Chapter 12: HawkMoth's End!

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(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm) ⬆️

It's been a couple days since Y/n aka Necro Knight obtain the miraculous of the peacock and used it to stop criminals all over Paris without the knowing of the other miraculous holders like Ladybug who doesn't know that Necro Knight took down Mayura and took the miraculous of the peacock and kept it hidden as well as repaired the damages due to how it was affecting the previous holder Natalie as well as Emilee Agreste who Necro Knight saw the secrets of why Hawk Moth wanted the miraculous. Necro Knight knew that if Hawk Moth got the miraculous of Ladybug and Kitty Noir he will not only caused the deaths of millions of lives but also the whole world if he goes down this path of madness and that is why Necro Knight cannot allow that to happen. Y/n not only recovered the miraculous of the peacock but he also received the affection of the girls who confessed their love for him and it made him feel like he used to back when his parents were still around and promised the girls he will take them out on a date on Saturday that is in two days but for now his main focus is to bring down Hawk Moth aka Gabriel Agreste.

Y/n right now is at his home mediating as well as getting prepared to take down Hawk Moth and retrieve his miraculous so that he wouldn't bring harm to any civilians ever again and use them as his mindless puppets. Meanwhile with the kwami's, both Hollow and Duusuu were watching their holder and they both think Y/n can defeat Hawk Moth and save Nooroo because the poor kwami wasn't being treated right and was abused by Gabriel after Duusuu informed Y/n of what Gabriel Agreste has done to the kwami and will make sure that Gabriel will know what it is like to be feared.

Duusuu: You think our holder is strong enough to defeat Hawk Moth?

Hollow: Of course he is Duusuu, with the combine power of both miraculous, Hawk Moth won't stand a chance and don't forget we now know who he is and why he wants the miraculous of Ladybug and Kitty Noir.

Y/N: Duusuu come over here, I must speak with you.

Duusuu: What is that you need Y/N?

Y/N: Tell me something does Mr.Agreste have something in his mansion that relates to the miraculous.

Duusuu: Oh yes he does as a matter of fact there is a grimoire behind the painting of his wife Emilee that contains the secrets of the all miraculous.

Y/N: I see and how do I find his wife Emilee who too has suffered the dark energy of the peacock miraculous due to its damaged state before I repaired it.

Duusuu: His wife is in a secret lair beneath the mansion and there are switches on the painting to unlock the elevator that will lead to the lair as well as his other lair where he keeps his butterflies.

Y/N: Thank you Duusuu.

Duusuu: My pleasure Y/N!

Hollow: Whats the plan Y/N?

Y/N: Defeat Gabriel, take away his miraculous, expose him for the man he truly is and somehow heal his wife who I will inform her of what her husband has done in Paris.

Hollow: I like that plan and of course you have the ability to remove any dark matter from a person's body now that you have both miraculous in your hands.

Y/N: Why didn't you inform about that kind of power?

Hollow: You never asked.

Y/N: I guess so.

Duusuu: Though how are you going to get him to come out is the question?

Y/N: I will send a sentimonster to give him a message and know where to meet me.

Hollow: Heard it's going to rain a lot today wouldn't that be a problem?

Y/N: No, I have dealt with worse than just rain. Hollow, Duusuu ready.

Duusuu: You know we are Y/N, let's go save Nooroo!

Hollow: I can tell the heroes wont be out due to the weather being bad. I am ready as you are Y/N.

Y/N: Hollow and Duusuu Unify!(Y/N saids and transforms into Necro Knoight)

Necro Knight stood and pressed the button on his belt where a white feather came out of the chest plate and landed into the holders hand and used his power to create an Amok.

Necro Knight: Come forth my Amok and bring my creation to life.

The amok like before turned into the sentimonster that took the form of another dark warrior just like Night-Blade as well as carrying a weapon like it's master.

Necro Knight: Dark-Swordsman, I am Necro Knight your master and I have brought you to life for a purpose. I want you to go to the Agreste mansion and deliver a message to Gabriel Agreste and tell him I want us to meet face to face alone and give him these directions that I have written down so he will know where to find me.

Dark Swordsman: It will be done master.

Dark Swordsman got the information from his creator and headed off while Necro Knight himself left to head the location to await his foe who will soon know the true power of a miraculous holder.

Meanwhile with Gabriel Agreste, after finding out what happened to Natalie in which he went to see her at the hospital but when he came to her she had no memory of him or anything that relates to the miraculous or being Mayura meaning that the dark armor being that he saw erased Natalie's memories as well as took her miraculous. When Nooro informed of what the power of Hollow's miraculous can do if anyone tries to oppose the holder or attack him things will turn into disaster. Now that Gabriel lost the miraculous of Peacock leaving him with just the butterfly miraculous he knows that he has to face this new threat and get back what was taken from him so that he can get back to hunting the miraculous of creation and destruction.

Gabriel: How could a miraculous such as this have so much power and was able to defeat my Akuma's as well as take on someone who is stronger like Mayura. Where did I go wrong, how can this armored warrior get the best of me. Nooroo are you absolutely certain that this holder has no weaknesses?

Nooroo: Yes master, the miraculous that Hollow's holder has doesn't have any at all. The miraculous is of unknown origin and its powers go beyond all the miraculous including yours.

Gabriel: Tsk...I would have never let Natalie confront that monster alone and if I was there I could have helped her but now that this armored miraculous holder knows my secrets as well as my identity I need to get rid of him even it takes all my strength and power to do so. I cannot get Ladybug and Kitty Noir's miraculous with that other holder out there, he needs to be eliminated.

Then all of sudden when Gabriel was about to speak again, his doors of his office busted opened by a huge attack in which Gabriel looked to see a dark figure coming into his office meaning that it belonged to the one who took the peacock miraculous.

Gabriel: Who are you and what are you doing in my house?!

Dark Swordsman: Greetings Gabriel Agreste aka Hawk Moth I am Dark Swordsman, my master has sent me to deliver you a message just for you.

Gabriel: What does he want?

Dark Swordsman: He asked me to give you this, a location of where he wants to meet.(Dark Swordsman saids and hands Gabriel a paper with directions)

Gabriel: Why is he in this location?

Dark Swordsman: He wants you to meet him face to face. This is my master's request.

Gabriel: And if I refuse?

Dark Swordsman: He will expose your secrets to the world and you will be hunted down for the rest of your life, you cannot run nor hide anywhere. My master knows of your plans and he will use them against you. Except his challenge or face exposure. This is my masters command.

Gabriel put some thought into it, either take the chance to meet this being and eliminate him or face being exposed to the world for what he has done in which was a big decision until he made up his mind.

Gabriel: Tell him I will meet him and tell him he if he is ready to know what a true miraculous holders power is really capable of.

Dark Swordsman: Very well I shall, and also my master is a true miraculous holder you are nothing but a fool who doesn't know what will happen if you combine the two miraculous together. You know nothing of the world.

Soon Dark Swordsman left the Agreste mansion to meet with his creator who was waiting patiently for the time to meet Hawk Moth face to face while storm clouds were approaching towards the city of love.

Necro Knight: KYOOH KYOOH!......It wont be long now, I know he will come and I will show him the true nature of my power.

After a while of waiting, Necro Knight saw his sentimonster heading towards him with news of Agreste either he comes or he gets exposed but Necro Knight is going to expose him anyway after he defeats him and takes away Gabriel's miraculous.

Dark Swordsman: I have returned my master, I bring the news.

Necro Knight: Good work Dark-Swordsman, tell me has he made his choice.

Dark Swordsman: He has my master, he will come.

Necro Knight: Very good, you have done well I will now release you until I am need of you once more.

Dark Swordsman: Farewell my master.

Necro Knight snapped his fingers and soon the sentimonster disappeared leaving the miraculous holder to himself and then turned to look at the view of Paris until his foe arrives to meet him and it wont be long now. Soon the storm clouds approached the city and Necro Knight heard the thunderstorms are near and felt a little bit of rain coming down and then heard footsteps approaching him from behind as well as feeling the miraculous of the butterfly.

Necro: Knight: So you have decided to show yourself, I am most pleased that you have excepted to meet with me face to face Hawk Moth or perhaps just Gabriel Agreste.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Necro Knight: Our long awaiting meeting has come at last.

Hawk Moth: He looks more different from before and I see he's wearing the miraculous of the peacock sadly its damage that will give me the opportunity to take him by surprise.(Hawk Moth saids in thought)

Necro Knight: So you knew that the miraculous of the peacock was damaged as well in which you let your assistant use it even though it was putting too much damage on her but luckily now that it is in my possession I repaired the damages and now the miraculous belongs to me.

Hawk Moth: HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?! And how could the miraculous be repaired?

Necro Knight: My kwami Hollow gave me the information of how to repair the miraculous since she and Duusuu are good friends who didn't want to separate from each other until you used them as slaves for your own stupid mistake.

Hawk Moth: I do what I must be done in order to get what I want.

Necro Knight: I can only imagined what your wife Emilee would think that her husband was driven to madness and became a terrorist who brings nothing but pain and suffering to the people of Paris. She will hate to see what you have become.

Hawk Moth: Do not speak her name!! I am doing this for her, for this family!!

Necro Knight: A family that you destroyed, you Akumatized people into your mindless minions, you harm innocent lives, you drove away your own child and disown her as well as caused your wife to suffer the dark power from the damaged miraculous that left her in a magical coma tell me Gabriel are you really doing this for your family or just to gain power and become a tyrant.

Hawk Moth: Emilee will understand of why I am doing this and things will go back to the way they were.

Necro Knight: No they will not because I know what happens if you merge the miraculous together and make that wish. You let power and greed cloud your mind and made you into someone else who doesn't care anything but himself. So I will give you some choices Gabriel, either hand over your miraculous and give up this life or face exposure and be hunted down for the rest of your life, or die.

Hawk Moth: I will get the miraculous and make my wish come true and I will not let anyone stand in my way.

Necro Knight: Then you have chosen your fate.(Necro Knight saids and activates his weapon)

Hawk Moth: My fait is my own doing.(Hawk Moth saids and takes out his sword cane and got into fighting stance)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Necro Knight and Hawk Moth started to circle around each other while holding their weapons close until one of them makes a move in which Hawk Moth saw an opening and charged at Neck Knight and was going to strike him down until all of sudden Necro Knight blocked his attack with his laser sword.

Necro Knight: Did you truly think I am not smart, I know your secrets Gabriel as well as your attacks. Allow me to show you my power.

Necro Knight while blocking Hawk Moth's attack used his force push, to push Hawk Moth away from him and the villain was not on the ground while feeling that intense power that Necro Knight had and can see why his Akuma's weren't that strong to defeat by this armored being.

Necro Knight: Get up, unless you are wise to surrender so quickly.

Hawk Moth: Argh...never.

Necro Knight: I know what it is you seek Gabriel and it will not work to your doing.

Hawk Moth: You know nothing!!!!

Hawk Moth charges at Necro Knight again but wasn't getting the upper hand since Necro Knight is far more powerful than Hawk Moth in which the armored miraculous holder was pushing forwards and blocking each attack Hawk Moth is throwing at him.

(Replace Obi wan with Hawk Moth and Vader with Necro Knight)

Necro Knight: You are fool Gabriel, your powers are weak. You cannot win let it go and move on otherwise you will be drawn into the madness if you continue down this path.

Hawk Moth: I will get the miraculous whatever it takes!!!

Necro Knight: Then I will seed to it that you will never get the chance.

Hawk Moth: Like I will let you...GULP?!

Necro Knight: I find your arrogance disturbing.

Necro Knight lifted Hawk Moth with his power and threw him into the walls that made crack when the villain was tossed. Hawk Moth then got back up but felt the pain from that attack in which it felt like he broke some of his bones.

Hawk Moth: Path...path....I don't understand it how I am loosing, I never loose.

Necro Knight: You loose because you don't think, you loose if you don't have the strength to face someone as powerful as me. No wonder the heroes always win during the Akuma battles because they have idea's while you just give out orders and demands.

Hawk Moth: BE QUI...........ARGH?!

Hawk Moth didn't finish his words as he was now shot with lightning under his feet and was blasted away and back onto the ground while Necro Knight moves towards him.

Necro Knight: And that is why you will always loose.

Necro Knight approached Hawk Moth who tried to get away but was held in place when Necro Knight uses the same ability to hold Mayura in place in which Hawk Moth couldn't move his body or do anything.

Hawk Moth: LET GO OF ME!

Necro Knight: The years have made you weak. You have abused the power of the miraculous of both the butterfly and peacock for far too long and now it is tiresome. You have the choices Gabriel chose one of them or the last whatever works but if you choose not to listen then you will suffer.


Necro Knight: What about your daughter do you care for her as well even after you disown her or you just care about your wife. Tell me who is more important your wife or your daughter.

Hawk Moth: I don't care about that girl she has been nothing but a pest ever since she came into my life even after what happened to Emilee. I only said the things to her because I want her to think that she is important to me even after all the photoshoots, home schooling as well as the schedules she still cannot comprehend to what a true Agreste can do.

Necro Knight: So you just see her as a nobody. And you call yourself a father.

Hawk Moth: Once I have Emilee back I will give her a better child one that is more mature and more respectful.

Necro Knight: You will sacrifice your own daughter to bring back your wife because thats what a wish does a life for a life that is the price for making a wish with the two miraculous. You have let madness cloud your mind and now you have nothing.


Necro Knight: Tell me you got all of that Captain Freeman.

Loud and clear sir.

Hawk Moth heard a voice behind him while in Necro Knight's hold and looked to see the new police force pointing their weapons at Hawk Moth as well as some video camera's meaning that everything he just said was recorded.

Necro Knight: You truly think I will not see what you have really become Gabriel, you have chosen your fate and now you will suffer the consequences of your actions. Your time as the super villain Hawk Moth has ended and now you will face judgement so with that I will spare your life for now but you will never wear another miraculous again.


Necro Knight: I just did now I will take away your power.

Necro Knight reaches the butterfly miraculous and grabs it that allowed Hawk Moth to changed back into Gabriel Agreste in which the former villain now has lost his chance to get his wife back and the miraculous.

Necro Knight: Did you truly think you could defeat me, you have failed Agreste. Captain Freeman he's all yours.

Captain Freeman: Thank you and the new look dig it, Gabriel Agreste aka Hawk Moth you are under arrest for the crimes against Paris as well as responsible for Akumatizing innocent people in getting both Ladybug and Kitty Noir's miraculous. Also for terrorism, thief, manipulating, as well as almost starting World War three back in New York.

Necro Knight: That is true you did almost caused a World War and that is considered a hateful crime against the whole world. You could have caused the deaths a millions of lives if you launched those rockets.

Captain Freeman: You going to be locked away for a long time. Men get this bastard out of here and lock him up.

Officers: SIR YES SIR!

Gabriel was struggling to get out of the officers grip but was later stunned and fell unconscious and was loaded into the truck and to be taken away to prison where he will spend the rest of his life at.

Necro Knight: Good work Captain, soon his secrets will be exposed and the city will no longer have to deal with Akuma's any longer.

Captain Freeman: Thats a relief.

Necro Knight: Yes but now we must head to the Agreste mansion, if Agreste wife is there then maybe she can be saved without that idea Gabriel has.

Captain Freeman: Very well, me and the rest of the men will come along with you and succor the area.

Necro Knight: Let us be on our way.

Necro Knight along with Captain Freeman and the rest of the officers headed over to the Agreste mansion together while the sun came out after the storm pasted and once they all arrived at the mansion Captain Freeman had his men surround the area to make sure that everything was clear.

Officer: Area is succored sir!

Captain Freeman: Excellent now we can head on inside.

Necro Knight entered the mansion and headed to the office room where the officers looked around to find what Neco Knight is looking for until the miraculous holder came towards the painting of Emilee Agreste. Necro Knight then opened the painting and looked to find a safe that was hidden behind the waiting itself and used his power to rip the safe open and looked to find scrolls, passports, a picture of Emilee but then looked to see an old book in which Necro Knight took a look and found it to be the book that Duusuu was mentioning that contains the secrets of the miraculous.

Necro Knight: The Grimoire just like Duusuu saids and it contains the many different miraculous and their powers best to keep this hidden for now.(Necro Knight saids in thought)

Captain Freeman: My men and I checked every inch of this place but no sign of Mrs.Agreste.

Necro Knight: That is because she is hidden in a secret lair beneath the mansion and I know how to get us there.

Necro Knight close the painting and then went to feel where the switches of the elevator that will take him to the lair beneath the mansion until he felt the switches on the peacock feathers of the painting and push them. Then all of sudden Neco Knight felt something under his feet in which was the hidden elevator that was bringing him down while Captain Freeman and his men remained behind until Necro Knight returns.

The elevator took Necro Knight down to the bottom where he looks to find the lair that Duusuu was talking about and then looked to see something in the center meaning that Emilee Agreste must be inside that coffin thing that is keeping her life stable.

Necro Knight: This is where he has been keeping her all this time. The fool couldn't just take her to a hospital to be saved or even do anything to her the poor woman, such a disgrace that Gabriel has become.

Necro Knight moved towards the coffin where he saw bitterly cocoons meaning this is where Gabriel gets the butterflies for his Akuma's but then stopped and looked towards the coffin and saw a peaceful and beautiful woman who was laying inside of the coffin while in the magical coma and that person was Emilee Agreste herself.

Necro Knight: She's like an angel and I can see some resemblance between her and Adrienne. Might as well see if this power that Hollow mention really works.

Necro Knight moved towards the coffin and opened the glass and then focused on his powers to located the dark energy within Emilee and once he found the dark energy that put Emilee into a coma he used his powers to remove the dark energy inside of Emilee and once that was done he went to feel the woman's pulse in which he felt the woman was breathing.

Necro Knight: Looks like my powers have worked, Emilee is saved.

Mmmm...what..what is going on...who said that?

Necro Knight looks to see Emilee opening her eyes meaning that she was awake and has no idea what is going on until she started to rub her eyes together to get a better clear of where she is until she sees that she was in a coffin as well as in a lair.

Emilee: What happened?

Necro Knight: You were in a magical coma for a couple years due to the damage of the peacock miraculous.

Emilee: GASP!....Who...who are you?

Necro Knight: A friend, you were trapped in a magical coma like I said and I used my powers to heal you.

Emilee: Magical coma...wait I remember now, my husband Gabriel gave me the miraculous of the peacock and when I used it I started to feel sick and I thought I was going to die until all of sudden everything went dark and then...I just woken up how long was I out?

Necro Knight: A couple years give or take.

Emilee: Where is Gabriel? Where is my husband?

Necro Knight: It would be best to show you, but be warned you may not like what you going to see.(Necro Knight saids and holds his hand towards Emilee)

Emilee: What are you going to do?

Necro Knight: Show you what your husband has become after what has happened to you. And like I said be warned, the things you will see will not be anything to your liking.

Necro Knight then uses his powers to show Emilee visions and memories of what her husband has become in which she looked to see that Gabriel became a super villain and brought harm to innocent lives as well as trying to take the miraculous of Ladybug and Kitty Noir as well as being cruel towards Adrienne after Necro Knight took some of the mans memories to be used against him. Emilee saw the abused kwami's and how they were being treated as slaves as well as how Gabriel was driven into madness for trying to get the miraculous to make a wish that could lead to chaos and destruction. Emilee then saw how Gabriel becoming sinister and almost destroying not only Paris but almost starting a World War in New York. But the one thing that she saw was the words that Gabriel said to Necro Knight about not caring for Adrienne and just wanted Emilee back in which she saw that Gabriel will sacrifice Adrienne for Emilee's life no matter the price.

Emilee: How could he.......

Necro Knight: I am sorry for what he did but that man is no longer the husband you married, he let greed, power, and madness cloud his mind and turned him into somebody else.

Emilee: 😢sniff...I warned him about what would happened and he...he didn't listen...and Adrienne my sweet little could Gabriel become so cruel...

Necro Knight: He chose his path and now he is facing the consequences of his actions.

Emilee: Natalie where is she?

Necro Knight: I defeated her and took away her miraculous, though I erased her memories to forget all about the miraculous as well as Gabriel, she is now in the hospital recuperating.

Emilee: You did what you had to do, and I am thankful..wait you are wearing the peacock miraculous.

Necro Knight: I repaired the damages as well as gotten the miraculous of the butterfly away from Gabriel after he was taken into custody.

Emilee: I see..though where is my daughter? Do you know what happened to her?

Necro Knight: She was taken in by Audrey Bourgeois , she adopted her into the family where both her daughters Zoe and Chloe became her sisters. It was on the news that your daughter was disowned by Gabriel and got adopted by Audrey Bourgeois.

Emilee: least I know that my little girl is safe.

Necro Knight: I think it would be wise to get you to a doctor since you have been asleep for a long while and need some medical attention as well as food.

Emilee: I think that would be a wise decision. I am not feeling that very well after what I just found out.

Necro Knight: Very well, I will use my powers to have you take a short nap until the officers upstairs take you to the hospital.

Emilee: Wait before that can you take care of Nooroo and Duusuu because I don't think they want to stay here any longer not after what Gabriel did to them.

Necro Knight: I will do what I must to keep them safe you have my word.

Emilee: Thank you but what are you called?

Necro Knight: I was called Shadow Knight but in this form I am Necro Knight. Now sleep and rest Emilee.

Necro Knight uses his powers to make Emilee fall asleep in which she rested peacefully and then after words Necro Knight took her into his arms and carried her out of the lair but not before destroying it due to being a bad memory and he will do the other lair next after he gets Emilee to the officers who are waiting. Soon as he came up and informed Captain Freeman of what happened, the captain of the police force took Emilee into this arms and left to drive the woman to the hospital so she can be checked out as well as get some food since she's been asleep for so long and needed plenty of rest and good food. Necro Knight then headed into the next lair that was Hawk Moth's and ripped the window open and freed the butterflies inside and once they were gone, the miraculous holder destroyed the lair and headed out after watching Emilee being taken away to the hospital where she will get the help and the rest she needs.

After Hawk Moth was defeated and Emilee was saved, Necro Knight headed back home while holding onto the butterfly miraculous. Then once he was home he transformed back into his civilian form Y/N Sky and let his kwami's free while the one in the butterfly miraculous comes out and see's that he was no longer with Gabriel and was finally free.

Y/N: I take that you are Nooroo correct.

Nooroo: I am and I thank you for saving my life and getting me away from my former master.

Y/N: My pleasure but I think there are two kwami's here who want to see you.

Duusuu: Nooroo!!

Nooroo: Duusuu!!

Both Kwami's flew to each other and hugged for being reunited again after being separated but no longer but then Nooroo spotted the other kwami who was in the brink of tears of joy and that was Hollow.

Nooroo: H...Hollow.

Hollow: Nooroo!!!

Nooroo: Hollow!!

Hollow and Nooroo: I missed you so much!!!(Both said while hugging in tears of joy)

Duusuu: We're back together again!!

Hollow: Never leave me like that again you two, I don't want to be separated ever again.

Nooroo: We promise this time Hollow.

Hollow: Thank you for saving my friends life Y/N, you're my hero.(Hollow saids and cuddles into her holders cheek)

Y/N: Your welcome Hollow.

Nooroo: Y/N was it, for saving my life and Duusuu's it would be my honor to allow you to be my new holder and I heard what Emilee said that you will take good care of us.

Y/N: I will and I see that you haven't eaten anything, there is food in kitchen for you. Hollow and Duusuu will show you.

Duusuu: Come on Nooroo, let's get you some food and we can talk about our time with Hollow's holders and how he is treating us!

Nooroo: Ok and still thanks again Y/N.

Y/N: Mhm.

Y/N looked to see the kwami's heading off into the kitchen to eat while Ma'ri that cat joined them where the kwami's were gushing over the cuteness of the little kitten playing with them. Y/N went to his room to relax after the day he had and then saw the text from his girls who were asking what to wear for the date and Y/N texted them back to let them know they can wear anything they want and it didn't matter to him in which the girls replied with an OK sign. Soon he then started to feel sleepy and thought about taking a nice relaxing nap but before that he went and made himself some food as well as gotten a hot shower and then drifted off into slumber and was getting ready for Saturday in two days because he is taking the girls that fell in love with him on their first date.  Now that the miraculous of the butterfly and peacock are safe, Hawk Moth's rein has come to an end and there will not be anymore people getting Akumatized but there will always still be crimes going around in Paris and Y/N now as Necro Knight will be there to stop the dangerous people threatening the innocents and with the help of the new police force it would make things better.

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