Chapter 7: Never Cross a Shadow's Path!

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It has been days since Y/N aka the Shadow Knight has join forces with the new police unite in which he and them took down so many dangerous criminals running around the city in which the troops found Shadow Knight quite the leader in which he helped them pinpoint where the known targets are hiding and when they are going to strike next which made the job a whole lot better in which Shadow and the new police force are keeping the city streets safe but Shadow Knight still prefers to remain a secret away from what is going on in the city. Speaking of which Ladybug has finally came to decision to have some of the team take on criminals running around the streets while the other half takes on Akuma's that way they will both keep the civilians safe from both supervillains as well as the criminals running around the city armed and dangerous.

And Speaking of Ladybug aka Marinette Dupain Cheng, she is getting ready for her hangout with the hottest guy she and her friends met aka Y/N Sky who she asked if she wanted to hangout sometime in which Y/N excepted and texted Marinette that he will arrive at her place soon in which Marinette was looking for something to wear so that she will look perfect for today.

Marinette: Hmmm.maybe this one?...No that one wont do.

Tiki: Whats you doing Marinette?

Marinette: I am trying to find something nice to wear for Y/N because he and I are going to hangout together and I want to look my best.

Tiki: Oh I see well maybe he wont mind what you wear.

Marinette: Still I don't want to take the chance. Maybe this, now too bright and these other ones no..hmm maybe a nice dress would do just fine and some flats yea that would work.

Tiki watches her holder find some dresses to see which one would look great in which she has so many different colors dresses but once she saw Marinette pick out the red one and put on some red and black flats she looked absolutely perfect and decided to wear a ponytail.

Marinette: What do you think Tiki?

Tiki: I think you look amazing Marinette and I can tell Y/N would like it as well.

Marinette: Thanks Tiki, come on let's head down stairs until Y/N gets here.(Marinette saids to Tiki in which she nods and flies into her holders bag)

Meanwhile downstairs both Tom and Sabine were working and selling pastries to customers when all of sudden their shop opened to reveal Y/N who was holding some flowers in his hand in which his kwami said it would be a good idea to bring the girl your hanging out with some flowers to make the day better in which Y/N didn't argue with Hollow and just did what he was told.

Sabine: Oh hello Y/N how are you today.

Y/N: Hello Sabine I am doing well, Tom.(Y/N saids to Sabine then nods to Tom in which the man smiles and nods for hello to Y/N)

Tom: Nice to you back YN, oh who the flowers for?

Y/N: Marinette a friend said to me that a girl likes flowers so I went ahead and got them since your daughter asked me to hangout with her today.

Sabine: Aw that is so sweet of you Y/N and what I can tell our daughter will love them because roses are her favorite flower.

Y/N: I see.

Then after a while now Marinette came running down stairs in which she saw her parents at the front along with Y/N in which he was holding some flowers in his hand in which Marinette was thinking are they for her or someone else.

Marinette: Hi mama, Hi papa and......HHiii.....Y/N...nn...nice you.

Y/N: Hello blue, here these are for you in which I thought you would like them.(Y/N saids and hands Marinette the flowers in which caused the girl to blush and smile that the boy that Marinette found quite charming got her flowers)

Marinette: Thank you Y/N their beautiful!

Y/N: Your welcome blue and the dress you are wearing looks nice as well.

Marinette: Oh my gosh he thinks I look nice in my dress kyaaahhhh!❤️ (Marinette saids in thought while also excited)

Y/N: Anyway ready to go?

Marinette: Oh yea yea absolutely! Bye mama Bye Papa see you soon.

Sabine: Bye sweetie you two enjoy yourselves.

Tom: Have fun Marinette and you as well Y/N and stop back for some pastries.

Y/N: Sure of course.

Soon both Marinette and Y/N left the bakery and went out to have time together which is still a hangout in which Marinette was thinking it while Y/N didn't really care or mind at all.

Marinette: So what do you wanna do Y/N?

Y/N: Honestly I am really not sure why don't you decide what you wanna do and I will do it with you.

Marinette: Hmm....hows about we head to the park near the Eiffel Tower and walk around as well as stop a place to eat and possibly get some ice cream after that. Then maybe if you like we can go to some book stores since you do like to read a lot I can take you to some if want.

Y/N: Yea sure why not.

Marinette: Great!...I mean very well let's get going shale we.(Marinette saids to Y/N in which he nods and the two headed towards the park area together)

Once the two got to the park, they start to walk around the area in which Y/N liked the peace and quite which pleases him including the fresh air breeze that is blowing on his face in which made Marinette smile that Y/N is enjoying the weather including herself. Then after they decided to sit underneath a tree to get out of the sun itself in which Y/N and Marinette sat together in which made Marinette excited that she is sitting next to the cutest boy ever in which she didn't realize that Y/N pulled her close to her in which caused the blue hair girl to blush crimson as well as make her heart thump like there is no tomorrow but then soon Y/N decided to put on some music and he asked if Marinette wants to listen to some music before they continue on what they are doing in which Marinette said yes she would like to listen to some music because it helps lighten mood.

And so Y/N put on some music that was on his phone in which he put on one of his favorite songs to listen to when he is alone to himself and the song was called Stargazers by Aviators in which has a good medley which helps calms the minds of others.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The music was very pleasing to Marinette in which caused her to dose off in which she started to lean on Y/N's shoulder but he didn't mind because he can trust Marinette since she was being kind to him as well as respectful. Hollow saw what was happening in which the kwami was giggling within side her holder jacket pocket but kept in silent because she didn't want to be notice by the girl resting on Y/N's shoulder. Then after a while now both Marinette and Y/N got up from their resting spot because they felt their stomachs grumbling in which Y/N took Marinette to a place that was close by that was called La Dome and Marinette thought it was a great place to have something to eat and was thinking it was almost like a date.

Marinette: Have you eaten here before Y/N?

Y/N: Once or twice in which the food here is delicious including the desserts.

Marinette: Well I hope the lunch special is good because I am starving.

Y/N: The lunch special is good I had it lots of times when I came here.

Marinette: Really thats wonderful.

Marinette and Y/N headed inside and got a table for two in which the place looked lovely in which Marinette liked it a lot and the smell of the food that is serving towards the customers looked even better. Soon the waitress came with their fresh ice cold water along with the menus in which they checked to see what they wanted in which Y/N wanted the fired shrimp and Marinette decided to get the same thing with side of salad.

After waiting for some hours later both of Marinette and Y/N's food came out in which the food itself looked absolutely delicious in which they both ate their food together in which Marinette offered Y/N's some salad in which the guy had some salad in which tasted good which pleased Marinette that she likes sharing her food with others but only those who are her true to her and not those idiots who hanged out with the liar. When they had their fill and Y/N paid for the food while Marinette offered to pay for it but Y/N beat her to it because since it was his idea to come to the place he should pay for lunch and that made Marinette like Y/N even more because he was doing something nice for her.

Marinette: That food was delicious! thank you for treating me to lunch Y/N.

Y/N: Your welcome blue.

Marinette: Say while we are hanging out together mind if I ask you something.

Y/N: What is it?

Marinette: Well I was wondering, well after you finish school and everything what do you have plans for the future anything interesting?

Y/N: For once I am really not sure what I want to do in my life but I think it will come to mind sooner or later. What about you what do you want to do after you finish school?

Marinette: I want to continue my dream in becoming a fashion designer because it like I told you and our friends, fashion designing is my passion and I want to do so many interesting things.

Y/N: Not a bad career for you in which your designs that Chloe and Zoe told me about are not bad at all and I can see why their mother likes having you as Audrey's intern in fashion.

Marinette: Thank you Y/N and yea ever since I became an intern for Audrey Bourgeois, I made a lot of interesting designs but sadly some of them got destroyed by Lila and her sheep in which I put my hard work into making them.

Y/N: Well I think it is best you keep your designs in a safe place so that no one can ruined them, for example a secret hidden compartment.

Marinette: You know what I think I will make something like. Thanks for the advice Y/n really appreciated.

Y/N: No problem.

Marinette: Hows about we take a short cut through the bridge, because I think Andre is on the other side of the city selling his ice cream.

Y/N: Very well lead the way.

Both the two of them walked together and took the shortcut to meet with Andre who was selling his ice cream in which Marinette was excited to share ice cream with Y/N as well as enjoy his time with him.

Marinette: This is probably best day I have ever had in my life, I am outside with the coolest guy and were practically hanging out together almost like were a couple..oh the girls are going to be so jealous when I tell them what me and Y/N were doing.(Marinette saids in thought while walking with Y/N at her side until the excitement came to an end when a voice came out from behind the two)

Well well look who it is!(A voice saids from behind both Y/N and Marinette in which was the liar herself along with the idiot blogger and the two buffoons)

Y/N: Sigh...figures the idiots are back again with more nonsense.(Y/N saids and looks towards the idiots in front of him and Marinette)

Marinette: What do you want now Lila?(Marinette saids while glaring at Lila)

Alya: Oh don't give us that again we know what you did to Lila.

Marinette: And do tell me what did I do to her in which I was never near her all day?


Y/N: She really is brain damaged along with those assholes.(Y/N saids in thought)

Marinette: Right in which I wasn't near her this morning in which I was with Y/N the entire time and we are having a nice relaxing hangout together until you showed up.

Kim: Please like we ever believe something that.

Y/N: Saids the idiots who believe anything that comes out of that vixens mouth in which any case your all pretty stupid and have no common sense whats so ever.


Y/N: And what are you going to do about four eyes in which any case many people are not following your blog anymore because its ratings a dropping to zero as we speak because it is no longer talking about the heroes anymore because it always Lila this Lila that and that is what people don't want view.

Ivan: Hey her blog is the greatest and Lila is amazing so take back what you said!

Y/N: Hows about go fuck yourselves and Rossi drop dead because you are full of shit just like tabloid blogger here.(Y/N saids with some venom in his voice in which spooked the idiots and Lila)

Lila: Y/ say such things I..I just wanted to be friends with you thats all.(Lila saids while doing the whole crocodile tears)

Alya: See what you did you made her cry!

Y/N: Tell her to cry for real because what she is doing right now is childish and pretty pathetic even I can spot crocodile tears from here.

Lila: Dam you Y/N!(Lila saids in thought as well as in anger)

Marinette: Y/N let's just leave them because their a waste of our time here.

Y/N: I couldn't agree more.

When both Y/N and Marinette were about to leave they heard something from Alya who was keeping Lila company.

Alya: Kim, Ivan make sure they stay put because I want to record them for making Lila upset.(Alya saids in which both boys nod and went up to both Y/N and Marinette)


As soon as both Kim and Ivan were close to Marinette and Y/N all of sudden Y/N shot the two idiots a mean glare and then all of sudden Y/N picked up Ivan with his strength who caught the attention of Marinette along with Kim, Alya, and Lila. Y/N lifted Ivan over his shoulders who Ivan was now starting to freak out about what is going to happened next in which Y/N then flipped Ivan over and had him slammed into the solid ground where Ivan was now on the ground groaning in pain.

Marinette: WHOAH!....I never knew he had such strength!(Marinette saids in thought while watching Y/N flipping Ivan over and slamming him into the ground)

Y/N: There's your pay back and I would recommend getting ice for that back of yours.

Ivan: Argh.........ow......

Kim: YOU ARE SO!!!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!(Kim was about to say and attack at Y/N when all of sudden he gets kicked in the balls so hard that he screamed like a girl)

Marinette: OOH!...Thats gotta hurt?

Kim: Ow.................(Kim saids while in pain and falls over and covers hits pride)

Y/N: Next time you two try something like this, think before you charge in otherwise your just gonna loose and get hurt real bad.


Y/N saw Alya with her phone out and was recording and then walked towards her and snatched the phone right out of her hand in which caused her to snap out of her trance.


Y/N: And delete now you don't have anything to show them.(Y/N saids while deleting the video and then dropping the phone on the ground and smashing it)

Alya: My phone?!!!

Y/N: Ask your sausage friend here to bye you a new one after all she is able to get you anything is that right Rossi.

Lila: Um......

Alya: YOU ARE JUST LIKE MARI-SLUT?!!! A BULLY A BIG OVER GROWN BUL........GULP!(Alya screams but then gets cut off when Y/N grabs both hers and Lila's shirt and shot them a horror glare that made them both pale like ghost)

Y/N: Another word that comes out of those mouths of yours and you will loose a tongue and me a bully when you and those assholes at school are the real ones who believe the words of stupid sausage hair girl and treated as well as threaten Marinette along with her friends with such disrespect in which I despise people like you and if you want to mess with them you will have to mess with me now because I will be happy to put you in your place.(Y/N saids in which the girls were panicking as well as getting chills but mostly Lila because now she knows why she should never cross paths with Y/N Sky)

Then soon Y/N threw the two girls along with the two buffoons into the water in which they got all wet and everything that they had on them got soaked.

Marinette: Is it getting hot out here or is it just me.(Marinette saids in thought while watching Y/N took care of the idiots himself that cause her to blush as well caused her heart to skip a beat)

Y/N: Now we can leave.

Marinette: Oh alright by the way the way absolutely amazing of what you did and the way they were staring at you while scared was incredible.

Y/N: Their morons and completely brainless.

Marinette: Thats true.

After they left in which Alya along with Lila, Kim and Ivan came out of the water and were soaked in which Lila stomp her foot and began to walk home while having a mean looking face that meant that this isn't over yet while Kim and Ivan decided to leave as well due to the pain they have felt when they didn't think things through when they tried to attack Y/N. But for Alya she remained and looked at her phone that was destroyed by Y/N and said things meaning that her blog was nothing and loosing followers just because it has Lila and amazing adventures in which caused the blogger to grow angry and got the attention of two people in the dark lair surrounded by butterflies.

Hawk Moth: Do you feel that negative emotion Mayura.

Mayura: Yes I do Hawk Moth.

Hawk Moth: A girl who was humiliated and threaten in which caused the poor girl to loose something that she really admires a perfect prey for my Akuma.

Mayura: And sentimonster to go along with it.

Hawk Moth: Ah such an excellent touch I like it.

Hawk Moth then uses his powers to create his Akuma while his partner Mayura the holder of the peacock miraculous creates an amok feather for the sentimonster.

Hawk Moth: Fly away my little Akuma and evilize her!

Mayura: Fly away my beautiful amok, and enhance and hone that frustration!

Soon both the Akuma and Amok headed towards the direction of where Alya was sitting with her damaged phone and while she wan't looking both the Akuma and Amok landed on her phone and the symbol of both Hawk Moth and Mayura appeared on the girls face.

Hawk Moth: LadyWifi, this is Hawk Moth. I am giving you back your powers to make people see that you are an excellent blogger and your stories are believable as well as punish those who did you wrong.

Mayura: LadyWifi, I am Mayura. To help with your mission you will be assisted by CellTron, he will help you show the people of Paris what a true blogger is and if they do not respond to you then CellTron will paused them so that the people of Paris can see and understand you more and those amazing things you uploaded for your blog.

Hawk Moth: But in return of course you must get hold of the miraculous of Ladybug and Kitty Noir.

Alya(LadyWifi): Hawk Moth, Mayura you count on me and CellTron!

Soon Alya changed into LadyWifi but in a different color suit and next to her was a scary looking cellphone robot that was in the control of LadyWifi herself in which the robot was called CellTron.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)(Ps I used the cell phone decepticon from Transformers Movie)

LadyWifi: Come CellTron let us show the people of Paris of how my blog is the greatest!


Meanwhile back with Y/N and Marinette, they arrived at the ice cream stand where Andre was giving everyone their magical ice cream in which Marinette got an ice cream so that she and Y/N can share and Y/N didn't really mind sharing some ice cream with someone.

Y/N: What kind did you get?

Marinette: Blueberry, mango and chocolate.

Y/N: Nice choice, why don't you take the first scoop and then I will go next.

Marinette: Oh alright.(Marinette saids and takes a scoop of the ice cream in which the flavors were delicious)

Soon Y/N followed suit and took a scoop of the ice cream and he too like the flavors all together and while he was eating the treat, Marinette was thinking about how both her and Y/N were eating the same ice cream together makes her realize what both of them are doing is something a couple would do in which made her blush once again but shrugged it off and continue to enjoy her day with Y/N.

Hollow: He better save some for me because I want some of that as well.(Hollow saids in thought while watching his holder and Marinette eat the ice cream together)

But sadly she didn't get to have any because all of sudden both her along with her holder and Marinette heard screaming coming from down the street in which there were explosions as well as buildings being destroyed in which Marinette knew that it was another Akuma.


Marinette: Oh no its another Akuma, why can't this day be any less annoying I was just having a wonderful time with Y/N and now it is ruined.(Marinette saids in thought)

Y/N: Looks like another villain appeared?

Marinette: Yea and it just ruined this great day.

Y/N: Well hows about the heroes take care of it while we just go hide somewhere for the time being because being in the middle of fight always ends up in disaster.

Marinette: Ok but I need to make sure my family is safe.

Y/N: Go ahead and watch yourself.

Marinette: Thank you Y/N 💋.(Marinette saids and kisses Y/N on the cheek in which surprised the guy yet again because he was also kissed on the cheek but it was Zoe)

Soon after Marinette left while Y/N went into an alleyway in which Hollow appeared out of her holders jacket pocket.

Hollow: Looks like Hawk Moth didn't get the memo?

Y/N: Seems that way.

Hollow: What you wanna do?

Y/N: Let's observe the situation and see what kind of lame villain is causing trouble.

Hollow: I bet its going to be the blogger girl because after all she did looked more pissed then those lame boys that you knocked down.

Y/N: Probably is, Hollow Rase The Shadows.(Y/N saids and changes into Shadow Knight and jumps on top of the buildings and heads towards the direction the villain is)

Back with Marinette who had to drop the hangout for now in which she still wants to do it with Y/N but has to deal with the Akuma in which her kwami Tiki came flying out of her bag.

Tiki: Looks like you have to cancel the hangout with Y/N.

Marinette: Sigh..I know and it was starting to get good and also.....OH MY GOSH I JUST KISSED HIM?!!!!...well even though it was on his cheek but I still did it!....oh my gosh..oh my gosh.

Tiki: Marinette focus remember the super villain!

Marinette: Huh oh right thanks, Tikki Spots On!

After the transformation Ladybug took out her yoyo and swung towards where the supervillain might be and on the where there she spotted Kitty Noir near a building and landed right next to her and decided to ask her who is the villain today.

Ladybug: Hey there Kitty so who are we dealing with now?

Kitty Noir: LadyWifi but it looks like she got herself a new look as well as sentimonster that looks like a monster cell phone?

Ladybug: What really?(Ladybug saids and looks to see LadyWifi talking to the people of Paris as well as showing off her phone while a creepy robot phone monster was pausing people so that they stay frozen while LadyWifi talks to them)


Ladybug: Sigh...looks like Alya got akumatized yet again?

Kitty Noir: How did that happened?

Ladybug: Lila and her goons bumped into me and Y/N when we were hanging out in which caused a fight but Y/N won by flipping over Ivan and kicking Kim in his pride while also deleting the video on Alya's phone and smashing in then throwing all of them into the water.

Kitty Noir: Whoah really wish I could of seen that!

Ladybug: We can talk about this later for right now we need to stop the LadyWifi and her CellTron.

Kitty Noir: Right!

Soon the two heroines jumped off the roof of the building and headed towards the street where LadyWifi is, meanwhile Shadow Knight was watching from on the other side of the buildings and viewing the heroines and the villain as well as the sentimonster.

Shadow Knight: It would seem that Hawk Moth and Mayura have sent out both the akuma and the amok in which the villain is still pathetic as well as the sentimonster.

Back with the heroines as soon as they landed on ground in front of LadyWifi who was still doing her thing along with CellTron, both Ladybug and Kitty Noir decided to interrupted the show.

Ladybug: Hold it right there LadyWifi!

Kitty Noir: And same for your freaky robot phone thing!

LadyWifi: Look viewers it is the heroines of Paris perfect timing for me to get your miraculous and reveal who you truly are, CellTron blasted them!

CellTron: AS YOU COMMAND!(CellTron saids then started to blast pause signs at Ladybug and Kitty Noir in which they dodge the signs being thrown at them)

LadyWifi and CellTron kept of shooting both Ladybug and Kitty Noir with the pause signs in which both of them dodged each attack and deflect them back attack their enemy but due LadyWifi's power to teleport in different places using her phone it made things hard for the heroines to catch her as well as CellTron who was moving very fast all over the place.

Shadow Knight was on top watching the whole thing in which he was impressed by the reflexes from Ladybug and Kitty Noir but still find their lack of training useless in which he thinks that they need to be trained more otherwise they are not going to do well against these akuma's or sentimonsters.

Back with the heroines when they both discuss of where the akuma and amok are in which was in the phone like always both agreed to charge at LadyWifi together and try to take the phone but unfortunately they both get paused by CellTron in which now they both cannot move in which caused Shadow Knight to shake his head in disappointment.

Kitty Noir: Oh no were trapped Ladybug!

Ladybug: I know Kitty but don't worry we will figure out how to get out this situation!

With Hawk Moth and Mayura they both looked pleased when they both see Ladybug and Kitty Noir trapped and will finally get the miraculous.

Hawk Moth: LadyWifi you have them trapped now take their miraculous and you can reveal who they are for your blogg!

LadyWifi: Was already planing on doing that Hawk Moth. Hello my viewers today is the day I will now reveal the secret behind the masks of Ladybug and Kitty Noir!

LadyWifi and CellTron walked towards Ladybug and Kitty Noir in which both heroines still cannot move due to the pause button signs on them in which means that their about to be revealed by LadyWifi which means Hawk Moth will get the miraculous until all of sudden CellTron wasn't looking that good in which got the attention of LadyWifi and the heroines.

LadyWifi: CellTron whats happening?

CellTron: System failing.....being crushed...unknown....can't break......(CRUSH!)(Celltron was trying to speak when all of sudden he stopped working and was crushed into a ball in which flames and electricity was coming out of him)

(Edit done be me: 95nicholasnm)

Kitty Noir: Um what just happened?

KYOOH! KYOOH!(The breathing sound in which both Ladybug and Kitty Noir know about then they both looked behind LadyWifi and saw who was moving towards in which was known other than Shadow Knight himself)

Ladybug and Kitty Noir: Shadow Knight......(Both said in thought in which LadyWifi turned around and saw who was coming towards her in which got the attention of Hawk Moth and Mayura)

Hawk Moth: Its him again!

Mayura: Hawk Moth who is that?

Hawk Moth: I don't know who he is but I do know he is something very powerful in which he took down Volpina weeks ago and used abilities that I do not know of and killed my akuma with a glowing red blade.

Mayura: What do we do Hawk Moth?

Hawk Moth: LadyWifi take the miraculous and stay away from the dark figure he is very dangerous and very powerful! Do it now!

LadyWifi: I don't know who you are but I have miraculous to give to Hawk......GULP!(LadyWifi saids but then starts to choke in which Shadow Knight was using his power to hold LadyWifi in her place)

Shadow Knight: I shall show you the true nature of my power and I know you are watching this Hawk Moth as well as you Mayura because I warned you but you didn't listen allow me to remind you of what fear looks like.(Shadow Knight saids then used his power to slam LadyWifi into the solid wall in which caused the villain to scream in pain)

Shadow Knight kept of doing it over and over again in which the heroines were shocked and yet terrified of what they were looking at and not just them but Hawk Moth and Mayura were seeing all of this in which they have never seen such raw power. Then soon after words Shadow Knight seen that LadyWifi was knocked out as well in pain and her robot crushed under Shadow Knights power then when both Ladybug and Kitty Noir saw that the phone was on the ground they took the opportunity to grab it and break it in which both the akuma and the amok came out and Ladybug purified both of them and fixed everything.

Alya: What what just happened?

Shadow Knight: You became a villain in which you will not remember any of this.

Alya: Who....who are you......(Alya saids while scared of the dark figure in front of her)

Shadow Knight: I am nothing but a shadow now you will have no memory of this. Erase!(Shadow Knight saids and then grabs the girls face in which she was now covered in a dark light in which after words she fell on the ground unconscious leaving both Ladybug and Kitty Noir in shock)

Ladybug: What did you do to her?

Shadow Knight: I erased her memory of myself along with what happened today she wont remember anything and neither will the rest of the people who were watching.

Kitty Noir: Well that is kind of cool and all but why did you save us?

Shadow Knight: Because you both still have to do training in which I still displeased with your apparent lack of progress so let this be a lesson train more and prove yourselves otherwise you will just keep on getting beaten just like two minutes ago.

Kitty Noir: Ok we get it we messed up well a lot of times but we still beat the villain.

Shadow Knight: True but there will be a time when you cannot defeat the villain and you will be outmatched so do your training otherwise you are nothing but failures.(Shadow Knight saids and takes his leave)

Ladybug: Sigh...fine we will do that as well.

Shadow Knight: Good now it would be wise to leave before you change back.(Shadow Knight saids then leaves the heroines and vanished into the shadows)

Kitty Noir: Well um until next time Ladybug.

Ladybug: Yea you too Kitty.

Both Heroines left the area while leaving Alya on a bench until she wakes up from her memory loss in which Ladybug landed in an alleyway and changed back into her civilian form and went off to find Y/N who was at a book shop and waiting patiently for Marinette.

Marinette: Y/N!

Y/N: Hey you alright?

Marinette: Yea I am fine thanks for asking and my parents are safe as well.

Y/N: Good to know.

Marinette: Wanna continue our hangout if you want to or not.

Y/N: Yea sure why not and I was planing on going inside the book store until you arrived.

Marinette: Then let's go in together because I wanted to check out some books that have romance.

Y/N: I see.

Soon both Y/N and Marinette headed into the book store to enjoy their day and read some books in peace without any interruption. Meanwhile with Hawk Moth and Mayura who were in the lair they couldn't believed what they just seen in which they also felt the power coming from the dark figure in which Hawk Moth was still trying to figure out why the power felt so familiar to him.

Mayura: So not only we have to deal with Ladybug and Kitty Noir but we also have to deal with this new being in the dark armor?

Hawk Moth: I don't know who this dark warrior is and where he came from but it is best to just keep an eye on him because after that power I just seen there is no telling what he can do to us if we encounter him.

Mayura: I see, so it is best to avoid him for the time being.

Hawk Moth: Yes and watch yourself as well because there is no telling where this dark warrior will show up next.

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