Chapter 8: Arrival

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After what felt like three hours of sleeping, I fluttered my eyes open and was about to sit up straight when I felt something resting above my head. I turned to look at Marinette who was sleeping. That's when I realized that I was leaning my head on her shoulder while she's sleeping and was resting her head on mine. I blushed at the suddenly realization but I immediately shook my head.

I stirred a bit and gently took Marinette's head away from mine as I sat properly on my seat. Luckily, Marinette didn't woke up so I leaned her head on my shoulder and let her sleep properly. I noticed her earphones still stuck in her ears. I plugged it out from her ears and put it into mine with a smile. I stared at her for a bit but quickly turned away when she stirred her head. Luckily she didn't woke up.

I looked down to where Marinette's hands were resting, and saw that she was holding the book that I was reading earlier ago before I fell asleep. I grabbed it from her and continued reading it until Marinette's awake.

Honestly, this is the best moment I had in my whole life with Marinette. I've been wishing that some day or another, Marinette would actually talk to me in a normal way, without stuttering. It been confusing me all the time. I wanted to be friends with her but everytime I talk to her she would stutter around me. And sometimes I feel like she's scared when she's with me. It saddens me to see that she's talking and laughing with Alya and Nino. But when I start a conversation, she'll stutter and sometimes blush. Tell me what did I do wrong? Tell me!

I closed the book and put it on my lap. I stared at Marinette for a moment as I shove away a loose strand of her hair and put it behind her ears. I smiled when I softly caress her cheek. Her soft porcelain skin, pink-ish lips and blue raven hair. Kind of remind of someone. Lady Bug. I can't wait 'til we meet each other in China. But in the other hand, I still had fun sitting beside Marinette for seven hours.

I grab Marinette's hand and held it on mine, intertwining it together. I ignored the warm pink blush that crept across my cheeks and just stared at our intertwined hands. I kissed the back of her hand and then turned my attention to the window. 3:20 am. I didn't realized the sun has already risen up.

"Good Morning, Marinette." I muttered and then continued reading my book again.


I woke up by the blinding light of the sun coming from my window. I slowly fluttered my eyes open only to see that I'm not on my bedroom. Oh, right. I'm in the airplane.

I looked around and saw Adrien reading his book from earlier ago. I didn't realize until now that I've been sleeping on his shoulder. I blushed red velvet. My eyes roamed everywhere until it landed on my hand that were intertwined with Adrien's. My eyes widen as my blushed just kept going red. I took a quick glance at him and noticed that he still didn't feel my presence awaken.

I might have say, this is the best day of my life. I-I can't believe this is happening to me. I mean, this is a dream come true. If I'm still dreaming, I wish I wouldn't wake up. But then It would be considered as selfishness. Let--

"Good morning! Are you awake?" I was interrupted on thinking about this amazing moment when I heard a voice asked. I looked up and saw Adrien looking at me.

"Yes." I uttered a word. He smiled at me and closed the book he was reading.

"Good. I've ordered breakfast for the four of us. I just picked out randomly since I don't know what you would like to eat." Adrien said. I nodded at him and smiled awkwardly. You know, our hands are still intertwined with each other. I took my hand away from his. I don't know or it is just my imagination that Adrien suddenly frown?

"N-no. It's o-okay." I said, stuttering a bit and blushed. But then I remembered something. Rule #10: a princess doesn't show her emotions. And since we're getting near China, I have to act like a Princess now.

"...Inette? Marinette?" Adrien snapped his finger in front of me which cause me to snap back in reality.

"Y-yes?" I stuttered.

"Eat you food, Or it might get cold." He said. I stared at him in confusion. He pointed at my table. I looked down and that's where I saw my food being place on my tray table. Spoon and chopsticks are also there beside the bowls.

"Uh... oh, um... Okay. Thank you." I said. To my surprise, a bowl of noodles are there along with a small bowl of rice, a plate of sliced egg rolls and a bowl of meat. How did Adrien know that I love noddles, egg rolls and meat?

"Are you trying to get me fat?" I playfully asked Adrien while raising an eyebrow.

"No?" Adrien said as he laugh nervously. Although his answer sounded more like a question so I just shrug it off.

I immediately grabbed the chopsticks and carefully ate my noodles. After I finished eating noodles, I put the chopstick aside and grabbed the spoon, and carefully drink the hot soup. Hm! Yum! I was about to drink another noodle soup when I noticed someone staring at me. I turned to look at Adrien and saw him staring at me jaw drop. I immediately put my spoon aside and smiled sheepishly at him. He stared at me, amused then chuckled.

"Wow!" He said in amusement. I laugh nervously at him.

"Sorry." I said, barely audible but I know he heard.

"No, it's okay. I just... I, I didn't know you know how to use chopsticks until now. But then I remembered, you used to live in China."


"A-Anyway, Alya and Nino are still asleep?" I asked. We both turned out heads behind and saw them still asleep.

"Yup. Still asleep." Adrien replied. We then burst into laughter. Adrien handed me my phone and earphones with a smirk on his face. I got the message.

I quickly opened my camera and took a picture of them sleeping. Alya's head is leaning on Nino's shoulder while he rested his head on hers. Both of their hands were intertwined with each other. I tried to hold my laughter when I finished taking pictures of them. I can blackmail Alya for this.

We I turned to Adrien, we both burst out into fit laughter, which cause for Alya and Nino to wake up.

"Oh! Huh? Dude, What happened?" Nino asked while rubbing his sleepy eyes. Alya stretched her arms wide as she yawn.

"Nothing. We're still in the airplane." Adrien said, half sarcastic. I laughed again. I just can't get over to what I did earlier ago.

"Anyway, what time is it?" Alya asked. Adrien took a quick glance on his watch and then smiled to Alya.

"5:46 am. Good morning." He said.

"Late greeting."

"I know."

"Anyhow, I already ordered some food for your breakfast. Forgive me if it's not what you expected. I don't know what you like to eat since your asleep." Adrien said while rubbing the back of his neck in nervousness. I pat his shoulder in mocking way.

"No. It's okay, dude." Nino said with a wave. Adrien smiled.

"Good. My tummy's been grumbling for about five hours." Alya gleamed with happiness as she rubbed her stomach.

The flight stewardess served the food on their tray table that Adrien ordered for Alya and Nino. They said their thanks and started eating. I continued eating my breakfast until I finished it. The flight stewardess cleaned up the bowls and plate for me as I thank her. I was about to play the music in my when I suddenly got a message.

" hǎo, Marinette. I heard you were coming home." It said. From the moment I read the message, I already know who is it.

"Tae Hee! It's so nice to get in touch with you. Yes, I'm coming home, with my whole classmate." I immediately replied. I waited for five minutes until my phone ring.

"I can't wait! I also heard you'll be arriving at Shanghai Airport. What time are you going to arrive? I'm going to send Chen and Mei over there. Those kids are excited to see you since they heard the news."He replied. I smiled at the replied.

I badly missed Chen and Mei. They're twins, boy and girl. They're my second cousins from my grandfather's side and Uncle Cheng Chonglin is their father while Prince Kim Tae Hee is my friend. Tae Hee is the prince of England because of his mother being the royal princess and his father is the Duke of Korea, which is my father's best friend. He's been here in China since he was four years old because of his dream to learn Kung Fu, so he gets to stay here. We met at our childhood school. Actually, he's living in the palace with my Grand Father.

"Yey! I already miss those twins. We'll be there at 7:30 am. By the way, Xhin Lee will be there to escort me and my classmates to Longemont hotel." I replied with a smile. I turned to looked at the window and saw the deep blue ocean from below. The sky, covering the view in half. After one minute, my phone rings, indicating that I have message.

"Okay, got it. I'll tell Xhin Lee to let the twins come with him. See you, Marinette. I'll come visit at Longemont hotel maybe in the third day? Is it okay with you?" He replied. The inside of me are literally screaming in such joy and excitement.

"Yes. Okay, See you. Bye, Tae Hee." I quickly replied with a smile. I turned to see Adrien looking at me while his eyebrow raised.

"What?" I asked in a mocked innocent. He chuckled while shaking his head. My phone rings again. I took a quick glance at Adrien then back at my phone.

"Bye, Marinette. See you!" I read. I nodded then close my phone. My insides are killing me. I'm too much excited to get home. I'll see Chan and Mei again.

"Stop with the squealing, Marinette." Alya said with an irritated tone in her voice. I didn't realize until now that I was squealing. That's why Adrien stared at me.

"Sorry... I just can't wait to get in China." I said with a sheepish smile.

"I feel you." Alya said with a quick a squeal. Nino stared at her unamused. Then the four of us started to laugh.


After seven hours of sitting in the airplane, we finally arrived. From the window, I can see that we are near the ground. I turned to looked at Alya and Nino who already stood up and grabbed their hand bag and Alya's small luggage out of the over head bins.

"Attention everyone, this is your captain speaking. Please fasten your seatbelts for we are about to land." We heard the captain said throughout the speaker. The seatbelt sign was suddenly turned on. We simply followed the captains order.

"Attention everyone. As we about to land, please make sure your tray table is close, your window blind is open and that your seat back is fully upright. Please staw your foot rest, video screen and headset. Thank you for your attention." The flight stewardess' voice echoed through the speaker. We followed their orders then waited for the airplane to land.

When the airplane landed, we all stood up from our seats and stretched a bit. I opened the over head bin and grabbed my hand bag and luggage. Of course, Adrien helped me with it. I said my thanks and waited for the door to open.

"The door is now open, Please follow the line and be careful on your steps. As you exit please leave behind, hard and sharp objects, not to impede the rapid exit. Thank you for flying Air France."

We immediately got to the exit door and into the steps. Once the four of us were outside, we then waited for the rest of our classmates to get out of the plane. Once, they're here, we immediately went inside the Shanghai airport to wait for Xhin Lee to come.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to China!"

China, I'm back!

Shanghai International Airport's media above. ☝

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