🦋The Bubbler🫧

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Like every single year, Adrien woke up to bright balloons to his right, a tray of cupcakes to his left, and his family with huge grins saying, "Bon anniversaire, Adrien!" Eagerly, he sat up out of his bed and quickly hugged his parents before hugging Nathalie and then Gorilla.

"Thanks, you guys!" He beamed. Even though they've been doing this for fifteen years, he never gets tired of it. This was his day, his parents always cleared their schedules just to make time for him, and at the end of the day, they'd all go out to a nice restaurant where they'd give him their gifts. Being wealthy, many would expect only the most lavish gifts, like a new phone, a car, or gold jewelry, but Adrien's family knew him better than that. For him, they got him the latest mangas, a few collectibles from his favorite tv shows, and maybe a nice jacket or two from his father's collection.

Gabriel chuckled as he sat down on the bed. "Now, Adrien, your mother and I have been thinking about this ever since we decided to stop homeschooling you, and um... We thought that this year, maybe you'd like to celebrate your birthday a little differently." Off his confused expression, he continues, "You're at that age where you might like to-"

"Whoa! We had this talk, dad," Adrien interrupted, having some idea of where this conversation was headed. Nathalie slapped a hand over her mouth to hold back a laugh while Gorilla and Emile just snickered.

"Not that," Gabriel bemoaned, much to Adrien's relief. "I meant, we've always planned your birthdays and we think, maybe this time you'd like to plan your party this year."

"Invite any new friends over, have the chefs prepare a nice buffet for everyone, maybe head into the game room," Emile added. "What do you think?"

He's only been going to DuPont for three weeks now, and yet, Adrien's managed to make friends with all of his classmates and the science class students. They're a fun group of people, and he highly doubts any of them would say no to a mansion party with five-star restaurant-worthy desserts and video games that won't be released for another month, that is if they're not busy today, of course.

"I guess it couldn't hurt," Adrien said with a shrug then took one of his cupcakes. "I'll text them and see." Emile kisses his forehead before heading to the door.

"Make sure to shower and get dressed, dear. School starts in an hour," she said, leaving the room with Gabriel, Nathalie, and Gorilla following behind.

Once they were gone, Adrien looked around in his bed for his phone, a common thing he does when he stays up on some nights reading anime fanfiction and then falls asleep with his phone in his hand which somehow then gets lost in his sheets. Finally, he finds it under his pillow and opens up the class group chat he and Alya were recently added on to.

Blonde Wonder:
Morning, guys

Bon anniversaire!

Smol Thespian:

Son of Poseidon:

Purple Emo Bangs:
Bon anniversaire

Max Makes Mechs:
Good morning and Bon anniversaire

They See Me Rollin':
Bon anniversaire, dude!

DJ Lahiffe:
Bon anniversaire my brother!

Shit, I almost forgot! Bon anniversaire!

Blonde Wonder:
🤣 How does everyone know it's my birthday?

Dude, your birthday is public knowledge...

Same for your height, weight, address, and a bunch of other creepy stuff the paparazzi leaked out

Red Emo Bangs:
Damn, Mari

Hey, it's better coming from a friend, right??

Blonde Wonder:
... Kay... Well anyway I was wondering if you guys were free today, maybe you'd like to come over my place for a party?

Buff But Sweet:
Just woke up. Bon anniversaire, Adrien

Buff But Sweet:
And yeah, that'd be cool

Free food? I'm in!

DJ Lahiffe:
Mari, you get free food every day... But seriously, dude? Hell yeah I'll be there!

Briar Rose:
Good morning everyone! Bon anniversaire Adrien! And I'll be there!

Purple Emo Bangs:
I guess that could be fun

Red Emo Bangs:
Hey, I've got nothing to do today

They See Me Rollin':
I'm with Mari. FREE FOOD!

Blonde Wonder:
And video games that haven't come out yet 😉

... Video games?

DJ Lahiffe:
Oh dear Lord.

Max Makes Mechs:
Well, count me in

Son of Poseidon:
Adrien, WHY?!

Purple Emo Bangs:
*Hides under bed*

Blonde Wonder:
... I feel scared now

Buff But Sweet:
As you should

What did I miss?

DJ Lahiffe:
Alya, Adrien... Mari and Max may seem like nice, patient people... But give them a game controller, and they're demons

Aw, is someone still bitter that I kicked his ass when we were ten?

Briar Rose:
I'm just gonna have breakfast now

DJ Lahiffe:
I have gotten over that!

Max Makes Mechs:
Sure, loser

Up top ✋🏻

Max Makes Mechs:

They See Me Rollin':
Adrien, just know what you're getting yourself into.

Blonde Wonder:
Okay, now I'm really scared

Son of Poseidon:
Also, I'll be there


Smol Thespian:
This'll be fun! Are you inviting Mendeleieve's class?

Blonde Wonder:
Yeah, and maybe more since this'll be fun with more people. It IS my first party, after all, and I want to make it memorable

DJ Lahiffe:

Blonde Wonder:
Yeah, it's always just been me and my family

Oh, you poor, poor boy. We will help you!

Purple Emo Bangs:
This'll be your best birthday ever

Buff But Sweet:
Also, I'm wondering... Do you want Chloe and Sabrina to know?...

Blonde Wonder:
Chloe? NO! Sabrina?... I don't know. I feel like she might tell Chloe

Red Emo Bangs:
For her birthday, let's get her a backbone

They See Me Rollin':
🤣 Damn Nath!

Where's the redhead solidarity?

Red Emo Bangs:
*Bisexual gasp* How dare you?! She is a ginger while I am a redhead!

*Posh voice* A thousand apologies

Blonde Wonder:
We'll go over more of this at school (Away from Chloe)

Son of Poseidon:
You got it, dude

Blonde Wonder:
🤩 A man of culture, I see!

Max Makes Mechs:
Oh boy

Son of Poseidon:
Babe, have mercy

Max Makes Mechs:

They See Me Rollin':
School's gonna be fun today

Blonde Wonder:
We can annoy people with nineties classics later

DJ Lahiffe:

Smol Thespian:
I'm out!


"Should I...?" Nathaniel contemplated as he put on his blazer. It was too easy, but then again, it's Adrien's birthday... But he can't let this moment go to waste!... But it's Adrien's first party with friends... Then again, Chloe as an Akuma...

"But Nathaniel, it's Adrien's birthday," Nooroo piped up, echoing his concerns. As his chosen... texted on his... smartphone, he knew instantly Nathaniel had an idea in mind the second this Chloe girl was mentioned. From what the Kwami picked up, the girl is a bit of a brat due to her status as the mayor's daughter. And due to that status, she believes she can have whatever she wants and torments those she deems below her... Pretty much everyone except for that new boy. If she were to hear that she wasn't invited to Adrien's party, she'll surely be enraged and subjected to akumatization.

"You're not really going to akumatize Chloe, are you?"

Nathaniel groaned then went over to his mirror to make sure his Miraculous was on straight. "No, but... What if I just akumatize someone else?" He continued, "Okay, Chloe will obviously be angry that Adrien didn't invite her, so that's something to watch out for. But knowing Chloe, she'll do whatever she can to have Adrien all to herself, so... What if she does something that gets his party canceled?"

Nooroo blinked. "That sounds complicated."

"Well do you have any ideas?" Met with silence, he smirked. "That's what I thought.  And I'll figure something out... Eventually. Now let's go."

With a fond shake of his head, Nooroo flew into the side pocket of Nathaniel's messenger bag as he grabbed it off of his bed.


"Party at Adrien's place," Alya whispered to Simon and Denise. "Make sure you don't say anything in front of Chloe or Sabrina." The two give her a thumbs up then head into the school. "How're you looking, Mari?"

"Ismael's going and so are a few people from the baking club. They insisted on bringing cupcakes by the way," she added with a giggle. "Think Chloe suspects anything?" As if she had been summoned, Chloe's limo came up to the school, and to no one's surprise, Sabrina came running after it, somehow not breaking a sweat... Almost as if she had done this many times...

Alya shook her head as Sabrina trailed behind Chloe, carrying her books, purse, and her own messenger bag. "That's just wrong. Why does no one help that girl?"

"Believe me, we've tried," Nino said, joining in the conversation. "But she's pretty stubborn when it comes to Chloe." The auburn-haired girl just frowned. "And by that, I mean we tried separating Sabrina from Chloe for a week."

"Not the best angle, but it's still something," Marinette remarked. "Since then, we've just let it be."

"Well... I'm not standing for it," Alya said determinedly, a fire in her eyes. "I'll leave it alone for now, but if I see more shit like this, I'm going off on blondie. I don't care if her dad does get me arrested, I will raise hell!" With that, she stormed to the front doors as her friends watched her with bewilderment and awe.

"Have you ever fallen in love with a person you've only known for a short while?" Nino asked after a beat.

Marinette arched an eyebrow. "Oh, hell no. I gotta know someone for at least six months before I start getting any feelings."

"Preach!" Alix hollered as she strolled past the two.


"Adrikins!" Chloe cheered as soon as she saw the blonde walk through the doors. Before he could make a break for it, she was already wrapping her arms around him and kissing his cheek. "Bon anniversaire!"

Adrien groaned. He had gotten here a few minutes late so he wouldn't run into Chloe! She must've caught on. "Thanks, Chloe," he said uneasily while pulling away from her vice-like grip. "Alright, I'm just gonna get to-"

"Did you get the gift I sent you?" She quickly asked, clinging to his arm this time.

"Uh... No," he said, eyes trailing behind Chloe so he could see Sabrina struggling to carry Chloe's belongings and her own.

Chloe scoffed, her grip on Adrien's arm loosening. "Ugh! Those delivery guys! My gift was probably too heavy so they had to send another guy to help! Those slackers!" While she rambled on about the gift she most likely didn't get for him, Adrien snuck away to go help Sabrina.

"Hey, lemme get your bag for you," he offered, but the ginger just shook her head.

"Oh, it's fine," Sabrina said with an obviously practiced smile. "Thanks anyway." Reluctantly, Adrien left while wondering if he should invite Sabrina. Lord knows she could use a day to have some fun for herself. He would have to take her phone so she can't call Chloe, though.

While Adrien made his way up the stairs, she calmly approached Chloe as she was in the middle of a tirade about 'Adrikins just walked away from me?!' "So, what did you get him?" She shrank back under Chloe's harsh glare.

"I didn't... You did! And it better be amazing," she demanded, jabbing her finger at Sabrina's forehead. "and it better not be late!" With a flip of her ponytail, she snatched her purse and stormed to class while Sabrina tried to fish her phone out of her bag and not drop any of Chloe's things, knowing she'll be mad if they touch the floor 'peasants' stepped on.

"Lemme get those for you."

Sabrina looked up at the look of concern on the new girl's face. Since Chloe didn't care to learn her name, that meant she shouldn't either. But if she recalled, her name started with an A. "It's-"

"No it's not," she interrupted before taking Sabrina's belongings. "Girl, you need some better friends, you know that?" When the ginger didn't respond, she sighed, but not out of irritation like Chloe, this was more... Pitiful? "Let's get to class, alright?" Without saying a word, Sabrina followed her, not hunching her shoulders this time.


Being the mayor's daughter and class representative, Chloe was, of course, entitled to know everyone's business. It was how things worked at this lousy school, and it made for utterly amazing humiliation material like last year. That meathead did not expect those fake spiders in his locker! She stifled a cackle then looked around the room. Usually, she'd never grace these losers with her gaze, but she needed answers.

First, that freak with the black bangs whispered to little miss sunshine, that nerd tossed a note to Stoneheart who showed it to that other freak with the bangs, all while Bustier's back was turned. Then the blogger nerds who should be posting more worthwhile stuff (Like her) were whispering non-stop and to her Adrikins! Just what were they planning without telling her?!

Rousing her from her thoughts is the sound of the bell ringing for study hall. While everyone gathered their belongings and headed out of the room, Chloe, out of the corner of her eye noticed that Nick, Noah- Or whatever his name is- left his phone on his desk... Perfect.

Chloe took her sweet time gathering up her things, shooing Sabrina to go without her instead of waiting on her like normal. Once she was alone in the room, she made her way up to the desk in the back and grabbed the cheap phone with her thumb and pointer finger. It was so... Last year... Fortunately, it was open so she wouldn't need to put in a password and she could see...

"How... DARE THEY?!"


Unbeknownst to her, Nathaniel and Nooroo stood outside the classroom with matching grins that went unseen by Nathaniel hiding his face and the Kwami behind a history textbook.

"Okay, that was pretty fun," Nooroo relented as he took a bite out of a blueberry and listened to Chloé's ranting.


The heiress slammed the phone with the purple case facedown on the desk, not caring if the screen shattered. The absolute nerve of these peons! Throwing a party for Adrien behind her back and not inviting her! Honestly, a video game party? What were they, five? Adrien only enjoys the most elegant parties at the best restaurants in Paris with people that actually matter! It's been like that for years, and it'll stay that way!

... But how?

"Ugh," she groaned, hating having to come up with her own plans. Soon, it came to her. Being such a kind person, she won't cancel Adrien's birthday... Just the party these losers have planned. And all it takes is Gabriel's email login info which she just happens to know by heart... Of course, she can't be expected to do this herself. Now, where'd Sabrina run off to?


"Hey, did you see this?"

"What the fuck? I was down to party!"

"How does he have our emails?"

"He's rich, he has access to everything."

Nino shoved his phone in front of Adrien's face. "Is your old man serious?! What kind of jack-" Before he insults his new friend's dad, he sucks in a breath then rephrases. "What kind of person just does this?!"

Adrien reads the words on his screen over and over a few times, his brow furrowing more with each sentence. There was just no way his dad would take back his promise like that... Or use the word, 'plebians.' They're rich, but they're not snobs. "I-I don't know what happened," he tried. "He seemed totally fine with it this morning."

"Getting my damn hopes up," Juleka muttered, slamming her textbook shut.

"I'm not even sure how he got everyone's emails," Adrien continued as he stared at Nino's phone screen in confusion, though, it was a little hard with him shaking it a bit. "Guys, my dad's really not like this."

"Sure," Nino huffed. He shoves his phone and textbook into his bag and storms away. "Whatever man."

Adrien looked to Marinette, Kim, and Max, expecting one of them to go after him since the four of them are close, but they just watched him leave with solemn looks. Noticing the blonde's perplexed look, Max explained, "Nino has a slight problem with authority."

"It's best if he tells you, alright?" Marinette added, knowing Adrien wanted more answers. "It's kind of a personal thing." Adrien could only nod and watch his friend leave the school, all the while wondering what got him so upset and why his dad was acting like such a jerk all of a sudden.

From where they sat on the stairs, Nathaniel and Alix also watched Nino leave, one out of genuine concern, and one out of delight... Mixed with some concern. "... Hey, I think I left my phone in the classroom," he said amongst the tense atmosphere. "I'm just- Just gonna go." Alix gave him a nudge in the shoulder before he left, a futile attempt of her own to clear the uneasiness.


"Nooroo, Wings Rise." Monarch reaches into his bag and pulls out an origami butterfly before infusing it with his magic and turning it into an Akuma. "You know where to go," he instructed as it flew out of his palm and phased through the wall of the empty bathroom. Hopefully, Nino didn't go too far; it's study hall and the students need to be on school property.

Not too long after he sent out the Akuma, it infused with something in Nino's hand. Looking through his eyes, he sees that it's a canister of bubbles. Monarch withdrew a bit, wondering if he should have Akumatized Chloe when he had the chance instead. Maybe there's still time and she's still a little bitter. His Miraculous begins to glow as he tries to seek out any of Chloe's negative emotions.

Gleeful... Vindictive...Schadenfreude...

Nope, not strong enough.

"Uh... You there, dude?"

"Damn!" Monarch facepalmed when he realized he hadn't said anything to Nino for a few seconds. "Anyway, I assume you know why I am here. Look, I get it, adults are what's wrong with everything. Hell, all sorts of authority figures are what's wrong with everything. They take away our freedom, make us do things we don't want to do, and a bunch of other bullshit, right?"

"... Keep talking."

"Bubbler, now you will free Paris from the tyranny of unjust authority. All I need are Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black's Miraculous in return. We got a deal?"

"Hell yeah, Monarch."

Monarch cut off communication as Nino turned into his latest Akuma. "Wings Down. Well, this should make Adrien's birthday interesting, huh?"

"Right," Nooroo nodded, a contemplating look on his face. "But, when you said authority figures, that means parents, right?"


"Including your mom?"

Soon, it hit the redhead like a pile of bricks when he realized what he had just done. "... Oh, shit."


"AKUMA!" Rose's distinctive high-pitched voice screamed.

Nathaniel ran out of the classroom and into the courtyard where colorful bubbles were descending from above and trapping the teachers before floating up to the sky as every student stared up at more bubbles floating over the open roof of the school. And in those bubbles, many recognized, were their parents. Of course, they all freaked out over this. Except for a small handful.

"No, mother," Ismael said drawly, making a weak attempt to reach up. "How will I survive?"

"Attention, dudes!" The students turn their attention to the source of the voice and see a flurry of bubbles swarming on top of one of the basketball hoops before forming... Some kind of spaceman-looking guy with liquified limbs. The really unsettling part was how his eyes and mouth seemed to just glow and float in dark void of his helmet. "Today is your lucky day! Every adult in Paris took a day off!"

Adrien looks up at the Akuma, narrowing his eyes as he tries to figure out who it is.

"Against their will!" Cosette challenged.

"So let's make the most of it! No chores, no homework, no nagging-"

"No one to teach us right from wrong," Marc added.

"DO YOU WANNA GO WHERE THEY'RE GOING?!" He threatened, pointing his bubble wand to the crowd of students. Immediately, they shook their heads. "Well, now that Adrien's old man is out, let the party begin!" He shoots Adrien the finger guns. "This is Bubbler's gift to you."

It finally hits Adrien. "Nino?"

"To the mansion, dudes!" He fastens his bubble wand on his back and flies out of the school, leaving a trail of smaller bubbles behind him.

"... Are... Are we hostages?" One girl asked, breaking the silence. "We're definitely hostages, right?!"

"I'm more concerned with how he just left children alone without any adult supervision!" Denise, a usually calm and quiet student seethed, prompting Simon to take their hand. "He left babies alone without any adults to take care of them! Babies!"

'Yep. Bad idea,' Nathaniel thought to himself, making a mental note to never use Bubbler again.

"My moms aren't even that strict!" A green-eyed girl exclaimed.

"My brothers are at daycare alone!" Screamed Lacey as she tore through her pixe-cut style hair, panicked.

"Should we still go?" Mylene wondered.

"Everyone, listen up!" Marinette yelled, standing before the crowd while on Kim's shoulders so those in the back could see her. When most of them quieted them down, she continued, "Look, I know this is a pretty stressful situation right now, but we can't freak out! Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black are probably on their way, and they'll fix everything. In the meantime, a handful of us needs to take care of the unsupervised children while the rest head to the mansion so we don't piss off Bubbler. Any volunteers?"

Denise's hand shot up. "I'll go to the party, only so I can deck that 80's Happy Meal toy!" Most of the other students followed suit. "I'll say it again! He left babies alone! One is probably rifling through the medicine cabinet right now! ¡Para los niños!" The few who understood Spanish cheered.

"Alright, the rest of you, make sure the kids are safe," Marinette instructed. "Alright, Kim, you can put me down." The athlete complied and set her back down on the floor. "Adrien!" The blonde boy straightened up as she was still using her authoritative tone of voice. "You gonna be alright? I know this isn't exactly the birthday you had in mind."

"Hey," he shrugged. "This'll be a story to tell my kids, right?" The bluentte playfully slapped him on the back, and the blonde had to hold back a wince since she's so strong despite looking like the wind could knock her over.

"Yeah, now let's go to your hostage-themed party." Adrien groaned at the choice of words.

"Don't call it that."


Nathaniel idly walked around the mansion's courtyard, often pretending to mingle with people so he's not caught, 'being a total bummer,' and he's sent to join the adults. He really needs to think ten steps ahead with these Akumas.

Alix nudged him in the arm. "Hey. Wanna sneak some food for later?" She points to the expansive snack table that the Agrestes' personal chefs had prepared before being sent up to the sky. Off her friend's nod, Alix pulled him along and started stuffing cookies into her pockets. "Is it fair to rate Akumas yet? We've only had three now."

"Maybe on the tenth one," Nathaniel answered as he smuggled a few fruit-flavored macarons for Nooroo. "Rate how?"

"Looks, powers, reason," Alix listed. "Any of them, really. Right now, Stormy Weather is at the top of the 'Best Dressed Akuma' list for me." Unbeknownst to her as she stuffed some more snacks in her pockets, Nathaniel beamed at the unintentional compliment. "Stoneheart's powers are pretty cool, but indestructible bubbles?" She looks up at the sky before quickly looking back down. "Y-yeah, th-that's kind of cool."

Confused, Nathaniel looked up to see what upset her friend and had to move his bangs to the side to make sure he wasn't seeing Alix's father and brother, Alim and Jalil Kudbel, but there they were, trapped in separate bubbles. Jalil looked like he was doing some breathing exercises while Alim talked him through it, but he wasn't even sure if any sound could get through them.

"... Hey, Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black are going to help them," he assured, resting a hand on the shorter girl's shoulder. "Alright?" To his surprise, Alix side-hugged him, a rarity since she wasn't one for physical affection.

"Thanks, bud..." Suddenly, she perked up and smirked. "Uh-oh, Chloe alert." She points to the blonde storming over to the DJ booth that Bubbler was manning with Sabrina just a few feet behind her.

Nathaniel groaned. "Who invited her?"

"C'mon. Let's drop some eaves." She takes Nathaniel's hand and drags him over, both pretending to mingle on the way before they were finally within earshot of Chloe and Sabrina.

"I-I'd like to request a slow song," Sabrina stammered.

"Whoa, it's a bit early for that, isn't it?" He asked with a wink, making the ginger blush and turn as red as Nathaniel's hair.

"Smooth," Alix commended.

Looking impatient, Chloe shoves Sabrina to the side. "It's for Adrien. It's his first flow dance after all," she crooned.

"Shit, we gotta warn the poor guy," Alix whispered. Nathaniel nodded and the two went to look for the blonde before Bubbler put on the slow song. Soon, they found him talking to Reshma and Ismael, all three with fake smiles like everyone else to look like they're having fun. "Adrien, hey. Came to warn you, Chloe requested a love song and is probably looking for you right now."

Hearing this, he blanched and quickly looked around for a partner to dance with, but Ismael and Reshma were already in position as soon as the music began to play, and Nathaniel and Alix were awkwardly swaying along.

"Sorry, blondie," the pinkette half-apologized.


Hastily, Adrien ducked down, hoping she didn't see him. Maybe he could just stay down here for the rest of the day. Yeah, that works.

"Get up, Blonde Wonder," a kind, yet oftentimes snarky voice instructed. Adrien took the offered hand that pulled him up so he was face to face with Marinette... Or, face to chest, really. "Don't worry, we've got you covered." She points to a few students blocking Chloe's way so she can't look for him. "Sewing club sticks together."

Adrien chuckled, relieved that he won't be dancing with Chloe. "Thanks, Marinette."

"Dude, call me Mari," she smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I think we've been friends long enough."

"Okay, Mari." Slowly he wraps his arms around her waist.

"Don't get handsy, model boy," she added sternly, prompting Adrien to loosen his hold even more than he already was.


Suddenly, the music was cut off and Bubbler shouted, "Who just hijacked my mix?!"

"Party's over!" Scarlet Beetle announced, standing on the roof of the Agreste mansion with Ikati Black and retracting his yoyo along with the record that Bubbler was just using. "You don't have to go, but you can't stay here!"

Bubbler unsheathed his bubble wand. "Bogus, dude!"

Ikati Black yelled, "Use words from this decade!" Seeing a barrage of bubbles coming his way, he side-stepped out of the way. "But in all seriousness, separating parents from their children? What were you thinking?"

"Kids need freedom, fun, to let loose and live it up!" Bubbler retorted.

"Kids need someone to protect them!" Denise thundered, storming up to the DJ booth while their classmates tried to stop them. "I've tried playing nice throughout this whole shit show, but I'll be damned if I let you get away with this!" A second before they could charge towards the Akuma and grab the bubble wand themself, Bubbler encased them in a bubble and they float up to the sky.

"DENISE!" Simon cried.

"Let's take him out before he sends anyone else to the sky," Ikati Black instructed before leaping off of the roof and surging towards Bubbler while dodging a stream of small red bubbles and smacking a few away.

Still on the roof, Scarlet Beetle throws his yoyo a few times, trying to grab Bubbler's wand, but he has an iron grip on it. "Look, I agree, adults can be downers, but kids need supervision!" While he had Bubbler distracted, Ikati Black tries to pounce on him from behind, only to be caught in a bubble like Denise. "IKATI!" Before he knew it, he was trapped in a bubble and floating up to the sky with his partner.

After finally picking her jaw up off the floor, Marinette only had two words to say. "... We're fucked."

"Now let's just see how many other downers are at this party," Bubbler started, pointing his bubble wand at the crowd before stopping on Juleka. "To the sky with you, Jules! Don't think I didn't see you moping in the back."

The goth girl screamed as she was encased in a bubble and shot up towards the sky, followed by Jean who wore headphones and 'blocked out his jams,' this one girl for trying to scale over the wall, Ivan for not having a good time, Alya for secretly recording and probably luring the heroes here, and lastly, Marc for being a total wallflower.

But, before Marc was encased in a bubble, someone pushed him out of the way just in time, so Bubbler's wand ended up hitting one of the snack tables.

The Akuma groaned. "Just what I get for inviting emos!"

Marc turned to see his savior and felt his face turn hot when he saw the familiar mess of red hair. 'Nathaniel.'

'Alya was right next to me, why didn't I help her?!'

Bubbler pointed his wand at Nathaniel next. "Get ready to go to space, red!" Before he could shoot another bubble, Ikati Black's staff suddenly drops down in front of him, and sliding down at rapid speed from above are him and Scarlet Beetle thanks to an ingenious plan on the spotted hero's end.

Scarlet Beetle whips out his yoyo once he's back on the ground. "Now the party's over. And your Happy Meal-looking ass is gonna send the adults back down!" One student yelled, "Burn!"

"Of course, dudes, I'll think about it right as I'm sending your peeps to space!" He leaps over the crowd and captures all of the students in bubbles, much to the heroes' horror. They chase after Bubbler, making it all the way to the Eiffel Tower just as Ikati Black's ring starts to beep.

"Four more minutes," he warned Scarlet Beetle as they scaled the side of the structure and avoided the explosive bubbles now being fired at them that burst into flames when they hit something.

Once Bubbler took a break to reload, Scarlet Beetle yelled, "Lucky Charm!" and got, "A novelty-sized wrench?"

"Are you a plumber by any chance?" His question went unanswered as he and Scarlet Beetle dodged more bubbles and end up taking cover behind a beam. Scarlet Beetle pokes his head out and tries to see what's around. Noticing the self-assured nod, Ikati Black looked back down at his ring before offering, "Need a shield?"

"Always," he beamed. "Ready... Go!" He and Ikati Black ran out with the latter spinning his staff like a shield to deflect the exploding bubbles. They stop by an air vent where Scarlet Beetle begins loosening the screw, and the pipe comes off. Ikati Black grabs hold of it and uses the airflow from the pipe to deflect the bubbles and even blow a few back at Bubbler. While the Akuma is so busy dodging his own attacks, Scarlet Beetle throws his yoyo and snatches the bubble wands, bringing it to her.

"Got it!" He snaps the wand in half over his knee, releasing the Akuma, and he makes quick work of capturing, purifying, and releasing a newly purified origami butterfly that gets swept up in the breeze. He throws the wrench into the sky and yells, "MIRACULOUS SCARLET BEETLE!" summoning the loveliness of magic ladybugs which put every adult back and next to their respective child.

Bubbler sank to his knees as the back and purple smoke covered him before he turned back to Nino. "Ugh," he groaned. "My head."


'Okay, this was a mistake on my end, but I won't mess up next time Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black,' Nathaniel thought bitterly to himself as he checked on Marc to see if he was okay.

"Th-thanks for pushing me out of the way," he murmured, almost reminding Nathaniel of Juleka.

"Hey, no prOBlem." Nathaniel internally cursed himself for the voice crack. 'Where the hell did that even come from?!' Thankfully, Marc didn't seem to notice.

"God, I do not want to be stuck in there again," Gabriel complained as he stepped out through the doors with Emile, Nathalie, and Gorilla, all four stretching their limbs and cracking their necks until they notice the large audience of teenagers staring at them and quickly straighten themselves up. "Um... Hello?"

Marinette steps forward. "Hi, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, big fan of your designs, but answer me this, please, Monsieur Agreste. Why would you tell Adrien he could throw his own party, then take back your words at the last second and call us plebians of all things?"

The designer took a step back, a little frightened by the fire in this girl's eye and aghast by what she just said. "Excuse me? What are you talking about?"

"The email you sent out, dad," Adrien added as Marinette handed her phone over. "It's right there."

Gabriel and Emile looked at the phone screen with furrowed brows. Gabriel even adjusted his glasses. "Adrien, I never sent this email. And I'd never call anyone a plebian." Hearing this, the students murmured, all wondering who else could have sent that email. "I don't think I've ever used that word."

"But, then who-"

Chloe's voice cut through the crowd, "Oh, who cares? Adrikins, you had your little party, but now let's get things back on track to how they used to be. I know this amazing sushi restaurant-"

"I don't like sushi," Adrien said, sternly. "You know that, Chloe." A thought then occurs to him. "You know, apparently everyone at school got the email my dad supposedly sent out. So, I'm certain the person who didn't get one is the culprit." He felt a strange sense of satisfaction when he saw all of the color draining from Chloe's face.

"I got mine," Marinette chirped, pointing to her phone, followed by every other student holding up their phones and displaying the emails they got... All except Chloe.

Emile arched an eyebrow as she stared down at the other blonde. "Chloe, dear, am I going to have to make a call to your father?"

Chloé sputtered for a moment, unable to believe she had been caught but simply flipped her hair as if nothing happened. "Whatever. Let's go, Sabrina!" The ginger should have been by her side in seconds. What was taking her so long? "SABRINA!" She whipped her head left to right and eventually found her friend/assistant standing by Alya.

The auburn-haired girl seemed to be guarding her and refused to let them make eye contact. But, with a reassuring hand on her shoulder, Alya reluctantly stepped to the side and Sabrina spoke, "C-can I stay for a bit?" She flinched at Chloe's glare. "Twenty minutes, at least?"

The students lean in, wondering what Chloé's answer would be, but many were already pretty sure they knew. Then, to their shock. "You're time starts now," Chloé snapped, already starting the timer on her phone. "And you better be at my place not a minute too late!" With that, she stormed off, and the gate to the mansion shut behind her. Finally, everyone felt like they could breathe, especially Sabrina.

She beamed at Alya. "Thanks."

"No problem, girl. I got you," she said, slinging her arm around Sabrina. "Now let's go smuggle some cupcakes for later."

Gabriel and Emile smiled fondly at the scene before them, both proud that Adrien had managed to make such... A unique group of friends... A lot of friends, really. This almost looks like the whole school, and more just kept coming through the gate.

"Nathalie, have the chefs make some more food," Emile requested. "I'm pretty sure more people will be coming." With a nod, the assistant made her way back into the mansion. "Well, this is nice and all, but where's the music?"

"Guess who's back?!" The crowd erupted into cheers as Scarlet Beetle dropped in with his arm hooked around Nino. Even Gabriel couldn't suppress a smile at seeing an actual superhero.

"H-hey, guys-"

"NINO!" Marinette screamed, meeting her friend with a hug to outdo a boa constrictor. "Don't scare me like that again!"

He winced a bit from the pain. "I missed you too, Mari."

"Well, I'll leave you guys alone. And Bon Anniversaire, Adrien!" Scarlet Beetle told him before swinging away, leaving Adrien starstruck.


Marinette rolled her eyes as she finally released Nino, much to his relief. "Everyone does, blonde wonder. Now, Nino?" She cups his face and makes him look her in the eyes. "I don't want any moping from you, alright? Put your game face on, and start the music!"

"Did she say 'put your gay face on'?" Jean whispered, only to be drowned out by the other students urging Nino to head up to the DJ booth.

"Alright, alright," he relented, grinning a bit as he sauntered over to the set and without missing a beat, put on a new record and brought the party to life again. This time, everyone was having fun and not by force.


The party went well into the evening with Nino bringing it to a close with a final slow song. Couples flooded the dance floor while the single students just stand by watching, some wishing they had someone to dance with and the others just on their phones, not even interested in slow dancing. Marinette and Alix were a few of those people.

"Can't believe I didn't get any footage," Marinette groaned. "I was so busy making sure no one freaked out, that Adrien didn't have to dance with Chloe-"

"Mari, it's alright. If it's any constellation, you were pretty badass back there," she added with a punch to her arm. "You were a total boss, and hell- With that kind of leadership back at the school, you'd be a great class rep." Marinette looked up, thinking it over. "I know you're thinking about it."

"Yeah, but Chloe always wins." 'Because of her dad,' went unspoken, but both girls were thinking it. "... Maybe. I'll think about it. Because with that, my designing, the blog, I'll be way too stressed."

"That's why you got a deputy," Alix reminded her. "I'd be down if Alya's too busy." While Marinette thought her words over, she looked around for Nathaniel's red hair amongst the single students. "Hey, you see Nath around?"

Marinette smirked and pointed to the slow-dancing students. "Right there asking that cutie in the red hoodie to dance." Immediately, Alix looked to where she was pointing and in record time, pulled out her phone and records them, for blackmail material and just to mess with Nathaniel. Looking closer, she realized that boy her friend was dancing with is the same one he rescued from one of Bubbler's bubbles. "Alright, Nath!"

The redhead seemed to hear her and blushed while the boy just laughed behind his hand.

"What's his name again? Marcus, Marcelle...?"

"Marc, actually," Marinette corrected. "But, I think he has a sister named Marcelle who goes here." She gave an impressed nod as the two begin to dance... Awkwardly, but it's something.

"Care to dance?"

Marinette stared at Adrien's offered hand with a suspicious look before shooting him the smirk she has reserved just for him. "Don't get handsy, blondie. I'm leading." She takes his hand and pulls him onto the dancefloor.

"Aw," Emile cooed, leaning up against Gabriel. "Isn't that sweet? Remember our first dance?"

"Yes, it was behind the school," Gabriel chortled. "I left our tickets to the school dance at home, we couldn't get in... But, we could still hear the music through an open window." He takes Emile's hand and kisses it. "Still one of the best nights of my life."

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