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Red Emo Bangs:
Bon anniversaire!

Red Emo Bangs:
Once again, first to say it!

Blonde Wonder:
No fair! I didn't know her birthday was today! Bon anniversaire Alix!

Bon anniversaire!

Son of Poseidon:
First, Bon anniversaire

Son of Poseidon:
Second, prepare to go DOWN!

They See Me Rollin':
Bring it on, Kim! I'm gonna kick your ass!

Son of Poseidon:
Please! Your skates are no match for me!

Max Makes Mechs:
Statistics say otherwise, Kim

Son of Poseidon:

Buff But Sweet:
Alix, if you win, I will buy you ice cream for a month

New girl question! What's going on between you two?

Blonde Wonder:

Blonde Wonder:
I mean 'New Boy Question'

Nope. It's New Girl Question. Deal With It

Blonde Wonder:

Purple Emo bangs:
Well, I'm sure you've noticed Kim likes to dare people to do outrageous things

Son of Poseidon:
It's what I do

Smol Thespian:

Purple Emo Bangs:
So now, Alix has a bet going on with him. Kim is to stop daring people for the rest of the school year if Alix beats him in a race

Briar Rose:
Win or don't come home Alix!

They See Me Rollin':
No pressure! Got it!

Buff But Sweet:
You're going down, Kim

DJ Lahiffe:
Well, as Kim's best friend, I gotta support him

Same! Throwing the Girl Code out the window for this one


They See Me Rollin':
You evil girl

Thank you, I got my credentials from the man downstairs himself

Red Emo Bangs:
I can't tell if you're serious or not

I could be

Blonde Wonder:
I am both scared and intrigued

Briar Rose:

Smol Thespian:

DJ Lahiffe:


They See Me Rollin':
Alright, I gotta get going. My old man's taking me to Le Grand Paris for a birthday lunch

Red Emo Bangs:
Don't be late so I can give you your skates which are, by the way, looking badass!

They See Me Rollin':
I knew I picked the right person

Son of Poseidon:
Fancy skates aren't gonna help you win 😝

Yeah, not when I've made awesome t-shirts and a banner for when Kim wins

DJ Lahiffe:
And I helped!

Yeah, by getting glitter all over you

DJ Lahiffe:
It was sparkly!

Briar Rose:
You used glitter without me?!


Oh, my mother is calling me! zài jiàn!

Briar Rose:

Purple Emo Bangs:
Let it go, hon

Blonde Wonder:
Let it go, Let it go! Can't hold it back anymore!

Red Emo Bangs:
I'm out

Son of Poseidon:
Me too! Gotta get a few more steps in!


"Fifty-nine, sixty, sixty-one, sixty-one, sixty-one. You're not going down all the way, Kim." Heading her instruction, Kim goes down lower with his next push-up. "There we go! Sixty-two! Sixty-three, sixty-four, sixty-five... How long are you gonna keep doing this?"

Kim chuckled. "Just enough to get myself hyped up for later. Few more and we'll head out."

"I've been meaning to ask," Tikki started, floating in front of her chosen as he did more push-ups. "Why do you like daring people so much?" Kim gave a quick shrug of his shoulders.

"I'm not really sure. Just something I've been doing since we were kids. Mari and Nino got in on it, too, but, I'm pretty sure that was just so I wouldn't give them any crazy dares." He laughs fondly at the memories, recalling how Marinette would always climb to the top of the slide and make an announcement that he'd be holding another one of his weekly dare contests. And Nino would make sure no one tried to sneak away. It was fun. "I remember this one time, I dared Juleks to eat a blade of grass... Then she ate another one."

Tikki made a gagging sound, getting a laugh out of the athlete.

"What? We were four! We do all sorts of weird stuff." The kwami giggled before glancing over at Kim's clock.

"You should start heading out now if you wanna meet your friends."

"Yeah, you're right," he said while getting up and doing a few stretches to loosen up. "Just gonna grab a protein bar for me, a cookie for you, and we're out." Tikki quickly flew into his hoodie pocket as Kim made his way out of his bedroom and downstairs into the kitchen, passing by his mother who was doing a workout of her own in the living room while his dad counted her sets. He gave the two a quick 'hello' before going into the kitchen, grabbing a snack for himself and Tikki, and then making his way to the door. "I'll see you guys later!"

Khuyen was mid-sit-up when she pointed to Kim and shouted, "Win that race or don't come back, Kim!" Teo nervously laughed her off.

"She's only joking, sea monkey! Just go have fun!" With that, Kim made his way out of the house. "Khuyen, I love you, but you've gotta word things a little better."

"What? It got me a date with you, didn't it?"


Not many at Alix's school are aware of this, but her family is pretty wealthy. She just doesn't like to brag or go out with big-spending money like Chloe. Her dad is the museum director at the Louvre, which pays big bucks seeing as it's one of the largest museums in the world. This meant they could go to fancy parties hosted by the mayor, meet a few dignitaries, and eat at the nicest restaurants in Paris... Unfortunately, Alix's dad picked Le Grand Paris.

"Couldn't you have made more of an effort to dress nicely?" Alim asked good-naturedly, gesturing to Alix's sneakers. The pink-haired girl smirked.

"Couldn't you, pops?" Alim couldn't help but laugh. "Besides, you know I'm not into all that fancy stuff. Plus, I've got a race later, and I can't be beating Kim in a pantsuit."

Alim smiled. "But this is a special day, Alix." Before she could retort, he continued, "You see," He reaches inside his jacket pocket and brings out a silver pocket watch with beautiful engravings on the front. "This family heirloom was made by one of our ancestors many, many years ago. It's been passed down from one generation to the next, the youngest on their 15th birthday. And today, it's your turn to inherit it, Alix." He slides the watch over to her.

Alix furrowed her brow at those words. First, why the youngest? If her dad ends up adopting, will the watch go to them? Second, why the fifteenth birthday of all birthdays? That's not exactly one of the milestones like seven, ten, sixteen, or twenty... Though, that is a pretty cool-looking watch.

"It's pretty sweet, dad. But I've already got a watch," she points to the neon green watch on her wrist. "And it's synced up to my smartphone."

Her dad only chuckled. "Well, Alix, sometimes there's more to things than meets the eye. Let's just say that our ancestor was..." He taps the watch, opening it so a cloud of blue smoke comes out. Only it wasn't smoke, it was a hologram. And when it cleared away, it revealed a young woman in old-fashioned clothing holding up a large clock with the current time. "Ahead of his time." Alix gasps, amazed. She reaches for it, but Alim closes the watch with a sly smile. "Of course, I'd understand if you'd rather me buy you a new pair of rollerblades-"

"No, Dad! I'm stoked to have it!" She blurts before going to hug him. Once they pull away, he places the watch in her waiting hands. "It's awesome, thank you!" Interrupting this moment between the two is her phone ringing. "God, I gotta go, but I don't wanna bail on you." Alim waves her off before placing her cap on her head.

"Go on ahead, dear. And just promise me one thing?" She tilts her head, silently asking him to continue. "Make sure you beat Kim." With a wink, Alix left the restaurant.


"Yay, sports," Simon drawled, looking down at their phone. "Go faster. You're doing great. I love being a part of this."

Reshma quirked an eyebrow. "Uh, Simon? The race hasn't started yet."

"I know, I'm just getting ready for when it does start," they explained. "Run or skate around in a circle. I love the outside."

"Simon! Quit being a wet blanket!" Lacey shouted as she arrived with Cosette, Mireille, Aurore, Marc, and one other girl whom Mme. Bustier's class didn't recognize.

"Guys, this is my sister, Marcelle," Marc said before any of them could ask. Marcelle gave a polite wave while Mme. Bustier's class looked her over, already seeing the uncanny resemblance between her and Marc. Hell, she even wore bright colors like him and had a chain on her belt.

Marcelle made her way towards Mme. Bustier's students with a bright smile that almost rivaled Adrien's. "Nice to finally meet you guys."

"Holy shit, she's shredded," Juleka murmured, but it was loud enough for everyone else to hear and for Rose to nudge her in the arm. Realizing what she just said, instead of blushing and acting as if she hadn't said anything, Juleka gestured to Marcelle's toned arms. "Well, am I wrong?"

Ivan gave a low whistle, not one out of arousal, he was just impressed by her muscles. And that's what he'll say if Myléne asks. "What gym do you go to?"

"Oh, the one by the ice skating rink."

"No shit, my sister goes there!" Alya exclaimed. "She's a wrestler! Ever heard of Anansi?" Marcelle's eyes almost looked like they were sparkling.

"Anansi's your sister?! She's a fucking legend in the ring! At least until I finally managed to kick her ass."

Alya went quiet for a moment, alarming her friends. Adrien even tapped her to make sure she was okay. "You... Beat my sister in the ring?" Once again, silence until she engulfed the green-eyed girl in a bone-crushing hug. "MARC! Where have you been hiding this wonderful girl?!"

While Alya gushed over Marcelle and her friends tried to get their own questions in, the sound of an air horn drowned out their words, and all heads turned to where they heard the horn come from.

"Make way, people!" Marinette shouted as she and Nino rode up to the group on their bikes, Max hitching a ride on the back of her's while holding the banner she made in one hand and a bag full of t-shirts in the other. "Greatness will be arriving in three... Two..."

"I'M HERE!" Kim hollered, running up behind them, not even breaking a sweat. "Who's ready to see me win?!" Nino plays an air horn sound effect on his phone to add to the hype.

Aurore smirked. "Actually, we're here for Alix."

"Speak for yourself, hon," Denise scoffed. "I'll take sneakers over skates any day. You got this, Kim!" A few students from Mendeleive's class cheered him on as well, but most were sure Alix would win as soon as she arrives.

"Ah, you bunch of haters," Kim said before childishly sticking his tongue out. "You all picked the wrong side to cheer on. Besides, does Alix have official merch?" Marinette reaches into the bag Max is holding and pulls out one of the 'Team Kim' shirts she made before tossing it to someone in the small crowd. "Thought so!"

"Again, TRAITOR!" Alya playfully yelled, pointing an accusing finger at Marinette.

"And it looks like Alix isn't even showing up! Probably too chicken to race an extreme athlete like me."

"Spoke too soon, Kim," Alix said triumphantly as she strode over to the group and everyone cheers her on, her skating helmet tucked under her arm. "Your ridiculous bets are over. I'm gonna leave you in the dust, meathead while looking awesome! Nath! If you please?" The students part for the redhead who had been hiding in the back, holding a black shoebox in his hands.

Marcelle leaned over to Marc and whispered, "Isn't that the boy you were telling me about?" Marc quickly slapped a hand over her mouth.

Nathaniel hands Alix the box, and opening it reveals a pair of black skates with neon green flames expertly painted on the sides, which Alix held up proudly for her friends to see so they could praise the redhead for his skills... Okay, mainly to embarrass him since he doesn't usually show his artwork all the time.

"Damn! I need you to paint my shoes one day!"

"Any chance you can paint Lin Manuel Miranda on my jacket?"

"What paint did you use?"

Deciding to spare her friend of all the attention he was receiving and going redder than his hair over, Alix whistled, getting their attention. "Alright! Let's get this race started people! My team, make sure to cheer loudly! Losing team, I don't care!" Those on 'Team Alix' let out loud cheers which 'Team Kim' tried to drown out with their own cheering.

"But first!" Max loudly piped up. "Let's review the official rules." The students quieted down, knowing how Max can be a bit of a stickler with the rules and will want complete silence when explaining them unless someone has a question. "Two laps around the fountains; approximately 500 yards. The first one over the line's declared the victor! If Kim triumphs, Alix will relinquish her rollerblades to him." Kim sticks out his tongue at Alix while she's putting on her skates. "If Alix triumphs, Kim will be prohibited from making another dare for the rest of the school year."

Kim tried not to make it obvious that he was paling in fear right now. He knows very well that Alix is one of the fastest people in school, and that's without her rollerblades, so he's a bit nervous to see how fast she is with them. But a reassuring pat from Tikki is enough to boost his confidence.

Marinette yelled as she passes the banner off to Rose and Ivan to hold up, "Kim! If you lose this, you can forget those victory cupcakes!"

And that confidence was gone. The athlete sputtered for a moment. "I thought I'd get those either way!"

"I lied!" She cackled, making Kim wonder once again how he became friends with such a little demon. Good thing Nino was there to calm her down- Nope. He's giving him that, 'Win or don't come back alive' look... Good thing Max is sane when he's not having one of his 'Mad Scientist' moments.

"We're through with all of those stupid dares!" Juleka yelled, once again shocking her friends due to her usually being so quiet.

Ivan adds, "That's right!" He's still a little bitter from what happened when they were ten and Kim dared him to sit by an ant Hill for five minutes. There were ant bites going up and down his arm.

"No more dares!" Nathaniel cheered before shrinking back and tilting his head down so he doesn't meet anyone's gazes. He just got caught up in the moment and blurted that out.

Once Alix got her skates on, she and Kim made their way to the starting line, only for something to cross her mind before Max could start the countdown. She makes her way over to Alya and pulls her watch out of her pocket. "Alya, you mind holding onto this? I don't wanna drop it during the race."

Alya looked at her then down at the expensive-looking pocket watch. "Uh, you sure you're fine trusting me with this?" Alix gave a firm nod and then passes it to her.

"Guard it with your life," she said before skating back to the starting line. "It's a family heirloom!"

Alya warily looks down at the watch and makes sure to hold it tight in her hand. The one day she doesn't wear anything with pockets. "Mari, you're recording this, right?" On cue, The bluenette whipped her phone out of her purse and begins recording, earning an appreciative smile from Alya.

"Cool looking watch," Kim said while doing some quick leg stretches.

Alix smirked. "Flattery's gonna get you nowhere, Kim."

"On your marks," Max starts. "... Get set... GO!" And they're off, Kim on foot, Alix on her rollerblades while everyone cheers on, with the exception of Chloé and a nervous-looking Sabrina who looks like she wants to cheer someone, anyone on.

"¡Tienes esto, Kim!" Denise cheered.

Going against his original plans for the race, Simon looks up from his phone to watch. But he still gave the drawl words of encouragement. "Yay, go in a circle. Someone win."

"Win this for us, Alix!" Myléne shouted from on top of Ivan's shoulders.

"Kim! I was lying when I said I was lying!" Marinette yelled. "You can have the cupcakes either way!"

"You're an evil, evil, little demon," Adrien said to her, but there was a hint of endearment in his tone.

Marinette pretended to gush. "Aw, I try."

Marc was trying to ignore his sister's smug look by absentmindedly cheering for no one in particular. Why did he have to mention Nathaniel that one time? Now she's going to be bugging him for weeks to ask him out even when there's no sort of romantic tension between them and he's not even sure if Nathaniel likes guys. Still seeing her smirking, he hissed quietly, "Will you cut that out? I just said he's nice."

"Oh, sweet older brother of mine by one minute," she simpered. "I know there's more to it. But, I'm a fair, reasonable young lady and will allow us to discuss this after the race... Oh! Which almost seems to be over. They're halfway done with the first lap!"

"I don't like you," he muttered.

"Last lap!" Max called out.

"Want me to hold that for you?" Adrien offered, noticing Alya constantly glancing at the pocket watch in her hand and holding it in an iron grip. "You look kind of nervous." Alya looked apprehensive for a moment before he opened his jacket pocket. "Don't worry, I've got it."

After thinking it over, Alya carefully hands him the watch, but not before giving him this warning. "Don't let anything happen to it, alright? It's a family heirloom."

"Nothing's going to happen to it," he assured, only for the watch to be snatched out of his hand and he didn't even have it for a second.

"Adrikins, whatcha got there?" Adrien muttered a prayer to anyone listening for them to strike her down. "Some super old case or something?"

"Give that back, Chloé!" He demanded. "It's Alix's!" The blonde girl scoffed and continued to mess around with the watch, holding it above the ground with her thumb and pointer finger as if it were a piece of garbage, much to Adrien and Alya's horror.

"If it's Alix's, it's probably worthless," She sneered as they tried to grab at the heirloom, making sure to be careful so they don't knock it out of her flimsy grip and break it, but it's not them who break it. No, It's Chloé, carelessly tossing it to the racetrack like it's last year's iPhone.

Much to their relief, it doesn't break. There's probably a little scratch somewhere, but they're sure Alix won't notice. Before Alya could pick it up, Alix speeds right past her... And right... Over... Her... Watch. She and Adrien turn stark white and think, 'We're so fucked.'

"I call a rematch!" Kim demanded, panting a bit and trying to catch his breath, not noticing how everyone suddenly went silent. "That false start back there threw me..." His voice trail off when looks up and sees Alix crouching on the ground. At first, he thinks she might be hurt and is about to go over and help her until he notices the remains of her watch on the ground.

"Alix, this is my fault," Adrien said before Alya could try and pin the blame on herself. "I offered to hold it for her, but then Chloé took it from me and dropped it-"

Alya was quick to interrupt. "No! I was the one who gave it to Adrien! I-I almost dropped it and asked him to hold it!"

"My old man gave me this for my birthday!" She exclaimed, eyes brimming with tears. "This watch is a family heirloom!"

Marinette hesitantly said, "M-maybe we can fix it."

"As if!" Chloé scoffed with her signature hair flip. "I totally had nothing to do with this." Immediately, glares were shot her way.

Alix bit back the string of insults she had saved for the rich girl, only muttering, "Shut up, Chloé," before skating away in tears while everyone else stayed behind, unsure of whether they should go after her or not. A few look to Nathaniel, seeing as he and Alix have been friends since they were babies, but he's at a loss, too. Finally, it's Marinette who makes the first move, taking off her 'Team Kim' shirt before running after Alix.

Nathaniel watched Alix skate away, a flurry of thoughts going on at once in his head. He should go and comfort her. But he knows Alix, she'll be like this for hours. And this was a family heirloom for crying out loud, one her father gifted to her for her birthday, so this will be nothing like her rare moods... But, maybe Monarch can help her out a bit, just to let off some steam... Then again, that would require Akumatizing his best friend on her birthday of all days...

Disappointment... Frustration...

"Ah, shut up," Nathaniel whispered to his Miraculous before looking around for a place to transform away from everyone else. Fortunately, they were either too distracted by the events that just took place or trying to come up with ways to cheer Alix up to notice him sneaking away.

"This is the one time, and it'll be good for her to let off a little steam," Nathaniel said to himself, though, not really believing his own words, and hid behind a wall where no one was around to see him or Nooroo. "Yeah. This is fine."

"You really don't have to do this, Nathaniel," Nooroo tried. "Why not just talk to her?"

Nathaniel sucked in a breath. "Nooroo, you do not know Alix I do. She'll be like this for a week, maybe longer. Plus, with the powers I've got in mind for her, I'll definitely get Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black's Miraculous this time. Nooroo, Wings Rise."

Monarch takes an origami butterfly out of his transformed bag before covering it with his hand and turning it into an Akuma. He's about to send it off before looking at it with uncertainty, still wondering if he should Akumatize his friend. After a while, he sighed and sent it away. "Go to her."


"Maybe we could fix it?" Marinette suggested. "I'm pretty good with tools; I can get it working like new again."

Alix sniffed. "This watch was of a kind!" She shoves the remains in front of Marinette's face, making the pigtailed girl flinch back with a sheepish expression. "It can't be fixed!" Seeing that Marinette had nothing left to say, she skated off, leaving Marinette to return back to her friends.

"God, why didn't I just look after that watch like she asked?" Alya wondered aloud, berating herself for not being more responsible. If she hadn't handed it to Adrien, Chloe wouldn't have snatched it and thrown it to the ground like it was a piece of garbage. Nino was quick to pull her in for a side hug.

"Hey, you couldn't have known." Alya shot him a look that said, 'Are you sure about that?' "Well, you couldn't have known Chloe would snatch it." He glances over to the left and sees the blonde girl trying to drag Adrien away, not at all concerned about Alix. "Ugh. Anyway, you two messed up, you feel bad, but hey! It's a part of life." The auburn-haired girl chuckled, making him smile.

"Shut up, Lahiffe... But, thanks, I guess."

Marinette spares only the faintest smile as she looks at the two, getting the feeling they'll become more than just friends as time goes on. Though, she still couldn't get her mind off of Alix. It's her birthday, and an amazing present got destroyed. She's sure she could fix it, but as Alix said, it's one of a kind. One slip-up, and it might not be like how M. Kudbel gave it to her. So deep in her thoughts, Marinette almost doesn't hear her phone's alarm going off. Nadja will be at the bakery in ten minutes.

"I gotta go, guys!" She hollered before grabbing her bike and riding back to the bakery.


Alix clutched the remains of her watch in her hands before shoving them in her pocket, wondering how she'll explain this to her dad when she gets home. In just twenty minutes, she destroyed a family heirloom, probably committing the biggest blunder out of everyone in her family, worse than the time her brother tried to summon the aliens who supposedly built the Pyramids. She only skated faster, the sound of her wheels against the pavement hitting her ears and drowning out everything around her... Including the sound of an Akuma's wings.

"Hello, Timebreaker."

Alix immediately stopped when the voice rang through her head and looked down at her skates, not pitch black. "... Shit."

"Hey, before I give you powers and stuff, are you alright?"

The pink-haired girl quirked an eyebrow, wondering why a villain was concerned about her. "What the fuck do you care? Aren't you supposed to be evil or something?"

"I prefer anti-hero. I'm not evil, but I'm also not conventionally good," Monarch explained. "But, really. I can see into your mind, your memories. Feels weird to care about something you've only had for a short amount of time, huh?" Alix was quiet for a moment.

"... Yeah, but my dad gave it to me, so... You know, it was important." Alix was surprised at herself, talking to a villain- Er, anti-hero about her problems when she could be talking to Nathaniel, Juleka, or Rose. Marinette even offered to fix her watch and she turned her down, harshly too.

Monarch continued, "Hey, it's fine. I bet you wish you could just go back and fix your mistakes, huh? We all do." He went quiet for a moment, and Alix seemed to notice.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"I- Uh, yeah. Sorry, just lost in thought. Look, I can help you get your watch back and prevent all of this from happening. Just accept my deal and in exchange, bring me Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black's Miraculous. Okay?"

Alix pondered Monarch's words for a moment before nodding her head. "You got it, Monarch." And with her words, the black and purple smoke surrounded her, turning her into Timebreaker. She got into a starting position before skating towards her friends at an amazing speed, fast enough to probably leave behind a trail of fire. It didn't take too long for her friends to notice and start panicking when they saw her new look.

"RUN!" Rose screamed, her high-pitched voice loud enough to deafen a few people before grabbing Juleka's hand and running away.

Simon tries to escape from Timebreaker, but she touches his arm and he freezes in place, much to the horror of his classmates, especially Denise.

"SIMON!" They screamed while Cosette and Jean tried to pull them away.

Marcelle backed away from the Akumatized skater. "Alix, you gotta stop this! Wh-what'd you even do to him?!

"The name's Timebreaker now! And I'm gonna go back in time and save my watch, using all you punks to do it!" Seeing Myléne run by, she quickly touches her arm, freezing her in place.

The wheels of her skates, Aurore notices, seem to be glowing a bright neon green color. She swears one of the wheels even had a bit of electricity surrounding it.

"I needed their energy," Timebreaker continued. "The more I get out of all of you, the further back I'll go! Now hold still!" She skates toward Denise, but Marcelle is quick to take off her beanie and throw it in Timebreaker's face, causing her to trip and fall while she takes off running with her brother and his classmates.

"Get to higher ground!" Mireille shouted. She wasn't sure if that would work, but maybe, just hopefully Timebreaker couldn't climb with her skates.

While the students ran to look for any higher ground, Max rushed to look for a hiding spot to transform while avoiding Timebreaker's touch. "Not how I expected this race to go," he said to Plagg as he flew out from his pants pocket.

"You know the words," he groaned, annoyed to be awoken from his nap.

Nodding, Max said, "Plagg, Claws Out!"


The student who heard Mireille's words quickly took to climbing any nearby trees, but some just weren't quick enough such as Ivan, Ismael, Juleka, Chloé, and Jean, and others who didn't hear Mireille are still running from Timebreaker. The Akuma's wheels were glowing much brighter than before, that if it were night, they'd probably light up a whole street.

Timebreaker is about to tag Cosette, but Ikati Black throws his staff at her ankle, making her trip and fall, right near Rose.

"That's a timeout for you, Timebreaker," he declared.

The Akuma bit back a snarl, seeing she was next to Rose. An easy mark. Feigning regret and weakness, she cried, "Please, Rose help me, I messed up! Please!" She holds out her hand with a pleading expression, hoping it's enough to tap into the blonde's selflessness.

"I-It's okay, Alix," she said, reaching for her hand to help her up while her friends loudly advised her not to.

Juleka screamed, "ROSE! NO!" But it's too late, Timebreaker steals Rose's energy, freezing her in time, much to the horror of the goth girl that Marc has to hold her to make sure she doesn't fall off of the branch.

"Sweet, loving Rose," Timebreaker simpered. "Always putting others before herself." She looks at the clock emblem on her chest before her eyes trail over to Ikati Black. "Three minutes! Let's see if those nine lives of yours' are worth anything!" She skates after Ikati Black and attempts to touch him, but he smacks her hands away with his staff each time. After one hard hit to her wrist which hinders her a bit, Ikati Black tries to take a swing at her skates, believing those might be where her Akuma is, only for her to kick his staff away and then continue to chase after him.

Timebreaker comes close to touching the hero's shoulder, only for a familiar red yoyo to wrap around her wrist and reel her over to Scarlet Beetle. "Why don't you keep your hands to yourself?!" With a snarl, Timebreaker swept his ankle, knocking Scarlet Beetle down and giving her the chance to steal his energy.

"NO!" Ikati Black cried, drowning out the concerned shouts of the students as Scarlet Beetle starts to fade away.

Monarch watched this from his hiding place, his face going white. "Shit." He speaks to Timebreaker. "Timebreaker, Scarlet Beetle's fading fast! Go back in time now and get his and Ikati Black's Miraculous!"

Timebreaker moves her neck side to side, getting out a few cracks. "No problem. I just got six minutes in one go thanks to that bug. Later, alley cat!" She gave a mock salute before skating off, much faster than before, electricity crackling around her skates and engulfing her body in some places. Hearing a cat-like growl, Timebreaker hardly had enough time to react to Ikati Black latching onto her back. "HEY! Get off of me!"

"Oh, no way, you Doctor Who ripoff!" Seeing her try to touch him while still skating, Ikati Black grabbed her forearms. Soon, he becomes enveloped by the same crackling electricity surrounding Timebreaker before his vision became obstructed by a bright white light. Ikati Black shuts his eyes and looks the other way.


"Last lap!" Ikati Black heard... Himself yell? He looks around, blinking to readjust his vision, and sees he's still at Trocadéro, only... Alix isn't akumatized, no one's frozen. He went back in time! Immediately, he wants to freak out and start squealing like a little kid on Christmas morning until he sees Timebreaker skating toward the past group of students.


Out of fear, Chloe drops the watch, making it shatter upon impact. Past Alix sees this as she nears the finish line and screams.


Timebreaker seethes. "You evil WITCH! I need to go back in time!" She surges towards Chloe and slides her hand across her face, stealing her energy and prompting the others to run


Nathaniel gaped as he watched the scene unfold from his hiding place. "What the hell? Nooroo, help me out here."

"The Akuma, she's from the future!" He chirped. Hearing this, Nathaniel beamed.

"Oh, this is too good! Nooroo, Wings Rise." Transformed, he takes an origami butterfly, turns it into an Akuma, and sends it after Alix.


While Timebreaker chases after everyone else, Max pulls his future self to the side and begins an onslaught of questions. "Who are you? How did you get here? And who is that?" He points to Timebreaker who just got done stealing energy from Cosette, Nino, Marinette, and Juleka.

"You, just a few minutes into the future, time-travel Akuma, and her name is Timebreaker," he quickly explained. His past self looks him over for a moment before Plagg pokes his head out from his pocket.

"He's right! I can feel it!"

A high-pitched sound comes from the back of Max's throat before turning into a full-on excited squeal. "This is phenomenal! Did you go through some sort of time portal, or was it more like teleportation where you immediately jump from one point in time to another?" Ikati Black chuckled a bit at his past self.

'Is this how I sound to people?' "I'm not sure, I had my eyes closed," he admitted sheepishly. "Now, I suggest you transform. In the future, Scarlet Beetle got hit by Timebreaker, took his energy, and froze him in time. So just in case, I'm gonna need backup." After taking all of the information in, Max transformed and the two Ikati Blacks ran after Timebreaker, now accompanied by another one and evading Scarlet Beetle's yoyo while stealing energy from the students.

Noticing the two, Scarlet Beetle furrowed his brow. "Am I seeing double all of a sudden?"

"Long story short, I'm from the future," Future Ikati Black explained. "Do not let her touch you, and the Akumas are in their skates. Everyone gets that?" The past heroes nod.

After tagging Simon, the last person to steal energy from, Past Timebreaker turned to her future self, "I think we've got enough energy to go back. But first, let's go hardcore on those three and take their Miraculous!" She and herself clasp hands and chase after the heroes to steal their energy, but Scarlet Beetle leaps out of the way moments before they could get near them, lands behind the two Akumas, and trips them by tying his yoyo around their ankles.

"They're pretty fast on their rollerblades," past Ikati Black said to himself, noticing them struggling to get back up. "So... What if we got 'em off of the ground?" His past self nods to himself.

"I like the way you think."

"Change of plan!" Future Timebreaker snapped. "We gotta go back in time now! There'll be less of them!"

"I'm down." The two link arms and skate away. Future Ikati black sees the electricity crackling around them and starts running.

"Scarlet! We're gonna need a Lucky Charm!"

With a nod, Scarlet Beetle shouted, "Lucky Charm!" And he was given, "A bicycle lock?" Quickly, he looks around for a way to use his Lucky Charm before the two Timebreakers can go back in time. His Lucky Vision illuminates both Ikati Blacks, a pillar, and a section on the ground. "Future Ikati! Destroy the pillar!"

Future Ikati Black vaults ahead of the Akumas. He yells, "Cataclysm!" and destroys the pillar, making it crumble into large pieces, getting in the way of the Timebreakers. They see this and quick turn around. Scarlet Beetle stands just a few feet across from them, holding the bike lock.

"Let's freeze him on our way past!" They neared, getting closer, closer... But then, out of nowhere, a studded blue chain wrapped around their ankles before Scarlet Beetle could go through with his plan. Before they could get close to him, Scarlet Beetle moved out of the way as Past Ikati Black cataclysms the ground, making it crumble and become uneven. The two are going too fast, they can't stop, and get launched into the air by a stray chunk of the ground. While they're in mid-air, Scarlet Beetle grabs their skates with his yoyo and destroys all four by throwing them against the ground, releasing two Akumas.

"Not so fast, you two!" Scarlet Beetle catches the two Akumas in his yoyo before releasing the two purified origami butterflies. He tosses the unused bicycle lock into the air. "Miraculous Scarlet Beetle!" The magic ladybugs swarm around the city, getting rid of the future Ikati Black and Timebreaker, bringing the students back, fixing Alix's watch, and finally, TImebreaker reverts back to Alix.

Noticing her watch by his foot, Scarlet Beetle picks it up and approaches Alix who's looking a little disoriented. "I think this is yours?" Gleefully, Alix takes her watch back and looks it over to make sure not a single gear is out of place.

Emotional, she hugs Scarlet Beetle, much to his shock. "Thank you!"

"... Heh, no problem," he said, returning the hug before his earrings start beeping. "Hey, I've better get going, but I'll see you around." Before he leaves, he noticed the blue chain that replaced his Lucky Charm and helped stop the Timebreakers. He looked around, and asked, "Hey! Who's chain is that?" Immediately, all eyes were on Marc, but he points to the two chains already clipped to his belt.

"That's mine." All eyes turned to Marcelle raising her hand. "What? An Akuma froze my brother and friends in time, I wasn't just gonna let that slide." Alya and a few girls from Mendeleieve's class cheer her on while the guys give proud smiles.

Scarlet Beetle shoots her double finger guns before swinging away, shortly followed by Ikati Black vaulting off in the other direction. Not too long later, Kim and Max made their way over to the group, both acting as if they had been there the whole time.

"Alright, well since there was a time-traveling Akuma, I guess we can just call this race off," Kim tried, only to be cut off by Ivan resting his hand on his shoulder and giving him a knowing smirk.

"Alix crossed the finish line before you did. No dares for the rest of the year."

"No dares, no dares, no dares," Ismael starts chanting, and slowly, the others begin to join, including a reluctant Marinette, Nino, and Max. Chloe meanwhile, just looked at her phone and waved her hand in beat with the chanting. "No dares! No dares! No dares!"

"... I still want those cupcakes, Marinette," Kim pouted.

'You managed to slip by me this time, Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black. But one day, past, present, or future, I'll have your Miraculous!' Nathaniel thought bitterly to himself but sported a proud smile so no one would become suspicious. However, what snapped him out of his inner monologuing was when someone bumped into him. It was Marc. "O-oh, hey."

He seemed to glare at someone for a brief second before shyly greeting Nathaniel. "H-hey, Nathaniel. Uh... Weird day, huh?"

"Yep, two Akumas, two Ikati Blacks... Uh... Yeah," he added awkwardly, not really sure what to say next just like with every other conventionally attractive person he's talking to... Not that he thinks Marc's attractive. Yes, he has nice eyes and soft-looking black hair, but that's all. And Nooroo didn't know what he was talking about after the last Stoneheart attack, going on about his emotions and "liking him." Yes, he likes a boy he met while he was hiding in a locker!

"Excuse me," said a voice cutting through and interrupting Nathaniel's thoughts. It was Cosette. "I'm just gonna take Marc away for a bit, thanks, bye," they said before dragging the stiff-looking noirette away and leaving Nathaniel to not at all question his own feelings.

"Marc, honey, you were dying out there," Aurore sighed, making sure her voice was quiet enough so Bustier's students didn't hear but loud enough for her classmates. "Seriously, I was getting ready to drag you to the morgue." In response, he groaned into his hands. "Relax, we got you out of there in time. No thanks to Marcelle." The girl gave a nonchalant shrug.

"Hey, excuse me for trying to get my brother out there. He just needed a little push." Literally, she actually pushed Marc into Nathaniel.

Ismael rolled his eyes. "This is why I stay out of romance. Too messy. And give our little disaster gay some time. It took Denise and Simon forever, but look at them." The two share a chaste kiss.

Marcelle let out a long groan. "Fine. You guys are no fun." As they laugh at her, Marcelle can't help but notice that one particular person has remained quiet. Jean Duparc. She knew him well and knew that Jean was never quiet and always invested in his friends' love lives. So, what was so different with Marc liking Nathaniel? Before she could speculate some more, Juleka yelled once again,

"VICTORY PARTY ON THE LIBERTY!" By tomorrow, everyone's sure she'll go back to being the quiet girl they all know well.

"Yeah! Let's go see that hot brother you've been talking about!" Marinette called out.

"He's on an overnight field trip!"


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