Chapter 1: Arrival

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Justin Prov:

My name is Justin Jonathan Agreste and I am the son of the best bakers in all of San Diego California in which my dad owns a bakery in which he and my mother Elisabeth work together to sell the best bake goods of all time. My father is the brother of my uncle who happens to be his twin brother Gabriel Agreste who is the greatest fashion designer in the world right next to my child hood friend Chloe's mother Audrey Bourgeois. Many wondered if my father was a fashion designer like my uncle but it turns out he is not because he wanted to follow his own dream and that is to open up his very own bakery since a lot of people say that us Agreste are rich and powerful but for me along with my father and mother we don't care about those things in which we intended to live normal lives like everyone else because I really don't like fame and fortune because it is quite annoying really I mean seriously who wants to walk up to saying oh wow your an Agreste as well is that amazing in which people just look at you and point at you like some kind of object and not treat you like a human being. I hated that stuff for a long time and just wanted to be normal and thats what I got when my parents decided to move out of Paris where we used to live and move to San Diego California to start a brand new life together and I really enjoy it a lot. But then when I got word that my aunt Emilee who is my uncles wife has unknown disappeared it sadden me that my aunt was gone without a trace in which I felt sadden for my uncle for what has happened and it turns out me and my uncle got along quite well together when I used to liv3 in Paris in which he and I always shared conversations with each other and do things together which made him happy but now that my aunt Emilee is gone I feel bad what is going on with him in which I miss him so much and not just him but also Natalie who was like a god mother to me when I was just a boy and she would always make me smile while I was around but that was years ago in which I wonder how they are doing all this time.

Anyway as for my life well do I got to school like any other child would well yes I do but I do online classes instead in which I finished my junior year because lets just say I am quite smart as well as a straight A student of my grade and got good marks in mostly everything due to my online classes in which my teachers are vert impressed with my work. And I am not the only one because my cousin Felix does it as well in which he and I bonded quite well together and I was more than happy to be by his side after what happened to his father in which I felt bad for my cousin in which he and I formed a strong connection together and I will always call or video chat with him to see how he is doing with his life and always send him some bake goods that I make for him in which he really like the lemon cookies that he and I shared together when we were kids and always had each others back. My parents also felt bad for what happened to Felix that they also were happy enough to visit him and his mother during the holidays to be with them so that they wouldn't feel alone in which made them very happy that myself and my family spent time with them but I don't know why my uncle and Natalie didn't visit them for some reason maybe because they were still upset about what happened to Aunt Emilee.

Then many weeks later I got word that my parents anniversary is coming up soon in which I am very happy that they want to celebrate their anniversary like any family would but when I got word that they wanted to spend their anniversary on a cruise ship that made me feel quite uncomfortable because let's just say I had some bad experiences with cruise ships in which I get sick sickness real easily.


(Justin's home slash Bakery)

Jonathan: Justin can you come down stares please, your mother and I want to talk to you!(Jonathan who is Justin's father was calling his son down stares)

Justin: Coming!

A soon as Justin was down stares he went to greet his mom and dad Jonathan and Elisabeth Agreste to have a talk with their son about something important.

Justin: Hey mom, hey dad do you need something?

Elisabeth: Justin you know that me and your fathers anniversary is coming up soon is that correct.

Justin: Yea you guys on going on that cruise ship to celebrate your anniversary why?

Jonathan: Well son me and your mother have been talking and we know how you feel about cruise ships and you get sick easily so we decided a better way to let you have a great time that is not anything on the water.

Justin: What do you have in mind?

Elisabeth: Well since you are taking online classes and you are doing amazingly well in all your classes in which you are almost finish your senior year we were thinking that hows about instead of you going on the cruise with us hows about visiting your uncle Gabriel in Paris I mean you two liked spending time together before we moved away and I know you miss him so much so hows about spending a couple months with your uncle in Paris while we celebrate our anniversary together and we will make sure to contact you to see how you are doing.(Justin's mother said in which got Justin excited because it has been years since he saw his uncle as well as Natalie and wanted to see them for so long)

Jonathan: And of course we got you your own penthouse included since your old enough to have your place to yourself as well as look after yourself since you are our favorite child.

Justin: Mom, Dad I don't know what to say!

Elisabeth: We figured you could use some time for yourself as well as spend time with your uncle after what happened to Emilee in which he could use someone like you to keep him company.

Justin: That is true and I do miss him very much and I do want to make him happy like I did years ago.

Jonathan: What do you say son hows about spending time with your uncle while we have our anniversary on the cruise.

Justin: Sounds good to me in which I have no problem flying but when something is on water you know how I feel about that.(Justin saids in which made his parents giggle of their son being sea sick)

Elisabeth: Why don't you pack up your things to take with you to Paris.

Justin: I think I would that right now and thanks mom and thanks dad!(Justin saids and hugs both his parents in which they hugged back)

Justin: But first I have to ask when do I leave though?

Elisabeth: Well, thats up to you, do you want to leave tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Jonathan: Whatever decision you make son we will respect it.

Justin: Hmm....I might as well leave tomorrow that way I can get a start with getting my penthouse as well as some things I need if I am going to stay for a couple months and I have enough money to last those months thanks to our Agreste bank account.(Justin saids in thought)

Justin: I think it would be best that I leave tomorrow so I get the stuff I need for my penthouse as well as some other things that I need to last me for the months you talked about.

Elisabeth: Well then we will get you a airplane ticket to Paris while you get your things ready for tomorrow.

Justin: I will do that and thanks again my and dad I love your guys so much.

Jonathan: We love you to son and run along and get ready for tomorrow.

Justin: Yes sir!

Soon Justin went into his bedroom and started to pack his things for tomorrow in which he packed clothes, his school work, computer, phone, wallet, drawing books since he likes to do art work as well as some music since he likes to listen to his favorite song writer Jagged Stone along with other song writers included but Jagged Stone was his absolute favorite. He also made sure to take a picture of him with his mother and father with him so that he will always has something to remind him of them together. Then once he has finished packing his things he also wanted to give his cousin Felix a call to see how he is doing before heading to bed.

Justin: Hello Felix good to see you.(Justin saids on the video call with his cousin Felix)

Felix: Hello Justin good to see you as well.

Justin: How you been cousin anything new happening with you and aunt Amelia.

Felix: So far so good we're doing alright what about you and your parents?

Justin: Well my parents anniversary is coming up and they are planing on going on a cruise ship together to celebrate..

Felix: Pfff...last time I remembered when you went on one you got sea sickness real bad in which you refused to go on another one.

Justin: Hey cut me a break I can't help myself!(Justin saids in which earned his cousin Felix a smirk while hiding his laughter)

Felix: So tell me are you going with them?

Justin: Sorry but no they had a talk with saying that it would be best if I went to Paris and visit Uncle Gabriel while they go on their cruise in which I have no problem flying but something on the sea not so much.

Felix: Oh your visiting Uncle and cousin Adrien....

Justin: Adrien? Whose Adrien?

Felix: Oh thats right you never knew, you see Justin after you left Paris and moved to San Diego both uncle Gabriel and Aunt Emilee had a son named Adrien who is our third cousin in which he is following in his fathers ways and becoming a model for his company.

Justin: Wow a third cousin what is he like?

Felix: Sigh.....he doesn't take things seriously and tries to do what is best for himself and those around him but between you and me he nothing more than a sunshine boy.

Justin: Hmm...what I can tell that you and him had something for a while until it all slipped away and everything changed.

Felix: Yes, and that is why I don't visit them anymore not even uncle after I did something I wasn't suppose to do since due to my jealousy of our cousin.

Justin: What happened?

Felix: I pretended to be Adrien and said some things to his classmates in which caused a commotion in Paris but I apologized and our cousin excepted my apologies.

Justin: Felix I understand you just wanted to be around people who wanted to treat you like a person not some kind of object just like me and I was always there for you when your father past away and I felt bad for what happened to you in which myself and my parents went to visit you and your mother so you wouldn't have to be alone. I care about you Felix as well as Aunt Amelia and I will visit you two again so we can spend more time together as a family.

Felix: Thank you Justin that is why you are the only person who understands what I am going through and mother wants to see you as well because misses you so much.

Justin: I am still recovering from those hugs she gave me the last time we spent together have to say cousin she gives out the biggest bear hugs ever.

Felix: Thats my mother for you, when do you leave for Paris?

Justin: Tomorrow, in which I want to get my penthouse ready as well as some things I need for a couple of months.

Felix: Well then let me know what the place is like, as much as I want to have more conversations with my favorite cousin mother is need of my assistance and I will tell her that you called.

Justin: Understandable, tell her that I will see her soon when I get the chance along with you as well Felix.

Felix: Will do farewell for now Justin.

Justin: You to Felix.

Call Ended

When the call ended, Justin shut off his computer and went to bed to get ready for tomorrow in which his parents got him his ticket for the plane to take him to Paris so that he can see his uncle Gabriel as well as Natalie again but also Gorilla since Justin enjoyed Gorilla company but calls him G for short which him and Justin spent time together before moving San Diego so it would be nice to see Gorilla again but also couldn't believe he had another cousin that he never knew about in which he has to talk to Gabriel once Justin arrives in Paris. But also it would be nice to see Chloe again since he and her got along quite well when they were kids and now wants to know how she has been doing.

The next day:

Justin got all of things packed in his bags along with some things he took with him in which him along with his parents were at the San Diego Airport to say goodbye to their son and wishing well in Paris for a couple months.

Elisabeth: Alright you got everything you need sweetie.

Justin: Yup packed up everything that I need for my trip mom.

Elisabeth: Good and if you need anything fill free to call us alright.

Justin: I will mom I promise.

Jonathan: If you see Gabriel tell him I said hello and sorry for what happened to Emilee in which we felt bad for what has happened to her and I want you to give him my regards as well as your mothers.

Justin: Don't worry dad I will, and I will be there for him every step of the way.

Elisabeth: Thats my boy, and you still remember about your marital arts as well in case something happens while you are there sweetie.

Justin: Of course and I will make sure to watch myself in case I run into trouble with someone.

Jonathan: Thats what we like to hear son, take care and have fun and keep up with your school work as well.

Justin: I will dad, I love you both so much and see you soon after your anniversary trip.

Elisabeth: We love you to sweetie and maybe while you are there maybe find yourself a girl as well.(Elisabeth saids with a smirk in which earned Justin a blush on his face)

Justin: Mom?!

Jonathan: Hehehe alright honey I think he gets it but seriously son it wouldn't hurt to have a special someone in you life it could make things amazing just like how I met your mother.

Justin: I will think about it dad but for now I should get going before my plane leaves.

Elisabeth: Alright bye sweetie and enjoy your stay in Paris.(Elisabeth saids and hugs her son and gives him a kiss on the forehead)

Justin: Bye mom have fun on the cruise and you to dad.(Justin saids and hugs his father)

Jonathan: Goodbye my boy, we will send pictures of our trip to you.

Justin: And I will do the same.

All Passengers for flight to Paris France is now boarding!

Justin: Oh I better get going bye mom bye dad!(Justin saids and heads off while waving to his parents goodbye for now)

Jonathan and Elisabeth: Bye son!

Soon Justin made it on time boarded on the plane to head to Paris France in which he sat down in his seat and waited patiently for him to arrive to his destination which will take about thirteen hours to arrive in which he got out his school work and started to work as well as some Jagged Stone music to listen to as well while he enjoys the plane ride to Paris. Then after finishing up some school work Justin decided to listen to some Jagged Stone music in which put in his headphones and decided to drift off to sleep while enjoying some good music.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After many hours later the flight attendant has made the announcement that the plane is landing in Paris France in which Justin put all his things away and waited for the plane to land to his destination in which he was excited that after waiting so many hours on the plane he has finally arrived in Paris. Then after words the plane has landed in Paris in which everyone on the plane was getting their bags and luggage off the plane in which Justin was doing the same and once he got everything that he needed he headed out of the airport and called an Uber to take him to where the penthouse that his parents got for him.

Justin's Uber arrived and took him to his destination but while he was in the car, he was taking in the same site that he remembered when he was little in which Paris still looked the same after he moved to San Diego with with his parents and cannot wait to relax as well as see his uncle again but before that he needs to settle down and get everything that he needed for his stay in Paris in which after he gets his penthouse and unpack his things, he will go out to get some food as well see the sites once again like when he was little.

Justin arrived at the place where his penthouse was and gave his Uber driver a tip and headed inside the building where the person in charge asked for Justin's name in which the employee found Justin's name under his parents and gave the keys to him in which Justin took them and headed up to his penthouse which was on the top floor and once near the door he opened it with his keys and looked at where he was staying in which the penthouse that he was going to be staying was beautiful.

Justin: Whistles.......this place looks amazing and I get it all to myself thanks mom and dad for doing this for me.(Justin saids and looks around his penthouse and checked out everything around it in which he found it quite enjoyable to be staying in a place like this)

Once Justin got settled inside his penthouse and started to unpack his stuff, he looked out the window and saw a great view of the city of love in which the view from his penthouse was breathtaking and couldn't get enough of it in which he took out his camera and started to snap some pictures for himself but to also send them to his parents.

Justin: Still looks the same even after I left for San Diego, might as well enjoy myself and maybe get something to eat while I am here and maybe do some site seeing as well.(Justin saids then took his phone along with some money and headed outside his penthouse to do some site seeing and find something to eat)

Justin was walking around the streets and checking out the sites in which mostly everything around him looked the same but with some new places opening in which he will check out later then all of sudden while walking around he came upon a billboard that had a boy with blonde hair and wearing all white.

Justin: Adrien that is the other cousin Felix told me about. I have to say what Felix told me about Adrien being a sunshine boy, he really meant it in which there is a lot of him posted everywhere even on busses?(Justin saids while look around Paris and saw so many pictures and posters along with billboards of Adrien in which made Justin uncomfortable)

Justin: Oh this is going to give me a headache...(Justin saids while rubbing his forehead at seeing so many Adriens in different places)

Justin shrugged off the site he was looking at and continued to walk and while walking his stomach was grumbling in which he was starting to get hungry and wanted to find a place where he can get a bite to each before doing more site seeing in which while he was walking around more he came upon something he didn't expect to see in which was a bakery that had a sweet smell coming from it in which Justin knew one thing he loves the more than his family is bake goods and the smell of pastries and decided to go over and see what this place has to offer.

Justin: Boris Lume Patisserie Boulangerie...hmmm sounds great might as well get something here before I do more site seeing.(Justin saids then opens the door in which the bell rung and inside were two people near the counter in which one was a tall man and the other was a Chinese woman)

Hello and welcome to our bakery my name is Tom Dupain Cheng and this if my wife Sabine!(The man known as Tom saids to Justin in which earned a smile on his face at seeing Tom's kind words and welcoming)

Justin: Hello there my name is Justin, I am looking for something to eat before I do more site seeing around Paris.

Tom: Oh why of course we have the best pastries here in Paris, here is a menu of what we have.(Tom saids and shows Justin the menu in which he found everything on the menu to be delicious)

Justin: Hmm....I think I will have the bacon and cheese croissant along with some macaroons and a medium size ice tea.

Sabine: Oh excellent choice a lot of our customers really love those.

Justin: Well considered me to be the one try them.

Tom: I will get your order out right away!(Tom saids and goes into the kitchen to make Justins food while Sabine waited with Justin)

Sabine: So Justin you from around here?

Justin: I used to live here a long time ago before I moved to San Diego California.

Sabine: Oh I see so what do you do for a living and what about your parents are they with you?

Justin: My parents anniversary is coming up in which they are planning to go on a cruise to celebrate but unfortunately I am not that fond of cruises due to sea sickness so they thought it would be nice to stay a couple months in Paris while also visiting my uncle and my god mother while my mom and dad are having fun.

Sabine: I think that is wonderful and congratulations on your parents and I totally understand about people getting sea sick on cruises that happens a lot so you're not the only one.

Justin: Good to know and have to say your bakery is quite nice and it kind of reminds me of my parents bakery back in San Diego.

Sabine: Your parents own a bakery as well!(Sabine saids with some excitement)

Justin: Indeed they are, I want to open up my own in the future, lets just say I have a love for bakeries as well as their pastries in which one day I want to open up my own place and sell pastries to many people.

Sabine: Aw that is so beautiful and I think you will do amazing for opening up your own bakery just like me and my husband did.

Justin: And for that I thank you Mrs.Dupain Cheng.

Sabine: Please dear call me Sabine.

Justin: Alright Sabine it is.

After a while now Tom came back with Justin's food in which Justin took out the croissant in which looks absolutely delicious.

Justin: Oh wow that looks absolutely delicious and it smells divine..(Justin saids in thought then takes a bite of the croissant in which his eyes widen like dinner plates and was now enjoying the most tastiest food he has ever eaten in his life)

Tom: Well Justin how you like it?

Justin: Oh my gosh this is the most delicious croissant I ever tasted!

Sabine: We are happy you like it Justin.

Justin: Like it, I love it!, I have to come back to this place more offended and try more pastries.

Tom: We will be happy to have you back here and we just love people who appreciate our bake goods.

Justin: I might have to tell my folks about this place if we ever come back to Paris because they would get along with you two quite well.

Sabine: And I would like to meet them as well and so will Tom.

When Sabine was about to say something else all of sudden the door opened again in which revealed a girl with bluish black hair in pigtails along with such beautiful blue eyes and wearing pink jeans and white and black shirt while also carrying a small bag on her shoulders in which Justin looked behind him and saw the most beautiful site he has ever seen in his life.

Justin: Whoah that is what I call beautiful.......(Justin saids in thought while looking at the girl who just walked in and spoke)

Hi mama, Hi papa I am back!

Sabine: Hello sweetie glad to have you back home.

Tom: Oh Justin this our daughter Marinette, Marinette this is Justin our new customer.

Marinette: Oh hello its nice stops saying words when she got a look at the boy in front of her in which Justin was looking at her as well)

Justin: Wow even her voice sounds lovely in my ears but those eyes they are quite something.(Justin saids in thought with a small blush on his face)

Marinette: Wow.......such beautiful eyes......lovely tannish brown hair.....a perfect smile.....just who is this amazing boy in front of me.....(Marinette saids in thought while day dreaming of the boy in front of her)

Justin: Cough!.....well anyway my name is Justin its nice to meet you Marinette.

Marinette: Oh its nn....nice mean it's nice to meet you to Justin.(Marinette saids while blushing and giggling in which Justin found it cute)

Justin: Well as much as I want to stick around I should get going I still want to do some more site seeing before I get settled in, it was nice meeting you Tom and Sabine as well as you Marinette hope to see you around.

Marinette: to.........(Marinette saids with a lovely smile while being drawn into Justins eyes)

Justin: Well goodbye for now but I will be back to try more pastries.

Tom and Sabine: Bye Justin and please do!

With that said Justin left the bakery while Marinette was still in the trance until her mother snapped her out of it.

Sabine: Marinette you okay sweetie?

Marinette: Huh oh yea I am alright mom, just who was that boy?

Sabine: Well his name is Justin he used to live in Paris before moving to San Diego in which both his parents are bakers just like me and Tom and he told me that his parents are celebrating their anniversary on a cruise but instead he wanted to spend time with his uncle and god mother because Justin doesn't really do well on boats in which he got sea sick maybe when he was younger and decided not to go on anything that floats on the water.

Marinette: Oh alright and I think that is nice that his parents are celebrating their anniversary on a cruise while their son visit his uncle and god mother but it amazing that he is the son of bakers just like you two since I am the daughter of the best bakers in Paris.

Sabine: Say if you two ever meet again why not hangout with him and introduce him to your friends.

Marinette: Yea I think that would be a great idea! But for now I am going to head up to my room and relax for a little bit.

Tom: Alright sweetheart and take your time.

Marinette: I will papa.

Back with Justin who was doing site seeing, he couldn't help but get that image of that girl he met in the bakery because sure he met a lot of girls in San Diego but Marinette was different in which he saw kindness in the girls eyes as well as having that lovely voice of hers in which Justin would like to see her again if they ever meet up again.

Justin: Marinette huh....that name sounds lovely in my ears..maybe I should take moms offer about finding someone to be with because that girl I met in the bakery was out of this world but i would like to get to know her more so that things will work out. And I wonder what her friends are like here and hopefully they are nice and not people who will get on somebodies nerve and I dear hope they are not bullies because that is the one thing I don't like but also liars as well because I hate people when they lie about something.

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