Chapter 17: Adrien Missing?, An Unlikely Alliance, Marinette's Secrets Revealed

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(Ocs of Users =

Dragongirl04282004: Artemis Huntress

hiccanna08;DisneyWorksFan : Jordan Huntsman

SleepNeverHeardOfHer: Addi Ford

sugxrkisses: Faith Houtusuka

Story-Tales: Destiny Armor

KittyEmmaNoirAgreste: Kitty Mikaelson

Artemis_WolfQueen_12: Naomi Young

Fanvergent5: Holly Larkin

MarshalLane6: Andra Agreste

TIRANA--: Jacob Blackblod

Storiez0: Lili Knight

Mac_Anciel;Miraculously_Unlucky: Zach Catorez

RandyNetwork4;RandyNetwork65: Randy

TimeShadowtempest:Jasmine Tempest

Sonuvapotatoe: Sharon

BelleCullen7: Aayana Athan

Me = Tyler Morgan)

(For Reference =

Artemis: Werewolf, Good
Jacob: Vampire, Middle
Jordan She: Vampire, Unknown
Lili: Hunter. Bad
Zach: Hunter, Bad
Addi: Human, Neutral
Faith: Vampire, Good
Destiny: Hunter, Good
Kitty: Vampire, Good
Naomi: Hunter, Unknown.
Holly: Werewolf, Bad
Andra: Human, Good
Jasmine: Vampire, Werewolf, Human, Dark in action but good in heart
Sharon: Vampire, Twisted Morals
Aayana: Vampire, Unknown)

(Current Miraculous Cast :

Chat Noir: Adrien Agreste
Ladybug: Marinette Dupain Cheng
Luka, Juleka: Couffaine Siblings
Mayura: Nathalie Sancouer
Hawkmoth: Gabriel Agreste)



Previously On Miraculous Vampires:
By The Francis Dupoint; High School 3rd Person Juleka, Rose, Nino, Alya

Juleka saw them with Rose beside her. Nino waved at them "Yo dudettes!" Nino mentioned shouting over. Alya smiled watching "Rose, Juleka. You two are early." Alya added to Nino's sentence. Juleka and Rose nodded in response.

Nino looks around before as a few minutes had past, it was near time. Nino looked around confused "Where's Adrien..?" Nino asked to the three. Alya looked around as well "He's not like Marinette that is late, what do you think happen?" Alya replied then asked. Rose shrugs "I don't know." She simply replied not knowing what happened.

Juleka bit her lip holding in her anger, it's about what had happened. The bell rang making the students outside go in. Worried, the group of four went in slowly.

 Naomi Young

Opening the Orphanage up and also setting and cleaning the downstairs, the worker called me for breakfast. I yipped and quickly got up to meet him. He was sitting down by the table with breakfast. I sat across him and us two prayed before eating. Afterwards, we began to eat.

Hearing some footsteps downstairs, it must be the other workers with the kids. I smiled hearing them talk and all. The worker chuckled softly "Hmm?" He hummed in question as I shake head. "Nah" I replied giggling softly.

Holly Larkin and Lili Knight  

Continuing to eat the Bento Box, Holly used the chopsticks to eat before my ears perk up with the sound of cables. She raised a brow before it stopped near my behind. Holly still ate minding her own business before footsteps were heard going closer.

"Mind your own business" Holly stated to the unknown figure. "I am not your enemy." The unknown figure stated in a female voice. Holly raised a brow still eating her bento box. "How so? Hunters are roaming around" She replied before taking a sushi inside her mouth. 

Holly's ears perked up before swallowing her sushi "Your name?" Holly asked the figure. "Lili Knight." Lili stated as Holly got up "Holly Larkin, I think we have the same agendas~" Holly stated smirking.

The wind blew changing into a different atmosphere.

Destiny Armor/Tyler (Shadow)

"Stupid Shadow.." Destiny muttered she and her pet dragon Knight was in the outskirts of Paris away from the main capital itself. Knight looked at her curiously Destiny was sitting beside Shadow treating his wounds and cuts, bad ones to say the least but he is healing.

As Destiny continue to watch over Tyler, he slowly wakes up groaning in pain, having bandages around him and such. He slowly sits up before wincing holding his left eye "Gah.." Tyler muttered as Destiny held him by the side 

At Fu's Massage Shop; Chat Noir, Kitty Mikaelson, Marinette; Early Morning

Fu nodded to Plagg before beginning to put the said ointments and herbs on Chat's injuries making him wince and flinch in his sleep. Marinette held more crying as Kitty comforted her. "Chat Noir will stay with me until he gains consciousness. Go to your school Marinette." Fu stated towards her.

Marinette nodded in response "Before I go..can I confess something..?" She asked as Master Fu nodded in response whilst healing Chat Noir. She showed her bite mark to him as Master Fu eyes widen shooting up "You're..." Fu stuttered to find words. 

By Louvre, Underground; Zach Catorez

"You'll get your revenge soon Alex."

Jacob Blackblood

"You are a disappointment my son." He stated as Jacob bit his lip "It's two against-" He tried to reason out before getting cut off "Excuses! Did I train you for this?" The father asked as Jacob shakes head. The father sighed before putting him into an alternate illusion.

Jacob didn't flinch as he saw Paris at the top "Jacob..I hope you know that-" the father stated before this time he gets cut off by his son. "I know Father! I'll gather what you need..." Jacob stated looking down.

The father smirked at him "Don't disappoint me next time. Especially that butler of the Princess." He stated as Jacob eyes widen; He saw it...?


By The Francis Dupoint; High School 3rd Person; Alya, Juleka

Juleka bit her lip holding in her anger, it's about what had happened. The bell rang making the students outside go in. Worried, the group of four went in slowly.

As time progressed, the rest of the class began to pour in with the likes of:

Chloe(the spoiled girl and daughter of the Mayor Of Paris. Chloé believes herself to be above everyone else and expects everyone to do what she wants.)
Ivan(Despite his massive size and intimidating appearance, Ivan is actually very sensitive)
Mylene(A mousy girl who is scared of her own shadow.)
Max(A boy with the mathematical brilliance of a calculator. He loves video games  and his best friend is a robot.)
Alix(A roller skater with a devil-may-care attitude.)
Nathaniel(A talented artist who always has his nose in his sketch book.)
Kim(A top athlete who suffers from overconfidence.)
Sabrina(Sabrina is Chloé's personal servant in all but name. She doesn't seem to realize how poorly Chloé treats her.) and; 
Lila(A compulsive liar with no moral compass. She does whatever it takes to get what she wants and she doesn't care who she has to hurt.)

They went to their respective seats along with Nino, Alya, Juleka and Rose. Soon enough, Mrs. Bustier, a tall and light-skinned with moderate vermilion hair, which she pulls back in a high bun, strong cyan eyes, thin light pink lips, and freckles; wearing pale, light grayish cerulean jacket with a moderate opal collared shirt and a white undershirt beneath, along with a pair of white earrings and a small goldish white necklace, pants that matches her jacket and white high heel shoes, went in and began the roll call. 

Mrs. Bustier after all except two, which was Adrien and Marinette, then asked "Does anyone know where Marinette and Adrien is? And why are they late?" No one replied some shaking head some shrugging. Juleka bit her lip deeply looking down before sensing someone outside, shooting her head up the door opened revealing a Bluenette panting heavily "HERE!" It was Marinette as she shouted panting heavily her hair a bit of a mess. 

"Whoa girl! What happen?" Alya asked concerned as Marinette fixed her blue hair with Mrs. Bustier marking her late. "Are you okay Ms Dupain Cheng?" Mrs. Bustier asked as Marinette nodded "Yes Ma'am" She replied before walking towards her seat beside Alya. 

Artemis POV

I raise a brow "Marinette..? The bluenette from before!" I whispered shout to myself seeing them go in. I sighed before lowering my head down and my ears to rest or sleep. Resting my eyes for a few minutes, my ears perked up before I look up to see a bat flying by the door and inside. 

Seeing a glimpse thanks to the door opening, I saw a bluenette wearing dark gray blazer with rolled-up sleeves; the inside of the blazer is lined in white with light fuchsia polka dots, and it has black trimming. Underneath, she wears a white t-shirt with black stitching and a flower design below the collar. The design itself has pink flowers and black leaves. She wears pink rolled-up jeans and light pink ballet flats with very reddish brown soles. "Marinette?" She asked herself. 

Faith Houtusuka POV

"If this keeps happening.." I muttered balling a fist. "Then..." I added biting my lip "The end of the stability between the three factions.." I continued sighing softly. I need to visit her...

Turning off the television, I got up and walked outside of my apartment room and down a few stairs going out of the door. I hid my Katana inside an Umbrella of mine and opened it shielding myself from the heat. Using my senses, I walked towards the faint sense of the Vampire Princess. 

Jordan Huntsman

I was left alone afterwards but David would come back afterwards. Keeping myself busy, I began to clean the house for them to see that I did something productive. Hehe!  Continuing to clean up, I hummed to the tune of a song moving to the rhythm as I continue. 

I sense someone outside and opened the door to check, it was one of the other Vampire Kid from before when Flora was playing "Yes?" I asked curiously. The Vampire Kid giggled softly "Where's Flora?" The kid asked me as I smiled "She is in school, later afternoon you'll get to play with her again." I replied and reassured the kid. 

Addi Ford and Alim Kubdel

Walking towards the Louvre (The Louvre, or the Louvre Museum, is the world's second-largest art museum and a historic monument in Paris, France, and is best known for being the home of the Mona Lisa. A central landmark of the city, it is located on the Right Bank of the Seine in the city's 1st arrondissement), I walked by the streets smiling with my chin up ready for my said job.

Alim looks down at her "You must be Addi Ford" Alim mentioned as I nodded "Yes that's me, Mr Kubdel." I replied before bowing in respect. Alim smiled watching me "Shall we?" Alim asked as I nodded following him inside. 

He led me around the different rooms and such inside the Louvre from different arts like the Mona Lisa, Ancient Egypt with it's Hieroglyphics and others. I was amazed by this looking around trying to memorize the know how and where to go to see the different art rooms and such. "So much history in here huh Mr. Kubdel?" I asked as he nodded to me. "Yes it is." He replied looking around. 

Naomi Young

Hearing some footsteps downstairs, it must be the other workers with the kids. I smiled hearing them talk and all. The worker chuckled softly "Hmm?" He hummed in question as I shake head. "Nah" I replied giggling softly.

As we continued to eat, the Orphanage was seeing the light of day with many kids and workers going inside. I sighed happily as the worker infront of me finished eating. I pouted "No fair!" I whined playfully as he laughed. "It's not a race Naomi" He replied and mentioned.

I nodded "I knowwww" I replied and soon finished eating. I got up quickly to clean the table. "Naomi, let me." The worker mentioned trying to stop me. I shake head "Uh-Uh, you go down and help, I'll clean." I replied and reassured the worker. 

The worker nodded before patting my back then going down. 

Holly Larkin and Lili Knight


(Matching Song Number 0:00 - 1:26)

As the wind blew changing into different atmosphere, Holly finished her bento box and sets it aside keeping the chop sticks. Lili watched curiously raising a brow. Holly faced her with an innocent werewolf smile. 

Lili watched but kept her distance. "So what do you got in terms of information?" Holly asked Lili before she smirked. "The Vampire Princess doesn't work alone, she has a partner that hero Chat Noir; the Shadow is confirmed alive." Lili stated to her listing it. 

Holly bit her lip nodding "I see...And what of the other two?" Holly asked as Lili looked at her "The siblings? Alive." She simply replied to Holly who nodded. "Thank you Lili" Holly replied and thanked her now knowing what she was dealing. 

Destiny Armor/Tyler (Shadow)


(Matching Song Number 0:00 - 2:09)

"I'm serious.." Tyler stated the change in his tone of voice; like Chloe from before sent shivers down to Destiny's spine(From Prologue; if you know, you know). She respected Shadow's decision and determination of fighting on.

Destiny then helps him up as Tyler still held his left eye before his miraculous beeped. Destiny raised a brow at the beeping. Tyler sighed deeply "Don't look at me for a few minutes will you?" Tyler asked as Destiny nodded after helping him up turned around and went to Knight to prepare him for the flight. 

Shadow detransformed chanting "Ash, Darkness Fall." And with that, he detrasnformed to his Civilian Attire. 

A dark dragon with blue scales got out of the watch presumably his Kwami. 

"You are pushing yourself Master..." The dark furred dragon kwami stated the obvious. "You are the perfect host for my Miraculous." He added as Tyler pulled out from his right pocket a small pouch filled with food for him "Eat up, it's on the house." Tyler stated to him. The Kwami dived in and began to munch through the food inside. 

After of which, the kwami peeks it's head out seeing Tyler holding his left eye "You didn't..." He stated as Tyler nodded "I did...I over extended Shadow Marionette." Tyler mentioned to him. The effects of his Shadow Marionette was only to control the desire target by using his ten fingers but unlike before, he used his body to help Destiny from the duel between her and Jacob. Thus, this caused his eyes to overwork especially him using his own body to help with his eyes of course.

Andra Agreste POV

Gabriel didn't look intimidated before turning around walking inwards as Nathalie was sitting down with a tablet.

I sat there a bit late to arrive at school before getting out of the Limo. I thanked Gorilla before rushing towards the other class aside from Mrs. Bustier glancing by to see Adrien not there. "He is really missing...huh?" I asked myself whispering. 

At Fu's Massage Shop; Chat Noir, Kitty Mikaelson, Marinette; Early Morning

Fu nodded to him before beginning to put the said ointments and herbs on Chat's injuries making him wince and flinch in his sleep. Marinette held more crying as Kitty comforted her. "Chat Noir will stay with me until he gains consciousness. Go to your school Marinette." Fu stated towards her.

Marinette nodded in response "Before I go..can I confess something..?" She asked as Master Fu nodded in response whilst healing Chat Noir. She showed her bite mark to him as Master Fu eyes widen shooting up "You're..." Fu stuttered to find words.

"Yes...I am a Vampire; a Vampire Princess." She stated to him looking down "I'm sorry I didn't told you before, I was afraid that you would separate me from Tikki." She replied and apologized to him. Fu understood it but was still a lost of words. 

Marinette faced Kitty "Stay here and help Master Fu" Marinette stated to her. Kitty nodded in response "You can count on me." Kitty replied before bowing to Master Fu and left transforming into a bat and used her speed to her advantage. 

By Louvre, Underground; Zach Catorez

Alex told them the know how so they got caught up before they were knocked out. "Our skirmish didn't go in vain." Zach stated as the 2nd male nodded in agreement. 

"We can't move for now, the Louvre is opening." Alex replied and mentioned to the two wounded. They nod and just rested some doctors going in to check upon them. 

Jacob Blackblood


(Matching Song Number 0:00 - 1:47)

"Dang it.." Jacob stated growling to himself. Where was Jacob? He was inside an abandoned parking lot bathroom stall facing the mirror. His eyes were pure red trying to contain his vampire self to go back to the 70-30. (70% Vampire, 30% Human).

The father smirked at him "Don't disappoint me next time. Especially that butler of the Princess." He stated as Jacob eyes widen; He saw it..?

The father nodded "Of course I saw it Jacob~ You got defeated in the first time and then you let them run away at the second." The father mentioned and replied. Jacob growls before letting out his anger trying to punch him. 

The father just held his hand with ease as Jacob realizes what he did before standing down. "Shadow is not an easy Vampire to deal with, he has a reputation to move between shadows and mix with his unknown (Miraculous) powers, he would be unstoppable for any regular hunters/vampires/werewolves." The father stated to him snapping back to reality. 


Confused, Randy raised a brow before peeking to take a look. He saw the four going in and then afte a few minutes, a bat flying in as he hid once again. "A Bat? In this time of day?" He asked to himself a bit confused to himself as well. 

Jasmine Tempest

Throwing the coffee into a bin, Jasmine was set close to her home; an apartment complex near a bakery. Jasmine smiled at the fresh smell of bakery in the morning. Going inside the apartment complex and by the back was her very own room with standard settings with all of the necessary items to live in as well with AC. Jasmine sighed softly before settling in on what on how she thought of her own room.

Switching Scenes, It Was At The Sky, Let's Go To Sharon:

Sharon landed looking down by the scenery as the sun rose up. "What a pain.." She muttered. Sharon watched th scenery unfold before looking down sliding by the tower and landing on the metal beam. Sharon saw some scratches by the railings "A fight..?" She asked herself inspecting it as well. 

Wondering waht could happen, she decided to look around for more before spotting some marks by a nearby building rooftop. Curiously, she jumped towards it using her air elemental to touch down and see the after fight effects. Different marks, blood trails and such. 

Switching Scenes, Let's Go To Aayana Athan:

The bat sighed softly regaining it's strength to fly back around and the city she went looking around the curiosity got the better of her. Flying around, she explored different important places like the mayor's office, schools, Eiffel Tower, Louvre and other famous landmarks that Paris can offer her. 



3067 Words, Stay Miraculous!)

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