Chapter 1: New School!

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(Y/N) POV:

It has been couple years since my parents died and everyone in my school has neglected me due to the fact that I hardly talk to anyone in which I really don't care at all since I am top of my class and have the best grades in each subject but most importantly I don't have to tolerate people who get on my nerves until one day I got a letter from the principle saying that they want to transfer me to a new school since the students don't feel comfortable with me around in which I don't care why though since everyone has problems to but for now I might as well see what this new school is like hopefully the people are there are less annoying. Ever since my parents were killed by some dangerous criminals that I kept a secret from others I been alone for my whole life and had to fend for myself but thankfully my parents left me a lot of money if something would happened to them so that I can fend for myself and live my life alone but that all changed until one day I went to this jewelry store in which I wanted to buy some rings to wear for myself until one of them caught my eye and I bought and paid for it and took it home with me and then all of sudden the ring started to glow in which a tiny creature that was black with red eyes and a crystal on the forehead in which surprised me of what the little being was until it told me that its name was Hollow and she was a tiny god like creature called a Kwami that can give people powers except she was neglected by the people who took her in along with the other Kwami's who were treated like equals except for her in which she ran away from them and never looked back. Hollow hated the guardians for what they thought of her as well as the other Kwami's in which I felt bad for her because she reminded of me when I was neglected by others in which we formed a friendship together and soon she explained what to do with the ring which was called a miraculous which are magical jewelry that can grant a person powers in which Hollow offered to train me in the ways of the miraculous in which she explained all the powers I have including a suit that looked like a dark warrior which I found it quite interesting and it can change my voice and hide my appearance so that people wont recognize me. Then soon I discovered that there were other miraculous holders where I live in which was Paris, and I saw two of them who wore a Ladybug like suit and the other a cat like suit which they were both called Ladybug and Kitty Noir which was quite clear due to their appearance and what they do but me and Hollow decided not to get involved with them since Hollow doesn't trust other holders either for some reason in which I respect her choice of action and so do I. Sooner or later I gave myself a name for my appearance when I used the miraculous in which I dubbed myself Shadow Knight in which brings fear to all even those who want to harm the innocent in which I can not stand seeing bad people picking on others and so I only use my powers if I need to use them in which I stopped huge crime gangs during night time when everyone is sleeping and the heroes are somewhere else in which I crushed the criminals for causing so much pain and suffering and if they chose to become psycho well they deserve one thing coming to them and that is death; thats right I kill them because they caused innocent people to suffer in which I step in and take care of the problem and I don't understand why the heroes don't stop crime like the criminals I face in which doesn't make sense oh I know why because their too busy taking down that Hawk Moth idiot with his ridiculous butterfly minions in which is pretty pathetic. But for now me and Hollow do our thing while the heroes to their own thing in which they try to take away Hollow from me they are seriously going to regret it and if Hawk Moth tries anything well I will remove his limbs and throw his cargos into the stream so that no one can find his remains. Soon after a while I was looking at the letter that the principle from my school sent me and it saids I will be transferring to a new school called College Francoise Dupont oh joy I can not wait to see how this school will turn out.


(Y/N) Sky's House in Paris)

Ever since (Y/N) got the letter from his principle that he will transferring to a different school and old the the principle of that school about a transfer student arriving, (Y/N) pretty much didn't really care where he goes as long as people keep their distance from him and that they will not bother him and everything will be alright. So right now (Y/N) and Hollow are having some breakfast together so that they can get ready to go to that something called school and get it over with and not bother to talk to anyone except for themselves.

Hollow: So (Y/N) whats the plan for today?(Hallow saids while eating her food in which she basically eats anything)

(Y/N): We have to go to that school so that the principle can know that I am the transfer student from my other school how boring..((Y/N) saids while eating his food and drinking his cup coffee)

Hollow: I see so what you think that student would be like there.

(Y/N): Not sure but I hope their not idiots or people who will get my nerves and the one thing I hate the most is bullies in which if there are any there well they soon know not to mess with my personal space.

Hollow: Hehehe thats what I like about you (Y/N) and your positive attitude towards others as well as showing not to back down.

(Y/N): lets finish up our food and be on our way besides I could use some air anyway.

Hollow: Right!

Admittedly both (Y/N) and Hollow finished up their food and got ready and then headed out their home and began to walk the streets of Paris to head towards the school that was shown in the letter and while walking around the streets some of the girls that live in Paris were giving (Y/N) a look to see how attractive and good looking he was but (Y/N) paid no attention to them and just kept on walking down the streets until a persons voice was heard from behind him in which belonged to a female and it sounded like she was rushing to go somewhere.

I'M LATE?!!!!!!!! I'M LATE?!!!!!!(The voice saids in which sounded like a girl and then all of sudden the girl who was screaming bumped into (Y/N) in which he felt it and looked towards who bumped into him in which he saw it was a girl with blackish blue hair, blue eyes, wearing pink jeans, white shirt and black jacket while wearing pigtails)

Girl: Ow.......

(Y/N): Are you going somewhere?

Girl: Huh?......Oh my gosh I am so sorry I was about to be late for school and I am j...jj...just.....oh my.......(The girl saids then stops when she looks at (Y/N) in which confused him while the girl was looking at the most attractive man she has ever seen and had such beautiful blue eyes, tan skin as well as dark black hair)

(Y/N): Hmm...she doesn't look like the bother type?((Y/N) saids in thought while looking at the girl below him while the girl just kept on staring at him in which caused the girl to blush at his appearance)

Girl: Wow.........who is this guy and wow....those eyes....that face...that appearance just wow.....(The girl saids in thought while looking at (Y/N) until he spoke that snapped out of her trance)

(Y/N): Do you know where I can find a school called Francoise Dupont, I got a letter saying I am suppose to transfer there and meet its principle.

Girl: Oh that is the school that I go to I was just on my way there and it right next to my house see.(The girl saids and points to the school behind (Y/N) in which he can see it now)

(Y/N): Thanks miss?((Y/N) saids to the girl who goes by Marinette)

Marinette: Marinette! name is Marinette Dupain Cheng and you are?

(Y/N): (Y/N) names is (Y/N) Sky or just (Y/N) doesn't matter...

Marinette: Nice to meet you (Y/N) are you new around here.

(Y/N): No I lived in Paris my whole life with my parents before they died in accident.

Marinette: Oh my gosh I am so sorry for your loss...

(Y/N): Doesn't matter I moved on and carry on with my life, but anyway I might as well get going to see your principle.((Y/N) saids to Marinette then takes his leave until Marinette spoke)

Marinette: Wait!

(Y/N): Yea?.......

Marinette: I can take you to the principle office if you don't know your way.

(Y/N) Alright go ahead show me....((Y/N saids in which made Marinette smile and asked to follow her in which (Y/N) did so)

And so Marinette took (Y/N) inside the school in which he looked around how the school looked in which he thought it looked ok for now but he seen better then soon they both walked up the steps and came in front of a door in which Marinette told (Y/N) that door leads to where the principle is in which she took her leave to head to her homeroom.

(Y/N): Hollow what do you think of that girl I just spoke to?

Hollow: Hmmm...she seems alright to me at least you spoke to someone who didn't get on your nerves, I think if you keep on meeting people like her maybe then you can actually be around people who wont neglect you.

(Y/N): Hmm...True but for now lets go meet this Principal in which he is called Mr.Damocles.((Y/N saids to Hallow in which she nods and goes back into her holders jacket to hide while her holder goes into the room and finds an older man at a desk in which he looked up from what he is doing and looked towards (Y/N))

Mr.Damocles: Ah you must be the new transfer student that I heard about Mr.(Y/N) Sky is that correct?

(Y/N): Yes......

Mr.Damocles: Well pleasure to meet you my boy welcome to College Francoise Dupont, I am your new principal Mr.Damocles and I would be the first to welcome you to our school and I hope it is to your liking Mr.Sky.

(Y/N): Its alright for now sir....

Mr.Damocles: Splendid, and when I got the letter about you saying that your in your top class and have the highest grades then anyone in your old school in which you are in your Senior year is that correct Mr.Sky.

(Y/N): Yes sir....

Mr.Damocles: Very good, now that we have everything about yourself and your well being though I sorry about the loss of your family hope your doing alright.

(Y/N): I am doing quite well sir and I moved on with my life after my parents accident.

Mr.Damocles: Oh alright then well hows about I take you to your homeroom so you can get settled in with the other students here.

(Y/N): Alright......

Then soon the principal got up from his desk and shook hands with (Y/N) to welcome him to the school then soon took him to his homeroom where the teacher and her students are learning until the principal knocked on the door in which the teacher opened the door and looked to see the principal and (Y/N) in which the teacher was called Mrs.Bustier.

Bustier: Hello principal Damocles how may I help you?

Mr.Damocles: Hello Mrs.Bustier this here is Mr.(Y/N) Sky of newest transfer student and your new student to join your classroom; (Y/N) this is your homeroom teacher Mrs.Bustier she will be taking good care of you for the rest of the year and if you need anything don't bother to ask us.

(Y/N): Very well sir and hello Mrs.Bustier....

Bustier: Hello (Y/N) and welcome to our school and mind waiting outside so I can inform my student the you being the new student.

(Y/N): Very well go right-ahead.((Y/N saids to the teacher in which heads back into the classroom to inform the students while the principal headed back to his office)

Back in the classroom all the students were waiting patiently for the teacher to come back inside in which she did and walked towards the front of the desk and looked towards her students to informed them about something.

(Replace Adrien with Adrienne and Alya is sitting next to Lila while Nino sits with Marinette)

Bustier: Alright everyone settle down today we just got word that we are having a new student here in our school who just transferred from his old school to finish his school year like the rest of you and I hope you all treat him well. Alright you may come in now!(Bustier saids to the students and then asked (Y/N) to come in which he did and when he entered everyone looked at the new student for a moment and then all of sudden the girls in the class blushed at the site they were looking at)

Marinette: No way...I have (Y/N) in my class.....(Marinette saids in thought while looking at the boy she bumped into on her way to school)

(Y/N): these are my new classmates and it looks like Marinette is in it as well, hmmm...the girl in the yellow is Chloe daughter of the Mayor I can tolerate her just fine, The guy with the red cap seems alright, the short girl with the pink hair seems cool, and for those two other girls the one with the purple black hair dye and that blonde girl with the green eyes they seem kind nice to be around including Marinette but the others no way....especially that girl that has sausage for hair disgusting and I can tell by the look of hers she is bad news so might as well avoid her along with those around her.((Y/N) saids in thought while thinking of the people to talk to and the people not to talk to if he feels like speaking to them while three girls were eyeing him in which they have never seen the most hottest guy ever in which were Marinette Dupain Cheng, Adrienne Agreste Bourgeois and Juleka Couffaine)

Adrienne: Oh wow.......what a handsome boy.....those eyes of his eyes and that figure oh my kwami I think I am in love.......(Adrienne saids in thought while blushing at the handsome man in front of her)

Juleka: He looks so mysterious......and yet he's giving off that warm feeling and the way he is looking at us like that makes my heart burst....(Juleka saids in thought while admiring (Y/N) appearance)

Marinette: I hope Lila doesn't turn him against me and my friends.......(Marinette saids while looking at the girl with the sausage hair which her name was Lila Rossi who was eyeing (Y/N))

Lila: Oooo....who is this handsome man in front of me....maybe I can get him on my side and make Mari-Trash even more miserable then she already is.(Lila saids in thought while looking at (Y/N) in which he can tell that Lila makes him sick)

Bustier: Alright would you like to introduce yourself to the class.

(Y/N): The names (Y/N) Sky and the only thing you need to know about me is that I like to keep my distance, read a lot and study hard, I don't usually socialize with others if I want to or not, and I don't like people getting into my personal space or pissing me off, and I especially hate when people when they get on my nerves. So I ask you to keep your distance from me unless I want to start a conversation with any of you here that is all.((Y/N saids in which he was dead serious which surprised everyone in the room)

Bustier: Well alright then you can sit right next Adrienne if you would please raise your hand.(Bustier saids to her student in which was the blonde girl with the green eyes in which (Y/N) nods and goes over to sit with the girl)

As soon as (Y/N ) sat with Adrienne the girl couldn't help but look at the most gorgeous man she has ever seen in which the guy turned towards her with those blue eyes of his in which made the girls heart thump really fast until she decided to speak.

Adrienne: Um...hehehe...Hi....I'm Adrienne Agreste Bourgeois it is nice to meet you (Y/N).

(Y/N): 💋(Kiss on the hand).....pleasure to meet you miss Adrienne.((Y/N) saids in calm and romantic sort of way in which he kissed the girls hand and made her blush red as well as making her heart beat even more)

Adrienne: Ummmm......ok........(Adrienne saids while blushing and then turning to face forward like everyone else including (Y/N))

Marinette and Juleka: The way he said those words it made my heart pound......(Both said in thought while thinking of the words that (Y/N) said to Adrienne)

Bustier: Alright now that we are all settled in, and (Y/N) since this your first day in our school you can share books with Adrienne if you don't mind sweetie.

Adrienne: Not at all...(Y/N) is that ok with you?

(Y/N): Its fine.....

Bustier: Wonderful now everyone can you all turn to page in your history books to one hundred and seventy because today will be learning about ancient cultural's.

Then soon class began in which (Y/N) payed attention a lot in class and when the teacher was asking some questions, the new guy started to answer them all correctly in which the class was surprised that (Y/N) knows what he is doing and what he is learning in which Bustier was amazed of her new students learning skills as well as knowledge and it was no wonder he was so great in his other school and was top of his classmates. Soon when the teacher the students about the ancient structures and who built them, (Y/N) raised his hand and asked the question in which he got the answer right again in which the teacher was now amazed of this new student in which she is going to enjoy having someone like (Y/N) in her classroom and not just her but the other students that (Y/N) was thinking about talking to when he wants to or not.

Then soon when class has ended and everyone has gotten their assignments as well as homework they moved to their next classroom which was science and the person teaching that class was Ms.Mendeleiev.

Ms.Mendeleiev: Welcome students to science class before we begin I believe I see a new face in the classroom, would you introduce yourself please.

(Y/N): Hello Ms.Mendeleiev, I am (Y/N) Sky and I look forward to your teachings in this classroom and will learn what I can to get where I am thank you.

Ms.Mendeleiev: Hmmm...this one is very respectful towards others I like him...(The teachers saids in thought while admiring her new student attitude towards her)

Then soon the teacher began class in which she asked the students to try to create an experiments that will not exploded or fail in which many of them have tried to create what the teacher asked but sadly none of them couldn't make anything until she came across (Y/N) who was mixing formulas together to make something that she never seen before but also something that will not explode and cause a problem in which when (Y/N) was finished what he made was burning liquid that can melt through solid metal in which the teacher was amazed by her new student even the other students were speechless that (Y/N) created something that was impossible to make but he did it in which the teacher was amazed and gave (Y/N) an excellent grade for a marvelous achievement.

Then after words lunch began in which (Y/N found an empty table so he can sit down and eat his lunch while taking out his favorite book to read which was called Omen of the stars Warriors.

While he was both reading and eating his food a group of people were walking up to him in which he stopped reading and looked up to see who was coming towards him which was Marinette along with the students he was thinking about when he first came into class.

Marinette: Um...hi there (Y/N) we were wondering if it would be alright if we sat here since the other tables are full.

(Y/N): Go ahead....((Y/N) saids in which Marinette and her friends sat down with (Y/N) while he went back to reading his book until Marinette wanted to introduce the rest of her friends to him since he already met Adrienne)

Marinette: I hope you don't mind but I would like to introduce you to my friends if that is ok.

(Y/N): Sure why not...I can read my book after words....

Marinette: Well alright these are my friends, this is Nino, Kagami, Alix, Adrienne since you already met her in class, Juleka, and my best friend Chloe.

Nino: Nice to meet you dude..

Alix: Sup Sky..

Juleka: Nice to meet you....(Y/N)......(Juleka saids quietly in which (Y/N) heard and nods)

Chloe: Hello (Y/N) nice to meet you..

Kagami: Hello (Y/N) welcome to our school we are honored...

(Y/N): こんにちは、ここにいることを光栄に思います(Hello it is an honor to be here) ((Y/N saids in Japanese to Kagami in which she was amazed that (Y/N) can speak her language)

Adrienne: You can speak Japanese?

(Y/N): Yes..along with few other languages as well I took many lessons in my other school.

Adrienne: Cool so how are you liking the school so far (Y/N).

(Y/N): It is alright for now, the classes are quite the same from my old classes in which I already know about.

Nino: Makes sense since you impressed both teachers in each classroom so it would make sense that you know your school ways.

(Y/N): Yea...

Alix: You don't talk that much do you not trying to sound rude or anything.

(Y/N): Not really I only talk to people who don't get on my nerves or their worthy of speaking to me like you guys are doing in which I find you worthy of speaking with me but the others not really especially that girl who is looking at me like I am her prey.

Chloe: That would be Lila Rossi and trust me she is someone you do not want to be near.

(Y/N): I can smell that disgusting girl from where I was sitting and that hair of hers makes me sick even the look she was giving me makes me want to die.

Alix: I feel your pain man trust us we know..

Marinette: And (Y/N) whatever she saids to you don't listen otherwise she will....

(Y/N): Make me turn against you guys, because she is a pathological lier who lies to get what she wants in which I would rather remove her head from her miserable shoulders and let me guess she turned all the other classmates on you in which I can tell by the glares that they were giving you all during classes in which they share one single brain cell.((Y/N) saids to everyone around him in which they were stunned that he knows so much and makes them wonder how though)

Marinette: did you?

(Y/N): I been hearing that girls ridiculous mouth throughout the school day in which she was spilling lies about meeting famous people, helping the heroes against Hawk Moth, saving Jagged Stones cat in which he doesn't have one since he is allergic and everyone knows he has a crocodile named Fang. And if you ask how I know about this I looked her up on the internet and there is nothing on there about her except for this stupid website called the Ladyblog.

Marinette and her friends: He fact checked and doesn't believe in Lila's stories or lies!!!!(All said in thought while in excitement)

(Y/N): Yea and is there anything else that I should know about her besides the glares and the lies?

Marinette: Well you see when I tried to call out her lies to make her stop what she was doing in which it didn't work and she threaten me in the bathroom saying that she will take all of my friends away from me and leave me with nothing in which that never happened because I have my true friends right here and my parents never believed in the lies in which they had my former classmates kicked out of the bakery; but then soon she told lies about me beating her up and stealing from her in which my former best friend Alya along with the others ganged up on me and started to beat me down as well as my friends even Adrienna.

(Y/N): Adrienne your father is Gabriel Agreste right why didn't he do something about this and Marinette why didn't you inform anybody about what Lila is doing?

Marinette: I tried to tell the teachers and the principal but they wouldn't believe me without proof of what Lila was doing.

Adrienne: And my so called father disown me and had me kicked out of the house in which I was adopted by Chloe and her mother in which we became sisters.

(Y/N): I always knew that Gabriel Agreste was cold hearted man but disowning his own daughter and kicking her out...I have to say he probably the biggest asshole in all of Paris while Lila is psychotic bitch in which her own mouth is full of lies.((Y/N) saids in thought while thinking about how both Gabriel and Lila are complete idiots)

(Y/N): I see.....

Nino: Yea man things are very complicated now that Lila told those lies to everyone and they believed them in which I broke up with Alya she cares about Lila more than our relationship.

(Y/N): Her loss then....

Kagami: So I like to change the subject, what do you usually do in your life (Y/N).

(Y/N): Read, work out, listen to music, working on art projects most of the time.

Alix: And what about your parents?

(Y/N): My parents are no longer alive they died in an accident years ago in which I live alone in my condominium while I received my parents loan if something would to happened to them I will get their money so I can use it for my well being as well pay for things I need to do.((Y/N) saids to everyone except Marinette who knows already in which they gasped that (Y/N) doesn't have a family anymore in which reminded Adrienne how she lost her mother)

Nino: Whoah sorry for your loss...

Alix: Yea sorry man...and sorry I asked that question to you.

Kagami: I am truly sorry for what has happened to you (Y/N).

Chloe: Yea sorry (Y/N)...

Juleka: I wonder how he took it when he lost his parents..and left all alone.(Juleka saids in thought while feeling bad for (Y/N))

Marinette and Adrienne: I want to help him but I don't know what to do.....(Both said in thought while feeling sadden for (Y/N))

(Y/N): Its alright....I moved on with my life and carry on what I am doing so I will be alright.

Marinette: Are you sure?

(Y/N): Yes but thanks.......

Nino: So anyway (Y/N) what do you think of the heroines Ladybug and Kitty Noir saving Paris?(Nino saids in which got both Marinette and Adrienne's attention since they the female super-heroes)

(Y/N): Hmmm...well I don't usually pay attention to those two because I am always home working on my own things and focusing on my class assignment so I don't really know that much about them or what they do besides save Paris from Akuma's and Hawk Moth.((Y/N) saids in which both Marinette and Adrienne can see that (Y/N) doesn't really care what they both do in their super hero forms and just focuses on being normal like everyone else in which they wanted that more then anything if Hawk Moth wasn't around)

Chloe: So you never seen them in action?

(Y/N): And risk my life to see them take down ridiculous villains who look like silly cartoons not in my life, I rather watch them on the television then to go outside where there is chaos and destruction.

Marinette: I guess he does have a point there and it is quite dangerous to watch a battle out in the open in which can coast somebodies life.(Marinette saids in thought)

Then soon after words (Y/N) picked up his book and started to read while Marinette along with her friends continue talking to each other until a certain lier and her mindless sheep came towards them and interrupted them including (Y/N) who going to get annoyed now.

Lila: Hey Marinette and friends whats you all doing.(Lila saids with a fake smile while her sheep were behind her)

Chloe: Buzz off Lila and take your sheep with you...

Alya: Hey watch it she was just asking you something!

Chloe: Whatever........

Alya: So (Y/N) how would you like to sit with us instead of these bullies and Mari-Trash over here.(ALya saids to (Y/N) who kept on reading and not paying any attention to her or what she said)

Kim: Hey buddy she was talking to you say something?(Kim saids in which (Y/N) kept on looking at his book and not paying any mind to Lila or her mindless sheep)

Max: Come on man Lila is awesome and you should hear about the most amazing things she did during her travels!

(Y/N): I have been hearing those stories in which I don't really care at all....not one bit.((Y/N) saids to Max in which he was scared of (Y/N) now and his voice in which Lila heard it as well and couldn't believe what she just heard)

Lila: Oh come on (Y/N) you know you want to listen to my stories and how I helped Ladybug and save Jagged Stones cat from a moving airplane how amazing is that.(Lila saids while moving closer to (Y/N) and tried to touch him in which he grabbed her hand tight in which Lila can feel pain coming from her hand in which (Y/N) showed her a look that brought shivers down her spine)

(Y/N): First I don't care about those ridiculous and make believe stories that you talk about, second Jagged Stone doesn't have a cat he has pet crocodile look it up, third it is against the law to run into an airport near a moving air plane in which I don't understand how you are even alive right now because if you went near an airplane then you would of been caught in the planes engine and splatted all over the area, and fourthly remember what I said in the classroom keep your distance from me, don't get on my nerves in which you clearly are right now, and finally keep your hands to yourself; your invading my personal space.((Y/N) saids to Lila in which brought shivers and horror to her eyes that (Y/N) knows that her lies wont work on him in which he already fact checked about Lila's claims and when he was talking the mindless sheep can see that this guy right in front of them was talking serious and it started to scare them while Marinette and her friends were amazed and yet holding in their laughter of what (Y/N) said to Lila)

Alya: Hey?!!! Who do you think your......(Alya didn't finish as (Y/N) got up from his seat and looked under Alya with the same glare and spoke)

(Y/N): Got something to say to me...reporter whose website is filled with bullshit nonsense that many people are not taking what you are posting pretty seriously.

Alya: I...I.....

(Y/N): Thats what I thought so why don't you and one size brains leave and take the sausage with you and don't come near me again or your gonna see how pissed off I can really get.((Y/N) saids to the mindless sheep as well as Alya and Lila in which they ran out of the lunch room away from the new guy who are not scared of him)

After (Y/N) gave out the warning and watched all the mindless sheep and Lila leave the lunch room, the new guy sat back down with Marinette and her friends and continued to read his book while Marinette was speechless of what (Y/N) just did and couldn't utter words not even her friends in which they now found (Y/N) to be quite awesome to be around with.

When lunched was over and everyone has had their fill they continued on with their other classes in which (Y/N) was doing absolutely amazing in each one of them and the teachers were impressed by the new student in which they gave him good marks on the stuff he did for each classroom while Marinette along with her friends were amazed of what (Y/N) is doing in school and wanted to know if he would like to hangout with them sometime if he wants to. Then when school was done (Y/N) packed all of his things and was getting ready to leave until he spotted Marinette along with her friends outside the school for some reason.

(Y/N): Are you guys waiting for something?

Marinette: No we were wondering you see....

(Y/N): Yea?.......

Alix: We were wondering if you wanted to hangout one day with us you know try to avoid being alone all the time and spend some time with real people.

(Y/N): Hmmm......

Nino: Yea dude come on and you could use some friends not like Lila and her sheep.

(Y/N): He has a point and I mean I have been alone for years now until I met Hallow who was my only friend but I guess having more friends wouldn't hurt and their not annoying which is alright.((Y/N) saids in thought while thinking about having more friends and stop being alone)

Kagami: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Give me time to think about it and I will give you an answer.

Adrienne: Sure take all the time you want there is no rush!

(Y/N): Thanks....good kitty....((Y/N saids while petting Adrienna on the head in which she blushed again and was fighting not to purr in which her friends were giggling at the site)

Juleka: Would it be alright if we exchange numbers to keep in touch....(Y/N)...

(Y/N): Sure why not.....((Y/N) saids and gave all of them his phone number and they did the same)

When everyone including Marinette exchanged numbers with (Y/N) they all went their separate ways and (Y/N) left to head home along with Hollow who came out of his pocket to see how her holder did)

Hollow: Well looks like we made ourselves some interesting people to spend time with and that Lila girl eww she is so gross and those sheep of hers completely brain damage.

(Y/N): I agree Hollow, and Marinette along with her friends are alright and I think spending time with them would do us good.

Hollow: Glad to know and speaking of which are you doing to do what we always do at night.

(Y/N): Yea like we always do, lets go home and then do what needs to be done.

Soon night came upon the city of Paris in which everyone is fast asleep except for a certain somebody and his kwami who are walking around the alleyways and planning on doing some crime take downs.

(Y/N): I just got word that there is a bank robbery happening on the east side of Paris.

Hollow: Great ready to take down some criminals partner.

(Y/N): Yes...Hollow Rase The Shadows!!((Y/N saids as he transform into his suit in which was a dark figure that carried a blade and a mask that covered his whole head)

KYOOH!!! KYOOH!!!(Y/N breathing through the mask in which he became the Shadow Knight)

Shadow Knight: It is time......

Meanwhile two highly armed criminals just finished robbing the bank and were running into the alleyways to hide from the cops who were on their way but what they don't realize is someone is coming for them.

Criminal 1: Hey man did we get everything!

Criminal 2: Yea we got the dow along with a few of these diamonds and rubies.

Criminal 1: Excellent lets get out of here before.........(The criminal saids until he heard a sound that sounded like breathing in which spoked him and his friend)


Criminal 2: Hey man please tell me heard that....because hells know I did!

Criminal 1: Yea man what the heck was.........

KYOOH!!!!! KYOOH!!!!!

Criminal 1: Who are you show yourself?!!!(Criminal saids and holds up his weapon along with his friend)

Criminal 2: Dude lets get the heck out......GULP!!!!......(Criminal saids to his partner then starts to choke and grabs his neck and then was lifted off the group and into the air)

Criminal 1: Hey man whats going on whats happening?!!!!

CRACK!!!!(The criminals neck snapped and his body fell to the ground)

Criminal 1: OH MY GOD?!!!!!

YOU WILL SOON JOIN HIM VERY SOON THEN YOU THINK......(The voice saids from behind the criminal who was still alive and looked to see a dark figure that had armor as well as a red blade that he took out in which the criminal was starting to get nervous)

Criminal 1: Who......what......what are you.........GULP!!!!(The criminal saids but then begins to choke like his friend did in which the power was coming from the black figure known as Shadow Knight)

Shadow Knight: I what brings fear to all who oppose me...I am the one who kills those who hurt the innocent that brings nothing pain and suffering to this city.....I am the Shadow Knight....but I am also something else I am.....

Crack!!!(Shadow Knight snaps the other criminals neck just like his partner and was left dead on the ground)

Shadow Knight: I AM DEATH!.......

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