Chapter Six: Behind The Mask

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=======ADRIEN'S POV:========
Ladybug's plan was purrr-fect. Ha! See what I did there? Any-way,it was a mixture of Wolf-Girl's plan and Ladybug's plan. But,things are getting weird. WolfGirl wouldn't even go near me or talk to me. Expect,when she said "Pay-back",but that was it. And when I tried to talk to her,I stumble over my words. Anyway,all we have to do,is trick Mrs. Appear. And WolfGirl's the girl or it. WolfGirl walks out onto the street and her ears start flipping."She's listening for her"whispered Ladybug to me."Awww,you're hiding from me?! Ohhh! That's ashame...because I was willing to give you my miraculous!"she shouted."She's tricking you! She thinks that you're a fool!"Hawth Moth shouted to Mrs. Appear. "Hahaha! You think I'm a fool don't you,puppy?!"shouted Mrs. Appear. Me and Ladybug didn't see Mrs. Appear anywhere. But, WolfGirl on the other hand,knew exactly where she was. She turned around and she smirked like a evil villain would do."Oh-no! I'd never do that! I want to help you bring chaos to this worthless city"she said. Mrs. Appear revealed herself and walked up to the wolf."Your tricks don't work on me! I know you're faking!"she shouted as she grabbed Wolfy by her coller. WolfGirl didn't look afraid at all. She just rolled her eyes and took Mrs. Appear's hand off her. "Wow! She's brave!"I whispered to Ladybug."You think I'm faking?!*Chuckles*Do you really think that I like hanging around with a bug and a pussycat?!"said WolfGirl as she started to circle around Mrs. Appear. The magician stared at her with confusion."Sly wolf"I thought.
~~~~~~~GABRIELLA'S POV:~~~~~
Mrs. Appear kept staring at me. "So,do we still have a deal?"I asked her."Deal!"she said as she shook my hand. We walked away into a building,while Ladybug and Cat Noir were still on the roof. They soon,came down the building and hid in the bushes."Okay,so this is how we're gonna do things. We pretend like we don't know what's going on. Okay?"said Ladybug. Cat Noir nodded and they went inside the building,too."Mrs. Appear! Let go of my cousin!"shouted Ladybug. Soon,Mrs. Appear appeared on top of some stairs."Let her go?! Hahaha! Please,her cousin has ditched you and fur-ball over there!"she shouted."Yeah,right! As if! Wolfy would ever join a big show-off like you!"said Cat.
"*Chuckles*Aww,says the whittle kitty that's shows-off all the time just to impress Ladybug!"I said as I appeared behind Mrs. Appear. Cat's face turned bright red."Oh, what's wrong? Did I embarrassed you in front of your one and only true love?!"I said as I jumped  down from the stairs and walked right up to them."Wolfy? How could you betray us--betray me?!" said Ladybug. I stared at her before I chuckled."Why do you think?! I'm done being your sidekick!"I shouted at as I put my face in hers. I took out my nunchucks and kick Cat and Ladybug in their stomaches."I. WANT. THOSE. MIRACULOUSES!!"I shouted. Cat ran towards me and the battle had started.
=========ADRIEN'S POV:======
I dodged her kicks and punches, but then kicks me in the stomache again and pins me to the ground."Give it up,kitty! Besides,we wolves were always more stronger and bigger than you cats! In fact,to us---you're a little snack!"she shouted."But,I trust you!!"I shouted from under her. She smirked at me."His miraculous! Tell WolfGirl to take away his miraculous!"shouted Hawth Moth."His miraculous! Take it!"shouted Mrs. Appear. WolfGirl grabbed my hand and pulled me up. She smiled at me, shyly."What are you doing?! If you won't finish him off,then I will!"shouted Mrs. Appear."You want Cat Noir?! You can have him!"she shouted as she pushed me and I extened my stick out. My stick hit Mrs. Appear in the stomache and she flew into the air."You trayer!!"shouted Mrs. Appear as she got up. Ladybug walked up to us and put a her arms on our shoulders."Of course she betrayed you! She's my cousin after all!"she said with a smirk. Mrs. Appear growled and spun around in circles,the blanket wrapping around her. Soon,she had disappeared,along with the blanket."Her Akuma has be to in that blanket!"said Ladybug. She took out her yoyo and spun it in the air."Lucky Charm!"shouted Ladybug. Then,a ring and earrings appeared. "What am I going to do with these?"said Ladybug."I have idea!"she said."I hope so because so far this plan hurts!"I shouted as I rubbed my stomach. Ladybug laughs at me,while WolfGirl just turns red."S-Sorry,Kitty"she said. WolfGirl takes the ring and the earrings and went to find Mrs. Appear. She opened a door that led to the basement. "Mrs. Appear?!"she shouted. Mrs. Appear appeared behind her. "You! You back-stabbing little trayer!"she shouted as she shoved her to the ground. Me and Ladybug were hiding behind some boxes. When I saw Mrs. Appear push Wolfy,I was about to run out there and attack,but Ladybug stopped me."No,wait!! I got them!! See?!!"she said as she pulled out the ring and earrings. "Yes!! Take them!!! TAKE THEM, NOW!!"shouted Hawth Moth. "*Chuckles*Good puppy!"Mrs. Appear as she took the ring and earrings. She look at the objects, but when she did,she notices that they weren't our miraculouses. "T-They're fakes!"she shouted. "Wolfy! Now!"I shouted. WolfGirl grabbed the blanket, ripped it and out came the little Akuma. "Nooo!"shouted Mrs. Appear. Ladybug flicked her finger on her yoyo and it opened."No more evil doing for you,little Akuma!" she said as she spun her yoyo around."Time to De-Evilze!"she shouted as she flung her yoyo at the Akuma. Her yoyo caught the Akuma and it closed."Gotta!!"she said. She pressed her yoyo,it opened up,and out came a white butterfly."Bye-bye,little butter-fly!"she said. She grabbed the ring and earrings from WolfGirl and throws them into the air. "Miraculous Ladybug!"she yelled. Her magic went everywhere and fixed everything that was damaged. Her magic also turned Mrs. Appear back to her original self and fixed her blanket,too. "What happened?"she said. We all smiled and fist bumped. Soon,our miraculouses beeped. "We have to hide,now!"said Ladybug. She ran to a closet with WolfGirl behind her. I grabbed the door."Wait! I won't tell any-one"I said.
°°°°°°°°°°°NOBODY'S POV:°°°°°°°°°
"Our identities have to stay a secerct. Even between us,Cat" Ladybug said as she smiled at Cat Noir. Soon,they heard someone coming down the hall and they ran to hide. WolfGirl ran inside another closet and so did Cat. When WolfGirl entered the closet,she heard a door close behind her. When she turned around,she heard a familiar voice."W-Wolfy?!"the voice said. "K-Kitty?!"she said. But,before either of them could anything, their miraculouses beeped and they de-transformed,and their true identities were revealed right in front of each other! Plagg and Snowflake flew out of their owner's miraculouses and were flying towards each other. Their heads bumped and they both groaned."Ouch!! I think I hit a rock!!"Plagg shouted."Ohh,my head!!"said Snowflake."G-Gabbs?!"said Cat,or was it?"B-Big bro?!"said Gabriella."Y-You're C-Cat Noir?!"she said."And y-you're W-WolfGirl?!"he said. The two teens stared at each other and so did their kwamies."Hey,it is Gabriella!"said Plagg as he smiled. But,then his smile disappeared and he stared at Gabriella with his mouth wide open."Ahh! It is Gabriella!!"he said as he hid behind Adrien's shoulder. Adrien stared at Snowflake. She flew to Gabriella and she hid behind her shoulder."It is Adrien!!"said Snowflake. Plagg stared at Snowflake."Snow?"he said."Plagg?"she said. Gabriella stared at Adrien before running out and bumped into Marinette."You okay?!"she asked."We have to go now!"said Gabriella. Marinette nodded and they ran out the building. Adrien was still in the closet. Things were going too fast for him."It's her! It's actually her!"he thought as he buried his face into his hands. But, everything was going to become clear tomorrow. Or so he thought.

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