Difference Between Love And Lust

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A sixteen year old princess with raven locks, looked out her chamber’s window. Was it wrong for her to both dread and love a single day? Too love the thought of finally finding someone worthy enough to become her husband. Also, to dread the outcome if they lose. For her over protective father Tom, King of France had declared that the brave soul that accepted this challenge would win he would receive Marinette as his wife however if he were to lose he would lose not only the opportunity of having Marinette’s hand in marriage but also his  life.

This was a wise strategy for a man who couldn’t bare to lose his precious daughter. His over protectiveness had derived from the loss of his wife, Sabine the Queen of Xi’an. The most beautiful woman who had ever lived according to the King. He was worried when Marinette started to grow older since in each passing day she looked more and more like her mother. He trained her to become a warrior in hopes that she could defend herself from male company and to make her grandfather, Ares the god of war, proud.

He knew that soon that Princes across the lands would be eager for her hand.The King then devised a plan that whoever wishes to marry Marinette must win a chariot race against him. Those who failed would have to face death. King Tom was sure of his success because he had been given by Ares, his father. He also had the fastest horses in the kingdom. The result of the races was coming as expected. Many princes lost their lives in the carriage race.

“I accept your challenge!” Luka the Prince of the Mediterranean Sea. Son of Captain Ankara Couffaine, the Queen of Mediterranean Sea or as her subjects called her: the Pirate Queen. His sister, Juleka had told him all that she knew about Marinette. He without even meeting her had fallen in love and when Juleka had told him about the chariot race he begged his father to help him.

“Father, do you hear me?.” Luka asked as he sailed the seas toward France. “I find myself without a chariot nor horses yet my heart says I must go on. At least I will able to lay my eyes on her before I face the King of death.” Luka never needed horses or a chariot do to living all his life on a ship.

Poseidon felt petty on his son that he had left long ago to return to Olympus so upon his request he bestowned the young lad a chariot. A chariot that could not be beaten by a mere horse drawn chariot for this chariot had wings.

King Tom had no idea that this chariot race would be the last one. His daughter learned not to grow attached to her suitors from a young age. However, Luka insisted that he should talk to the princess one on one before the race.

“Why do you think you can win when so many in your shoes have died?” Marinette asked looking at his horseless chariot.

“Because unlike them, I devoted my heart to you before I even laid my eyes on you.”

He tucked a freshly picked lotus behind her ear and kissed her forehead. He knew he wasn’t the most attractive suitor or the most noble.

“I will not give my heart to a dead man.”

Luka had indeed won the race and demanded that he receive his prize as King Tom had promise but being the possessive man he was he denied. Luka impulsively decided to kidnap Marinette since she was rightfully his bride according to the deal.

“But my father..” Marinette stated as she looked down out of the winged chariot of Poseidon. Her hand holding Luka’s. Having lost his wife and now his daughter, the King drowned himself in a river. That was eventually named after him.

Later that day the couple decided to spend the night at a nearby temple. The following morning when Luka woke up, he found that Marinette had vanished. He wondered if Marinette was scared of marriage or took the chariot to return to her father that she didn’t know had already died. The chariot was still there so he went on a journey to look for his missing bride.

Apollo or Adrien depending on whether he wanted to use a mortal name or not, had stolen Marinette. Adrien had watched her in her sleep. She wasn’t the most graceful sleeper but that didn’t matter. He was more concentrated on how her midnight hair framed her pale skin. The only thing he could compare her beauty to was the night sky. The night sky wasn’t something he appreciated until this day.

He touched her sleeping face hoping she wouldn’t awake. Why was he doomed to have these burning desires? To give in would destroy the very thing he lusted after. To try and try again to only be greeted with disappointed. But, Adrien was his father’s son and couldn’t let a maiden be left untempted by a god’s burning passion so he stole her.

Luka extremely angry at the sun god for stealing his bride went after him in his chariot. He was prepared to die once again for the Princess. He chanced her day after day not stopping until Marinette was back by his side.

“Why me?” Marinette asked not able believe that one of the handsomest gods in Olympus had chosen her. She had heard from many stories that gods would come down and pick mortal mistresses or wives it was considered a great honor however, Marinette was promised to Luka.

“The Sun yearns for the Moon and my dear, your my Moon.” Adrien stated as he threaded his fingers into her hair.

“I think you have me confused with one of your relatives for I am Princess Marinette. Not a Goddess.” She said as Adrien dismissed all reasons in way he shouldn’t kiss her. Their lips touched. Such a sensation was something Marinette had never experienced before but according to the myths Adrien had.

“I’ll teach you everything I know.” He stated only to be interrupted by Luka’s arrival.

Both men drew their swords. They fought for hours on end from dawn to sunset for their love. Adrien did not know how Luka was managing to hold his own against a god when he was just a mortal. Such swordsmanship was impressive. The sounds of the clashing swords could be heard anywhere that included Olympus which was annoying the rest of the gods and goddesses.

“ENOUGH!” A thundering voice yelled. It was Zeus or as he like to be called when he was on mortal playing fields, Gabriel. “Young maiden you will choose here and now whom you wish to spend your life with.”

She stood there and studied each man carefully. She could pick Adrien, the most attractive man she had ever seen with his golden locks and gorgeous green eyes. He was capable of giving her anything she wanted: glory, power, jewels, horses, anything. Gods could do anything and therein lies the problem.
Gods were ageless and therefore he was unfaithful by nature.

As sad as it was she could not trust that he would stay by her side for all her life. When she grew old and lost her beauty, the very thing that caused Adrien to fall in love with her. Was it even love? Adrien didn’t know her, nor did he even bother to ask for her name.

Luka on the other had was not as attractive compared to the perfection of manhood that stood beside him. He had the brutality of a pirate all over him and rarely set foot on land. He loved her, though, and had proved his love by bravely facing the chariot race that was thought impossible to win. Life with him would be simple compared to the one she could have with Adrien but at least she would have a committed, faithful relationship for all her life.

The decision that could change her life came down to the difference between love and lust. Love was an intense feeling of affection. Love was the both the best thing and worst thing that could happen to a person. Lust was just physical attraction and has no lasting effect.

Marinette weighed her options then made up her mind and ended up turning down Adrien. Choosing Luka as her husband. Adrien left the battlefield disgraced and promised not to hurt any of them or to take revenge. Luka and Marinette got married and lived happily ever after.

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