~How Loss Lead to My Salvation~

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Yeah, if this story is cringe at first I'm sorry. But it was just an idea I had a few days ago, and since I have a lot of free time until April 6th....I decided to do this. So I hope you enjoy it.  And if some who doesn't know who Hayami is then you might want to read my first story before reading this. Otherwise you might be a little bit confused.

~Nathalie's POV in Paris, France~

It had been ten years since Hawkmoth's defeat at the hands of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Ten years since Gabriel Agreste was locked away for his crimes against Paris, he took full responsibility for the akumatizations. So I managed to escape without any punishment for my sins. No punishment aside from having to live with the knowledge of what I had done.

I snuck into the city capital building and had taken the two boxes that everyone was trying to keep hidden forever. I have to remove the memories of what Gabriel and I did in the past. We both let our love get the better of us, my past as Mayura is in the past.

I was now sending the boxes away forever. This might not be the best idea for the good of the world but I have to do this. I have to make sure that Paris is never harmed by these jewels again.

I think that Japan would be far enough away from Paris that they would never find their way back to this country. And just to be safe I decided to send the two boxes to Tokyo.

So I headed over to the post office and sent the two boxes to be shipped overseas to Japan. As I walked away from the post office, I began to question if this was ultimately a good idea. But I know that it won't end up as my problem, so I don't really care.

~Hayami's POV in Tokyo, Japan~

I was standing in the school bio lab crying my eyes out as I stared down at the body of my brother. His coma didn't make any news, because the school had covered it up and I hated them for it.

Ok to be fair, I hate the Hope's Peak staff anyway. Their experiments put him into a coma that makes it seem from what I overheard that he would most likely never wake up ever again. They are pretty much classifying him as being dead at this point anyway.

Why did Hope's Peak do it? Simple they care more about their stupid reputation than their students, and that is something that I hope they get karma for. I doubt it but hopefully, if I need to then I will give them karma myself.

I decided to head into the city for dinner to try and clear my mind, while heading to a noodle shop that I like to visit occasionally. While walking past an alley about a block from the shop, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye.

Since I wanted to know what it was, I walked down the alley to see what it was. Once I was far enough into the alley I could tell what I saw, I found out it was a box. A single black and red octagon shaped box that was about the size of my palm.

It felt wrong for me to take it, but I was having a bad day so I pocketed the box to look at when I went back to the dorms. I then left to go have noodles and make myself feel better.

~TIME SKIP and No one's POV~

After an hour of being at the noodle shop, Hayami had walked back to the Hope's Peak dormitory with a small smile on her face. The noodles made her feel a lot better, and now she can find out what is up with the octagonal box she found before having noodles.

Hayami sat down on her bed after taking off her shoes and began to open the small box. Once she had gotten the box open Hayami had to shield her eyes from a bright purple light coming from the box. She ended up falling off of her bed and dropping the box in surprise.

"Ow! My head, what just happened?" Hayami says as she stands up from falling over. She looked at where the box had landed and saw a brooch in the shape of a butterfly on the floor.

She then noticed a small floating lavender colored creature floating slightly above the floor. "WHAT THE HECK?! Am I dreaming?! Is this a hallucination?" Hayami says as she starts to freak out.

The creature puts their equivalent of hands up in a manner that is basically saying. Calm the heck down "Master Hayami, there is no need to freak out. And to answer your questions, this is neither a dream or a hallucination." The lavender creature says and Hayami just looks confused.

Hayami is confused by what is happening. Though she decides not to throw random objects at the thing. "Who and what are you?!" She says as she pulls herself back to her feet before sitting down on her bed once more.

"Well Master Hayami, my name is Nooroo and I am the Kwami of Transmission and the Butterfly Miraculous." Nooroo says with a small bow. Hayami now looked even more confused.

Hayami leans down to grab the Miraculous from the floor and smiles. "Hmm ok. Well it is nice to meet you Nooroo. But if you could please drop the master thing. I don't like it very much, so what does the Butterfly Miraculous do?" Hayami asks as she pins the Miraculous to uniform jacket.

The broach then transforms to a simple white oval shaped broach. "Understood Hayami. The Butterfly Miraculous allows you to give someone their own superpowers and to make that person your devoted follower!" Nooroo says. Hayami's eyes seemingly light up at this.

"Hmm. Interesting. Are there any more Miraculouses or things I should know about?" Hayami says as a white butterfly lands on her finger and she smiles before pulling out her journal to take some notes. This was certainly going to get a lot more interesting.

"There is more that I can tell you, Hayami. Many centuries ago, magic jewels bestowing extraordinary powers were created. These were... the Miraculous. Throughout history, heroes have used these jewels for the good of the human race. Two of these Miraculous are more powerful than the others: the earrings of the Ladybug, which provide the power of creation; and the ring of the Black Cat, which grants the power of destruction. According to legend, whoever controls both these jewels at the same time will achieve absolute power." Nooroo says as Hayami proceeds to write the entire monologue down.

Hayami nods, setting down her pen. "Ok, Nooroo. Another question, has anyone used the Miraculous before? Because I remember seeing something about this when I was around four on the News? Wasn't it in Paris, France?" Hayami asks and Nooroo sadly nods.

"That would be correct Hayami. It is something I don't remember fondly, ten years in Paris, France the attacks of my former master Gabriel Agreste also known as Hawkmoth plagued the city. He was defeated by Ladybug and Chat Noir and he was arrested. The reason for his actions was to try and get Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculouses to revive his wife who had fallen into a coma after growing extremely ill." Nooroo says and Hayami's face shows something between sadness, and the I have an idea face.

Hayami glances at the butterfly that was now sitting on her skirt and smiles. "That is what it was. I remember always feeling that Hawkmoth was evil, but now that I have heard what drove him I can't help but feel for him in a small way. I lost someone recently and honesty would do anything to get him back. Hajime didn't deserve his fate that Hope's Peak gave him." Hayami says as a wave of tears begin to fall from her eyes.

Nooroo flies away from Hayami and grabs a tissue from her desk before flying back and handing it to her. "Here Hayami, it will be ok." Nooroo says as Hayami wipes her eyes to stop the flow of tears.

"Thank you Nooroo. But I doubt that you would understand, Hajime was my TBBFF. Which is the abbreviation for twin brother best friend forever. Hope's Peak took him away from me, I don't care who I have to hurt to get him back. I will get Hajime back no matter what. NO MATTER WHAT." Hayami says as her face darkens and she grips her Miraculous.

Nooroo notices white butterflies flying into Hayami's room through the open window and begins to surround Hayami's body. "Hayami, you might have a butterfly infestation." Nooroo says.

Hayami looks up from her lap to notice the butterflies filling her room. "Oh, that is a lot of butterflies. I'll deal with them later, I have school tomorrow. So I have to get to sleep, thankfully these kinds of things don't bother me too much. I'll just close the window to stop more from coming in." Hayami says as she walks to close the window.

Hayami then walks into her closet and comes back out wearing a purple nightgown. Nooroo floats over to Hayami as she lays down in her bed. "Good night Nooroo. I'll see you in the morning." Hayami says as she quickly falls asleep and Nooroo lays down on her nightstand.

Nooroo only hopes that things go better this time around, and that Hayami is a good person. He hopes that she doesn't decide to do anything too rash.

But we all should know that when someone gets a Miraculous especially the Butterfly Miraculous, can never lead to anything good in the end. But first a dream sequence because those are cool! And are totally necessary in a story like this. Also for anybody who doesn't like fourth wall breaks.....I'm sorry but I often enjoy doing them.

~Hayami's Dream~

Hayami is shown laying on the floor in a dark room filled with white butterflies and a large window that housed a butterfly insignia similar to the Butterfly Miraculous. She sits up and looks around.

Hayami: Huh? Where am I? What is this place?

She feels a tap on her shoulder and turns around to see no one was behind her. Hayami becomes very confused on who touched her.

????: Hello, Ms.Hayami Hinata.

Hayami turns around to see the man she recognizes as Hawkmoth and she gasps.

Hayami: Hawkmoth, why are you in my dream? I am beginning to think this is more of a nightmare. But seriously what is this place?

Hawkmoth puts his hand on Hayami's shoulder. She is highly confused by this action.

Hawkmoth: Well this place is my old lair in within my old mansion in Paris. Ms.Hinata, you know that the world has harmed you and you know deep down inside that you want your revenge for what your school and the people within it have done to you.

Hayami raises her eyebrow to this comment before crossing her arms and shaking her head in a way to signal no.

Hayami: What are you talking about?

Hawkmoth transforms back into Gabriel and puts the Butterfly Miraculous on Hayami's shirt.

Gabriel: You know what I am referring to Ms.Hinata. But to jot your memory a little bit. Follow me.

Gabriel walks over to the back of the lair and Hayami nervously follows him. The pair end up going down Gabriel's mysterious elevator to his repository.

Hayami: Excuse me, Mr.Agreste. It's not that I don't like your mysterious lair but how much farther is this thing that you want to show me?

Gabriel: We're almost there Ms.Hinata. In fact, here we are now.

The pair stops in front of something that Hayami believes is a cryogenic pod. Inside of the pod housed a person Hayami was very familiar with.


Hayami begins to cry as Gabriel sets a comforting hand on her shoulder once more.

Gabriel: You care about your twin brother very much don't you? And because of Hope's Peak Academy's experiments you have likely lost him forever now. That school doesn't deserve to get off scot free does it?

Hayami: No they don't. I won't let them, I will get my revenge for what they have done. They have torn my family apart, and that school doesn't deserve to stay open. And I swear right now. That no matter what comes of me. Anybody who stands or has stood in my path, they are going to pay for their actions. I will restore justice, for Hajime's sake.

Hayami wipes her tears as she grips the Butterfly Miraculous and a dark smirk appears on her face. Gabriel smiles as well, but for him it was even more malicious.

Hayami: I will get the remaining Miraculouses and use them to grant my wish. The wish I will do anything to fulfill it. Even if I have to harm everyone around me to do it. Justice will be restored in the streets of Tokyo.

~Dream End~

Hayami woke up the following morning and silently got ready for school. She was also trying her best to ignore her weird dream that she had the previous night.

She knew that Ms. Yukizome would get onto her case if she didn't attend class. Mahiru and Fuyuhiko didn't skip class after their friends' deaths, Hayami shouldn't either.

Nooroo joined Hayami in getting ready to leave. "Ok, time to head to class and pretend everything is ok when nothing is ok. Just a normal Tuesday for me, I guess. You can hide in my bag for right now Nooroo." Hayami says and Nooroo complies, flying into her bag.

"Hayami, are you sure that you are in a good enough mental state to still go to class? You don't look so good." Nooroo asks and Hayami sadly smiles.

"I know, Nooroo. But I can't just go and skip class for no reason. Besides I have a feeling that my teacher will come looking for me if I don't come to class." Hayami says as she allows a butterfly to fly onto her finger.

"Your teacher sounds intense." Nooroo says and Hayami just laughs.

Hayami eventually stops laughing. "Yeah she can be like that. But she just really cares about me and my classmates a lot. Now please be quiet Nooroo, I wouldn't want anyone to find out about you." Hayami says with a smile as she walks out of her dorm room to head to class.

Hayami keeps walking to class and on her way she runs into Chiaki who also seemed to be heading to class while playing on her handheld game device. "Hi, Hayami. How are you today?" Chiaki asks looking up from her game with a small smile.

Hayami faked a smile at her friend. "I'm ok, Chiaki. What game are you playing today?" Hayami asks, looking over Chiaki's shoulder at the screen.

"It's a fighting game I bought the other day called Miraculous Mecha Strike. It's a sorta spinoff to the Ultimate Mecha Strike series. Wanna play it with me at the fountain later?" Chiaki asks as her eyes seemingly sparkled.

Hayami internally didn't want to, well she wanted to just not at the fountain. Mainly because from the times that she had secretly watched Chiaki and Hajime play at the fountain together. But Hayami also knew Chiaki wouldn't be happy with her if she said no.

"Sure, I would love to. Let's get to class before Ms.Yukizome comes looking for us. We know what she is like when we are late for class." Hayami says and Chiaki nods before she looks back down at her device as the victory music plays.

"Yay. I won, this game is really fun. Then again every game is fun in it's own way." Chiaki says happily as the girls reach the hall of the classroom.

The peace as the two girls walked was interrupted by yelling. "Ha! A nasty, trashy, pigshit like you doesn't have any rights!" A feminine voice yells out. "I'M SORRY! P-Please don't hate me!" Another softer voice yells out.

"It seems Hiyoko is being herself and yelling at Mikan again. We should probably hurry down to the classroom to make sure everyone is alright." Hayami says as she runs to the classroom with Chiaki close behind her.

The girls make it to the classroom door and Chiaki opens it to find Hiyoko yelling at Mikan who was trying to pick up her nursing supplies from the floor where her bag had been seemingly knocked over.

"What on Earth happened!?" Hayami asks, rushing over to help Mikan pick up her stuff.

"I don't want to talk about it...and if Ms.Yukizome comes back. Please tell her I'm in the bathroom. I want to be alone right now." Mikan says as she takes her stuff and sadly walks out the classroom.

Hayami feels a pulse of energy through her body and clutches her Miraculous. "Umm, I'll be right back guys. I should go make sure Mikan is ok." Hayami says as she runs out of the room.

Nooroo pops his head out of Hayami's bag. "Hayami, what are you doing? We just passed the bathroom, weren't you going to check on Mikan?" Nooroo asks with concern in his voice.

Hayami shakes her head. "No, I just needed an excuse to leave the classroom. I feel this might be a good time to figure out just what I can do. Some people might see what I am doing as morally wrong, but I am helping Mikan to get her justice for Hiyoko's treatment." Hayami says as she walks into a storage closet.

Nooroo flies out of Hayami's bag with nervousness. "But Hayami, the Miraculouses are not meant to be used for evil purposes!" Nooroo says as Hayami shakes her head once more.

"I know that Nooroo. But I'm simply doing what I think is right." Hayami says as a butterfly flies under the door over to Hayami. "Perfect, it is time. Nooroo, Dark Wings Rise." Hayami says as Nooroo is absorbed into her Miraculous.

Hayami crosses her hands as a black and purple kimono forms, flowing down her body on where her uniform was previously. She spins around has hair lengthens to below her waist and darkens to a color that more resembles black than her natural brown. A black mask that covers her upper face down to her cheeks appears and a dark purple cane forms from her hands. She ends with one hand on the cane as she looks forward.

And so Chō No On'na was created, whether this would lead to humanity's destruction or not would be up to those her actions affect.

So that was the end of the first chapter of this story. I hope that you enjoyed it, I am working on the next one which should get out soon enough.

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