Locked In

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This chapter is based on the Miraculous Office AU on YouTube by Emzurl. If you haven't seen go watch it. It's so amazing! It's animated and there's multiple voice actors.

This chapter contains  sexual content so viewers discretion advised. It's a smut chapter, you freaks are welcome.

"Felix here's the receipt for the upcoming runway." Marinette said as she handed him a paper that held expenses upon expenses. The last thing she needed to do before going home for the day.

"Thank you, Miss Dupain-Cheng."
He replied as he watched his receptionist head towards the door. She turned the knob several times but no luck. She even  checked to make sure the door was unlocked. She then tried to use her body weight and still no luck.

"Having difficulties?" Felix asked as he  walked over to assist her. She sometimes had him open jam jars in the break room and thought prehaps the door was just jammed a bit.

Felix attempted to opened the door the normal way then he to tried his body weight. He was at least two heads taller then her surely the door would open but no luck.

"I tired that already." She added as she watched him struggle. "I'll just text Claude or Allegra or maybe Alan . It's only 10 they should all still be awake." She said. Her eyes grew wide when she realized she left her purse at her desk. "Nevermind."

"Miss Dupain-Cheng that's quite irresponsible." He scolded.

"Where is your's?" She asked knowing that Felix possessed their other three coworkers numbers.

"I currently do not have one." He said since the previous night he wanted to get pictures of himself as ChatNoir to impress a girl he may or not have a crush on but he accidentally dropped on the way to the Effiel Tower.

"Maybe we could use the land line?" She said then realizing that the floor they were rewiring the phone lines and fix the AC and heat since other departments were having issues. "Then maybe not."

Marinette looked up cursing herself for closing the door in the first place. She then notice the ceiling vents.
"Maybe I could crawl threw the air vents?" She said to herself as begin to move Felix's paperwork to one side of his desk.  Felix had his back turn wondering why the door knob had jammed so. Prehaps an Akuma? Or one of Claude's pranks?

Felix alerted by the sound of papers shuffling turned around. "That's priceless mahogany!" Felix yelled as Marinette had already one leg on the desk.

"It's either I sit on your shoulders or I stand on the desk." She said knowing that she had to get out of the situation incase there was an Akuma attack. Hell, knows ChatNoir couldn't de-evilize an Akuma. He could only provoke it.

"Miss Dupain-Cheng you can't possibly think you could sit on my shoulders wearing a pencil skirt." He added crossing out both options.

"I guess I'll just have to take it off. Can't crawl in the vent with it on anyway." She stated knowing that the city of Paris was worth losing her dignity.

"MISS DUPAIN-CHENG!" Felix blushed fiddling with his tie. His tone a little higher, a reaction of letting his imagination run wild. He coughed trying to gain his composer. "I am your coworker let alone your boss I would prefer not seeing my employee in such a state."

"Then close your eyes." She said as used the desk to take off her black Louboutin heels that she bought with her first paycheck.

She unzipped the golden zipper that conformed to the right side of her black skirt. Felix immediately shut his eyes knowing if he kept looking he would get himself in trouble. She dropped her skirt crossing her fingers that all this would be worth it.

She noticed that Felix was not exactly lined up to the vent so she grabbed his hand pulling him forward. He shuddered at her touch trying to take deep breaths knowing that what was going to happen next would jeopardize him ever being able to think of her as just an employee or just a friend.

"Can you crouch down?" She asked as she moved behind him not wanting to make the situation anymore awkward between the two.

He did as she requested. She hoped she could harness the agility she possessed as Ladybug. She did this move plenty times with ChatNoir but never in a pink blouse, panties, and nylon stockings.
She laid her hands on Felix's shoulder feeling him jolt.

"Are you sure I can't use the desk?" She added. Not knowing if she could reach vent if she stood on the desk with out her heels.

"No, absolutely not. My desk is not a step ladder."

"Says the step ladder." She teased. Thinking it was funny how he was willing to be climbed on for the sake of a desk. "Do you think you can handle my body weight on your shoulders? I mean you workout and all but that doesn't mean you can hold a person."
She rambled a little embarrassed that they've gotten this far and she was just now worried about his safety.

"Don't worry. If I can carry this company on my shoulders then surely I can carry you." He replied not meaning his comment to sound like a pick up line.

"Okay if you're sure." She said before starting a count down. "One. Two. Thre-" She push down on his shoulders and stretched her arms out swinging her legs up and over. The end result had her sitting her upper thighs on his shoulders and her hands were free giving her the ability to push on the vent.

"Are you okay?" She asked  as he stood straight. She wondered if she was too heavy. She knew he said that he could do it. But this was a similar stubbornness she had to deal with when she was with ChatNoir."You probably should hold onto to my thighs so I don't fall off when I try to pry the vent open."

He took his hands and placed them ever so delicatly on her thighs. His hands laid directly on her thigh in which her black nylon stockings began. He dared not open his eyes for reality felt like it would be too much for him.

Marinette stretched her arms up attempting to pry the screws from the vent with brute force. "Come on, you stupid thing." She shifted different directions hoping that she would get more leverage.

"Ahaaa." Marinette gasped as Felix had gripped harder onto her thighs. He could feel the fabric of her panties on the back of his neck he tried to prevent himself from indecent thoughts by guessing the fabric but her constant shifting proved to be too much.

He opened his eyes meaning to look at the vent wondering of prehaps all of this was a waste of time if they didn't not possess a screw driver or a power drill.  Instead his face flushed red as he had quite the lewd view of Marinette. Her blouse clinged to every curve of her body. It also lifted up everytime she lifted her arms just ever so slightly as to let Felix have a sneak peek of her toned adomden. He gulped worried that Marinette would think ill of him for having such thoughts for little Miss Dupain-Cheng was going to be the death of him.

"I don't think I can get it open." She said as she gave it one good final try. She wiped sweat off her face for the vent had started blowing hot air. "I think they turned the heat on." She said as she moved her blouse back and forth from her chest attempting to cool down.

She wondered why Felix wasn't responding but then she thought since he was Felix that he was probably mad that she couldn't pry the vent open.
"I'm going to hop off." She said wanting to give him a warning but his hands remained on her thighs.

"Felix? Earth to Felix Agreste." She repeated but calling his name wasn't working. She then put her hand in his blonde hair and pulled his head back forcing him to look at her.

His usually pale face was beet red as he stared up at her. His emerald greens locked with her cerulean blues. "I can't get down if you don't let go." She said worried that Felix was being overly affected by the heat.

"Yes... of.. of.. c.c.. course." He stuttered as he removed his hands from her thighs.

She gracefully stretched out her legs once more. "One. Two. Thre-." She counted as she put the pressure of her body weight on his shoulders. She moved her hips and legs back then dropped her feet to the floor. A trick an acrobat or a gymnast could easily perform.

"Sorry that was a waste of time. I really thought I could open it." She said as she tried to reach for her skirt without walking in front of Felix.  He could see that her skirt was barely out of reach and instead letting his urges get the better of him, he picked it up and handed to her.  "Thanks!"

She put the pencil skirt back on then she grabbed Felix's hand and forced him to sit in the chair. He immediately crossed his legs hoping Marinette didn't notice why he did so.

She moved his blonde locks to feel his forehead. "You need to take some layers off." She said genuinely worried about him fainting from a heatstroke.

"I am perfectly fine." He stated knowing heat was not the cause of his current condition.

"At least take your jacket and vest off. Looking at you is making me sweat." She said as she fanned herself with her hand.

"Miss Dupain-Cheng I appreciate your concern but I am fine."

"Fine my ass." She said as she grabbed his tie pulling is face close to hers. "If you don't take off your clothes. I'm going to do it for you."

He gulped she had stern tone but her sentence seem to fan the flame in his  southern borders.

"I am afraid... I can't stand up." He mumbled not wanting to admit why.

"Fine. Have it your way." She said as she leaned forward to shimy his jacket off. She avoided eye contact knowing that what she was doing to her boss  was extremely inappropriate but there was no way he would pass out on her watch. If she can't save Paris tonight at least she can save him. Even if it meant she would lose her job.

"Move your arm back." She ordered so she could get one arm out of the jacket sleeve. He followed her orders in hope that the faster he cooperated the faster she'd leave him suffer in peace.

Once his jacket was freed she slumped it to the ground. She loosened his black  tie so it could go over his head but before she did she unbuttoned a few of his dress shirt buttons. "This was a bad idea." She stated as she could see part of his chest. She had seen him shirtless before in ads but this was different.

Felix agreed that indeed her actions weren't the wisest but he wanted her to continue. "Is it?" He said not trying really well to resist his urges.

"Of course it is I can't take your shirt off before your vest." She said not knowing if she was containing her embarrassment. She definitely wasn't containing her hormones since her hands were still on Felix chest. She slowly slipped her hands to his vest and unbuttoned equally as slowly.

She looked up expecting to find Felix  mildly embarrassed or a little angry but he was biting his fist staring at the wall, cheeks flushed, hoping that Marinette wasn't going to keep on pushing because eventually he was planning to push back.

"I think you'll be okay." She said reluctantly moving her hands.
She sat on Felix's desk hoping he would be angry at her for the rest of the night. She'd rather him be angry since she could not handle the steamy atmosphere she accidentally created.

Felix knew a few solutions to fix his once little but now big problem. He could recite sport car models, say the English alphabet backwards, take a cold shower but temptation sat so close. With her blue eyes, dark hair, sweaty body as if she was the forbidden fruit itself.

'If only I could transform.' He thought. He could just cataclysm the door and be on his merry way. If he did that in the first place he wouldn't be between Heaven and Hell. He then thought it's better late then never but putting on a skin tight suit was the worst thing he could possibly do.

"Felix? Are you mad? I know I probably shouldn't of taken your jacket and stuff off. Pretty unprofessional right?"

"Marinette turn around and cover your ears. Stay like that until I tell you otherwise. " He ordered. Using the same tone he did when he was barking orders at his employees.

She did not understand why. Maybe it was a punishment? If it was it was well deserved but it was odd he didn't yell at her for sitting on his precious desk.

Felix knew there was no way he could get through the night. He uncrossed his legs. He had to do this now otherwise he would suffer. He took a deep breath undid his belt hoping to keep quiet enough for Marinette not to hear.

He unbuttoned his trousers and lowered his boxers just enough to expose his member. He took the box of tissues from the desk to prepare for the inevitable. He placed his hand on his member and began to move his hand up and down. Biting his lip everytime he wanted to moan. He stopped occasionally to make sure Marinette remained unaware.

He had done this a few times before but never had the object of his affections been so close yet so far. He let himself imagine it was her hand instead of his own. He leaned back in the chair knowing that he was about to erupt. For he had a habit of letting his fantasies get the best of him.

Marinette wondered if he was filing paperwork for she heard grunting sounds but the papers that were on his desk were priority and they haven't been touched. Maybe he was trying to figure out an escape plan and the grunts were just from frustration.

Against her boss's orders she removed her hands from her ears. "Felix are you-" She stared to say before Felix interrupted with a loud moaned.

"I BEG OF YOU DON'T TURN AROUND MISS DUPAIN-CHENG!" He panicked. He needed both time to clean up and time to come up with an explanation.

Marinette's face flushed red yet again. She could hear him frantically try to clean up. She wondered if she caused him to do such a thing. She had his head between her thighs and then the next moment she practically had her hands all over him.

"Did I cause you to ya know?" She asked not knowing what she was going to if he said yes prehaps risk any hopes of reestablishing their already ruined employee-boss relationship.

"I don't think that's an appropriate question." Felix said after taking a few breaths. He refused to be confronted by what he did.

"So it's a yes then." Marinette worked with him enough to know if he avoid a yes or no question it was probably a yes. She turned to face him giving way to Felix's fear of confrontation.

He had everything cleaned up, tissues in the bin, underwear and pants pulled up, only his belt wasn't return to it's original state. "I promise you I can explain."

Marinette jumped off the desk and thought about her choices and that she probably going to loose her job anyway so might as well take advantage of the situation. She unzipped her skirt and shimeed out of it trying to lure her boss. She slipped it slowly over her hips exposing her panties that he didn't get to enjoy earlier. They were black lace but had a dark metallic blue sewn into them that complimented her hair.

She jumped back up on the desk sitting with her legs spread just enough to entice her boss. "You can touch me if you'd like." She said as she rubbed her inner thigh.

Felix stood up and closed her legs not wanting her to have any regrets sleeping with her boss. "We can't."

"So your allowed to get your rocks off but I'm not?" She asked as she grabbed his hands into hers and pulled him into her. His weight toppled them causing her to have her back flat the desk and him on top of her. "Don't I get a reward for helping you try to find Hawkmoth?"

"You know I don't reward employees for unfinished work." He replied using one hand from smushing Marinette. Marinette not agreeing with Felix's comment wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Then punish me." She said as she grabbed his face for a sloppy kiss. Felix's consciousness was telling him this was a terribly stupid idea but his lower region was one hundred percent on board.

Marinette ruffled her hands through his blonde locks as they dueled with their mouths occasionally gasping for air. Felix took his free hand and undid a few buttons on her blouse exposing her matching black bra. He slipped his hand up it cupping one of her breast. He smirked as her moans were muffled by his lips.

She moved her hands sliding them against his muscler body until she reach his waist band unzipping his fly hoping that Felix wasn't a one shot type of guy. Much to her enjoyment he was already on the right path.

"E...lix." She asked trying to ask him an important question before continuing but he seemed a little too focused. She temporary pulled him off of her gaining his attention.

"Felix, do you have a condom?" She asked. She was already on brith control but she wanted to be extra safe.

"I do not." He sadly admitted now realizing that their fun was over.

"And you called me irresponsible?" she giggled. "You can use my thighs instead."

He cocked his head not sure if that would be as satisfying to both partners.

She stretched her legs up in the air resting them on Felix. "If we do it like this it'll probably feel the best."

He pulled down his pants a little further ready to see if her suggestion would pay off.  She had to spread her legs just enough for it to fit then she closed them again as tight as she could. He slowly started to move. At first he didn't like it since he was rubbing against the lace fabric but when he saw Marinette's reactions he couldn't help but to continue. 

She was so glad she suggestion this position for she was intimidated by his size. She would of needed some type of lube to get it were she wanted it. "FELIX!!" she moaned as he used both his hands to fondle her small but perky bosoms. He no longer needed a hand to balance in this position nor could he kiss her but to the important they was that she was truly enjoying every moment of it.

She leaned her head back thinking that she was almost to the stage of bliss but when she looked at the door she immediately pulled her blouse back together. Felix looked up to see what freaked her out and it was none of then their fellow colleagues coming in for their morning shift.

They saw that Felix's officie light was on and there was noises they thought it was an intruder trying to steal fashion secrets. None of them were expecting to find Marinette and Felix in such a compromised state.

"You two forgot that there's a timed lock out the outside of the office doors from 10pm to 5am  didn't you?" Allan pointed out embarrassing Felix and Marinette further.

"Damn, Mari wear lingere just for Felix?" Claude said as everyone got a peek at Marinette's bra when the door was first opened. Allegra smacked him for such a rude comment.

"Everyone out." Felix ordered both irritated and frustrated knowing that Claude is going to open his idiot mouth to anybody would listen.

"Sorry, Miss Dupain-Cheng, I guess are little endeavor is cut short." He said as clearly the mood was ruined. He pulled out from her thighs gently lowering her legs. He helped her sit up.

"Is it?" She questioned pointing to his package.

"I can clearly handle this on my own." He said not wanting Marinette to be caught in such a compromising position again. She pushed him against a wall and knelt to the ground surprising Felix when she took the initiative to suck him off even know their colleagues were just on the otherside of these walls.

She licked the tip not sure if she could fit the whole thing in her mouth but she was down to try. She held it still with her hands as she sucked. Felix grabbed the back of Marinette's held. Trying not to let any sound escape but the feeling was far superior then a hand or her thighs.

"I'M GOING TOO---" He shouted before ejaculated into her mouth. She swallowed before pulling his pants up and buckling his belt.

"Couldn't let you deal with that all day." Marinette stated knowing that she would be given a death stare from Allegra and receive unnecessary comments and questions from Claude.

"Thank you that was very much appreciated." He replied a little embarrassed that it was his first time receiving a blow job.

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