🦋Lady WiFi📱

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"So, what's Monarch like?"

Alix bit her lip for a moment. "He's... Kind of comforting. While everyone's making him out to be this terrorist-sounding villain, he calls himself an anti-hero. But, besides that, he listened to me when I told him about my watch." She holds up the heirloom connected to her necklace chain. "And he tells me what I wanted to hear, like, how I wished I could go back and fix it."

Marinette nodded before asking, "And he didn't force you to become akumatized?"

"Actually, it seems like he was giving me a choice," Alix chuckled. "Weird, huh?"

"Not really," Alya told her. "While we were interviewing Aurore on her akumatization into Stormy Weather, she said the same thing. Anything else you'd like to add, Alix?"

The pinkette looked up in thought for a moment before shaking her head. "Nah." And with that, Marinette stopped recording.

"Thanks for doing this, Alix." The two exchange a fist bump.

"Hey, no problem, Mari. But what's this for again?"

Alya and Marinette exchanged excited grins before the auburn-haired girl answered. "We're going to try and find out Monarch's identity." Noticing Alix's bewildered expression, she nods. "Yep! Alright, I know it sounds crazy, it may take weeks, months, or years, but Mari and I got this in the bag!" She slings an arm around the bluenette who is pulling up something on her tablet.

"Now, here's what we know. Monarch showed up during the first day of the school year, according to Mr. Ramier, he's a teenager, he's obviously a redhead," Not noticing Alix's eyes have widened to the size of saucers, she continues, "He's not too pushy, and- This is what Alya noticed when we interviewed Theo- he seems to have a soft spot for civilians. And by 'civilians,' I mean Marc."

The three turn and look at the green-eyed boy, sitting under the stairs and writing in his journal.

"Theo was terrified of Monarch that day," Alya adds. "He told us that when he threatened Marc, Monarch suddenly showed up and sort of... He seized control of his body and nearly cataclysmed his face off." Just remembering the conversation made her shudder.

Alix furrowed her brow as she read some of the notes on Marinette's tablet. "'It's possible that Monarch is shorter than Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black, or there weren't enough butterflies to form his actual height.'" The pinkette could hardly hold in her laughter as she handed Marinette her tablet back. "Sorry! Sorry, I've just never heard of a villain or anti-hero being shorter than a hero."

Alya quirked an eyebrow. "What about The Penguin? Wasn't he shorter than Batman in some versions?" Alix thought about it for a moment before nodding.

"Now, speaking of comics," she started, her voice becoming quieter. "I gotta know." Alix seemed to hesitate for a moment, worrying her friends before she asked, "You guys don't think Nath is Monarch, do you?" The two seemed to have gone rigid at the question, and it wasn't easing Alix's worries when Marinette started stammering a response. "Guys, be honest. Red hair, short. You guys can tell me." 'So I can punch your faces in.'

"Hey," As if reading her thoughts, Alya held her hands up in a 'don't attack me' fashion. "I wasn't even thinking about him being Monarch, and neither was Mari until you brought it up. Now I'll be blunt, Nath has the hair, the height, be he is in no way supervillain material. Come on, I heard he cried last year when you guys dissected frogs- It's adorable," she cooed, making Alix chuckle at the memory. "Plus, Monarch seems so confident and sure of himself while Nath hides behind his sketchbook when the teacher calls for someone to answer a question."

"Alright," Alix sighed, glad she wouldn't have to commit a felony in the name of her friend's innocence. "That's good. Honestly, I-I wouldn't know what to do if everyone started thinking Nath really is Monarch. You know how crazy people can get when they think they have the answer."

"Immediate witch hunt," Marinette huffed. "Remember last year this one guy who was on the honor roll had to switch schools because the Austins spread a rumor that he asked students at the lyceé a few blocks over for "favors" and then he'd do their homework in exchange?"

While she and Alix ranted about that event she wasn't there for, Alya furrowed her brow in confusion. "The Austins?" This catches their attention. "I heard you mentioned them a few times. Are they a clique, or something?"

The two seemed to become even more furious, worrying the journalist. And just as she was about to take back her question, Marinette, the first to calm down, gave her a look that said it was okay. "Yeah, they are a clique. One made of these four rich snobby assholes who all have the name Austin. They usually lay low around the first few weeks of school since teachers are more alert to keep an eye out for any new students who might be trouble."

"Well, that explains why Mendeleieve kept staring at me," Alya said to herself before gesturing for Marinette to continue.

"Anyway, imagine Chloé times four." Hearing that, Alya shuddered. "Yeah, they've been pulling shit since they were kids, went to some fancy private school, and have always gotten away with it since their parents are insanely rich and they have some family members on the district's board of education, so naturally students who were their targets are afraid to go against them and tell all their past principals what they've been doing." She quietly mutters, "Not like Damocles would do anything, anyway. He's been letting Chloé get away with making my life a fucking hell for years."

Alix rested a comforting hand on the bluenette's shoulder as she was just one of many who knew what the heiress had put Marinette through for years. And it only got worse when her father became the Mayor. That was when she resorted to actually trying to use her father's political power to get the Dupain-Chengs kicked out of their home and have the bakery shut down. And even after all of that, after the family managed to keep their home and source of income, Damocles still wouldn't punish Chloé.

He gave the bullshit excuse that it wasn't a "school issue," but everyone knew that he just wanted to be on the winning side and hopefully get a ton of benefits from the mayor by letting his daughter do whatever she pleased even it made the other students miserable.

Here's hoping the upcoming election will turn things around. Andre Bourgeois may be a decent mayor, but if he continues to allow his daughter to cause trouble for everyone, not just students, there's no telling how the results of the polls may turn out.

After rubbing away the headache caused by the knowledge that there are more Chloés at this school, Alya sighed and clasped her hands together as another way to calm herself down. "Okay... I assume they aren't messing with students yet?" Alix and Marinette nod. "Okay... Okay, that's good because I!" With each word, she hits her fist against the wall, alarming many of the students who are just passing by. "Cannot! Deal! With! Five! Chloés!" After another round of breathing exercises, Alya's finally calmed herself down and looked back at her friends with a grin. "So, Alix. Any idea who Monarch might be?"

The pinkette looked up in thought for a moment before smirking when she caught sight of someone. "Here's hoping Austin Q is him." She points up to the mezzanine where a young man with red hair dressed in blue is walking as if he owned the place. Austin Quinlan, one-fourth of the worst group in school. He's considered the 'Asshole Austin' because of his tendency to throw the first punch, literally and metaphorically.

"I swear, if he turns out to be Monarch and Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black catch him, I will be so. Damn. Happy. And who knows? The police might question the other Austins, think they're his accomplices, and-" The skater let out an uncharacteristic squeal similar to Rose's before clearing her throat and looking as if hadn't just made that sound. "Y-yeah, basically."

Marinette seemed to ponder this for a moment. "I don't know, Alix. Sure, he's got the hair and I do picture him as a villain as most at this school do. But why would he protect Marc from Copycat? Remember last year when he dunked his head in a toilet and flushed his glasses down?" Alix arched an eyebrow. "Remember? Marc used to wear glasses, a ton of black..."

"..." Alix looks up for a moment until the memory finally comes back to her. "Oh, yeah, I forgot. Man, he looked like a total emo!"

While Alix and Marinette were going on about Marc's past fashion choices, Alya continued to stare holes into Austin Q as he tripped some poor student. And judging by his expressions, it looks like he was just doing it for the hell of it. There's no way he's Monarch. That's like giving Chloé a Miraculous!... Which she hopes never happens.

... But... She can't deny how similar the two almost look. It's the hair, really. Austin Q's is the exact same shade as Monarch's... A little investigating couldn't hurt. Besides, what's the worst some other rich brat can do? He's not even connected to the Mayor... Probably. Before she can take the time to mull it over, Alya notices something purple sticking out of Austin Q's backpack. She adjusts her glasses and narrows her eyes at what appears to be some sort of purple fabric.

"No fucking way," she whispered.

Unbeknownst to Alya, while her grayish-gold eyes were on Austin Quinlan, a pair of purple eyes were on her before disappearing into the walls of the school.


Nathaniel had to physically bite his hand to prevent himself from laughing and drawing attention to himself. Thank God no one's in the library this early. "A-Alya thinks-" He quietly wheezed. "That Austin fucking Quinlan is Monarch?" Austin Quinlan, the boy whose last name is Nathaniel's middle name, and now the two believe they've been punished by the universe at birth.

After a terrifying few seconds yesterday where he couldn't find Nooroo after his mom barged into his room unannounced and Nooroo just somehow disappeared into thin air, Nathaniel discovered that Kwamis could phase through solid objects. So, it made hiding him a little easier. But of course, now Nooroo wants to look around the school while hiding in the walls so he can get a better experience of what he's missed over the decades. And how can Nathaniel possibly say no to that face?

"It's true," Nooro whispered. "She felt skeptical at first, but then something convinced her. I'm not sure what exactly, but it definitely had to do with that Austin Quinlan. And I heard what Marinette and Alix said about him and his friends. Have they really been bullying every student here?"

The redhead groaned. "For so. Damn. Long. They tore out five pages of one of my old sketchbooks," he hissed. "And when I tried to tell Damocles, he just brushed me off saying "boys will be boys," which is a bullshit saying. He's just a spineless coward because their parents are rich as hell and he just wants to keep the Austins around so their parents will keep donating money to the school."

After Nathaniel's ranting, Nooroo asked, "What about Alya and Marinette? They're trying to uncover Monarch's identity."

Noticing his friend's worried look, Nathaniel brought the Kwami in for a hug. "That's not going to happen, Nooroo. Besides, in comics, the budding journalists hardly ever figure out the identities of heroes and villains... Unless they just tell them, which is never going to happen." Hearing Nooroo laugh, the artist smiled a bit, and dammit, Nathaniel wants to look his past holders right in the eye and curse them out for hurting probably the purest thing in this world.

"Are you sure they won't find out?"

"Look, if it makes you feel any better, I'll keep tabs on Alya and Marinette while they're checking out suspects." This seemed to appease Nooroo and he nodded. "Alright, come on. Class is gonna start in a few minutes." Nooroo makes his way into the side pocket of his messenger bag as he heads out of the library.


"What's the likelihood of Austin Quinlan actually being Monarch?"

"0.0%," Max chortled, making Alya frown. "I-I'm sorry, Alya, but I just can't see Austin Quinlan of all people being Monarch. Yes, Austin displays villain-like qualities, but judging by Monarch's previous actions with Copycat, I highly doubt he could be Monarch." Kim nodded along.

"Sure, their hair is the same color, they've got the same build, but, I don't believe it for one second." Kim points out the classroom door where Simon is walking by. "What's next? Is Simon Monarch? He's got the hair."

Alya flicked his shoulder. "But he looks taller than Monarch."

"What are we talking about?" The three jump when Adrien suddenly appears. "Come on, I like to be in the loop."

Max smirks, ignoring Alya's look that says, 'I will destroy you.' "Alya thinks that Austin Quinlan, one of the male Chloé's at this school, is Monarch." Seeing the blonde grimace, he gives a solemn nod. "Yes, I'm sorry, but we have four male Chloé's at this school."

"All rich, terrible assholes who think they can do whatever they please," Kim adds, folding his arms. "Just because they've got a little money."

"... And you think one of them is Monarch?" Alya nods. "Okay, if one of them is a redhead, I can see why you'd think that."

"One is."

"Thank you, Max. But Monarch seems like he has more human decency than them if your words are true." Suddenly, Adrien looks up for a moment, thoughtful. "Although, if he is like Chloe and he turns out to be Monarch... That'll be one less Chloé to deal with!" The blonde squealed like a child on Christmas.

Kim awkwardly coughed. "You realize he's not actually Chloé, right?" The blonde seemed to ignore him as he skipped his way over to his desk, amusing Nino and Marinette. "... Anyway. I'm kinda surprised you aren't listing Nath down as a suspect. You haven't known us for long and Nath tends to be quiet."

Alya glanced at the redhead, sitting at his desk and working on a quick sketch before the bell rings while Alix, Juleka, and Rose quietly watched. "I'm just not seeing it. I know about, "It's always the quiet ones," but what would Nathaniel want with Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black's Miraculous?"

'That's what I'd like to know,' the two boys thought.

"Austin Quinlan, on the other hand? Just imagine what Chloé would want." At her words, Kim couldn't help but shudder. "Everyone being her compliant servants, Adrien being her boyfriend by force, Marinette and her family being deported." She scowls when the sound of Chloe's haughty laughter hits her ears. "God, she hasn't done anything yet and I already wanna shove my sneakers up her aerobicized ass."

As Alya storms to her desk, Kim couldn't help but wonder, "How does she know Chloé does aerobics?"

Marinette snickers. "Alya, if Austin is Monarch, then... Nino is the Wizard of Oz." She and the capped boy high-five, but it doesn't deter Alya. "Now, I'm not going to stop you, because your determination is kinda hot as fuck-" Alya and Adrien choke on their own spit. "But just be careful investigating Austin. Hell knows what he'll do if he catches you snooping through his stuff for evidence."

"So, you know what he's going to do?" This earns the blonde boy a quick flick to the side of his head. "Worth it... So, determination is hot?" Marinette scoffed at his smirk and his raised eyebrow. "Because I'll have you know, last year I once stood in line for an hour and a half waiting for a limited edition pair of Deku-inspired sneakers. While- get this- my phone was dead." To add to the hype, Nino made a quiet explosion sound.

Marinette pretends to look intrigued. "Very impressive... But Alya's determination is hotter."

"Yeah," Adrien relented, Nino nodding along. "Can't argue with that."

"What the hell is happening?" Wondered Alya as she sniffed the air to see if there was a gas leak.


"Dude, you should have seen the look on the twerp's face when I had his phone!" Austin Armbruster cackled as he looked through his locker. "Honestly, it wasn't even worth breaking. That hunk of junk is old like our cousin's catchphrase."

The four all say in a mocking tone, "Scandalous," before bursting into laughter.

Austin Tomassian leaned against his locker and asked. "So, milkshakes after school?" Instantly, the back of his head was smacked by Austin Quinlan. "Hey!"

"You know my mom's making the whole family do that week-long vegan diet crap!" The Austin in blue folded his arms with a huff. "We're doing smoothies."

"Chill your ass, Quinlan," Austin Boulet droned as he scrolled through his social media. "Don't take it out on Tomassian, alright?"

Tomassian shoots Quinlan a taunting smirk. "Thanks, Boulet-"

"Boy, shut up," he scoffed. "I just want one day without you dumbasses going at it over some shit. I mean seriously," The Austin in yellow pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation. "Today is smoothies versus milkshakes, last week was over a group photo because Quinlan hated how fat his neck looked." Seeing Quinlan curling his fist, Boulet quickly blocks the punch that would have hit his shoulder. "Just saying."

Austin Armbruster slammed his locker door shut in irritation. "Enough! Now haul ass before we're last in line." The others comply, gathering up their things before filing out of the locker room. And moments after they left, Alya slinked out of the girl's bathroom with her phone in hand, ready to record.

Now, Alya's read over the photo consent and privacy laws in Paris. The laws specifically talk about taking a photo or video of someone. Not something.

So, surely, if she were to take photos of evidence proving that Austin Quinlan might be Monarch, then that won't be breaking the law as long as she doesn't take photos of Austin. Simple as that!... She hopes.

Alya makes her way over to Austin Quinlan's locker. 'Third from the right,' she reminds herself, and never has she been so glad for a school's lack of security. Seriously, she hasn't seen a single camera in any corner of the school. Hell, her old school had three cameras in each hallway, padlocks provided by teachers for lockers in case one lock broke, and one or two officers patrolling the well-known 'makeout corners' after an incident a few years ago.

"Damn, not even locks." Well, at least she wouldn't have to wonder for hours what Austin Quinlan's combination might be. So, with a shaky hand, Alya opened the locker and took note of the photos of Austin Quinlan and the other Austins taped to the walls, making sure to avoid getting those in her video's frame. "Okay, Alya Cesaire here. I'm investigating a possible suspect who might be the villain of Paris, Monarch. Now, for legal reasons, I won't give names... Yet." She starts poking around through Austin's belongings. "Okay, now the reason I suspect this person of being Monarch is due to their similar height and build, and they have the same hair color. And earlier today, I saw some purple fabric sticking out of my suspect's bag..."

Alya pans her phone up and down to try and find the bag, and with a groan, turns the camera towards her face, annoyance was written all over it. "Which, of course, is not in here." She sighs. "Okay, that was a bust," she mutters, more to herself than to anyone who might ever see this video. "Alright, gonna try this again later."

And just like out of a horror movie, when Alya shuts the locker door closed, she nearly gets a heart attack when she finds Austin Quinlan was standing right behind the door with a malicious smirk. And in his hand is his phone set to record. "Well, if it isn't one of the nosy little bloggers. Got you red-handed, four-eyes!"

Alya had almost gone rigid for a moment before remembering they were both in trouble. He recorded her, a person, without her consent while she broke into his locker. Though, could it really be considered "breaking in" when there wasn't a lock? Either way, they're both going down.


"She's guilty of invasion of privacy! I have proof! Hey!"

Marinette smirked vindictively as she snatched Austin's phone out of his hand and held it away from him before handing it to Mr. Damocles. "Sir, this is also proof that Austin Quinlan has violated Paris' privacy laws, taking a video of Alya without her consent."

Alya couldn't help but beam as the class geniuses came to her defense. When she and Quinlan were walking out of the locker room, they had run into the two, and Alya gave them a quick explanation before Quinlan could twist her side of things. Immediately, the two rushed to act as her defense. But of course, if Alya gets to have her own lawyers, so does Austin Quinlan. So with a quick call to the other Austins, the seven of them stormed into Damocles' office, nearly giving the man a heart attack.

Before Damocles could get a word in, Marinette gestures for Max to continue.

"And sir, I'm sure you know that those laws only specify people, not items." He holds his hand out in front of the aurburn-haired girl, and she hands him her phone. "Alya has only recorded Austin Quinlan's belongings, making sure to steer of any photos of him and his friends, and does not mention his name once, and furthermore-"

"However!" Austin Armbruster interrupted. "Miss tabloid trash," Alya scowled at the insult. "Was basically accusing our friend of being a supervillain. Do you know what that will do to his reputation if this gets out?" He gestures to Quinlan, who's doing his best to try and keep his usual not-so-innocent expression off his face. Of course, that won't matter since they know how to make this man fold.

Marinette holds up a finger. "But, the lockers have no locks, and if that's not enough for you, I'm sure you as the principal know that there's no school policy of invasion of privacy." With a victorious smirk, she high-fives Max and gives Alya a reassuring look to let her know she'll get her out of this. 'Man, if I don't make it as a designer, I could be a lawyer. Maybe a Eurasian Elle Woods. I already wear enough pink.'

"Tomassian!" Armbruster shouted, rousing Marinette from her thoughts. The Austin in green stepped forward and for a moment, Marinette was a little intimidated. Not because of Tomassian himself, the guy was a puppy compared to the other Austins. He hardly spread gossip and never got physical, but his parents are actual lawyers. He must have picked up something from them.

"While there are no school policies on the invasion of privacy, if you'll look closely at the video, Mr. Damocles- specifically fifteen seconds in - you'll see a glimpse of one of the photos of Austin Quinlan taped to the locker wall." The two students in defense of Alya gaped at the sudden news while Alya had gone pale with fear as the principal checked to see if this was true. "Meaning, Alya has broken the privacy consent laws. While not intentional, a punishment should still be delivered."

Max scowled, setting aside his shock. He wouldn't give up on Alya, the same girl who saved one of his best friends from a car that came close to hitting her.

With a quick adjustment of his glasses, he continued, "If that's the case, then Austin Quinlan should also be given a punishment. He took a video of Alya without her consent. And sir, let's be honest," she adds, her voice low and holding no room for interruptions. "The Austins are not exactly saints. I'm sure you recall the many, many accusations by students in their grade ever since they started attending DuPont. Yet, no action was taken."

Damocles was sweating bullets right now. He knows he needs to be fair, but he can't risk losing the Quinlan family as just one of the prime investors for the school if he punishes their son. Thanks to them, they have new uniforms for sports teams, a bigger trophy case, and imported ingredients for the cafeteria food! Plus, he would rather not take the risk of going against a student who has familial ties to the school board. He's already on dangerous ground with Chloe. One phone call and the Mayor could cut off funding!

"Right," he said with a clear of his throat. "Two hours of detention for you, Alya, and an hour for Austin."

Alya scowled. "Excuse me?"

"You're giving one miserable hour of detention to a criminal?!" Austin Quinlan exclaimed. "That's total bullshit! Tomassian!"

Max just felt like bashing his forehead against a wall over and over and over again. While he and Marinette are at the top of all of their classes, this was Austin Tomassian's territory. His parents must have been teaching him about loopholes before he could walk. Honestly, it was a relief Austin Quinlan was complaining and not Chloé. While the Austins certainly held some power over the principal, Chloé is the one who can get him fired in an instant with just one phone call if he doesn't go so far as to expel Alya.

Alya, the new student for Heaven's sake!

"You're suspended for a week, Alya!"

And with those words... For once in his life, Max felt like a failure.

"That is so unfair!" She yelled, and Max noticed how glassy her eyes looked. She was close to crying but was trying very hard not to, especially in front of the Austins. Meanwhile, Marinette was doing her best to keep her calm. "I am gonna protest this on the school blog!"

"The school blog is not accessible to those who have been suspended or expelled," Tomassian reminded Damocles, who had the gall to look relieved.

Alya stormed off in a huff, but not before saying, "Well, at least we know there's an actual villain in Paris!" Max and Marinette couldn't tell who she was referring to- Damocles or Austin Quinlan. They didn't know, they didn't care, hell, they weren't denying anything.


"Hey, we're gonna fight this," Kim told Alya, following her down the stairs along with most of their other classmates. "Quinlan isn't gonna get away with this bullshit! And Damocles is finally gonna put some spoiled rich kid in their place! No offense, Adrien," he quickly told the blonde.

"Hey, none taken. I agree."

Alya stopped in the middle of the stairs, back still facing her friends, and sighed. "Guys, forget it. Okay, I..." No one decided to bring up the choked sob they heard. "This honestly isn't the first time this sort of shit has happened." Her hand came up to her face, and Rose had to restrain herself from going to hug her, knowing Alya might not be in the mood for one right now. "I-it was rare back at my school, but... It still happens. Y'know, shit happens. I'm fine, okay?"

Marinette sighed once she saw her friend walk out of the school. "I can't believe that happened." She rest her chin on the stair rail while Nino squeezed her shoulder for comfort. "I really thought we had them, that... That just one of the Austins would get the punishment they deserved."

"We heard your argument through the door, guys," Ivan tells her and Max. "It was good. Probably one of your best."

Max couldn't be more thankful for his dark skin, able to cover up any blushing. "Well, when you join Debate Club and Mock Trial, you're bound to learn a few things. We were good, but today, Tomassian had us." Before he knows it, he's pulled in for a gentle, but still bone-crushing hug, courtesy of Kim. All he can do is hug his friend back and... Once again, love his dark skin more and more.


"Poor Alya," Nooroo sighed as he phased through the library walls and returned to Nathaniel. No one ever went into the library during lunch hour, seeing as no food and drinks were allowed in the room. "I saw her getting out her phone. She must be about to call her parents." He smiled when Nathaniel stroked his chin.

"Alright, you know the drill. Ready?" Nooroo nods. "Nooroo, Wings Rise." He encases another origami butterfly with his magic and then sends it on its' way. Fortunately, Alya didn't go too far, and they were linked in an instant. And he could really sense her anger. Valid, and perfect for an Akuma.

"I'm gonna go on a limb here and say you're not Austin Quinlan."

"I'm sorry, who?" He asked, playing dumb.

Alya groaned. "This damn bastard, I- Why the hell am I talking to you?!"

"You ask me, Alya Cesaire. You started the conversation. Now, I'd just like to hear what's got you so upset." Monarch doesn't need to hear what happened, he can see into Alya's memories. And... They're not good. It's just years of bullying, harassment, and being treated unfairly because this one girl at her old school had some money and more friends than Alya. There were times when Alya got her justice, but the rest explains... It explains why she was so angry.

"... I fucking hate that damn principal! He's just letting that asshole get away with his crime, and I'm suspended because he appears in a millisecond of my video! Yes! I went through his locker, I should be punished for that, but Austin should be punished, too! He broke a country-made law, while I broke a school law!"

Monarch waited a few seconds before continuing, just wanting to make sure Alya got everything out of her system. "Well, I know a thing or two about not getting justice. So, I see where you're coming from, Alya. Now I wanna help you. Would you be fine with that?"

"... Keep talking."

"Imagine a hero who helps to expose the corruption that goes on behind closed doors," he hummed. "She can be anywhere at any moment. All with the help of her cellphone. Still with me?" Alya mumbled a quick, 'Yeah.' "Her name is Lady WiFi. What do you say?"

"Sign me up, Monarch."

"Wings Down," he said once Alya transformed into Lady WiFi. "Well, this should be fun. Let's see what people think of Damocles after Lady WiFi gets to him."

Nooroo beamed. "Well, considering what he's done, I think he could use a good dose of telling the truth." Nooroo's thought he's seen it all - Corrupt judges, royalty, priests- but a corrupt teacher is just something else. "So, what does Lady WiFi look like?"

"Uh... Well, you probably weren't active when the movie came out." Nooroo looks confused until Nathaniel pulls out his phone and pulls up a video. "I based Lady WiFi's look off of a character from a horror movie, called 'The Ring.'" With a yelp, Nooroo hastily hid behind Nathaniel's shoulder when he saw the images of a girl with long black hair and a tattered dress on his phone screen. "Yeah, that's Samara. Her power is linked to technology, she can crawl out of televisions and access phones."

"Sounds creepy," Nooroo shuddered.

Nathaniel brought the Kwami in his cupped hand. "Don't worry, she's not real." ... Then again, power-granting sprites are real, so who's to say an undead girl able to crawl out of televisions if you watch a cursed table isn't real? The same can be said for a dream demon, or an evil clown living in the sewers.


So caught up with his vintage action figures of Knight Owl and Sparrow, Principal Damocles jolted out of his seat and the action figures flew out of his hand when his phone suddenly rang. Loudly. Odd, since he wasn't expecting any calls today. He picks up the phone and gives a quick clear of his throat. "Monty Damocles. Who is this?"


"Hello?... Hello?! If this is a student's idea of a practical joke, I will make sure you face punishment for holding up the line-"

"Reveal the truth, Damocles," said a raspy voice, shaking the man to his very core. "Reveal the truth."

"... Who is this?"

"You're a coward!"

Suddenly, he yelled and threw the phone to the floor before nursing his hand which felt as if it had been electrocuted. The principal looked at the phone and blanched at the black scorch mark. Something was terribly wrong. Before he could even think about running away, the lights began to flicker on and off rapidly before settling for on. Only they were purple...

Okay, now it was time to leave!

But then, his attention was brought to his computer, which had turned on itself. Instead of the home screen he had set up, the screen was pitch black with a purple Wi-Fi symbol dead center. It glitched for a couple of seconds before the image of a girl appeared. Her long, curly, electric purple hair covered her face so it makes it hard to identify her.

"Coward," the girl hissed before the screen went black and the lights returned to normal. Damocles believed that to be the end of... Whatever this was until a hand slammed against the screen from behind the screen. The hand, glowing a bright purple, moved forward until it was out of the screen, followed by the rest of the arm, also purple until it reached the forearm where it became pitch black. Damocles was too petrified to move until one of the fingers grazed his forehead and this time, he ran.

He reached for the doorknob and then immediately jerked away when he felt the same jolt in the hand that had been electrocuted. He tried again with the other hand but got the same result. There was no way out unless he was deranged enough to jump out of the window, but he can't exactly do that while that long-haired girl is now standing by it.

She moved forward, raising her hand and Damocles covers his face in preparation for an attack when really, she was only holding up what appeared to be a cellphone. "Smile for the camera, Damocles."


All eyes in the school were on phones when each one went off at once. At first, teachers thought it to be an important school announcement and allowed the students to see what it was, but when they saw who was on the screens, they began to panic believing a hacker had gotten into the school system. Students were fretting over their grades and permanent records while teachers were more worried over the lesson plans they had worked on for hours at a time.

"This is Lady Wifi, revealer of the truth."

Hearing this they calmed down just a little bit, but others were still panicking.

"For our first exposé, your principal would like to share a little tidbit with you." The young woman who looked like some sort of evil AI stepped to the side, giving everyone a clear view of their Principal who had a glowing purple icon of the pause symbol over his face and one more on his chest, only it was of a lock. With a swipe of her hand, the icon on his face was gone and Damocles could move just above his neck.

"Principal. Monty. Damocles." She spat out each word as if it were poison on her tongue. "Is it true you wrongly suspended a student named Alya today"

The man looked ashamed, giving everyone watching enough of an answer. "Uh... Y-yes, it is."

"What have you done, Damocles?" Mme. Mendeleieve muttered under her breath.

Lady WiFi circled around the man, her steps slow and her hands folded neatly. "So, you were biased when it came to the status of the two students who stormed into your office demanding justice? Unfair with your punishment? You allowed a student who other students have reported for quite some time now to walk free while the other student, an innocent new girl only interested in seeking the truth will now live with the burden of a horrible mark on her permanent record?!"

Her hair seemed to rise with her anger, giving students a clear view of her face, only, that it wasn't really a face, just three bright purple crescent moons forming her eyes and mouth.

"Yes! I was!" The man turned his head away when the ends of Lady WiFi's hair came dangerously close to his face. One would think it was no big deal, but those who had better hearing could hear the static when her hair rose.

"I believe that's all for now." Much to the principal's relief, her electrified hair lowered, but Lady WiFi wasn't done. She swiped something on her phone and the pause icon appeared on Damocles' face again."For my next guest? A certain redhead in blue. Austin Quinlan? Here I come..." And with those eerie last words, she disappeared in a flurry of black and purple pixels and the screens turned black.

Cosette was the one to voice everyone's thoughts. "... What the fuck?!"

Not bothering to shout, 'Language!' The purple-haired teacher quickly composed herself and started packing her bag. "Right. Well, I'm certain we're all aware of the Akuma drill right now?" Nodding, the students begin to hastily grab their things and file out of the classroom like the other students. "Remember to stay at home, help your friends, and read pages sixty-seven through seventy!"


"So, Austin Quinlan definitely isn't Monarch, right?"

"Hey, I wouldn't rule it out, Pondexter," said Plagg. "The Miraculous can alter anyone's appearance, even their voice. During the more... Intolerant years, most white folk didn't want help from Miraculous holders of color-" Noticing his holder's scowl, he nodded. "I know, I know. Anyway, so those idiots didn't die- I don't know why she didn't just leave them in that fire- This old holder gave herself a full-face mask, altered her voice so she'd have an English accent, then made her hair-"

Max's long, tired-sounding groan cuts him off. "Ooh... It hurts." He starts rubbing his temples as if he has a headache. After a moment, he takes a deep breath to calm himself down. "Okay... Okay, so there is a chance Austin Quinlan could be Monarch?" Plagg nods before recoiling when Max starts smiling a slightly unnerving smile. "Well, if he is, then that's one less Austin to deal with."

Plagg shuddered. He's the physical embodiment of Destruction, and a kid has him scared... Granted, he's seen blueprints for a fully functioning lightsaber in his bedroom, so anyone would be in his position.


"Okay, if you boys need anything else-"

"Yeah, yeah." Quinlan waved off the maid once she wheeled the snack cart in. "Thanks, Tina."

"It's Mina," she said through clenched teeth, trying so hard to not do something that will get her fired. And with that, she shut the door on her way out.

Austin Armbruster scoffed as he grabbed a croissant. "What an attitude." The others followed suit and got their own snack off of the cart and just went about their own business, not even worried that an Akuma who resembled an AI version of Samara was after one of them. And why would they be worried? The Quinlans have just about the best home security system in Paris, so there's no way one of Monarch's freaks is getting in.

And, if this one can travel through technology like Tomassian had been crying about for like an hour now, she still won't get to Quinlan because the best firewall software money can buy is now installed and blocking anything suspicious from coming through any phone, laptop, or tablet that enters the estate.

"Okay, but will it prevent magic malware from coming through- Hey!" Tomassian rubbed the part of his head where Quinlan's shoe hit him. "I'm just saying, I don't think people make firewalls that protect people from supervillains!" The other Austins rolled their eyes.

Boulet took a quick bite out of his macaron. "Dude, let it go. No one's getting in. Now, let's talk about how Cesaire thinks Quinlan of all people is Monarch!" He bursts into laughter, almost choking on his own snack until Armbruster smacks him on the back. "Th-thanks. But seriously, are we not going to talk about this?" Quinlan scowled. "No offense, man-"

"Hey! I could definitely be Monarch! I mean, I wouldn't wear that color, but-"

"But you'd be in love with Anciel!" Armbruster cackled, followed shortly by Boulet and Tomassian's howling laughter. "You guys saw what those two posted! Theo nearly pissed himself when Monarch threatened him for almost killing him! I can't," he wheezed. "I can't believe it! A fucking villain is in love with Marc Anciel! Ha!" Tomassian had to pat Boulet on the back a couple of times when he started losing his breath from laughing too much.

Quinlan just stared at his friends, unamused and refusing to join them... But, hearing it out loud, it's kind of funny. "Yeah," he chuckled. "How much you wanna bet he kidnaps Anciel one night?"

"Fifty euros!" Boulet answers before coughing. "I'm good," he told Tomassian. "I'm good."

"Or he creates an Akuma to kidnap Anciel, take him back to him, and then forces him to turn evil," Armbruster guesses casually. "I mean, that's what I'd do." Boulet and Quinlan nod along, but Tomassian looks disturbed by those words. Before he could say something, Austin Quinlan's television suddenly turned on by itself, showing only the black and white static. "... Quinlan?" The redhead holds up his hands, showing he doesn't have the remote. "Then who-"

The four of them scream simultaneously when a glowing purple hand presses against the screen, giving them all flashbacks to when they saw 'The Ring', and on instinct, Tomassian hid in his sweater to avoid the scary part while muttering, "It's not real," over and over again. However, interrupting his mantra is something wrapping tight around his waist, pressing his arms against his torso, and yanking him away from where he sat.

"Put him the fuck down, you witch!" Boulet yelled.

"Give me Quinlan," hissed a new voice, and Tomassian instantly realized it belonged to Lady WiFi. Before any of the Austins could retort, possibly with a, 'Like hell we will,' Tomassian screamed to the top of his lungs when whatever was wrapped around his waist became tighter and was pressing his elbows into his sides.

Wanting to see what was going on, Austin Tomassian pushed his head through the neck hole of his sweater and felt his face go stark white when he sees that he was face-to-face with Lady WiFi and her glowing purple facial expression. He turns around, hoping for either Armbruster, Boulet, or Quinlan to help him, but Quinlan's frozen in fear while Boulet and Armbruster are literally frozen with those purple pause symbols on their chests. "I-I-"

"Oh, has the little lawyer run out of things to say?" Her crescent-shaped eyes and mouth are quickly replaced by a crying emoji. "I'm crying for you. However, you're not the one I'm after." With that, she dropped Tomassian onto the floor, making him groan in pain as he was still sore. Lady WiFi's face glitched and showed a flaming skull when she turned to Austin Quinlan. "Come here, Quinlan." With each step she takes forward, Quinlan takes two back. "It's only fair you receive the proper punishment for your crimes, RIGHT?!"

And when the sockets of the skeleton's face started glowing red, Quinlan took that as his cue to run for his life, racing through the dozens of hallways in his home with Lady WiFi hot on his trail and hitting anyone in her way with pause symbols.

"You know, I was almost convinced you were Monarch. I mean, the freckles should have been a giveaway that you're clearly not."

Quinlan darted into the home theater and hid behind a row of chairs, trying his hardest to keep his heavy breathing quiet.

"But then I thought, 'Oh, that's ridiculous! Monarch, unlike Quinlan, gives. He gives people the resources to get justice. But Quinlan? He takes. He takes away the light in people's lives and makes them suffer if they try to do anything about it!' You and your friends are all like that!"

Quinlan flinched when the lights in the room flicked on and off, the popcorn machine started popping popcorn on its own, and the massive screen cut on to show static, and then Lady WiFi's face covered by her hair. Quinlan tried to move, but the footrests of the electric recliner chairs popped out and blocked his way out. Before he could try to climb over the chairs, Lady WiFi was already halfway out of the screen.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" He starts to climb over the recliners, but then his ankle is ensnared by the Akuma's glowing purple hair.

Lady WiFi hummer. "Another thing? The thing that really convinced me you weren't Monarch?... He and I have been having a lovely conversation this whole time. Isn't that right, Monarch?" The rest of her hair moves out of the way to reveal not her eyes and mouth, but Monarch's face on her screen-like face, making Quinlan's face go stark white.

"Well, I like to keep tabs on my Akumas from time to time," Monarch beamed. "And when I heard what poor  Alya went through because of you and your asshole friends, I just felt so guilty!" The corners of his mouth drew downwards, but Quinlan knew- He could tell it was an act, that the psycho was mocking him! "I felt I had some part in this as well, and it was only fair that I helped her out. And remember to uphold your end of our deal, Lady WiFi." Before Quinlan could retort, Lady WiFi's eyes and mouth reappeared.

"Oh, I won't, Monarch. Now let's take care of this once and for all. Show Damocles what true justice looks like!" She reeled the redhead in with her hair, slowly to savor the moment, but that proved to be a mistake when a familiar red YoYo snagged Austin's wrist and pulled him out of her hair's grip.

"We'll be taking this!" Scarlet Beetle taunted before shutting the door behind him and Quinlan while Ikati Black put his staff through the handles. It gives the heroes a minute to come up with a plan while Lady WiFi tries to force the door open for a few seconds before remembering her powers. "Are you alright, Austin?" Honestly, he didn't care what happened to the guy, but he was a hero and couldn't be biased outside his civilian life... Unfortunately.

"Took you long enough," he spat while unwrapping the YoYo from around his wrist. "Are you gonna arrest that freak when this is over?!"

Ikati Black was mouthing 'Cataclysm' while the boy's back was turned to him. Scarlet  Beetle gave a discreet shake of his head, making his partner back down. "That won't be happening."

"Now, I'm going to go on a hunch here and say she gets her powers from her phone," Ikati Black deduced. "The estate's staff who weren't paused reported seeing Lady WiFi using her phone to pause people and lock a few doors and windows. Austin, is there anywhere in the house that doesn't have service? Maybe your basement, or an attic-"

"Just the garden."

"Good 'ol nature, having no cell service," Scarlet Beetle snickered. "Austin, go hide with the rest of your staff-"

"Oh, actually," Ikati Black interrupted with a devious smirk that looked innocent to his partner, but more like a threatening show of baring his teeth to Austin. "Since Lady WiFi is after Austin Quinlan, I doubt she'll go after us. As we've seen before, Akumas tend to go after their targets, and then our Miraculous, Scarlet." Quinlan's pupils shrank out of fear. "But, I'd like to hear your idea," Quinlan flinched when his hand slammed down on his shoulder and squeezed, digging in his fake claws. "Partner."

Scarlet Beetle knew what his partner was doing... And it was just way too tempting. It would be the ultimate revenge against Quinlan for what he did to Alya, but he has to keep him safe. But, Ikati Black made a good point when he said Lady WiFi would be after him. "... I think that's a good idea, Ikati," he said as neutrally as possible, ignoring Austin's horrified expression. "Austin, if you wouldn't mind."

Ikati Black mouthing 'cataclysm' again is enough to get him to comply and lead the heroes to the expansive backyard that must be as big as a football field and looks like the garden from the Other World out of the movie Coraline. Looking around, they see there are a few places for them to hide while Austin draws Lady WiFi out, like the tall hedges, the koi pond, or even the gazebo that has to be as big as Kim's living room!

Still in awe, Scarlet Beetle mutters a quick, "Lucky Charm," and in his hand appeared a roll of duct tape. "Oh. Well, that's straight to the point." Before Austin Quinlan could ask, Ikati Black was already hefting him over his shoulder with the strength his Miraculous granted him and carrying him over to a statue in the middle of the garden as he kicked and screamed.

"PUT ME DOWN, YOU GODDAMN-" The rest of his words are muffled by a strip of tape over his mouth.

"Thanks, Scarlet." As he nears the statue, he sets Quinlan down and presses his back against it while Scarlet Beetle makes quick work of taping him to it until half of the roll is gone. "Okay, I think that's secure enough. Now Lady WiFi's gotta battle us on our turf. When she walks through the doors, you barricade them with one of those plants." He points to the patio where there are a few plants potted in at least twenty-five pounds of soil. While their Miraculous amplify their strength, Scarlet Beetle is clearly the most physically fit.

Scarlet Beetle nodded before throwing his yoyo and swinging up to the patio roof to wait for Lady WiFi while Ikati Black backed away into the bushes, leaving Austin Quinlan writhing and screaming through his binds until, after what felt like hours, he saw Lady WiFi standing in front of the back door. He didn't even hear them open. Lady WiFi's hair, he notices, is losing most of its glow the further she walks into the garden, turning a drab shade of purple. Her face glitched a dozen times, making the crescents look cracked in some places.

Lady WiFi took one look at her phone and scoffed as she waved it around to get a signal, but this stupid garden was giving her nothing! "WhATEVer," she muttered, her voice sounding like a dying automated voice. "I-I-I-I-I D-d-d-d-DON'T! NEEd m-m-my POWerS-s-s-s to-to-t-t- ki-ki-ki-KICK! Y-you-your-your ASS!" And with that, she ran forward not even noticing the scraping sound behind her or the ladybug-printed tape binding Austin Quinlan to the statue. And honestly, she didn't care! Finally, she'll get justice!

Seeing as she only had her phone on her, Lady WiFi was about to use it to strike the side of Quinlan's head, only to have it smacked out of her hand by Ikati Black's staff. "NO!"

The impact cracked the screen, releasing the Akuma. Scarlet Beetle did his usual routine, purifying the origami Akuma, tossing the rest of the roll of tape into the air, and the magic ladybugs did their thing, fixing all damage as if nothing happened. Only this time, the origami butterfly didn't get swept up in the wind and instead landed in his hand.

"Okay, I gotcha," Ikati Black told Alya as he helped her stand back up. She looked a little disoriented after turning back, so the hero was quick to hold his arms out and catch her when she lost her footing. This never really happened before, but maybe it was because it was a little late in the day while most Akumas were cured where there was still daylight. "I can help you home if you'd like, Alya."

"Y-yeah, thanks," she murmured. "I just need to rest."

Ignoring Austin Quinlan screaming for them to arrest her, Scarlet Beetle approached the blogger with a soft expression. "Alya, I heard about what happened at school. Would you maybe like some help clearing your name?" The auburn-haired girl's eyes looked like they were sparkling. "I'll make sure your principal sees he was in the wrong."

"... Th-thank you," she whispered before hooking her arms around Ikati Black, giving him the signal to take her home.


"Tạm biệt!" Scarlet Beetle hollered before swinging away and leaving Quinlan confused by what he just said, but also angry at getting snubbed by superheroes.


Damocles was in the hot seat now. Scarlet Beetle was in his office, glaring daggers at him while holding Alya's shoulder like they were friends, Marinette and Max were holding binders! What was in them? He didn't want to know! Austin Quinlan was in the room as well, looking much smaller than he did last time. Honestly, the most relieving part is that his parents are not here. He cannot afford to lose this job!

"Now, Mr. Damocles, I think you were quite hasty with your decision to suspend Alya and let Austin Quinlan go free, wouldn't you say?" Scarlet Beetle asked, but it sounded more like he was insisting while sporting his smile that won the hearts of all of Paris but is now being used to instill fear in the owlish man. "I mean, you just suspended her for something as small as Austin Quinlan being in her video for only a quick second. And it wasn't even him, just a photo. And not even intentional."

"I-I mean- Well, I-"

Marinette stepped forward with an unnerving smile. "And let's not forget Austin Quinlan's record, sir. Now, I know I wasn't there for all of them, and some students who have had the absolute pleasure to really get to know Austin seemed rather reluctant to tell Max and me what he and his friends have put them through."

"But the truth always finds a way, sir," Max added, pushing up his glasses with his middle finger. "Alya's permanent record, meanwhile? Clean as a whistle. No absences, wonderful grades, voted 'Student of the Month' at her old school five times, and she even tutored some of the first years having trouble. I'm sure if you were to call her old principal, they'd give Alya nothing but glowing reviews."

Alya couldn't help but blush and buried her face into Scarlet Beetle's hoodie. She was not expecting all of this to be brought up.

"Austin Quinlan's old principals? Also good things, but..." Marinette sucked in a breath through her teeth. "Those fancy schools are known for covering things up in order to keep the big euros coming in and preserving the family's reputation. And, fun fact! All of the Austins have been going to the same school since they were old enough to start school. And, let's face it, Mr. Damocles, students are rumor mills, we spread gossip, mainly stemmed from jealousy, but, the things students have been saying about the Austins seem very specific."

"Pushing someone down the stairs, lifting up a girl's skirt, pushing a kid's face in the toilet bowl," Max listed, much to Alya and Damocles' horror, but for very different reasons. "The list goes on, and on, and-"

"OKAY!" The man blurted, shooting up from his chair, startling everyone in the office. "Alya, you are no longer suspended."

Scarlet Beetle arched an eyebrow. "And?"

"... And this will be wiped from your record."

"Keep it coming, Damocles." Marinette gestures toward Austin with her hand. "You know what we want." Aghast, Quinlan stood from his chair but was stopped by the principal raising his hand.

"Austin Quinlan, you are given two-"

"Five!" Max exclaimed.

"Five hours of detention."

The redhead seethed, making Scarlet Beetle look around the room for an Akuma. "You cannot be serious?! Do you want to hear from my parents?!" Noticing Damocles starting to waver, he smirked. That was until Scarlet Beetle approached him, looking rather intimidating as he loomed over him.

"Look, you can buy all of your principals and have them look away for every little offense you and your friends have committed. But not me. And if this kind of bullshit happens again, I will personally see to it that you and your friends finally receive the proper punishment for every. Single. Thing. Have I made myself clear, Quinlan?" The boy quickly nodded, and Scarlet Beetle's intimidating expression was replaced with a look of earnestness. "Good. Now head to class."

Austin couldn't have left quicker.

With matching smirks, Marinette and Max bid their principal goodbye and left the office with Alya and Scarlet Beetle, savoring the sound of his pathetic sobbing for just a second before the door closed all the way.

Marinette sighed. "That felt good." Suddenly, she felt Alya wrapping her arms around her. "You're welcome, Alya."

"So, what was in the binders?" Questioned Scarlet Beetle, pointing to the pink and green binders.

"Oh, nothing," Max confessed. "We just needed Damocles to believe we had some sort of leverage and make him think we found the Austins' records and any complaint emails from students or parents which were no doubt hidden by all of their principals. I've tried everything to find them ever since they damaged my old laptop, but they're locked tight," he said bitterly. "But I'm gonna find them even if it kills me."

Scarlet Beetle beamed. 'He's so devoted!' "Well, Max, if the things I've heard about you are right, I know you will." He gave the shorter boy a light punch in the arm, not noticing the flustered look on his face. "Well, I better go."

"Oh! I'll walk you out," Alya offered, and the hero didn't feel like passing that up, so the two made their way down the stairs together.

Once they were gone, Marinette burst into laughter. "Dude! What the hell was that? Is your thing just sweet muscular guys, or something?" Hearing this, Max slapped a hand over her mouth to keep her from saying anything more. "Don't think I didn't see that look," she teased, her words muffled by Max's hand.

"As Americans say, I plead the fifth," he stated. "And I have no idea what you are talking about, Marinette."

"Max, my partner when we take over the world together, I may be a demiromantic demigod, but I can still recognize the signs of a crush." She slings an arm around the slightly shorter boy. "It's been written all over your face since we were nine and Kim pushed that asshole in the sand for pouring water on your first robot. Come on, there's no hiding it from me. Or Nino, he knows, too. And... Maybe Rose. I swear, that girl could be the daughter of Aphrodite," she laughed.

"Mari," Max sighed. "You know Kim and I already have a good thing going on. The 'Nerd and Jock friendship' trope, and I don't want to ruin that, you know? Honestly, if Scarlet Beetle's queer, I'd probably have a better chance with him."

"Oh, he's definitely queer," Marinette said without missing a beat. "Come on, name one straight guy who looks that good."


Marinette was quiet for a moment. "... Okay, you've got me there. But just think about what I said. I've been sitting by wondering when you two would get together since you two came out, and it's been killing me, Max!" Laughing together, the two made their way to class.


"I just really needed to thank you again," Alya told the spotted hero as the two made their way down the stairs. "I... I've never had that much luck in these types of situations. There were always Chloes and Austins at my school, and... I-I just sort of snapped yesterday because I thought things would be different and they kind of were. I had more people backing me up this time except for just one or two witnesses, but..." She sighs. "It still wasn't enough."

Seeing she was done, Scarlet Beetle adds, "Well, I've only known Marinette and Max for a while, but, they seem very loyal. They're always gonna have your back, and if not them, I'm sure your other classmates, right?" Alya nods. "Right, they sound like a tight-knit group of people who'd look out for one another, Alya. And you're one of them now, Alya. They'll have your back until you all graduate, and maybe even after that." They stop in the middle of the stairs and he has Alya look up at him. "Keep them all close, alright?"

"... I will," she promised.

"Glad to hear." Before he takes off, something comes to mind. "Hey, I've been holding onto this since last night. Usually, they get swept up with the wind, but I thought maybe you'd want it." He reaches into his YoYo, and pulls out the purified origami butterfly before holding it out for Alya. "Maybe just as a reminder of today and how yesterday, uh... Sorry. I'm not really the best with meanings, and-"

Alya laughed. "I get what you mean, and, thank you." She takes the origami butterfly and just stares at it for a moment thinking, 'You kind of helped me out.' "I'll see you around?" Scarlet Beetle flashed her a smile before throwing his YoYo.

"You know it!" And he was gone, leaving Alya with the origami butterfly.

"... Wonder if Mari can do something with this," she murmured to herself as she made her way back up the steps.

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