Toliet Paper Trees

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Adrien, for so many years you've stuck by me. No matter if I was your cute little childhood friend or the mean brat you had to see in school, you have never given up on me. You've been the light that defeated my darkness, and you still are. You are the dearest person to me and I realized today that I can't imagine my life without you. Will you marry me?" Chloe asked not willing to exhale until she confessed everything she pent up inside.

Those last four words mingled in his mind. “Will you marry me?” A complex question with a simple answer. He felt as if he should say ‘Yes’ after all she was his Ladybug or as she preferred to be called, Scarlett Lady. Even though Lady Scarlett rolled off the tongue better.

“I don’t know what to say.” He replied. This was the honest truth. Plagg had always joked about how the past ChatNoir and Ladybugs ended up married or dead.

“You win some, you lose some.” Plagg once told Adrien. “However in your case it’s a lose, lose situation.” His comments were usually followed by intense snickering. He relished in Adrien’s suffering when it revolved around Chloe.

“Don’t make me kneel on one knee, Agreste. It’ll dirty my two hundred dollar designer jeans.” Chloe stomped as if she wasn’t going to leave him alone it the word ‘Yes’ passed through his lips.

“Chloe...” Adrien started. The nonchalant tone in his voice made Chloe quickly cut him off.

“I MEAN IT AGRESTE!” She shouted loud enough for all of Paris to hear. To think Adrien thought that he was just hanging out with a friend. Eating at a expensive restaurant, taking a walk in the park, and then having the manners to escort her home. It sounded similar to a date but Chloe had high expectations and he felt it was his duty as her friend to entertain her.

“If you say No, I’ll get akumatized.”
Chloe dramatized.

“Then get akumatized.” Adrien replied before turning around and walking away. He had immediately regretted those words as soon as he heard himself say them.

‘I poured my heart out risking our beloved friendship with him and he doesn’t even care if I’ll get akumatized.’ Chloe thought before she slammed her door and slumped down onto the floor.

A few hours later, on a rooftop in the most recently dubbed ‘unromantic’ city in the world sat the famous superhero Scarlett Lady. Her black spotted legs dangled off the building’s ledge. She was both on the edge of a unrepairable heart and her and her teammates’ usual meeting spot. Marigold, the first to arrive, was the holder of bee miraculous who could be a total stranger out of costume but she was Scarlett Lady’s most dearest friend. More dear then Sabrina. And now even more dearer then Adrien.

“Scarlett, tell me wants wrong.” Marigold suggested. Her and Scarlett Lady used to hate each other with a fiery passion but as they got older, they grew on each other.

“It’s nothing.” Chloe said with as much attitude she could muster. Marigold raised her mask-brow not believing that it was just ‘nothing’.  Marigold knew that all three heroes had one thing in common beside being Paris’s protection (or as Chat would say “PURR-tection”) against Papillon.

They all deflected their true emotions but they all did it in different ways. Scarlett Lady uses her attitude as a way of shielding herself from forming relationships whether friendly or romantic because in her experience they would inevitably not live up to her standards. ChatNoir uses his puns as a way of avoiding a serious issues. Marigold uses pranks  as ways to vent out her frustration. Her frustration was caused by not telling ChatNoir that she's stupidly in love with him and that nobody is going to reveal their identities which will cause her to end up a single woman with twelve too many cats.

Marigold made herself a spot next to Scarlett Lady. No pun intended. She wanted to listen to what was bugging her distressed friend. ”ChatNoir isn't here yet so can tell me anything.”

”There’s this guy.” Scarlett Lady sniffed.

”Maybe, he's not ’the one’.” Marigold added hoping that Scarlett Lady wasn't going to cry because Marigold even know she would hate to admit it she was a softy. Scarlett Lady crying would lead to Marigold crying and it would be like going to a Waterpark that wasn’t fun.

”Your a nineteen, single, independent, young, attractive woman and you don’t need this guy.” Marigold added making Scarlett Lady feel worse than better.

”I'm all of those things but this Adrien fudging Agreste! The embodiment of perfection. I deserve to be with someone as perfect as me.” Scarlett Lady huffed. She thought the Marigold was going to say something along the lines of ”Adrien Agreste has so many choices maybe he doesn't want to settle.”

However, ChatNoir’s appearance interrupted the conversation. ”Hey.”  ChatNoir greeted. He seemed about as down in the dumps as Scarlett Lady.
”What are you two, ladies up two on this fine night?” He asked hoping their answer would distract him from saying those harsh words to Chloe. He knew that Chloe didn't show her vulnerable side, civilian or hero so she would probably respond with ’okay’ or ’fine’.

”Scarlett Lady and I are going to toilet paper a house. You in?” Marigold asked. She already had the supplies stashed away. The original plan was to toilet paper the Mayor's hotel on the basis that she his daughter was Marigold’s sworn enemy but now Marigold had a new target.

ChatNoir cocked his head and stared at  Marigold, a slender-framed woman about ChatNoir’s age or younger, dressed in a head to toe, yellow and black, bee-themed costume. Marigold was known as Paris’s prankster this was probably the reason why ChatNoir thought of her nothing more than a friend but out of respect for her partners’ hero image she never included them until now.

”He is not invited.” Scarlett Lady proclaimed as she dragged Marigold away from her crush. “It’s girl’s night.”

”Who are we toilet papering?” Scarlett Lady whispered as she wrapped her arm around Marinette who now had many rolls of toilet paper in a large brown shopping bag lowering her voice so ChatNoir couldn’t hear.

”The Agreste mansion of course.” Marigold replied with a devious grin.

ChatNoir wanted to stop them but he convinced himself that not stopping them was the right thing to do. If toilet papering his house would make Chloe just a little bit better than he would take it. For her.

After they left ChatNoir sat accompanied by his own loneliness. He thought about yelling from the rooftops who he was in love with. To hope she would hear his words and find him but that seemed more like a plot to a Hallmark movie than real life.

”I should apologize to Chloe. First thing tomorrow.” He stated as he dreaded the confrontation of Marigold and Scarlett Lady as Adrien.

ChatNoir transformed back into his civilian form in the park. Hoping that by the time he walked from point A to B the girls would be down vandalizing his house. But soon enough he heard screams and saw a boy anywhere from eight to twelve sitting on a flying pillow. He was obviously a victim of Papillon’s akuma.

The most Adrien could do in his civilian from was avoid the Villain’s blasts. Who knows what the blast would do, make him a mindless minion? Make him hurt the ones he loves? Or heaven forbids make him run around in high heels? The options were endless.

Adrien tried to make it to his house undetected of course this wouldn’t be much of a story if he made it without be hit by the Villain’s blast. Now would it?

Adrien didn’t feel or look any different. He felt find then he began to wonder what exactly this boy’s power was. Having ‘Nothing’ as a power seemed as if it was Adrien’s luckiest day. As the superstition goes a black cat isn’t know for having good luck.

Not feeling effected in anyway Adrien continued in the direction of home. There he would hope to see Scarlett Lady and Marigold toilet papering his house.

He was nearly to his house that was surrounded by toilet paper trees curtesy of Scarlett Lady and Marinette. He was at the gate when a female voice shouted “Adrien!” The blonde man quickly turned his head to see Marinette. She was rather muscular for her petite appearance, she had dark hair as dark as a raven’s feathers, she had eyes that were the purest bluebell, and this smile that Adrien couldn’t possibly resist.

“Marinette?” Adrien questioned.

She simply smiled before speaking words that put a dagger through his heart. “I came to tell you that Luka and I are eloping. Then we will be moving in together and getting a pet, hamster. We will name the hamster Adrien in honor of you.”

Did Adrien’s ears deceive him? That Marinette said she was going to marry Luka. Luka ‘I can play a guitar’ Couffaine.
Adrien was friends with Luka until he realized they were both interested in her. Luka wasn’t in the Friend Zone like Adrien so Luka still had a chance,

“Aren’t a little young?” Adrien asked.

“I just know it’s meant to be!” She gleefully replied.

“Adrien!” Another female voice shouted. This voice belonged to Marigold who had a few cardboard rolls in her hands that were leftover from vandalizing the Agreste mansion. She momentarily ignored her civilian doppelgänger since she was too focused on Adrien.

She grabbed Adrien by his collar debating what to do with him. She could tell Scarlet Lady that she caught him but Scarlet Lady would of took pity on this the man who broke her heart. Adrien felt that he deserved whatever was coming to him.

To his surprised Marigold released him knowing that ChatNoir would give her the ‘superheroes don’t beat up innocent people’ speech. Again.  “All I ask is be a decent man and apologize to Chloe. She’s a friend of mine and you really hurt her feelings.”

“First thing tomorrow.” He replied wanting Marigold to be on her merry way so he could tell Marinette why she shouldn’t marry Luka.

Marigold looked at the fake Marinette and smiled. “Hello, what’s your name?” Marigold asked as she held out her hand for a hand shake with the fake Marinette. This was a test. If she was dealing with Volphina or a villain with similar powers the illusion would disappear upon contact however if it didn’t then she was either dealing with someone like Copycat or a whole new set of powers.

“My name is Marinette. And I’m your biggest fan!” Fake Marinette said as she shook the real Marinette’s hand vigorously.

‘Not a illusion that makes my job harder’ Marigold thought as she smiled pretending that this person was the real Marinette. “Thank you.”

“I love your pranks especially that time you pied the Mayor on live  TV.” Fake Marinette told Marigold. Adrien hated that prank it was one of the pranks that went too far.

Marigold grabbed the black and yellow spinning top around her waist. Fake Marinette being Marigold’s biggest fan was an opportunity for her to get rid of this fake Marinette. “Do you want to hold this? It’s not effective unless I utter the magic words.”

“Really?” Fake Marinette exclaimed not believing such an important superhero would let her hold such a powerful item. That small moment when fake’s Marinette hands were held out to receive it, Marigold said “Venom.” The mere second that it touched the doppelgänger‘s skin, she was suppose to freeze in place.

“Something a matter?” The Fake Marinette asked. Marigold almost felt bad for whoever or whatever she was.

Adrien noticed something as the two women were talking, a boy on the flying pillow was heading towards Marigold. He felt a little guilty for debating wether to tell her or not, since he had just witnessed her attempting to poison Marinette.

“Marigold!” Adrien shouted pointing at villain he tried to grab fake Marinette’s hand to keep her out of harms way.

“How dare you!” Fake Marinette slapped Adrien across the face. ‘Is this what they call Karma?’ He thought.

Marigold was distracted by fake Marinette suddenly slapping Adrien that she momentarily dropped her guard. The child who was now standing on the flying pillow took advantage of this and blasted Marigold with a stream of blue light that had a who knows what effect. “Sandboy just checked in. Now it’s time for nightmares to begin.”

“I’m fearless!” Marigold said aiming to wrap her spinning top around Sandboy’s pillow. “Do I have to repeat myself? Get her to safety.” Marigold order now knowing that the fake Marinette was somehow a personification of Adrien’s nightmare. She played tug of war over the pillow before ChatNoir appeared.

“What took you..” before she could finish her sentence he attacked her causing her to let lose of the string of the spinning top.

“You think you can begin to compare to Scarlett Lady? She’s my one and only. You on the other hand are a nobody.” He stated. She realized he was just the embodiment of her nightmare but it still hurt to hear those things that she believed to be true.

“Back off!” Adrien said as he picked up a nearby stick and was planning on defending his friend.

Soon the two men were sword fighting. One armed with the baton, the other armed with a simple tree branch. “Go after him.” Adrien stated as he tried to beat the fake ChatNoir.

“It’s not like she can do anything right. She’s a worthless partner.” He stated getting on Adrien’s last nerve. He could take his frustrations out on this fake ChatNoir. Couldn’t he?

“She can’t even admit she’s in lov..” Adrien didn’t want to hear the end of that sentence so he hit him as hard as he could with the branch.

“Nice swing.” Marigold complemented as she tried to contact Scarlett Lady on her spinning top that unraveled from Sandboy’s pillow.

“You call that a swing? Luka could do so much better.” Fake Marinette pointed out. Marigold was tempted to hit her with the branch.

“What’s taken you so long?” Scarlet Lady questioned who was on the other side of the Agreste property waiting for Marigold to return with more toilet paper.

“There has been an Akuma attack. And I’m about to turn back.” She said worried that she might not be of any help to the real ChatNoir.

“You could stay at my place.” Adrien then realized what he said and tried to back pedal.  “until your transformation wears off. I mean.”

She smiled as she saw’ll a group of reporters heading to her and Adrien’s direction. She grabbed Adrien’s arm on instinct since Scarlett Lady made rule number one of being a superhero was to protect Adrien Agreste. Even if Adrien broke Scarlett Lady’s heart the rule was still in effect.

Knowing that Scarlett Lady was willing to protect him wether there or not made him think about how he should of given Chloe a chance. He wouldn’t be in this predicament if he had just said ‘Yes.’

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