I just realized something, that's all."

He was still confused, and a bit worried, if he was being honest with himself. "And what exactly did you realize?" He asked somewhat cautiously.

Her eyes fluttered to his, their gazes locking instantly. Adrien found fondness swirling in those beautiful blue irises of hers. "I just realized that all this time, I've had the biggest crush on Adrien, so I've always rejected Chat Noir's advances as Ladybug even though I actually liked his advances. But I didn't want to betray Adrien, you know? So I just realized that I was rejecting you for you all this time. You see how funny that sounds?"

A grin quickly pulled at his lips in a matter of seconds. That was incredibly funny, now that he thought about it. "So... all this time, Ladybug has also had a crush on Chat Noir?"

A blush quickly fanned Marinette's cheeks. With a squeak, she buried her face into his shoulder once again, and that was enough to answer his question even if she wouldn't verbally admit it.

Adrien chuckled as he tightened his hold around her.

"So... does that mean you secretly liked the puns too?"

Marinette giggled against his skin, her breath sending chills down his spine.

"Yes, Adrien, I like the puns."

Perhaps she would one day regret admitting that, he wasn't sure. Adrien's grin resembled that of a Cheshire cat's. "That's relieving to hear, because PAWns are my specialty."

Marinette groaned against his shoulder, which only had his grin widening.

"After you admitted you liked my puns, that had me FELINE good."

"Adrien..." Marinette whined.

"What?" He chuckled, rocking her back and forth rather playfully. "I thought you liked my puns?"

"I do," she lifted her head slightly to plant a kiss to his cheek. The action had him blushing. "But don't push it."

For a moment, her kiss had him frozen. The love of his life had just kissed him on the cheek.

It wasn't the biggest accomplishment to man, but to him, it meant everything.

Grinning, he decided to return her affection, and gently placed a kiss to her forehead. "Hey, Marinette?"

"Hm?" She hummed contently.

"What kind of car does a cat drive?"

She remained silent for an agonizing moment. At first, he thought he might get chastised for trying to rekindle the puns, but then he was surprised when she actually lifted her head to grin at him. "What kind of car?"

"A FURRari~"

He watched as Marinette burst into a fit of giggles, her head falling back onto his shoulder. He joined her, and together (as he hoped they would stay), they laughed at his silly joke—one of the many jokes he had up his sleeve that he couldn't wait to share with her, as long as he got to see her smile and hear her laugh every single time he told one.


I'm sorry I took so long to update lovelies. I have no excuses other than being an adult makes one's life difficult, stressful, and busy :( This one shot is unedited, so apologies for any mistakes.

See you in the next one shot! (Be sure to check out my bio for when the next scheduled update will be.)


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