Chapter 29: Gabriel/Adrien moment, Another Trio Formed, Most Characters Eat!

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(Ocs of Users =

Dragongirl04282004: Artemis Huntress

DisneyWorksFan;hiccanna08 : Jordan Huntsman

SleepNeverHeardOfHer: Addi Ford

Goddesslove-: Faith Houtusuka

Story-Tales: Destiny Armor

_WonderlandKit_: Kitty Mikaelson

Artemis_WolfQueen_12: Naomi Young

Fanvergent5: Holly Larkin

MarshalLane6: Andra Agreste

TIRANA--: Jacob Blackblood

Storiez0: Lili Knight

Mac_Anciel;Miraculously_Unlucky : Zach Catorez

RandyNetwork4;RandyNetwork65 : Randy

TimeShadowtempest:Jasmine Tempest

Sonuvapotatoe: Sharon

BelleCullen7: Aayana Athan

Me = Tyler Morgan)

(For Reference =

Artemis: Werewolf, Good
Jacob: Vampire, Middle
Jordan She: Vampire, Unknown
Lili: Hunter. Bad
Zach: Hunter, Bad
Addi: Human, Neutral
Faith: Vampire, Good
Destiny: Hunter, Good
Kitty: Vampire, Good
Naomi: Hunter, Unknown.
Holly: Werewolf, Bad
Andra: Human, Good
Jasmine: Vampire, Werewolf, Human, Dark in action but good in heart
Sharon: Vampire, Twisted Morals
Aayana: Vampire, Unknown)

(Current Miraculous Cast :

Chat Noir: Adrien Agreste
Ladybug: Marinette Dupain Cheng
Luka, Juleka: Couffaine Siblings
Mayura: Nathalie Sancouer
Hawkmoth: Gabriel Agreste)



Previously On Miraculous Vampires:
By The Agreste Mansion; Gabriel Agreste, Nathalie Sancoeur, Andra Agreste, Adrien Agreste

~Timeskip, Late Afternoon~

"What a day huh kid?" Plagg asked and floats around the room. Adrien on the other hand just sat down by his setup with a computer with one primary monitor and three secondary monitors. Adrien's room is expansive, having a total area nearly twice the size of Marinette's Room. The room is separated into two levels, connected by a white spiral staircase. The second level has a walkway which is bordered by a glass-like banister. Adrien's room also has an open window.

Adrien recalled it and smiled chuckling softly. "You're right." Adrien replied smiling now. Plagg saw it and mentally fist bumped himself "You're smiling again kid." Plagg replied to him. Adrien rolled eyes before turning on his computer to scroll the net about Ladybug and the Ladyblog that runs by Alya.

By Andra, she sighed softly before getting out of the lockers and walked towards the exit where Gorilla had been there with the limo. He opened the back to let Andra in resting by the comfy chair and sighed in relief with the ac hitting her.

Gorilla got in and drove back home. As Andra rested, they returned back to the Agreste mansion where it is at least four stories tall and has a basement. On the outside, it is tan and cream with black shingles on the roof. The first two stories are cream and tan, except for the right side of the house, which is covered in ivy. Two domed roofs are on the third story, the space between them having more interior room. The fourth floor is a large attic. At the very top of the house is a cupola. The windows are mostly vertically long, and they have white panes.

The front of the house is surrounded by a large fence, preventing people from getting into the large courtyard. This fence does not prevent people from looking into Adrien's room.. There is a garage on the lower right at the front of the house. There also appear to be doors on the inside right and left of the walls. There are awnings covering these doors, and the doors do not lead to the outside of the walls.

As the limo got inside, Andra got out and went inside the main door straight to her room and into the bathroom to change and take a shower. It was a long day for her with the fighting such so she decided to relax taking a hot and cold shower.

Gabriel and Nathalie heard the limo got in feeling that Andra got home. "Go meet her Gabriel." She insisted and mentioned to him. Gabriel looks to her "Are you goin to be okay?" Gabriel asked Nathalie in which she nods assuring the father in front of her.

Artemis/Faith Houtusuka/Randy

~Timeskip, Late Afternoon~

As Randy leads the two girls in search for the said Vampire Princess, she soon steps down and let Artemis take lead. Artemis looked around trying to sniff and sense it with the help from Faith as well.

"Why do you two want to talk to her anyways?" Randy asked to two girls by her curiously. Artemis looks over to her "Umm...How can I put this.." Artemis muttered thinking of a way on how to deliver it.

Faith just simply replied "About the future of the three factions and Paris itself." Randy raised a brow confused before connecting the dots together. "You mean there are others like you?" Randy asked the two in which Faith nodded "Werewolves and Hunters." Faith replied softly frowning a bit.

"And Paris would be it's battleground." Randy muttered in which the two nodded in response. Faith looks ahead "That's why I want to talk to her." Faith added and stated determined.

By Paris Airport; Zach Catorez, Alex and Ryan

~Timeskip, Late Afternoon~

Moments later, Zach returned to Alex giving him a share "Here ya go!" Zach mentioned as Alex received it thanking him. Zach exited the airport to give Ryan his share "And here's yours." Zach mentioned in which Ryan received thanking him alike of Alex. The three ate their food to wait for Andre's flight.

Finishing their food, Ryan was outside by his vehicle guarding it and the other. Alex and Zach were inside by the waiting area well, waiting and trying to pass the time. Zach was tempted to fix his bow and arrow by the suitcase but Alex didn't allow it to not arouse suspicion to others as well. Having a point, Zach didn't do it and instead just played using his phone.

Alex listened to some music. 

Jordan Huntsman

~Timeskip, Late Afternoon~

"Well, the royals stated that we should just stay indoors at some time. They confirmed that hunters and wolves alike roam." David mentioned and replied only them hearing so that the children won't be able to hear it.

The parent nodded in response "I see." David folded his arms sighing a bit "But Shadow's on the field as well." David mentioned out of the blue. The parent looked shooting eyes towards David "The one close to the Princess?" The parent asked with a shock look in which David nodded in response.

Jordan raised a brow "I'm lost here." She mentioned to the two elders beside her. David smiled ruffling her hair in which Jordan whined a bit "Tyler Morgan is what the Princess call him and the Vampire Siblings. In our case we call him Shadow. He's a super close to the Princess and the siblings. He is also a knight of the higher order; not only that but he wields a watch that gives him an enormous boost in power." David story-telled looking down at her.

Jordan nodded in response waiting for him to continue. "Till well, the incident a few years back on a coup plot where the royal family would be assassinated making them go here on Earth and try to live a normal life." David added towards him "Our historic land back ago is still ruled by the High Order but it's in chaos ever since."

Jordan listened remembering stories back then frowning a bit. The parent saw it and hummed "Just look forward Jordan, your frown would turn upside down." The parent said making Jordan look forward seeing Flora and the other Vampire children playing stacking on one another. Jordan's frown indeed smiled chuckling softly.

Addi Ford

~Timeskip, Late Afternoon~

Addi left the louvre to return back to her house. However, she stopped by a market place to buy groceries for her to make later. She wanted to eat something special since on what she accomplished a while ago.

After of which, she carried two bags and walked back to her home. Opening the door, she goes in and sets it by the kitchen counter. Opening all lights so it won't be dark, she prepared the materials needed to cook then went to her bedroom to rest. 

Naomi Young

~Timeskip, Late Afternoon~

Naomi returned back to the Orphanage seeing the Orphans were either resting, sleeping or watching television. Naomi smiled softly before quietly walking up to the worker's room from before going in. She tip toed towards her bed and kneels down grabbing the box opening it then put the throwing knives inside except the book.

Naomi palmed it looking as if it was lock but in reality it was open and just an illusion. With that, she got up quickly hearing foot steps. "Naomi?" A male voice asked as it was the worker from before. Naomi turned around "I'm here, just cleaning up." She replied softly.

Holly Larkin and Lili Knight

~Timeskip, Late Afternoon~

Lili returned to her water tank hideout and just laid down by her mattress bed yawning a bit. Even though it was the afternoon, she was tired from searching around Paris. Laying down chest down, she begin to watch some youtube videos on her phone.

Holly on the other hand returned to her own home closing the blinds just in case any would see her in wolf form. Bored out of her mind, she climbed the rooftops in wolf form then transforming back into her human form sitting by the edge of the roof facing the sun. She watched it set slowly relaxing with her feet dangling. 

Destiny Armor

Destiny hummed softly waiting a few minutes before slowly walking away and out. She stood by the entrance of their hideout to see the sun set thinking deeply. She thought of her encounters with Jacob when he went full vampiric mode.

"Vampires are dangerous to an extent...even werewolves...never know if they have some hidden talent behind it." Destiny said to herself before watching the sun set.

Tyler(Shadow)/Marinette/Sharon/Kitty Mikaelson

Sharon thanked the two before sitting by the customer table. She opened it and ate slowly eyes widening humming happily "Mmmmmmm! So good." She commented towards the warm croissant.

Sabine giggled softly "Thank you." Sabine thanked Sharon who nodded still eating it slowly savoring the taste.


Back in reality, Tyler began to shake uncontrollably making his kwami raise a brow "Hm...? Good~ His mind is getting corrupted~" The kwami stated and mentioned before hearing the trap door opened "Bad timing.." The kwami then added reverting the corruption back to normal and hid inside the miraculous once again.

The music still blasted by his headset before quickly turning it off. Marinette faced him with a worried look "A bad dream?" Marinette asked in which he nodded slowly "Another one of the visions from the past." Tyler stated gathering his thoughts.

Marinette turned the lights on and opened her purse to let Tikki out and rest by a small house Marinette made for her. Tyler regained his thoughts "Anyways, I came to meet you." Tyler mentioned towards her making Marinette hummed in question "Go on." Marinette replied

"Well, recently a lot of increasing presence towards Wolves and Hunters alike, mostly Hunters wanting your throne." Tyler mentioned towards her as she sat down by the bed legs crossed facing him. "And also, the increase pressure on our lands back home. Still in chaos without you and the royals but still holding. What else....nothing more from the hiatus after I left you back then." Tyler mentioned all what he knew.

Marinette nodded in response remembering that Tyler left for quite some long time ever since the first encounter with Jacob and Lili, the first time Chat was hospitalized. "I sensed a lot more vampires and wolves alike but around our age." Marinette replied to him.

Tyler hummed softly biting his lip looking away. Marinette raised a brow "How was your service with Chloe? And how'd you get to her anyways?" Marinette asked him with two questions. Tyler faced her and chuckled nervously "Welllll...When we got separated and landed on Earth, I took on jobs as a servant? Butler? Just like with you. So happens that Chloe wants one." Tyler mentioned and explained to the Vampire Princess in front of him.

Marinette sighed softly calming down before the two sensed another. A bat flew in the top down Marinette's hatch by the bed transforming to Kitty facing Marinette "Evening Marinette." She mentioned towards her as Marinette smiled gently "Evening Kitty." Marinette replied.

Kitty sensed a dark aura in the room turning around to see Tyler sitting there waving a bit. 

Jacob Blackblood

Jacob opened his eyes back before taking a small sigh taking key notes of what he observed from Jacob "So he can assess my movements and predict it with his blue eyes. He can also transform into his other form with his watch; I can associate it with the first one." Jacob mentioned to himself then proceeding.

"When he mixed his blood with the watch, it gets a power up. New clothes, new armor. His special only last 5 minutes which is Shadow Marionette." Jacob added still laying down. "I figure you out Shadow kid..." He muttered to himself balling a fist. "And when I do see you again, I will crush you." He stated smirking.

Jasmine Tempest

~Timeskip, Late Afternoon~

Slowly waking up, Jasmine got her rest now and got up. She stretched humming to herself. The whole room was cold now due to the AC. She went to make herself a sandwich whilst turning up the AC and turning on the television using her powers.

Aayana Athan

~Timeskip, Late Afternoon~

She kept watching the trio from a far in her bat form taking constant stops to rest her wings and such. The sun was slowly setting so it was a perfect time to transform into her normal form. Aayana kept watch sighing a bit slowly getting bored. 


By The Agreste Mansion; Gabriel Agreste, Nathalie Sancoeur, Andra Agreste, Adrien Agreste

Adrien recalled it and smiled chuckling softly. "You're right." Adrien replied smiling now. Plagg saw it and mentally fist bumped himself "You're smiling again kid." Plagg replied to him. Adrien rolled eyes before turning on his computer to scroll the net about Ladybug and the Ladyblog that runs by Alya.

Hearing the main door opened, he guessed that Andra was home. By Andra, she was taking a hot and cold shower to refresh herself as well. Gabriel leaving Nathalie's room, got towards Andra's room and knocked "Andra?" He asked calling for her. 

Andra was washing her face hearing his call "I'm in the showers!" She called out to him shouting a bit to let him hear it. Gabriel understood it then went to Adrien's. Andra still showered now using warm water that hits her skin. Hesitated to go in, he knocked by the door twice making Adrien jump a bit "Hide." He whispered to Plagg who hid behind his drawer. 

Gabriel turned the knob and opened the door taking a peek first seeing Adrien by his computer setup. Glad that he returned, he went in fully. "Adrien Agreste where have you been in the other night? We were so worried about you." Gabriel stated asking him putting both his hand behind his back by the waist.

Adrien rubs the back of his neck nervously. He didn't want to blow his cover as Chat Noir by saying he stayed by Master Fu's place so he decided otherwise. "I-I was practicing fencing late night so my friend Marinette offered me to stay for the night. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you earlier." He replied then apologize looking down expecting a scolding and punishment from him. 

Gabriel listened to him before slowly walking towards him kneeling down in one knee then hugs the blonde in front of him. To Adrien's surprise and shock, he felt his warm hands embrace him slowly hugging back his father. "Don't ever do that again, tell me or even Gorilla before hand." He stated towards him in which made Adrien grin nodding "Yes Father." He replied softly. 

The two embraced for a while before Gabriel pulled out then got up. "Dinner's up in an hour." He called out before turning around and got out of his room closing the door on his way out. Adrien sighed in relief before leaning back to his chair sighing happily. 

Andra was now done showering before placing a towel around her. Grabbing new clothes preferably comfortable for the night, she dried herself using the towel then wore the new clothes. She plops on the bed grabbing her IPAD to browse. 

Artemis/Faith Houtusuka/Randy

As Randy leads the two girls in search for the said Vampire Princess, she soon steps down and letd "About the future of the three factions and Paris itself." Randy raised a brow confused before connecting the dots together. "You mean there are others like you?" Randy asked the two in which Faith nodded "Werewolves and Hunters." Faith replied softly frowning a bit.

"And Paris would be it's battleground." Randy muttered in which the two nodded in response. Faith looks ahead "That's why I want to talk to her." Faith added and stated determined.

With the two determined to find the Vampire Princess, Randy stepped up following them and helping them whatever they may need to. With Faith the vampire amongst the three, she sensed a faint connection between her and three more other vampires all equally strong in their fields. 

"Through here." Faith said to the other two cutting through the neighborhood with Artemis and Randy following up suite. Artemis continued to walk trying to use her nose and ears to either here or smell her but nothing pop up. She whined calling out Faith "I can't sense herrrr." She pouted softly making Randy giggled. 

Faith chuckled a bit holding her umbrella by the left "Well obviously unless you made contact to her then you may be able to sense her. But us Vampires have stronger sense to detect fellow Vampires." Faith explained and reasoned out "Like you, can detect more werewolves than I can." She added and pointed it out to her. 

By Paris Airport; Zach Catorez, Alex and Ryan

Finishing their food, Ryan was outside by his vehicle guarding it and the other. Alex and Zach were inside by the waiting area well, waiting and trying to pass the time. Zach was tempted to fix his bow and arrow by the suitcase but Alex didn't allow it to not arouse suspicion to others as well. Having a point, Zach didn't do it and instead just played using his phone.

Alex listened to some music. Time passed and still the airplane where Andre is wasn't there yet. Bored out of their minds, Zach got up and faced Alex "I'm going to explore. Wanna come?" Zach asked Alex who was listening to music. "Go, I'll be right here." Alex approved to him and assured that he won't leave. 

Zach nods before walking away from him and began to explore the airport with freedom. Ryan was just watching T.V broadcast from the small player from the van. 

Jordan Huntsman

Jordan nodded in response waiting for him to continue. "Till well, the incident a few years back on a coup plot where the royal family would be assassinated making them go here on Earth and try to live a normal life." David added towards him "Our historic land back ago is still ruled by the High Order but it's in chaos ever since."

Jordan listened remembering stories back then frowning a bit. The parent saw it and hummed "Just look forward Jordan, your frown would turn upside down." The parent said making Jordan look forward seeing Flora and the other Vampire children playing stacking on one another. Jordan's frown indeed smiled chuckling softly

David made space so that he and the parent would only talk about what was the current situation on the three factions. Jordan could hear it but focused more on Flora who was playing with other Vampire kids. 

Two went to her asking to join their game of hide and seek. Jordan giggled softly and nods getting up accepting it. "Guys Guys! Jordan's going to play!" One from the two shouted over happily to the rest which they cheered. Flora giggled watching the two lead Jordan to them.

"Alright, Alright calm down. I'll be the first one okay?" Jordan offered to the group which they agreed slowly dispersing to hide. Jordan closed her eyes and counted to 30 and once 30 was up, she announced"Ready or not, Here I come!" 

Addi Ford

After of which, she carried two bags and walked back to her home. Opening the door, she goes in and sets it by the kitchen counter. Opening all lights so it won't be dark, she prepared the materials needed to cook then went to her bedroom to rest.

After resting by the bed, Addi regained her strength and began to go the kitchen to cook herself some food. Chopping and mixing some ingredients putting some flavor to some, she began to cook the food humming as she continued. 

Addi thanks to her mother who taught her how to cook in early ages made herself a delicious meal for the night a somewhat celebratory meal for herself since she had impressed Mr. Kubdel a while back at the Louvre. 

Naomi Young

Naomi palmed it looking as if it was lock but in reality it was open and just an illusion. With that, she got up quickly hearing foot steps. "Naomi?" A male voice asked as it was the worker from before. Naomi turned around "I'm here, just cleaning up." She replied softly.

The worker nodded to her "Alright, we'll be closing up now and put the children to their rooms." The worker mentioned over to Naomi who walked out of her bedroom and faced him. "Okay!" Naomi smiled brightly making him chuckle softly "Your overexciting yourself." He teased before walking out of the room. 

Naomi blushed calming down before going to the kitchen opening the refrigerator "Nowwww, what can I cook for us." She asked herself humming a question tune putting her right hand by her chin like she was a detective finding clues and such. 

Holly Larkin and Lili Knight

Lili returned to her water tank hideout and just laid down by her mattress bed yawning a bit. Even though it was the afternoon, she was tired from searching around Paris. Laying down chest down, she begin to watch some youtube videos on her phone.

However whilst watching youtube videos, she was still mind focused to eliminate the Vampire Princess and Shadow as well. She relaxed for now yes but tomorrow, she intended to find the two and eliminate them then and there. 

Lili got up seeing that the outside slowly darkens to night. So she turned on the Christmas lights dangled above her with different colors then laid back down continuing to watch. 

Holly on the other hand returned to her own home closing the blinds just in case any would see her in wolf form. Bored out of her mind, she climbed the rooftops in wolf form then transforming back into her human form sitting by the edge of the roof facing the sun. She watched it set slowly relaxing with her feet dangling.

Back at her original position with her feet dangling on the ledge whilst sitting down, Holly lets out a huff before watching the set. She relaxed as the wind breeze by her sighing in relief. 

Destiny Armor

Destiny hummed softly waiting a few minutes before slowly walking away and out. She stood by the entrance of their hideout to see the sun set thinking deeply. She thought of her encounters with Jacob when he went full vampiric mode.

"Vampires are dangerous to an extent...even werewolves...never know if they have some hidden talent behind it." Destiny said to herself before watching the sun set. She closed the warehouse entrances, side entrances and exits making sure it was dead lock. 

Destiny jumped over near the windows whether fixed or broken to put small towels or tarps back on it to cover just in case any would peek through. Now it was done, she jumps down and went over to Knight who was sleeping soundly and quietly for a dragon of it's size.

Destiny smiled softly before letting out a small yawn. She then find a place on Knight to lay down to and have her own blanket to cover herself for the cold of night. 

Tyler(Shadow)/Marinette/Sharon/Kitty Mikaelson

Sharon thanked the two before sitting by the customer table. She opened it and ate slowly eyes widening humming happily "Mmmmmmm! So good." She commented towards the warm croissant.

Sabine giggled softly "Thank you." Sabine thanked Sharon who nodded still eating it slowly savoring the taste of the croissant whilst Sabine and Tom slowly closed up. "Am I your last customer?" Sharon asked finishing the first now onto the second one. 

Tom nodded in response "Mmhmm!" He hummed in response. Sharon ate still nodding "And I presume the girl a while ago was your daughter?" Sharon then asked again wanting to make some small talk to the two owners. Sabine received the question "Yes, our Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Sabine replied softly then glanced to Tom who was counting the money they earned for the day. 


Tyler hummed softly biting his lip looking away. Marinette raised a brow "How was your service with Chloe? And how'd you get to her anyways?" Marinette asked him with two questions. Tyler faced her and chuckled nervously "Welllll...When we got separated and landed on Earth, I took on jobs as a servant? Butler? Just like with you. So happens that Chloe wants one." Tyler mentioned and explained to the Vampire Princess in front of him.

Marinette eyes widen "And you showed her your powers?!" Marinette whispered asked growling a bit showing her fangs to him which were deadly. Tyler was unfazed by this and released his own, the same the battle with Jacob "Don't worry, I know the risk." Tyler reassured her and folded his arms.

Marinette sighed softly calming down before the two sensed another. A bat flew in the top down Marinette's hatch by the bed transforming to Kitty facing Marinette "Evening Marinette." She mentioned towards her as Marinette smiled gently "Evening Kitty." Marinette replied.

Kitty sensed a dark aura in the room turning around to see Tyler sitting there waving a bit. Kitty eyes widen taking a good 5 second to see who he really was. "Ty-tyler? The Tyler Morgan?" She asked before Tyler nodded in response "The one and only Kitty Mikaelson." He mentioned and got up doing a bow like a royal would do. 

Marinette giggled softly "Tylerrr, I said don't do that here." She mentioned and reminded him once again. Tyler stood tall "I can't help it Marinette, force of habit." Tyler reasoned out and Kitty waved it off "It's alright." She reassured him then they sat back down again.


Marinette smiled brightly then sighed happily "You know It feels like we're back together again." Marinette mentioned to the two royals in front of her. Kitty nodded in response "It sure dang it is." Kitty replied and relaxed by the couch with Tyler. 

Tyler smiled agreeing to it "All we need is the Couffaine Siblings and your thrones in the kingdom." He mentioned and added towards Kitty's comment. Marinette thought about it and quickly nodded happily smiling. 

The two laughed a bit seeing Marinette's excited and happy expression. Tyler then glanced by the pictures of Adrien before back at her "Still rooting for Adrien to be yours~?" Tyler teased the bluenette in front of her making her blush madly heating up. "TYLER!" She whispered shouted before Kitty laughed fully now giggling in glee. 

Tyler shrugs towards her "Keeping pictures of him to." He teased once again before Marinette pouted "You're lucky that I'm not in the mood to fight right now." Marinette warned but in a much more friendly way as well. 

Jacob Blackblood

"When he mixed his blood with the watch, it gets a power up. New clothes, new armor. His special only last 5 minutes which is Shadow Marionette." Jacob added still laying down. "I figure you out Shadow kid..." He muttered to himself balling a fist. "And when I do see you again, I will crush you." He stated smirking to himself determined. 

But now, Jacob got up and stretched cracking a few knuckles and bones. It was slowly getting night time and he knew it. He smirked "Hmm..Hunt? Or make my own food." Jacob asked himself and deeply thought about it. Half said to hunt for blood and the other half said to just cook or buy food. 

Minutes he stood there before just deciding to order take outs. He grabbed his phone and dialed to order take outs. 

Jasmine Tempest

Slowly waking up, Jasmine got her rest now and got up. She stretched humming to herself. The whole room was cold now due to the AC. She went to make herself a sandwich whilst turning up the AC and turning on the television using her powers.

As the television played, Jasmine slowly ate her sandwich that obviously had a ham, and cheese inside two breads. She listened and watched the news whilst eating "Num num~". After eating it, she got up going back to the kitchen checking for more food now to cook for dinner. 

Aayana Athan

She kept watching the trio from a far in her bat form taking constant stops to rest her wings and such. The sun was slowly setting so it was a perfect time to transform into her normal form. Aayana kept watch sighing a bit slowly getting bored.

Seeing that it was the night, she decided to end following them and just left. She flew around the air with her bat form and flew towards one of the nearest fast food chain roof. Aayana landed at the rooftop before transforming to her human form. 

Dropping down by the back, she casually walked towards the entrance to buy herself some food. 



(4957 Words, Stay Miraculous!)

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