Chapter 6

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"And that leads us here with this journal." I say, raising the dusty journal in the air. Adrien stayed silent through the whole hour of me explaining everything. Chloe helped me explain it.

"So now we have to train Chloe to become a superhero while protecting this book?" Adrien asks. We both nod.

"Marionette, can you hand me the book?" Master Fu asks. I do as he says and he opens it. Suddenly, a bright light comes from the book and something flies straight into my chest, knocking the breath out of me.

"Mari!" Chloe screams as soon as the bright light consumes me. I can faintly see Adrien being held back by Master Fu who looks shocked. Soon, the light disappears, making everybody gasp. I look on my hands to see a colourful umbrella. I then look at my outfit to see a white shirt with a mini galaxy jacket. My hair is also waist length with galaxy ribbons that go past my shorts.

"W-wow." Adrien stutters while Chloe awes at me. Master Fu is the first to speak up.

"It looks like you now have the power to defeat Hawkmoth." I turn to him while the other two play with my hair.

"What happened to me?" I ask.

"It seems that you absorbed to power of the locket and have transformed." He tells me before lifting the locket up from my neck. It is also galaxy but when I open it, a white butterfly comes out and lands on my finger. It hands me a note before flying back into the locket and shutting it. That was unexpected. I open the locket and read the note.

Dear reader,

If you are reading this then the locket has chosen you. You are most likely Ladybug. If you are then be careful of the akumas. The darkness you remove when purifying doesn't just disappear. It instead goes into you and slowly changes you. Make sure you don't become insane. You are the last hope to defeating Hawkmoth.

I fold the note and slip it back into the locket before looking up at everybody.

"What did it say?" Adrien asks. I sigh.

"It told me about how I am the last chance to defeating Hawkmoth. That's it." I say. Master Fu gives me a knowing look while the other two just nod in understanding. Suddenly, a phone rings. Master Fu takes it out of his pocket and hands it to me.

"Hello?" I answer it.

"Marionette! Where are you? You left the school yesterday and never returned! You might hate me right now but I'm worried." Alya exclaims.

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, want to meet at the park? I think it's time we talked." I say. Alya stops her rant, shocked.

"Y-yeah. I will go there now." She stutters before hanging up. I put my phone back in my pocket.

"Who was that?" Chloe asks, walking over to me.

"It was Alya. I'm going to meet her at the park now so I have to go. I will see you guys later?" I ask, grabbing my backpack and putting it on my back since Master Fu let us keep the stuff. It's basically food, fire starting equipment, utensils, pots, blankets and pillows. I also have the journal that we decided I would be keeping it. We can't separate it from the locket or something bad would happen.

"I will be at your house later Mari." Chloe says while Adrien nods. I wave before running straight into the door.

"Ouch." I crypt in pain while everybody else laughs. I just ignore them and run out of the door, Tikki flying into my purse. I continue running, hardly getting tired as I arrive at the park. Alya is sat on the bench under the tree so I walk over to her and sit next to her, taking my backpack off.

"Mari!" She hugs me, crying into my shirt. I just pat her back, letting her cry until there are no tears left. "I am so sorry about everything! I shouldn't have yelled it slapped you. It's fine if you don't want to be my friend again but-"

"It's fine Alya. I forgive you. I was being pretty selfish after all, not forgiving you. I'm sorry too." I cut her off. She sighs in relief.

"By the way, I like your outfit. You also grew your hair out! Adrien is so going to drool over you." She squeals. I laugh. Suddenly, it starts to rain so I take out my umbrella and give it to Alya.

"Thanks! You should probably take this." I say. She shakes her head, pushing it towards me.

"No girl, it's yours. You should take it." She says.

"Or you could both take a ride in my limousine." A familiar voice says, making us both jump. We turn around to see Chloe behind us while Adrien running after her.

"Chloe! Don't just run off while I'm-" he stops speaking when he sees me and Alya. "Oh hey Alya, Mari."

"Hey you two. What are you doing here?" I ask without stuttering. Alya looks at me shocked but doesn't say anything.

"Well princess, we were just driving by with me teaching Chloe when she suddenly jumps out of the limo." Adrien informs me, leaning closer to me. I push my fingers to his forehead and push him back.

"What is going on? I am so confused!" Alya exclaims. Suddenly, we hear a scream. We turn towards the sound to see an akuma terrorising the city.

"Chloe!" I shout, standing up.

"On it!" Chloe replies before grabbing Alya and running towards the limo with my bag, Alya trying to pull away. Since Chloe got her miraculous, she is much more stronger and faster. The limo drives off.

"Let's go." Adrien says before pulling me towards an alley where we both transformed. We jump on the rooftop to see a man with a black apron and a black chefs hat. He is holding a wooden rolling pin with the initials D.P.C engraved in it.

"Dad..." I mumble, shocked. I gave him that rolling pin for his birthday. "The rolling pin Chat!" I shout.

"Hello. I am the baker! Give me your miraculous or else." The Baker shouts before pointing the rolling pin towards us, shooting out what looks like dough. We both jump out of the way before running towards him. He shoots bread at us and it hits me, knocking me off of the edge. Luckily, I catch myself with the yoyo before I hit the ground. When I get back in the roof, I see Chat Noir stuck to the roof with dough.

"Cataclysm!" He shouts before touching the dough.

"Lucky Charm!" I throw my yoyo up in the air and catch the object that falls back down. It's a sling shot. I pick up some of the dough and roll it into a ball.

"What? Are we going to have a food fight now?" Chat sarcastically asks. I glare at him before using my lucky vision. The dough ball in my hand and on the floor lights up with the slingshot then Chat Noirs staff lights up.

"Start spinning your staff Chat!" I shout before slinging the dough ball at it, making it hit off of the staff and at the bread flying towards him. I make more balls and they land everywhere, making the flying bread land on the floor and stick. The Baker growls before running towards me but he trips over the bread and lands on the floor, getting stuck because of the dough. I grab his rolling pin and snap it in half before purifying the akuma, sending it off and throwing the slingshot in the air. Everything turns back to normal.

"Pound it!" We both fist bump before taking my confused father home. We the run in the direction of the hotel. We both de transform before taking the elevator up to Chloe's room. As soon as the doors open, Adrien picks me up bridal style.

"Ahh! Put me down!" I squeal, trying to escape his arms but he just tightens his grip, making me blush.

"Nope. A princess doesn't need to walk." He smirks at me before kicking on the door lightly. Chloe opens it.

"Mari! Adrikins! How did it go?" She asks, leading us in. He still doesn't let me go, making me sigh and swing my legs back and forth instead.

"There you guys are! Chloe wouldn't let me out of this room until you got back. Where did- oh? What's happening here." Alya smirks at us. I blush and hide my face in Adrien chest. He just chuckles.

"I wanted to carry Marionette so I am." He simply says before sitting down on the couch, me sitting on his lap since he still hasn't let go of me. Chloe takes a picture.

"Chloe! Delete it!" I try to get to her but Adrien just holds me to his chest.

"Send me the picture later?" He asks her.

"Sure! You both are so cute together!" She says before taking my phone from me and typing something into it. "There you go! Mari has your number now."

"Chloe I will murder you as soon as I can. Be prepared." I glare at her, making everybody in the room laugh.

"Then looks like I can never let you go, can I princess?" I just groan.

"I am so confused." Alya says. I totally forgot she was there!

"Well Adrien and Mari are basically a thing now and-"

"Wait what?" I sqeak.

"Marionette, will you be my girlfriend?" Adrien asks. I put my face in his chest before nodding, hiding my blush.

"Adrienette!" Alya squeals. Chloe's phone suddenly dings and she gasps.

"Mari we are late for our spa appointment!" She starts panicking so I just tug her onto the couch next to Adrien.

"When did you even make an appointment?" I ask.

"Well I got Daddy to book us an appointment at the best spa in Paris. Looks like we can't go now." She pouts.

"We can just go a different time. Anyway we have something important to talk about. Remember?" I say. She sighs before nodding.

"You aren't getting out of shopping though!" She exclaims. I just nod.

"How did you get Marionette to go shopping with you? She has never went shopping with me before!" Alya exclaims before turning towards me. "Can we talk in private?" She asks. Adrien let's go of me and I stand up before taking Alyas hand and dragging her into the room I sleep it.

"What's up?" I ask. She makes sure nobody is ease dropping before turning towards me.

"Since when have you, Chloe and Adrien been close! We didn't talk for about two days and she has you wrapped around her finger!" She exclaims. I just sigh before sitting her down.

"Before you say something, she isn't manipulating me. We all just have something in common that nobody else can relate to so now we are friends." I say slowly. She just sighs.

"But- never mind. I'm sorry for thinking that but Chloe has a bad past! How did you two even become friends?" Alya asks.

"She saw what happened between us, comforted me and then we had a sleepover." I explain as simple as I can.

"What about that old man we saw on the ladyblog before you both disappeared for a whole day?" Before I could reply, we hear a scream.

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