Origins: Queen of Hearts, Part One

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Okay, so for everyone's information, Storm and I are school-age here.  (Let's say I'm about 16, and Storm is more like 15.)  We share a class in this story.  Storm is only something like a year younger.  (We've got split classrooms, anyway, so we can still be in the same classroom!)

Ready?  Then let's get started!!!  😸

"..For thousands of years, there have been magical objects of great power hidden on the Earth by a Guardian.  These items are known as the Miraculous.  For centuries, they have been used to protect-"

A woman's hand waves and cuts the speaker off.  "Just tell me about..  The most important ones."

The speaker clears her throat nervously.  "O-Of c-course.  The belt of the Raven, and the circlet of the Spider.  When combined, the user will achieve ultimate power."

"-And what can you do, Yenni?"

The worm kwami whispers quietly.  "I-I can infect someone, anyone, with a parasite.  It will transform them into a superhero that will obey your every command-"

"-Or supervillain."  The woman cackles.  "I like the sound of that!"

"B-But..  They're not to be used for evil purposes-"

"SILENCE!!!  You are mine, and I command you!!!  Understood, my kwami?"

The little kwami hangs her head sadly.  "I-I understand...  Master."

*In a mysterious tea shop*

A pair of reptilian eyes snap open with a gasp.  "Master!  Master!!!"

A small Chinese man walks over to the crocodile kwami, who floats agitatedly in front of him.  "Yes?  What is the source of your worry, Igalorr?"

The kwami hovers directly in front of his Masters' face and looks him straight in the eyes.  "Yenni has awakened!  I sensed her!  But.."

"That's wonderful news!"  The man exclaims.  Then he takes a closer look at his friend.  "Or is it..?  What aren't you telling me, Igalorr?"

"-Someone very evil has her!  I think that there will be an infection today!"

The man stands to attention.  "Then it's time to transform!  Igalorr-!"  His back suddenly pops, and he groans.

The crocodile flies to him.  "Master, you're becoming too old-!"

"Nonsense!  I'm only 186 years old!  I'm still in my prime!"  He catches the disapproving look that the croc is sending his way, and the man sighs.  "Oh, alright!  You're right.  But how do I choose who gets the-"

The bell at the front of the store chimes, and Igalorr quickly zooms away and hides out of sight.

"Hello, Mister Yu!"  A young blue-eyed brunette greets him cheerily, smiling.  

Yu immediately pastes an unconcerned smile onto his face.  "Hello, Miss Kat!  How did you find my new blend of tea?"

"It was absolutely delightful!  I especially liked the little notes of peppermint in it.  It was a lovely surprise!"

"How wonderful!  I'm glad that you enjoyed it so much!"

A few moments of silence pass, and Kat tilts her head to the side, concerned.  "Mister Yu, is something wrong?  Normally, by this point, you'd have shown me several other varieties of tea.  What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, Kat.  It will all work itself out in the end."

Kat lifts an eyebrow, unconvinced.  "Well, if you ever need to talk, I'm here when you need me."

"Hmm..."  Yu suddenly smiles.  "Kat, I just remembered.  There's a new tea on the shelf over there.  Could you fetch it for me, please?"

"Of course."  When she gets up and has her back turned to him, Yu quickly reaches into his pocket, takes out a small box, and tucks it into the outside pocket of her backpack.

Kat walks back to him with the tea.  "Mister Yu, you showed me this one yesterday!"  She laughs.

He chuckles.  "So I did, so I did!"

Kat checks the shop's clock.  "Oh dear!  I don't want to be late for my first day of school!"  She hurriedly swings her backpack over her shoulder and runs outside, waving to Yu before she leaves.

Once the shop is empty, Igalorr appears again.  "I saw what you did, Master.  I suppose that you're finally letting the next generation become heroes as well?"

Yu nods and fiddles with another box.  "Yes.  There's just one more thing to do..."

-At Storm's house-

"-But Mooooom!  Why can't I go to public school?!"

"Because you're too uncontrollable to be around people!  You're a danger to them!"

"Now, why would you say that?!!"

"-Because, five years ago, you burned your last school to the ground!  Remember that?!!  You left a hot dog in the microwave, of all things!!!"

"I'll behave this time, I promise!"

Storm's mom bites her lip.  "I..  Don't know..."

Storm does her best puppy eyes.  "Pwease, Mommy?"

Her mother squints her eyes shut.  "Oh, okay, okay!  But one misstep-!"

Storm hugs her.  "Thanks, Mom!  I love you!"  She snatches up her already-prepared schoolbag and runs out before her mother has a chance to change her mind.

"Dear God."  Her mother prays,  "Let them all survive my daughter..."

-Somewhere near the school-

Storm sees an old Asian man being attacked by a couple of thugs.

"HEY!!!"  She yells out furiously.  "PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN TEMPER!!!"  

She immediately charges over and swings her schoolbag at one.  The bag connects solidly with his jaw with a clunk, and he crumples to the ground, unconscious.  The other thug takes one look at the guy's prostrate form and flees from the scene.

Storm smiles.  "Wow, who knew that the big Canadian School Curriculum book would actually be useful for something other than making heavy-duty spitballs?!!"  She smirks and pulls a lead pipe out of her bag.  "Of course, this might've had something to do with it, too..!"  She says with a gleeful, evil little grin.

The old Asian man gets up from the ground.  "Thank you, young lady!"  He pats her on the shoulder, then leaves.

Storm watches him go, and then she snarls at the awakening thug, who immediately goes limp again out of fear.

"I hope Mom doesn't hear about this..."  She mutters, then heads to school.

-At school-

"Hey, stranger!"

Kat gasps and spins around.  "STORM!!!"  She runs over and hugs her friend.  "I haven't seen you since the Great Microwave Incident of '11!"

"It has a name now, too?!!"  Storm grumbles.

"Of course!  You're a hero!"  Kat wipes a fake tear from her eye.

"Oh, well.  In that case...  LOOK WHO'S BACK, BABYYYYY!!!"  Storm shouts.

Kat grins.  "Something tells me that it's going to be a very eventful school year..!"

-Later-  (Because I don't want to make Episode one any longer than it already is, you'll meet the other students soon enough!)  😊

When Kat arrives home, the first thing she sees is her mother, crying.  She dashes over to her.  "Mom, what's wrong?!!"

"People are horrible!  Your grandfather's just had his operation, and people are so inhuman!"  Kat nods, 'Yes indeed, they're terrible', and her mother continues,  "He asked the nurse to check his blood pressure.  By chance, a friend of his called him on his cell phone just then.  So the nurse goes, 'If you're healthy enough to take a phone call, then you don't need it checked.'  And then she left him!"  Her mother sobs again helplessly.  "He's on the other side of the world, how can I help him?!!"

Kat brings her a box of Kleenex.  "Is there a way that I may help you, Mother?"

Her mother waves her away.  "I just want to be left alone."  She pulls the tissue box to herself.

Kat kisses her on the head.  "I love you."  Then she goes upstairs to her room and plunks her backpack down onto her bed.


"Ahhh...  A concerned daughter, separated from her father by a vast ocean.  Perfect prey for my parasite!  Yenni, INFECT THE MASSES!!!"  The mysterious woman transforms and looks at herself.  "Niagara Falls, prepare to meet: PARASITICA!!!"

-At Kat's house-

Kat's mother is still crying angrily when a small pinkish-grey worm wriggles under the door.  Unnoticed, it crawls up the couch and onto the tissue box, where her hand still rests.  When she sees it, she opens her mouth to scream, but it's too late.  It bores into the box, and she freezes.  Parasitica speaks to her.

"A mother and a daughter who wants to protect those she cares about.  If only there was some way that you could get your revenge on the heartless people of this world!  Well, now there is.  Queen of Hearts!  I'm giving you the power to stop these cruel people, but I want something in return.  The Miraculous of the Raven and the Spider.  Find them and bring them to me!"

"As you wish, Parasitica!"  A cloud of evil-looking mist descends upon her, and within it, she begins to change.  When the transformation is complete, she slams the front door open and breezes outside.

-Meanwhile, in Kat's room-

Kat rummages in her backpack, and a strange box tumbles out.  "How peculiar!  I don't remember packing this..!"  She opens it, and a purple blur flies out, momentarily startling her.  Then it comes to rest on her hand.

"Hello, Kat!"  It says cheerily, in a cute, high-pitched voice.

"Hello!"  Kat replies.  "-And who might you be?"

"I'm your kwami, Tokka!"  The tiny ravenlike creature answers.

"Pardon.  Kwa- what?"

"Kwami.  When you wear that belt, I can transform you into a superhero!"

"Belt..?  Superhero?!"  Kat's eyes light up.  "You mean that I can beat up nasties, and people will finally thank me for it?!!"  Kat hurriedly puts on the belt.

Tokka laughs.  "Yes!  This is the Miraculous of the Raven.  It grants the user the power of Replication, the ability to mimic the powers of a villain, or one Miraculous power of your choosing."

Kat nods.  "Okay.  Could you give me a few examples?"  When Tokka doesn't immediately answer, the girl sighs.  "They're a secret, aren't they?"

Tokka gives her an apologetic look.  "Sorry.  You'll just have to make do for now."

"Alright, I'll manage.  Whom do I have to fight?"

"There's a villain out there somewhere who has the Worm Miraculous in his or her possession.  It can create a parasite that will infect a civilian-"

"-So, bad news?"

"It will transform them into a powerful supervillain."

"Okay.  So very bad news."

Kat asks the raven kwami a few more questions, and when she's satisfied, she smiles at Tokka.  "I have just one more question, then.  How do I transform?"

Tokka flaps her wings eagerly.  "All you have to do is say: 'Let the feathers fly!'"

Kat grins.  "Okay, then!  Tokka, LET THE FEATHERS FLY!!!"

Kat's belt starts to glow, and as Tokka gets pulled into the buckle, it changes color, becoming a deep, rich purple.  Kat draws her hand over her eyes, and a beaked mask appears over them.  She throws her head back, and her hair turns black, with a thin braid forming on one side.  She crosses her arms over her chest, then throws them outwards, with her suit's purple patterning racing along her arms, then down to the tips of her toes, where boots form.  A pair of swords materialize on her back, and she draws them out, slashing at the air.  Finally, she leaps back and poses, then jumps backwards out of her window without a moment's hesitation.

-Meanwhile, at Storm's house-

Storm is peacefully munching on a cookie when she spies a hexagonal box sitting on her dresser.  She curiously opens it with her one free hand, spies a circlet, and then something small, brown, and leggy zips out.

"Hello, Storm!  I'm-"

Storm screams and throws her cookie at it.  "STAY BACK, CREATURE!!!  And give me my cookie back!!!"

The being picks it up and hands it to her helpfully.

Storm gives it a slightly less hostile look than before.  "Hmm..  You have given me the cookie...  Then you are now my friend."  Storm takes a suspicious bite out of it nonetheless.  "What are you?"

"I am Gayle, (Anyone get the reference from our Randomness book?!) the kwami of the Spider Miraculous.  I am here to help you to become a superhero..!"  Gayle continues speaking as Storm puts the circlet onto her head.  "Your power is Spider-Shock.  And all you'll need to do to activate me is to say: 'Fangs out!'  Now, the thing that you'll need to know is-"

"Gayle, FANGS OUT!!!"

"What?  No!  I haven't finished explaini-  WHOA-AAAH!!!"  

As Gayle gets sucked into the four beads on Storm's circlet, they all become a brilliant blue.  She makes a slingshot shape with her fingers and touches her eyes, allowing her mask to form.  Her hair becomes curlier and slightly redder.  She punches upwards with her fist, and a brown suit races downwards.  Blue and lime green markings swirl around her, then appear on her suit, and a boomerang glimmers into place on her hip.  Finally, she twirls and poses.


-Out on the rooftops-

Kat is standing on a roof with her hands on her hips, scanning for disturbances, when there's a thump and a muffled gasp of pain from behind her.  "Ah.  My kwami said I'd have a partner."  She turns around.  "Uh..  Are you alright?"

Storm gets up and winces.  "Oh, you're a superhero?!  I thought that you were a villain!  I was sneaking up on you!!!" 

Kat snorts.  "You call that sneaking?!!  I heard you from two roofs away!!!  What's your name, by the way?"

"Oh, it's S-"

"-Your superhero name, obviously."

"Right!  It's..  Uhh.."

"How about Ariadne?"  Kat suggests.

"Ariadne?  I like it!  I'm ARIADNE!!!  And you?"

Kat smiles.  "Call me Raven."

"Cool name!"

"Thank you, Ariadne.  Now if I'm not mistaken, that's our villain, right there."  Raven says calmly, pointing a finger at a location a few blocks away.

End of Part One

WOW!!!  2265 WORDS?!!  *Faints*

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