Chapter 11: Tour around Shanghai city

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When we reached our room, I saw Marinette's eyes fall out. I mean, who doesn't? Xhin said that in a room, only four people is allowed but then when we entered our room, only two king size beds are laying on the marble tiles on our left side of the room. The walls were painted white with a touch of gold. There's a huge sliding window with a terrace in front of us. At the right of the room is the bathroom with a huge bath tub and beside it is an another door, probably a walk in closet.

In between the door of the bathroom and the walk in closet is a slight long red velvet couch. Each side of the beds have bedside tables with a fancy lamp, a golden vase with fresh rose flowers and an emergency telephone. The two beds where covered with white sheets combined with color red sheets. The pillows were all in all six with either red and pink colored covers.

Okay, Nino and Adrien will be on the other bed and me and- I was cut short on my thoughts when a mischievous smirk came across my face. Suddenly, an idea came into my amazing head. We put our luggage aside, and after that I grabbed Nino's wrist and pulled him at the corner of the room, leaving Marinette and Adrien talking awkwardly while putting their clothes to the walk in closet, except for Marinette's royal clothes that were left at the limo.

"Ow! Dude! What gives?" He whines like a baby. I immediately put my hand on his mouth to shut him up. Marinette must never know about this. He Put his confuse face, making me roll my eyes.

"As you can see there's only two king size beds in there." I said, pointing at the two beds. He nodded. "Let's share the other bed while they share the other." I continued, as I pointed Marinette and Adrien laughing. I can see that Nino is confused but he nodded eventually.

"Follow my lead on this. Trust me, Marinette will thank us later." I said with a smirk and went back to Marinette and Adrien blushing, Nino following behind.

"Okay, love birds, what are you blushing about?" I asked while crossing my arms and my eyebrow raised. Me and Nino saw how they blushed even more. We both snickered quietly.

"L-Love birds? Wh-what are y-you talking a-about, Alya?" Marinette stuttered which cause me to smirk at her. She blushed even more. Gotcha, gurl!

"I'm not her-"

"Yeah, he's not- I'm not- uhm-"

"Yeah, right! So anyway, are you finished unpacking? We have to pick on who are sharing with these beds." I started. I walked near at the edge of the bed on the right and sat down.

"That's not a problem. Adrien and Nino will-"

"I'm sharing the bed with Nino." I cut her off while smirking and crossing my arms. Leaving her jaw dropped, like she's been betrayed then suddenly gave me an eye piercing death glare. Honestly, I wanted to laugh now.


"I already agreed with Alya over hear. Sorry, Bro!" Nino cut Adrien off as he rubbed the back of his neck in nervousness.

"N-no! It's okay. It wouldn't hurt someone if we share the bed, right, Mari?" Adrien said awkwardly with his matching innocent smile that will make the whole fandom and fans, including Marinette to squeal. Ooh! And the nicknames too!

"Y-yeah! N-no, I-I mean, Yes! Hurt wouldn't, no- I mean, y-yes, it w-would hurt s-someone!" Marinette stuttered then smiled sheepishly. And right now, I just mentally face palmed myself. I sigh. When will she ever learn?

"Okay. So it's settled." I exclaimed making Nino jumped out of the bed, who sat beside me earlier.

"Again, What gives?!" Nino whined as he rubbed his butt that landed on the cold hard floor. We then started laughing at him.


"You know, you should thank me and Nino for letting you sleep with Adrien at the same bed." I started with a smirk came across my face. She turned to me and gave me a playful glare.

The boys head out for a walk, exploring the hotel building and said that they'll be back before we know it. While me and Marinette stayed inside our room, resting and talking to each other. I'm here on my and Nino's bed while she's laying down on her and Adrien's bed.

"So it was your plan!" She exclaimed while pointing at me as she stood up on her feet.

"You didn't tell me! I wasn't ready. What if I was snoring out loud and he'll sleep on the couch instead? What if I accidentally kick him out of the bed? You know how I move randomly while sleeping! If that happens, he'll probably asked for another bed, or worse another room! Then he'll never talk to me again and I'll never be his wife when the time comes, Oh my life is really over!"

She said in a half yell as she started pacing back and fort in front of me, with frustration visible on her face. I'm probably sure she's starting imagining things while talking. Right now, I wanted to laugh at her. You know how over dramatic this girl is. And I should know because I'm her best friend!

"CHILLax, Gurl! He's too kind to do that to you. Unless he'll be like Chloe. But, anyway, don't be such overreacting! Your good." I said to her as I walked out of bed, placing a hand on her left shoulder. She sigh.

"Remind me why we're friends again." She teased. I glared at her then started laughing. We head back to our bed and started talking again until Marinette falls asleep.

Later on, the door creaked open and the boys went inside, exhausted. I guess this hotel is too big and wide, you'll probably get lost or be exhausted. Not to mention were at the tenth floor of the hotel.

"Hey-- Wow! You looked pretty exhausted!" I exclaimed as I sat down the bed.

"It's really a bad idea to roam around this hotel." Nino stated as he lay on the bed next to mine with a thud. I laughed at their stupidness.

"You tell me! The elevator is under repair when two children keep playing with it the it broke. Now, me and Nino have no choice but to take the stairs up here." I laughed again as Adrien groaned and lay on the bed with a thud beside Marinette who's still asleep. She stirred a bit at the sudden movement of the bed but stayed asleep peacefully.

"I'll just take a little nap. Don't Disturb!" Nino said, his voice slowly dying and as the moment I looked at him, he's already asleep, letting out some quiet snores.

"Yeah~" Adrien's voice are slowly dying as well and later on he fell asleep. I was getting a little tired as well so I settled myself in the bed and started sleeping.


My eyes slowly fluttered open as I woke up by a sudden movement beside me. My sight roamed around the room, and right then, I saw Alya and Nino asleep in the same bed right beside my and Adrien's. My eyes then shifted down and suddenly my face went red when I noticed a strong arms wrapped around my waist in a protective manner.

I stirred a bit and slowly turned on my back, facing Adrien. Our face were at least one inches away as our lips were almost touching each other. He stirred a bit when I turned on my back, tightening the grip on his arm that were wrapped around me, luckily he's still asleep.

I brought my left arm up as I softly caressed his cheek using my thumb. I used my finger to traced his jaw line then to the nose and finally to his cheeks. My eyes move to his lips, making me tempted to kiss it. This feeling, it's more than 'like', I think I love him. Seeing him like this in front of me, a mere inches away, makes my heart skip a beat as butterflies roamed around my stomach like a wild goose chase. I never knew something like this would happened in my life. I just wish he'd return my feelings.

While he's still asleep, I gently caress his soft cheek when suddenly his eyes slowly fluttered open, which cause me to looked at him wide eye.

"Hey!" He groggily said with a small smile.

"H-hey..." I said, barely audible and smiled at him faintly while blushing madly. Does he not realized how close our face were?

He looked at me confused until his eyes landed on my lips, a small tint of pink blush went across his face. Then his blush got redder when he noticed that his one arm were wrapped around my waist. He cleared his throat and then took his arm away. That's when I immediately but awkwardly stood up from bed and cupped my face, making my blush go away.

"Oh, Um- uh- S-sorry about that. I didn't-" Adrien started but immediately cut himself off.

"Y-yes! I-I mean, no. No- uh, uhm- I mean, don't worry. It's, uh, it's okay. I guess?" I said with a shrug without facing him and avoiding his eye contact. I heard him sigh. Just then the hotel telephone rang beside me, I quickly grabbed it and answer the call.

"Hello? Yes? Okay, yes Ms. Bustier. I'll tell them right away. Thank you." I put down the telephone at the bedside table and faced Adrien awkwardly.

"What did Ms. Bustier said?" Adrien asked.

"Since we already have our breakfast earlier ago, our lunch will be here in a second. Then after lunch, Ms. Bustier said we have to prepare and go to the lobby. We're going to roam around Guangzhou city." I excitedly said, literally forgetting what happened earlier. He nodded and went to the walk in closet.

Just as he disappear, the door bell rang and stepped inside a girl that wears all white with an apron as her hair is on a neat bun. She's pushing a white cart with full of plates, small bowls, spoon and chopsticks. She bows her head at me in respect as I did the same and smile at her. I walked towards her and helped her with the plates.

"No, its okay princess. I can do it on my own." She said in chinese. I smiled and shook my head at her.

"No, I'll help." I replied in chinese, with a smile. She can't refuse me as I am the Princess. She nodded her head and continued putting the small bowls and spoons in the table as I put the plates and chopsticks.

"I couldn't help but to asked, what's your name?" I asked her. She stopped in what she's doing and looked up at me in surprise.

"My name is Xian Jiaying, your majesty." She said in formality. I giggled at her.

"Call me, Marinette." I held my right hand in front of her. She hesitate but shook my hand eventually with a smile.

"Okay, your maje- I mean, Marinette."

"Okay, what's going on? What did I miss?" We both turned our heads around and saw Adrien crossing his arms over his chest. He's wearing a gray plain v-neck shirt and black jeans.

"N-nothing, Adrien." I said with a sly giggle. He chuckled at me as Jiaying bowed her head and left our room, pushing the white cart.

"Xie Xie!" I called out. She smiled then slightly bowed her head.

"Come on, let's have lunch. It's 1:04 already." I said as I sat down on a chair.

"Aren't you going to wake them up?" Adrien asked as he sat in front of me while pointing at Alya and Nino. I smirk at the sudden idea.

"Okay." I stood up and went beside their bed. "OH MY GOSH! LADYBUG, YOUR HERE!" I shouted loud enough for Alya and Nino to hear. which cause for Alya to bolted out awake.

"Ladybug?! Where? Where?"

"Is there an akuma attack?"

I started laughing my hearts out as Adrien chuckled. I heard Alya groaned in annoyance as Nino slumped back on his bed.

"Lunch is ready! Come on!" As if on cue, Alya is already sitting on a chair beside mine, with a goofy grin on her face when she saw the food. And Nino who's already been sitting beside Adrien with a yawn.

"Okay guys, after lunch, get ready 'cause were going to Guangzhou city!"

A new character will be joining the Miraculous Gang! Exciting! What do you think will be her character in the story? Good or Bad? Traitor or Friends?

Let's see!

Thank you for reading and supporting my book! I salute you all!

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