Chapter 9: A warrior with surprises!

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The sun was starting to rise on the beautiful city of Paris in which a certain someone known as Justin was getting up for his morning run around the city of love since he likes to wait up early and get the day started with a great exercise.

Justin: Alright time for my morning run.

Plagg: Do you always wake up this early...yawn!(Plagg saids while still very sleepy)

Justin: I like to keep in shape buddy and don't worry you can sleep in my pocket while I do my run and when you're up I will get you that rare cheese that you have been thinking about lately.

Plagg: The same cheese that I been looking in the magazines for the past week!

Justin: Thats the one and judging how you been looking at it all day long, I will be happy to get you it buddy because you earned it.

Plagg: There is a reason why you are now my favorite holder.

Justin: I do what I can to please my kwami. Come on hop inside my pocket and sleep more until I stop doing my exercise run.

Plagg: Thanks kit.

Once Plagg flew into his holders pocket, Justin got ready in his workout clothes and put some music on to lighten the mood while he does his morning run. After he checks that he is all ready to go, he locks up his door to his penthouse and headed out to get some air and then started to play his music and began to run.

Justin wasn't the only one who was going out and doing a morning run because a certain girl wearing excise clothes while also listening to music was doing a run around the city of Paris in which she was feeling great today and that person was Marinette Dupain Cheng with her kwami Tiki in her duffle bag.

Marinette: Path...path....nothing like a nice run around the streets of Paris to get the blood flowing.

Tiki: I agree and it is good to see that you are feeling better.

Marinette: I know right, I don't why I am feeling so amazing right now. I guess it is probably the energy feeling from doing so many laps around Paris.

Tiki: Or your still thinking about that time you had with Justin.

Marinette: WW.What!...what...what are you talking about Tiki!

Tiki: Hehehe oh don't bothering denying it Marinette, I know you felt when you spent that day with Justin where he stood up for you against Lila and her minions as well as that song that he sang in front of you when the two of you went to that jazz restaurant and I did see happy tears.

Marinette: must being thinking about something else.

Tiki: I know what I saw Marinette and I think you and Justin would be perfect together.

Marinette: You are imagining things Tiki, Justin is my friend and a great one towards me and my true friends besides I am not ready to get back out there and look for love not what happened with Adrien dum Agreste for what he did to me.

Tiki: I understand Marinette, but when the time comes I know you will rethink your decision and who knows maybe Justin would be the perfect person for you just give it some thought.

Marinette: I think I will do that.(Marinette saids in thought)

Before Marinette was about to go for another lap around Paris, out of nowhere Justin made his appearance who came around the corner and looked to see Marinette in her exercise gear in which Justin was impressed of how Marinette looked and decided to go say hello to her.

Justin: Well good morning Blueberry Angel!

Marinette: DAH?!!! JJ...Justin!

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Justin: Hehehe sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I just came out doing my morning run to keep in shape and it looks like you're are doing the same BlueBerry Angel.(Justin saids with a smile that made Marinette blush)


Justin: Hey you're doing it again, just breath and relax yourself.

Marinette: Path....sorry I wasn't expecting of seeing you out this early in the morning.

Justin: It's alright and I do this sort of thing all the time. I mean a guy like myself has to stay in shape in order to do many things.(Justin saids while stretching his body that caught Marinette's attention and couldn't help but stare)

Marinette: Wow he really does keep in shape and those muscles.......WAIT A MINUTE WHAT THE KWAMI AM I THINKING RIGHT NOW?!!!!...BAD MARINETTE!!!(Marinette saids in thought while blushing but then shakes it off to stay focus)

Justin: So anyway it looks like you're doing the same thing as well, what time did you get up this morning?

Marinette: Oh I woke up around six thats how I usually start my morning runs. What about you?

Justin: Not bad for me I start around five to keep the bloody pumping and to get an early head start.

Marinette: Really you wake up that early?

Justin: What can I say I am early kind of guy and I am still full of energy who is ready for another run.

Marinette: Hehehe I can see that.

Justin: Yup and since we're both out here wanna go for a run together.

Marinette: OH MY GOSH A RUN TOGETHER JUST ME AND HIM!!!!(Marinette saids in thought while also in excitement)

Tiki: Hehehe I can tell she will say yes there is no denying it.(Tiki saids in thought while peeking at her holder)

Marinette: I...I would love...I mean would like to Justin.

Justin: Great try to keep up Blueberry.(Justin saids with a smirk)

Marinette: Oh is that a challenge I hear.(Marinette saids while also smirking)

Justin: Hmmm..maybe if you got the legs for it so they can keep up with mine.

Marinette: Oh I got the legs and the speed to keep up.

Justin: Then let's see what you got.

Marinette: You're on SkaterBoy.

Justin: Oh is that my nickname for myself.

Marinette: Yup since you like to skateboard I kind of figure it would be the perfect nickname for yourself since you gave me one.

Justin: Fare enough I like it.

Marinette: Whats the challenge?

Justin: One lap around the city of love and the end point is the Eiffel Tower. Looser has to buy breakfast.

Marinette: You are so on!

Justin: Hows about a little jam to get the mood started.

Marinette: What do you have in mind Skaterboy?

Justin: Michael Jackson Jam.

Marinette: Ooh that is a good one.

Justin: Yea because it's my jam and thats not all, I'm fast, I'm mean, and I can do this!(Justin saids then did a Michael Jackson dance move that made Marinette impressed)

Justin: JAM!

Marinette: (Clapping!)....Wow that was amazing Justin.

Justin: Thank you, thank you now prepare to loose!(Justin saids and takes his mark)

Marinette: No you prepare yourself to loose because I will be the one who beats you at this challenge.(Marinette saids and takes her mark)

Justin: Yea about that can I just say one last thing.

Marinette: What would that be?

Justin: ON YOUR LEFT!(Justin saids and takes off in quick speed)

Marinettte: HEY NO FARE!!

Justin: I GET A HEAD START!! NOW IT IS TIME TO JAM!(Justin saids then plays the music)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Michael Jackson Jam/Nightcore)

Both Justin and Marinette began to run around the streets of Paris in which both were at the same exact speed but both were not stopping for nothing in which the challenge was on and they were both thinking that one of them will win and the other will loose.




Justin began to run a lot more quicker than Marinette in which the Dupain Cheng was not going to quit now and decided to pick up the pace. Then she was now a head of Justin which earned the girl a smirk on her face.


Justin: HEY MARINETTE ON YOUR LEFT!!(Justin saids and runs past Marinette in a blink of a flash)

Marinette: WHAT?!


Marinette began to run more faster than ever to keep up with Justin in which both her and him were running around the city for many hours until they both were running towards the Eiffel Tower together.

Marinette and Justin were near the Eiffel Tower area and they were both running in quick speed but Marinette was must faster while Justin was behind her and it looks like she was going to win.


Justin: Hehehe she may be faster but I am the fastest.(Justin saids in thought)





Justin: ON YOUR LEFT!(Justin saids and runs past Marinette again)

Marinette: COME ON!!!

Justin ran all the way towards the Eiffel Tower while Marinette couldn't run anymore and collapsed on the ground when her legs gave in and she couldn't run anymore. Then soon Justin was declared the winner and did a jump for excitement and celebrated his victory and looked to see Marinette under a tree trying to catch her breath.

Justin: You need medic Blueberry?(Justin saids while walking towards Marinette)

Marinette: Path...path...path...what...what I a new set of right were you able to beat me and run that fast?

Justin: I got a late start and not to mention I have been doing this since I was ten. It's in my blood.

Marinette: Really because you should be ashamed of yourself, nobody can run that fast without stopping to catch their breath...path...path...I suggest you take another lap because what I can tell you did or not.

Justin: Nah all I did was did a victory jump and then looked to see you catching your breath so I came back to check up on you.

Marinette: legs feel like pudding right now.

Justin: Yea mine to I could use a break right now.

Justin sat next to Marinette who also was catching his breath and the both of them sat and relaxed under the tree to let the pain in their legs go away.

Marinette: Looks like I lost and that means I buying breakfast.

Justin: Yea I am not going to let you do that, I'll buy I am not cruel.

Marinette: You will do that Justin.

Justin: Sure I will I am nice guy.

Marinette: Hehehe you're such a dork you know that.

Justin: Maybe, but I did have fun did you.

Marinette: For once I did had fun that was probably the best run I ever had in my life.

Justin: Mine too.

Marinette: Once our legs feel a lot better where you wanna eat at for breakfast?

Justin: During my run I came upon this place called 13 Au Jardin, and I heard the breakfast there is absolutely delicious hows about we go there to eat.

Marinette: Sounds good to me.

After a while now both Justin and Marinette can both move their legs and began to walk towards the place to get some breakfast because both of them didn't have anything to eat yet so they could use a bite.

Justin: This is it.

Marinette: It's a nice little place, I like it.

Justin: Then let's grab a table and eat.

Justin and Marinette grabbed a table together and the waiter brought out their menus as well as some waters and some warm towels to clean off their faces which they thanked the waiter.

Justin: What do you feel like having Marinette?

Marinette: I think I will get what you get because I haven't eaten anything since I left.

Justin: Same here.

Admittedly Justin ordered himself two eggs with wheat toast, bacon, sausage, and hash brown i. which Marinette got the same thing as him and they both ordered a glass of orange juice to go with it.

Marinette: So Justin quick question.

Justin: Yes.

Marinette: How were you able to run like that because I have never met anyone who can out run me before I mean seriously how do you do it?

Justin: I got it from my mom's side of the family.

Marinette: Really how?

Justin: When mom was a teenager she entered an Olympus championship in which she was the fastest runner of the group and always came in first place in which she won four gold metals for being the best athlete.

Marinette: Did she really do that?

Justin: Sure did I got pictures of her when she was younger.

Justin takes out his phone and pulls up the images of his mother when she was an Olympus champion and once Marinette saw the pictures she couldn't believe that Justin got his talent from his own mother who was an actual Olympus champion who won four gold metals in her early years.

Marinette: Wow that is so amazing Justin though why did she leave?

Justin: She wanted to continue on with her life Marinette and thats where she decided to retire from the championship and continue on with her life where she decided to become a baker instead along with dad.

Marinette: I wish I could meet them Justin they sound like very good people.

Justin: I will love it if you would meet them because I know they will love to meet you and our friends.

Marinette: I can see that he gets his kindness from them as well as their wisdom.(Marinette saids in thought)

Soon after they finished their conversation their food came out and it smelled so good that both couldn't keep their drool from coming out of their mouths.

Justin: Looks so good shall we eat Blueberry Angel.

Marinette: Let's because I am starving!

Both of them ate their foods in which was absolutely delicious and wouldn't mind coming back to the place again and maybe bring their friends so they too can enjoy the food as well as talk together. The two of them then left and paid for the food and became to walk the streets of Paris.

Marinette: Sigh...that was great!

Justin: I'll say I will think about going there again.

Marinette: Same here and next time let's bring our friends.

Justin: I like that idea Marinette.

Ring! Ring!

Marinette: Is that your phone ringing?

Justin: Let's see who it is.

Justin looked at the idea of the phone and it was his uncle Gabriel who was calling him in which Justin decided to answer the phone to see what his favorite uncle wants.

Justin: Hello uncle Gabriel.

Marinette: Gabriel Agreste is calling him.(Marinette saids in thought)

Gabriel: Hello Justin, I am calling to let you know when we can have our time together.

Justin: Oh thats wonderful uncle when would like to schedule it.

Gabriel: I was thinking about tomorrow at twelve. Myself and Natalie we're thinking of visiting the gardens that we all used to go to and I want you to be there like the good old days when you were younger.

Justin: Oh I love the gardens! I haven't been there in years. I would love to attend the gardens with you and Natalie uncle just like good old days.

Gabriel: Excellent I will see you tomorrow Justin.

Justin: You to uncle Gabriel and tell Natalie I said hello.

Gabriel: I will let her know goodbye for now nephew, I have to get back to my work.

Justin: Understood running a company is very important even for the worlds greatest fashion designer such as yourself uncle.

Gabriel: You know how to charm me with your words Justin.

Justin: I try, goodbye uncle and I will see you tomorrow.

Gabriel: You as well Justin.

Call Ended!

Marinette: Looks like you have plans for tomorrow.

Justin: Yea and it's with my uncle and Natalie. It has been so long since the three of us spend time together and now were going to the gardens which I can not wait to see the beauty of the place.

Marinette: The gardens are quite beautiful especially the flowers all around the area.

Justin: So true and it's quiet and filled with peace.

Marinette: Say one day would you like to go together if you want to or not.

Justin: Sure I wouldn't mind going with you Marinette.

Marinette: Really!

Justin: Of course I like spending time with you because you are absolutely amazing to be around with.

When those words came out of Justin's mouth it made Marinette's heart beat faster as well as caused her to blush and smile a little.

Marinette: Then I look forward to seeing you there.

Justin: Sure just pick a day when you wanna go and the both of us can see the gardens together.

Marinette: TOGETHER!!!(Marinette saids in thought with excitement)

Beep! Beep!

Marinette took out her phone and checked the time in which was now ten and she remembered that she needed to be back at the bakery to help her parents with the store.

Marinette: Uh oh looks like I have to get back and help out in the bakery.

Justin: Wanna walk back together.

Marinette: Sure I would like that Justin.

Justin and Marinette walked back together towards the bakery while also having more conversations about their families and what fun things they like to do in their lives in which a bond was forming between the two and they couldn't stop talking to each other. After talking for many blocks later then came upon the bakery and looked to see people coming in and wanting to buy some pastries.

Justin: Looks like a lot of people waiting in line.

Marinette: I better get going and help out my parents. I will see you later Justin.

Justin: Sure thing and tell your parents I said hello.

Marinette: I will bye!

Justin looked to see Marinette going inside the bakery and once she was back home, Justin decided to go to the store and buy Plagg his cheese since Justin hasn't heard a word from his kwami.

Justin: Plagg you still there?

Plagg: Yawn!...yea I am still here. Man that was a good nap so where we going?

Justin: I finished my run and now I am getting you that cheese you always wanted.

Plagg: YIPPY!

Justin: Hehehe, Plagg is so goofy some times.(Justin saids in thought)

Meanwhile in Paris a man wearing fencing gear was practicing his swordsmanship while to prove to be the best in which the man was called Armand D'Argencourt who was a master of fencing and teacher at College Francoise Dupont. Right now he is practicing his skills in hope that his students will be ready when they come back to class.

Armand D: If only my ancestor Dark Blade was here and see how how I became such an excellent swordsman and a very wise one maybe just maybe I could be knighted. Though I hated when he was overthrown by a Frenchman. If Dark Blade haven't then he would have conquered Paris and ruled.(Armand saids to himself and talking about his ancestor while still practicing his swordsmanship until a police officer spotted him)

Police Officer: Sir, you there with the sword I am going to have to ask you to put away the blade.

Armand D: My good sir I am just practicing my swordsmanship to honor my ancestor for his greatness.

Police Officer: Well you can honor your whoever your ancestor was someone else because we can not have a person caring around a weapon near civilian population.

Armand D: This here is a fencing sword and the blade is flexible it wouldn't anyone.

Police Officer: But you can still poke someones eye out with that thing. Either you leave or I will take the sword away from you.

Armand D: I am proud fencer in the arts of swordsmanship and I will stand proud in honor my ancestor Dark Blade.

Police Officer: Hehehe Dark Blade kind of sounds like something from a child's fairly tail book.

Armand D: Dark Blade isn't a fairly tail he is real and was very proud and powerful knight centuries ago.

Police Officer: Right sure he was.

Armand D: He was and how dare you an officer of the law mock him for his greatness!

Police Officer: Sir either you leave or I will take the sword away.

Armand D: Fine! I will prove to everyone that my ancestor was magnificent and a proud swordsman of his age mark my words! Good day to you sir.(Armand saids with anger and leaves with is things)

But due to his anger caught the attention of Hawk Moth who was in his lair and felt the negative emotion from the fencer.

Hawk Moth: A fencer who wants to honor his ancestor all because those who don't believe in the words of one man. A perfect job for my Akuma.

Hawk Moth takes one of the white butterflies and it lands on his hand in which the villain uses his power to turn the butterfly into an Akuma.

Hawk Moth: Fly away my evil little Akuma and turn this fencer into a great swordsman!

The Akuma flew out of the lair and headed towards the negative emotion that was coming from the fencer himself. Armanda D'Argencourt who was sitting on some steps while thinking of what the officer said about his ancestor when all of sudden the Akuma landed onto the fencers sword and then the symbol of Hawk Moth appeared on the man's face and then Hawk Moth spoke.

Hawk Moth: Hello again Dark Blade, it is I Hawk Moth in which I am giving you back your powers in order for you to restore the name of the great Dark Blade that once conquered all of Paris many centuries ago. In doing so you will show the people who Dark Blade really is and let nothing stop you but in return I require the ladybug and cat miraculous.

Armand D: In honor of my ancestor Dark Blade, he will be remembered this time and everyone will know how Dark Blade become a true conquer of Paris!(Armand saids and transforms into his Akuma form)

Back with Justin, he was at the park with Plagg who was enjoying his rare cheese in which the little couldn't stop to enjoy the smell of his delicious cheese while Justin on the hand was relaxing under a tree and breathing in the fresh air away from Plagg's smelly cheese.

Plagg: cheese how long I have waited for your smell and taste.

Justin: Wow you really must love that cheese don't you buddy.

Plagg: You have no idea Justin and thanks for getting me it!

Justin: You're welcome and you should enjoy it as much as you want.

Plagg: Oh I will in which I am going to eat the whole thing.

Justin: Well don't eat too fast you don't want a tummy ache now do you.

Plagg: I will take my time promise.

While Justin was minding his own business and Plagg was eating his cheese, all of sudden their time of peace came to an end when they heard some shocking nearby.


Justin: What the heck?

Both Justin and Plagg looked at each other and went to see what was going on and when they hid behind some cars they looked to see a group of people wearing armor and one who was carrying a sword meaning it was the leader and using its blade to turn people into armored soldiers.

Plagg: Uh oh looks like Dark Blade is back.

Justin: Dark Blade?

Plagg: Yea Ladybug fought him a while back in which he was a fencing teacher at that school your friends go to until Hawk Moth akumatized him and turned into a armored minion and his power comes from his sword that allows to turn innocent people into his armored soldiers.

Justin: I have read about a knight by the name Dark Blade in which he was a famous dark knight who once conquered all of Paris until he was captured by a wealthy Frenchman who used gold to buy the loyalties of the people.

Plagg: Wow you know your history Justin.

Justin: I like reading about ancient history cultures it's how I became smart.

Plagg: Seems that way, so ready to show this Dark Blade who Cat Warrior is.

Justin: Have you eaten your fill yet?

Plagg: Yup ate the whole thing and it was delicious.

Justin: Good, let's go find a place to transform.

Justin and Plagg headed into an alleyway and looked to see if the close was clear in which it was and once cleared Justin said the words.

Justin: Plagg Claws Out!

Justin transformed into his alternate ego Cat Warrior and once finished transforming, he jumped on top of the houses and began to follow Dark Blade and his armored minions. As for Marinette she was in the bakery helping out her parents with the pastries in which the last customer who walked in and order what he wanted.

Marinette: Alright here is your croissants and your box of cookies sir enjoy.

Customer: Thank you so much, have a splendid day.

Marinette and her parents: You as well!

As soon as the customer leaves Tom closes up the bakery for now and thanked Marinette for doing a great job at helping him and Sabine with the shop.

Tom: Thats the last one everyone and thanks for helping Marinette.

Marinette: My pleasure dad.

Sabine: So how was your morning run with Justin, I saw you two walking together meaning you did something fun.

Marinette: Mom all we did was go for a run then he challenge me to a race in which I lost and he offered to buy me some breakfast and then walked me home nothing else happened.

Sabine: If you say so sweetie but can I ask you something.

Marinette: Sure what is it?

Sabine: When will I be expecting grandchildren any time soon.(Sabine saids with a smirk that made Tom giggle while Marinette's face turned crimson)

Tom: Pffff!....

Marinette: MOM?!!!!!

Sabine: Hehehe sorry couldn't help it.

Marinette: Argh...I am going to my room now.

Marinette went upstairs to her room where Tiki was waiting for her and once she was inside she sat down on her chair and was trying to forget what her mother said to her.

Tiki: What happened Marinette?

Marinette: Mom embarrassed me about what I did with Justin once I got back so I am trying to forget what she was said to me as well as hearing my dads laughter.

Tiki: Hows about we go on patrol as Ladybug maybe that would help change things.

Marinette: You know what I could use some time as Ladybug.

Tiki: Just say the words.

Marinette: Tiki Spots On!

Ladybug went out of her room and took out her yoyo then began to swing away and do some patrolling around Paris. While swinging around swinging around the streets of Paris and jumping from house to house all of sudden Ladybug heard something coming from nearby and went to check it out.


Ladybug: Wait I know that sound anywhere. Don't tell me it's....

Oh ye, Oh ye! Presenting his magnificence the great Dark Blade! Of which now he will speak to the people of Paris! So listen to him or you all shall be imprisoned for all time.

Ladybug landed on a root top and looked down to see the armor soldiers as well as Dark Blade from the last time she fought him and he was giving out his villain speech to Paris.

Dark Blade: Greeting people of Paris I Dark Blade have returned to Henceforth my flag shalt fly over my kingdom once again and may thee people of Paris know the name Dark Blade once more!

All hail Dark Blade! Hail Dark Blade!

Ladybug: Looks like Dark Blade is out of it again and he brought his armored minions.

Cat Warrior: Seems that way Ladybug.(Cat Warrior saids next to Ladybug)

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

What Ladybug didn't know was that Cat Warrior was by her side the entire time and she didn't bother too look in the other direction.

Ladybug: DAH?!!!! Where did you come from?

Cat Warrior: I have been here the entire time Ladybug spying on this Dark Blade and seeing what he is planning.

Ladybug: Oh...well has anything happened yet?

Cat Warrior: He's been turning people into his armored minions and chanting out his name the entire time. My kwami filled me in of who is he and who he used to be as well as how you defeated him the first time.

Ladybug: Thats right the Akuma must be in the sword again.

Cat Warrior: Seems that way, it's the only thing that is turning people into his soldiers.

Dark Blade: Hahaha! Now people of Paris, bow down to Dark Blade once more or feel the wrath of my sword and my fellow knights!

Ladybug: Alright heres the plan I need you take care of the guards while I deal with Dark Blade and try to get his sword you think you can handle that Cat Warrior.

Cat Warrior: Very well and if you need my help with Dark Blade just yell.

Ladybug: I will, let's go.

Both heroes nod and jumped down to deal with the problem that is attacking Paris and its people.

Dark Blade: Now people of Paris bow before you near ruler!

Ladybug: I don't think so Dark Blade!

Both Ladybug and Cat Warrior landed on the ground in front of Dark Blade and his knights and got into battle stance.

Dark Blade: Ah the mighty Ladybug has come to stop me once again and it looks like you have brought someone new tell me warrior who thee might you be.

Cat Warrior: My name doesn't concern to you Dark Blade because it never will.

Dark Blade: Oh such behavior towards a fellow swordsman like me, men deal with him while I will deal with Ladybug myself.

PAR LE FER! PAR LE FER! PAR LE FER!(The knights charged at the heroes)

Ladybug: They're all yours partner!

Cat Warrior: Let's get this over with.(Cat Warrior saids and cracks his knuckles)

Cat Warrior charged the knights in which one of them was about to hit Cat Warrior but the knights weapon was blocked when the hero used his staff to block the attack and started to hit the knight many times with it and then used the staff to knock over the other knight that was charging at Cat Warrior.

Cat Warrior: Two down, couple more to go.(Cat Warrior saids and gets ready to attack the other knights)

Dark Blade: While my knights attend to him, I will be the one taking care of you Ladybug and getting your miraculous!

Ladybug: I defeated you before and I can defeat you again Dark Blade.

Both Ladybug and Dark Blade attacked each other in which they both were hitting each other as well as blocking each attack throwing at them and so far none of them weren't even making a scratch. Ladybug tried to go for the sword as much as she could but Dark Blade blocked her way from ever getting it or getting too close.

Dark Blade: Haha! I have the upper hand Ladybug for thou I am victorious!

Ladybug: We will see. Lucky Charm!(Ladybug saids and calls on her lucky charm)

When Ladybug called on her lucky charm, something appeared in which was a spotted shield in which the heroin saw and was dropped into her hands.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)(Ps it's Captain Amercia's silver shield)

Ladybug: A shield?

Dark Blade: A simple shield will do you no good Ladybug so I suggest you just hand over your miraculous and I can once again rule all of Paris.

Ladybug looked around her to find out what she can use the charm for but so far she was stuck yet again like before and without looking Dark Blade swung his sword Ladybug but the heroin used the charm shield to block the attacks from Dark Blade.

Dark Blade: Haha! Take that and that!

Ladybug: I need help....Cat Warrior I need your assistance!

Cat Warrior was fighting the knights in which none of them were strong enough to beat the hero even with greater numbers because Cat Warrior was smarter and more skilled then them and when he heard Ladybug's call he used his staff to knock down the knights off their feet and they all hit the ground together.

Cat Warrior: On my way!

Cat Warrior then ran towards Ladybug and Dark Blade in which the cat hero did a flip over Dark Blade where he wasn't looking and did a kung fu kick towards the villain who was then later went flying towards his fellow knights.

Cat Warrior: HEEYA!!!

Ladybug: Thanks Cat Warrior.

Cat Warrior: You're welcome, what seems to be the problem.

Ladybug: It's my lucky charm the same effect is happening again in which I cannot find out how to use it.

Cat Warrior: Try to focus more I will keep them busy in the mean time.

Ladybug: What no I will not allow you to fight all of them on your own.

Cat Warrior: Ladybug you need to figure out how to use your charm and I need to make sure Dark Blade doesn't get to you before then.

Ladybug: But....

Cat Warrior: Trust me I know what to do.

Dark Blade who was with his knights got up from the ground after the attack from Cat Warrior in which he looks mad now and readies his knights and himself to attack.

Dark Blade: I say for a warrior of your skill you are very worthy to me in which I shall be the one to face such an interesting opponent like yourself.(Dark Blade saids to Cat Warrior)

Dark Blade be warned he is a very powerful warrior even with our combine power we couldn't defeat him.(One of the knights said to Dark Blade)

Dark Blade: A powerful warrior you say well then I shall see to it that this warrior will feel the wrath of my sword!

With Cat Warrior who looked to see Dark Blade and his knights gearing up to attack in which Cat Warrior thought about something that he spoke to his kwami about having his weapons change during a battle and it hit him.

Cat Warrior: Plagg said to focus on my miraculous power and my weapons will change into something I will need to defeat the villain.(Cat Warrior saids in thought)

Cat Warrior then focused on his miraculous power and used the energy of the magic to help him change his weapon into something that will help in battle against Dark Blade until Cat Warrior started to feel the magic from the cat miraculous and once he found what he needed all of sudden he looked to see his weapon changed into the one thing he thought would help even the odds.

Cat Warrior: Let's do this.(Cat Warrior saids and then pushes the pawn print button and out came a glow blade that appeared in front of everyone)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Saber sound effect)

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

When Dark Blade as well as his knights and Ladybug looked to see what Cat Warrior just did they were in awe as well as shock of what they were looking at in front of them in which Ladybug eyes were widen like dinner plates and her jaw hit the ground.

Ladybug: DID YOU DO THAT?!!!!

Cat Warrior: I will explain later right now I have deal with these men here.

Ladybug: was trying to find the words to express of what her partner did just now but couldn't)

Cat Warrior charged at Dark Blade and his knights in which Dark Blade had his knights to attack Cat Warrior and they all went to hit him with their weapons when all of sudden the hero cuts all the weapons down with how own blade.

Cat Warrior: Hmm not bad, just like in the movies but better.(Cat Warrior saids in thought while cutting down all the knights weapons)

The knights were in shock that their weapons were but destroyed by Cat Warrior in which they didn't see the hero come at them and knock all of them out with his fighting techniques and one by one they all hit the ground or into the walls and fell unconscious.

Cat Warrior: Now that I have your attention.

Dark Blade: You have slayed my fellow knights and now you shall deal with me warrior!

Cat Warrior: Then show me what you can do Dark Blade.

Dark Blade: On Guard!

Dark Blade went to strike down Cat Warrior with his blade but missed when the hero dodged hit attack so quickly in which caused the villain to fall to the ground.

Cat Warrior: I said show me what you got unless you're not so mighty as the legend saids you are.

Dark Blade: Thou shall not mock me! Dark Blade shall prevail!

Dark Blade attacked again and yet still missed when Cat Warrior flipped over him and was later knocked over his feet when the hero kicked him in the legs.

Cat Warrior: What point did you not understand I said show me what you got.

Dark Blade: ARRRRRGGGHHH!!!!

Dark Blade yelled in fury and went to slay the hero from behind but his sword hit the ground and looked to see Cat Warrior was no longer near him but went back to Ladybug to see if she figured out her lucky charm.

Cat Warrior: Any luck with your charm Ladybug?

Ladybug: No...I just don't understand when I get my lucky charm I should be able to figure out how to use it against the villain but somehow it is not letting me to see what to use it for.

Cat Warrior: Maybe you need to focus the magic of your miraculous more otherwise it will not work.

Ladybug: I guess I could try that.

Cat Warrior: Maybe next time try it but for now hand me the shield.

Ladybug: What are you going to do?

Cat Warrior: To show you how to use the charm if you cannot figure it out and it might help you next time.


Dark Blade charges at the heroes of which Cat Warrior took the charm from Ladybug and wait for the right moment for Dark Blade and then threw the shield at Dark Blade himself.

Dark Blade: GAH?!!!!!(Dark Blade gets hit with the shield and his sword slips out of his hand)

Cat Warrior: See thats how you can use your lucky charm next time if you cannot figure out how to use it.

Ladybug: Huh..I guess I will think about doing something like that.

Cat Warrior walks over towards the sword and uses his blade to cut the blade in half and out came the Akuma itself.

Cat Warrior: You know what to do Ladybug.

Ladybug: No more evil doing for you little Akuma. Time to Devilise!

Ladybug caught the Akuma in her yoyo.

Ladybug: Got Ya! Bye bye little butterfly. MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!(Ladybug saids then throws the charm into the air changing everyone back to normal as well as fixing the damages)

Dark Blade changes back to his civilian self Armand D'Argencourt in which he has no memory of what happened or the surroundings near him.

Ladybug and Cat Warrior: Good Job!(Both pound their fist together)

Armand D: What happened?

Cat Warrior: You were Akumatized fellow swordsman in which we helped saved you from that terrible fait.

Armanda D: I just wanted the people to know what my ancestor was all about I didn't mean to cause all of this to happened.

Cat Warrior: Who cares what other people think as long as you believe in the great Dark Blade then thats all that matters. You can still honor him by keep on doing what you're great at and that is being a professional swordsman in fencing.(Cat Warrior saids such wise words to the man in which Ladybug was in awe of the words that her partner just spoke)

Armand D: Such honorable words, yes it doesn't matter what other people think of my ancestor as long as I still believe then thats good enough for me.

Cat Warrior: Very good now take your blade and continue with your destiny.

Armand D: I will and thank you brave warrior and to you Ladybug.

Armand then took his fencing sword and left the heroes and decided to continue on with his skills as a fencer.

Ladybug: Those were some very wise words Cat Warrior, I never knew you had such meaning to them.

Cat Warrior: I treat those with respect who want to become something they always dreamed of being and help show them a better path.

Ladybug: Sigh...he really is perfect.(Ladybug saids while blushing towards Cat Warrior)

Cat Warrior: I might as well get going.

Ladybug: Huh...wait a minute before you go tell how did you...I mean how did you turn your weapon into a....lightsaber if thats what it was?

Cat Warrior: I had a talk with my kwami about that and he told me if I focused on the magic of my miraculous it would allow me to unlock abilities and weapons that could help aid me in battle it is how I was able to change my appearance to look different from Cat Noir.

Ladybug: Really I didn't know that was possible, I guess I have to ask my kwami about this once I get back.(Ladybug saids while thinking about what Cat Warrior said)

Cat Warrior: If I could do it so can you Ladybug just put heart into it and you can unlock abilities far more greater than you could possibly imagined.

Ladybug: I think I will do that but what else did you two talk about?

Cat Warrior: I also asked if it possible to remain in hero form after using our special power and without draining the miraculous until we transform back.

Ladybug: Hmm..I heard Hawk Moth said something like that before during Heroes day in which he can remain in his alternate ego for so long without wasting the miraculous's power and if possible you think me and you can really perform such a task.

Cat Warrior: Only time will tell Ladybug but for now I will leave and so must you, though I would recommend training more with the miraculous and unlocking more secrets to their powers.

Ladybug: Since I am the guardian I will see what I can know.

Cat Warrior: Very well until the next battle begins goodbye Ladybug.(Cat Warrior saids and leaves Ladybug to herself)

Ladybug: Is it really possible to do such things and all I have to do is focus on the magic within my miraculous and it can help unlock abilities that I never used before. I might have to talk with Tiki once I get back home.(Ladybug saids to herself then swings away)

Meanwhile with Hawk Moth who was in his lair and thinking about what he has seen during that battle with Ladybug and the cat hero.

Hawk Moth: So this new hero goes by Cat Warrior? I must say I have never seen such skills nor have seen someone use such a weapon and was able to defeat my Akuma. Where on earth has that hero get such skills and how was he able to unlock something so great, Cat Noir never used something like that in battle before nor have the skills to take on many all on his own just who is this Cat Warrior. Well I will soon figure it out in due time because one way or another I will defeat them both and I will get those miraculous and fulfill my wish and undo the damage that was made years ago. Hope you are ready Ladybug and Cat Warrior because this time I will be the one who rules and you under me foot.(Hawk Moth saids to himself then his window closes shut)

With Ladybug, after the battle was done she headed back home and changed back into Marinette and went to have the talk with Tiki about unlocking new abilities to help with the battle just like Cat Warrior mentioned to her.

Tiki: Of course it is possible to unlock new abilities Marinette every holder that I had was able to unlock a new ability with every battle they fought.

Marinette: I never knew I could do that? And all I have to do is focus on the magic in my miraculous and I will be able to unlock those abilities.

Tiki: Absolutely! Just imagined what you can do once you unlock something.

Marinette: Just like Cat Warrior when he changed his staff into a completely different weapon. If he can do that maybe I can as well.

Tiki: I know you can if you put your heart into it just like Cat Warrior said to you.

Marinette: And I can also change my appearance as well?

Tiki: Sure you can I was always the impression that you wanted to remain the same way you always wanted.

Marinette: I might give it some thought of how I want to look and learn more about those abilities but for now I think I will read more and train hard to become the best guardian ever.

Tiki: Thats the spirit Marinette.

Marinette: I wonder if I will get to see more of what Cat Warrior can do.(Marinette saids in thought about her partner)

With Justin, he was back home with Plagg who were having a game of fencing while using pencils because using swords is too dangerous and Justin didn't want to hurt his little buddy.

Justin: My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father prepare to die!

Plagg: My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father prepare to die!

Justin: I thought you were Puss in Boots?

Plagg: Oh right, my name is Puss in Boots you killed my father prepare to die!

Justin: Hehehe this fun though sorry we cant use real swords because I don't want to hurt my friend.

Plagg: Eh pencils will do just fine. By the way congratulations on unlocking a hidden ability.

Justin: Thanks I was gonna go for a sword but a lightsaber from Star Wars was so much better and more fun to use in real life.

Plagg: It sure was now my name is Luke Skywalker you killed by father prepare to die!

Justin: Krissshhhh Hhhwoooo! My name is Darth Vader I am your father prepare to die!

Plagg: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!(Plagg screams playfully and falls to the ground)

Justin: dramatic.

Plagg: I know I am amazing aren't I.

Justin: You sure are Plagg you sure are.

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