🦋Dawn of Monarch🎨

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"Many centuries ago, magic jewels with extraordinary powers were created! These were the Miraculous. Throughout history, heroes have used these jewels for the good of the human race, to transform into heroes. Two of these Miraculous are more powerful than the others, the earrings of the Ladybug, with the power of creation, and the ring of the Black Cat, with the power of destruction. According to legend, whoever controls both these jewels will be granted absolute power, one that can alter space and time, bring life or kill-" A single finger to his face stops the little purple being from continuing.

"That's all I need to know, Nooroo."

A look of worry took over the previously optimistic and relieved expression on the Kwami's face before disappearing as quickly as it appeared.

"Do you know where they are?" He asked. "The Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous?"

Nooroo solemnly shook his head. He sure missed Tikki and Plagg, the others, too. But he's sure his new holder will make for wonderful company. "I'm sorry, but nobody knows where they are." He flinched at the slight scowl on the redhead's face, but it wasn't directed at him, much to his relief. "I-I'm sorry, Master-" Quickly, Nooroo backtracked, remembering the young redhead's words from when they first met. "I-I mean, Nathaniel."

"Alright," he muttered, tearing his fingers through his hair- a way to release stress, Nooroo noted. "Well... I found you, didn't I?" He said, giving the Kwami a little stroke under his chin... or, what resembled a chin, making Nooroo sigh with content. "Hell, your Miraculous was just in that little shop."

It was pure luck in Nooroo's opinion. Or maybe destiny for him to find such a kind holder. The Miraculous may be magic, but they still need to be secured properly. It fell to the ground, barely making a sound as feet kicked it all around Paris before ending up right outside a small jewelry shop run by a sweet old lady. She put the brooch on display, and it has been sitting there for years, decades until Nathaniel found him on his way home.

'Thank you, Tikki.'

"Nooroo... You said a wish can manipulate life and death, right?"

"... Y-yes, it can, but-" Nathaniel cuts him off with another question.

"And what are your Miraculous' powers, again?" He asked, looking down at the small purple brooch in his hand.

Hesitantly, but with a little excitement in his voice due to being able to share information about his powers, Nooroo answered. "The moth brooch allows you to give someone a superpower to help others in battle, but they will follow your words. Long ago, they were called Champions."

Nathaniel furrowed his brow in thought. If the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous are so powerful, then they must be given to strong people who are able to handle that kind of power. Literal superheroes! His brain immediately went into 'Superhero fan' mode. What better way to attract heroes than by creating villains?... Okay, that did sound bad, but it would all be worth it in the end. He just needed to keep reminding himself that.

If he found the Moth Miraculous right here in Paris, then the Ladybug and Black Cat may not be too far.

Nooroo frowned in worry. The thoughtful look on Nathaniel's face was almost... Unsettling. "Na-Nathaniel, are you alright?"

"... Nooroo, has anyone ever used the Miraculous for their own desires?" He asked with a bit of hesitation in his voice. It's not like he wants to basically become a supervillain terrorizing the city with armies of villains just to get some magic jewelry and make a wish.

Nooroo seemed to freeze in midair as his eyes became the size of saucers. "Mas- Nathaniel! The Miraculous are not meant for evil purposes."

Nathaniel almost wanted to roll his eyes. He's not plotting world domination, taking control of the water and food supply, blocking out the sun to create another ice age, going back in time to keep people from being born, or other horrible stuff comic book villains have done. He'll just be creating a few Champions, maybe send them to look for the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous- It is not that big a deal! And if things go awry, he can always call it off or just control his Champions and keep them from harming anyone... Unless they deserve it.

He glares at a scratched-out photo of Chloe she had given to him and every other student last year during the last day of school with her 'autograph,' telling everyone they should be thankful for having such a work of art to take home. Little did she know, he and every other student defaced her photos the second they got home. Some even put it on a dartboard. He chuckled to himself. Yeah, if Chloe just so happened to get caught in the crossfire, he's just going to look the other way.

"I won't be using it for evil," he practically scoffed. "And no one's going to get hurt, okay?" Nooroo tensed for a moment, suddenly feeling overcome with a sense of dread. He's had a few evil holders, three to be exact, but they were all selfish, horrible men set out to use the Ladybug and Black Cat for nefarious plots... What would Nathaniel want with them?

Nathaniel made his way over to his window and looked out at the streets of Paris for a moment before turning back to Nooroo. "Alright. My mom's still gone. Let's just see what this transformation looks like," he said, sounding giddy like an excited anime character. Even his eyes were sparkling. Nooroo smiled a bit, still having some mixed emotions about all of this.

"You know the words," he said softly.

"Nooroo. Wings Rise!" At those words, the Kwami flew into the brooch, making white wings appear on either side of it. "N-Nooroo- Whoa!" The redhead flinched a bit as a flurry of white butterflies that appeared out of nowhere swirled around him, but soon relaxed and allowed them to do... Whatever they were doing.

His eyes widened when he noticed his gray blazer fading to purple and becoming a Prince's jacket. With it came with white gloves and black epaulettes on his shoulders. His iconic and fashionable - despite what some may say- purple pants turned black, and his purple sneakers turned into ankle boots that had a slight heel. The finishing touches were the black belt that wrapped around his waist and a white sash going across his body with purple butterfly wings attached to the back, and a black crown sitting gently atop his head. His red hair turned purple at the ends, a purple mask with the ends looking like butterfly wings formed to cover his eyes, and a cane with a purple gem atop of it appeared in his hand.

Once the butterflies dispersed, Nathaniel slowly made his way towards the mirror on his desk which he used for self-portraits, and looked at himself for a while, unable to take his eyes off of his new appearance. Even his crystal blue irises turned lilac, a color he thought was reserved for anime characters. "Damn," he whispered. "... Now I need a name." A few ideas went through his head until he thought of the perfect one.

"My name is Monarch."

Now... How does he turn people into thsoe 'Champions' Nooroo was talking about?


Not too far from the redhead's home, a being similar to Nooroo stirs a bit in his sleep before eventually, his eyes shoot open, sensing something is not right. He flies out of his makeshift bed and hovers in front of an old Chinese man in a red Hawaiian shirt who is in the middle of massaging a man. "Master! Master!" Fortunately, the man being massaged is lying face-down, so he doesn't see the green turtle-shaped Kwami.

Before he can look up, the old Chinese man gestures for the green Kwami to hid behind him and starts chanting, "Master. Master. Chanting, it's all part of the treatment," he said to his customer. "Master, master... Well, I think you're done!" Hastily, he helps the man up and escorts him out of the door. "Thank you for coming, see you again next week!" Once he shuts the door, the turtle Kwami approaches, looking frantic.

"Master, the Moth Miraculous! I felt its aura!"

The Chinese man gasped. "I thought it had been lost forever!"

"But Master," the Kwami continued. "The aura of the holder, it's becoming clouded by darkness and grief. I fear it may have gotten into the hands of a dark power!"

The man stroked his gray goatee in thought before glancing down at his bracelet which had an aquamarine turtle shell-shaped charm. "We must find Nooroo and his Miraculous. If it has gotten into the wrong hands, there's no telling what evil will come upon the world! Time to transform!" He exclaimed, voice laced with determination. "Wayzz..." Before he can say anything else, he doubles over in pain, luckily landing on a mat.

The turtle Kwami- Wayzz shook his head. "Please, Master. Be reasonable," he gently chided. "You are–

"Still young! I'm only 186." The Kwami merely rolled his eyes, and he seems to get the message. "But you're right, Wayzz. I can no longer do it alone." Slowly, he gets up and makes his way towards a dresser. Atop it sat an old gramophone, while ordinary in appearance held something amazing inside. "We'll need some help."

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