Chapter 5: Night Patrol

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It was already 10:30 in the evening. Alya already left hours ago, after bombarding me some of her questions. I explained to her everything and about being a princess. It took her a lot of moment to completely process everything, and eventually she forgive and accepted me with open arms. I felt relief upon hearing the words she said to me. I'm just happy that she still accepts me for who I am.

She completely understand my situation and the fact that I didn't told her about me being a princess. It was to give me a normal life. She didn't know how much it hurts me to hide this secret from her, even this secret, me being LadyBug. And It still bothers me the fact that if they'll find out specially Adrien about this things, my whole world will fall apart.

I looked at my alarm clock and saw the time, 10:35 pm. I nodded to myself and called up Tikki.

"I'm ready, Marinette." She said and smiled. I smiled back and said the three words that will change my whole being for tonight.

"Tikki, Spots On!"


I swing my yo-yo from building to building with ease, feeling the cold breeze hitting my face. Moments later, I finally reached the top of the Eiffel tower. I turned to my back and saw a breath taking view of Paris, France. The light of each building glimmers through the night. I smiled then sat down at the edge, letting my feet dangling in the air.

"I'm going to miss Paris." I muttered then sigh with a frown. Four weeks is equivalent to one month. It depends. And after four weeks, I have to stay for a month.

I've waited for a few minutes before I felt someone landed a few meter away behind my back with a small thud. I didn't bother turning around, I already know who he is.

"Well, Good evening, M'lady." He said. I rolled my eyes playfully but secretly smiled eventually. I felt him sat beside me, his feet dangling in the edge.

"Nice to see you too, Chat." I said. Half sarcastic and half sincere.

"Wow! You greeted back. Usually you would roll your eyes on me. It's Ameowzing!" He said at the same time, flexing his so called 'muscles'. I rolled my eyes on him. We were silent for half a minute until I spoke up, breaking the silent.

"I have to tell you something!" We both said in sync.

"You go first." We said again

"No, you go." I started giggling as Chat chuckled.

"Ladies first." He insisted. I nodded.

"I'm kind of having a family errand to attend to. So, I'll be gone in two months." I said with a frown and tried to avoid his gaze. I turned my attention to the breath taking view of Paris while sighing.

"Oh... So, where will you be going?" Chat asked. I turned to him. I can hear in his voice the sadness. A flow of guilt wash over me.

"China." I said in a whisper, barely audible. But I know Chat heard it. I saw his face lit up. I stared at him confuse.

"Listen, M'lady, our school won an award and as for our reward, a trip to China." He said with a glint of excitement. My mouth suddenly formed an 'o' shape.

"What a coincidence!" I exclaimed then chuckled at him.

"But, wait! What about Paris?" Chat asked worriedly. I took a quick glance at him then turned back to the beautiful view.

"I already asked my kwami on that. She said, Hawk Moth's goal is to capture our miraculouses. So, If he senses that we're in China, that's where he'll send his akumas." I explained to him. He nodded in understanding.

"Don't you think it's a little bit too far for his 'little akuma' to fly all the way to China?" He asked, curiously, as he put an air quotation using his two fingers on each hands.

"Nothing is impossible for him." I said as I stood up from sitting and crossed my arms over my chest. Chat followed me and leaned over to a metal wall.

"Obsessed much?"

"You could say that, yeah!"

We were silent for a few minutes, just staring out at the perfect view in front of us when suddenly, a beep was heard indicating that I only have a few minutes left. Chat's ring did the same. We stared for a moment before we nodded at each other.

"Well, It's meowy nice talking to you, M'lady. But I guess it's time to go. I wouldn't want you to see my ameowzing and pawsome face, or It might bug you out." He said with a huge grin across his face. My eyes just twitched as I stared at him in annoyance. I mentally face-palm myself then rolled my eyes heavenwards.

"Chat, enough with the puns!" I groaned in annoyance. He just laughed at me as I stared at him deadpan.

"But I know you like them." He smirks. I shook my head.

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't."

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do."


"I hate you!"

"You wound me!"

"I know."

I gave him a smirk. He put his hand on his chest in mocked hurt. I literally punched him on his arms. He chuckled as he rubbed the part where I punched him.

"Enough with this childish charms! I have to bug out. Me and my parents are having our flight to China today in about.... 10 MINUTES!!" I screech as my eyes widen when I saw the clock wall hanging inside. Don't ask. I don't even know why there's a clock wall inside the eiffel tower.

"Patrol's Over. Bye, see you in China." I swing away leaving Chat as he waved at me. I know I lied to him. But I had to. Basically, it's my parents who's going to leave and tomorrow is my flight, but I have to be with Mom and Dad at the airport.

"See you, M'lady!" I heard him shouted. I nodded to myself as I continued swing until I reached my balcony and quickly de-transform. Just in time as Mom opened my trap door.

"Dear, You wanna come with us? We're about to leave." Mom said. I smiled and nodded.

"Yes. I'll escort you there. Wait a second." I said. She nodded and closed the trap door. I let out a breath that I didn't noticed I'm holding it in.

"Wanna come, Tikki?" I asked her as I gave her a cookie. She nodded and flew inside my purse. I went downstairs and helped Mom and Dad with their luggage.

-Paris International Airport-

"See you tomorrow." I said and gave them a hug. They hugged back and gave me a smile. Xhin Lee is right behind them. He's a royal butler from China.

"Take care." Mom said as she caress my cheek. I nodded and waved them good bye as they entered their gate. I think they'll be using the private jet.

"If your already in Shanghai China, meet me at the entrance of the Shanghai Airport. Good day, Your Highness." Xhin Lee formally said as he bowed down. I smiled and bowed at him a little then nodded. He the followed Mom and Dad.

See you!

Longest chapter after chapter 4. So was it worth the wait? Who am I kidding? Of course it is. Hahaha. Don't mind me... Keep reading everyone!!

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