Chapter 34: Chloe's Return, Half-Sister?, Characters Sleeping

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(Ocs of Users =

Dragongirl04282004: Artemis Huntress

hiccanna08;DisneyWorksFan : Jordan Huntsman

SleepNeverHeardOfHer: Addi Ford

Goddesslove-: Faith Houtusuka

Story-Tales: Destiny Armor

_WonderlandKit_:Kitty Mikaelson

Artemis_WolfQueen_12: Naomi Young

Lord_Holly: Holly Larkin

MarshalLane6: Andra Agreste

TIRANA--: Jacob Blackblood

Storiez0: Lili Knight

Miraculously_Unlucky;Mac_Anciel : Zach Catorez

RandyNetwork65;RandyNetwork4 : Randy

TimeShadowtempest:Jasmine Tempest

Sonuvapotatoe: Sharon

BelleCullen7: Aayana Athan

SuvdErdeneBoldbaater: ???

Me = Tyler Morgan)

(For Reference =

Artemis: Werewolf, Good
Jacob: Vampire, Middle
Jordan She: Vampire, Unknown
Lili: Hunter. Bad
Zach: Hunter, Bad
Addi: Human, Neutral
Faith: Vampire, Good
Destiny: Hunter, Good
Kitty: Vampire, Good
Naomi: Hunter, Unknown.
Holly: Werewolf, Bad
Andra: Human, Good
Jasmine: Vampire, Werewolf, Human, Dark in action but good in heart
Sharon: Vampire, Twisted Morals
Aayana: Vampire, Unknown)

(Current Miraculous Cast :

Chat Noir: Adrien Agreste
Ladybug: Marinette Dupain Cheng
Luka, Juleka: Couffaine Siblings
Mayura: Nathalie Sancouer
Hawkmoth: Gabriel Agreste)



Previously On Miraculous Vampires:
By The Agreste Mansion; Gabriel Agreste, Nathalie Sancoeur, Andra Agreste, Adrien Agreste

Sitting by their respective seats, they pray for a bit then eat their meals in front of them. They eat normally and in a steady pace. The two teens savored their meal in front of them. A chef got out with a tray of food "Can I serve this now to Ms. Nathalie?" The chef asked Gabriel who was quietly eating.

He nods once "Yes." He simply replied before the Chef pushed it towards the grand stairs. "How's Nathalie?" Andra asked curiously to Gabriel in which he replied "She's just sick Andra, nothing to worry about." Adrien nodded to this.

The three continued to eat. Gabriel finished first then waited for the two to finish. Andra finished second then Adrien finished third. Their plates were empty before Adrien burped quickly covering his mouth. "Sorry." He quickly apologized as Andra held in a laugh.

Gabriel shakes head "It's nothing." He replied and reassured him. He looks over to the left where the kitchen is and mentioned that they are done. Servants got out to to clean up the table as the three got up and left the dining area.

On other hand, the chef from before served Nathalie's food placing it down on the built in table. Nathalie waited for him to finish putting it down "Thanks." She thanked the chef before he nods to her "I hope you have a fast recovery Ms. Sancoeur" The chef mentioned and wished for her recovery. This made Nathalie smile nodding back. The chef turned around and left making Nathalie eat her food

By Paris Airport; Zach Catorez, Alex, Ryan, and ???

With that, the two walked to the arrivals area waiting for the arrival of Mr. Andre.

The female slowly got up grunting a bit "That hurts." She muttered holding her head due to the impact. The loud roar of Airplane engines were heard by the runway behind her signifying an airplane about to dock. Hearing this, she got up slowly and escaped the vicinity for convenience sakes.

The female went to a side door where maintenance goes out. She slowly got out and walked quickly with the flow of the passengers. She also closed the door to not arouse suspicion for airport security and personnel.

3 airplanes touched down by separate runways with two going to the gates near ??? and Zach/Alex.

Alex and Zach waited for the two airplanes to dock and unload their passengers. It will be a slow process but that would depend on the passenger's speed. As Zach waited with Alex, he still can't get the memory of him and the mysterious girl's fight a while ago.

"Who was she? Not a vampire...nor wolf nor hunter." Zach thought to himself whilst maintaining focus. Alex waited for any signs of Andre. Luckily, the first plane unloaded it's passengers sooner than expected.

Alex scanned for Andre using his eyes. The passengers walked by the arrivals but alas, Andre wasn't spotted. Alex groaned in annoyance. Zach glanced up at Alex "Maybe the second plane?" Zach asked and suggested. "Maybe." Alex replied softly folding his arms.

Jordan Huntsman

David glanced by them "Had fun Flora?" He asked the obviously tired little sister. Flora lets out a small hum "Yes brother." She spoke softly making Jordan giggle softly "Go sleep Flora, I'll wake you up once we get home okay?" Jordan asked assuring her.

Flora didn't hesitate to close her eyes and as expected from a tired individual, she slept. The two teens walked back to their home and once arriving, David opened the doors for the two girls making Jordan walk inside. She went to the living room and lays a tired plus sleeping Flora on the sofa

Jordan was about to wake her up but David stopped her shaking his head. "Don't. Let's let her sleep and rest till dinner." He mentioned and suggested. Jordan nodded in response "Let's help set up the table." She replied then the two went to the dining room.

Jordan grabs place mats for them setting it down on the table. David grabs plates with spoon and forks setting it down. Jordan on the other hand now grabs a pitchel filled with water also grabbing glasses for them

Addi Ford

This reminded her of their house back with her mom eating together by the table when there is a special occasion happening. She sighed once again remembering those times before wondering about something "I wish Papa is here..."

Addi muttered to herself before shaking head trying not to be sad. She continued eating her meal savoring it taking it slow as well. Finishing the meal after a while, she drank her glass of water and got up. Addi grabs the finished plate and empty glass.

She went to the kitchen sink placing it down then began to clean it.

Naomi Young

The worker munched on a chicken "You could always ask." The worker pointed it out back making Naomi shrug "I didn't know thattt." She retorted and whined in a playful way. The worker lets out a small chuckle on this.

Naomi pouted on this before punching his shoulder playfully. The worker rolled eyes at this before continuing to eat his chicken salad. "How's the orphanage?" She asked curiously whilst eating hers.

The worker glanced by her. "Well, two got adopted a while ago from the afternoon." The worker mentioned softly replying to her question. Naomi nodded in response "I see" She replied before phasing out 

Holly Larkin and Lili Knight

Lili, after a few moments, finished eating then drinks her glass. She slurps it up before leaning back content. "Ahhh.' She breaths out letting a sigh of relief. She stayed like this for a while because she ate a lot.

Holly didn't move an inch still sleeping. To be fair, she ran around Paris to find leads Vampire Princess and Shadow. She slept resting as well laying down. Moments later, the breeze of the wind went colder making Holly shiver and wake up.

"Dang winddd." Holly muttered groaning in annoyance that the wind disturbed her sleep. She went back to her room and turned up the heater. "What to eat what to eat." She asked herself before yawning stretching her hands up.

Holly then plops to bed holding her phone deciding to order take outs. She ordered then began to wait. The door knocked making Holly get up and open it. The delivery lady was holding her take outs. Holly paid then received the take outs. 

Destiny Armor

Still on their deep slumber, Knight felt Destiny sleeping at him literally. The dragon adjusted so the wings covered her. This made Destiny not feel cold anymore nor shivering in cold. The dragon noticed this before slowly returning back to sleep.

Tyler(Shadow), Marinette, Kitty Mikaelson, Artemis, Faith Houtusuka, Randy

Tyler looks at the three. "She's alright, She's maintaining her lifestyle as a regular human and balancing it with her alter egos." Tyler explained and mentioned reassuring the vampire in front of him. "Also, I want to inform you that there's an increase amount of presence here: Wolves, Hunters, Vampires, you name it." Tyler mentioned adding to his previous statement.

Randy listened to this before calming down a bit. The four of them stood their in a stand off. "So...anymore?" Tyler asked them if they have more questions to ask. They shake head as Tyler sighed softly "You three are lucky that I know you, a vampire and a friend." He mentioned and stated the fact.

Artemis shakes head before leaning back to the railings resting a bit. Randy stood with Faith "When you said increased amount of unknown presence, more wolves and hunters roaming or hiding amongst the Parisians?" Faith asked trying to confirm her question

"That's correct. One wrong mistep, Paris is going to be a battlefield." Tyler mentioned and stated. "Then we must protect the civilians, keep them away from harm's way." Artemis said and suggested to him.

"A wise move but who will be said harm's way? They fear us, Loathe us, they love the hunters." Tyler replied sadly with a defeated tone to this. Faith nodded in response "Even if it's just your common stereotypes, they are afraid of us." Faith replied and backed up Tyler.

Artemis frowns her ears fall down. "There must be some way right?" Artemis asked the two about it. Tyler was about to reply before Randy yawned big interrupting him.


"What matter the case is, whether if a vampire's good or bad, a wolf good or bad, or a hunter's good or bad. If that bad case scenario happens, we protect the Parisians if they know the Stereotype." Randy mentioned and stated to the three.

Faith looked over her shoulder to see Randy. "Randy..." She muttered. Tyler listened to this and sighed deeply "If only that's easy, we'll have to cover each other's back right you two?" Tyler mentioned then asked Artemis and Faith.

Faith nodded in response agreeing to him. Artemis looks up her ears perked "Mmhmm!" She hummed happily agreeing to him. Randy nodded letting out a smile on her face.


Marinette, Kitty Tom and Sabine were eating now half of their food now. "You make the best food mom." Marinette mentioned complimenting her mother's cooking. Kitty nodded in response "Yeah." She added agreeing to Marinette.

Sabine smiled brightly "Thank you." She replied before Tom creates a playful hurt look. "What about me?" Tom asked in a playful hurt manner. Marinette giggled softly "You make the best bread across Paris." She complimented her father.

Kitty agreed nodding whilst eating "Mmhmm!" She hummed happily. Sabine lets out a soft chuckle as Tom laughed at this. The four continued eating till moments later, they began to finish their dinner in front of them. Kitty was the one to finish first followed by Sabine, then Marinette, then lastly Tom.

Marinette got up from her seat and was about to grab the plates. Sabine stopped her insisting that they should rest early. "But-" Marinette replied before getting cut off by Kitty "Come on, let's go." Kitty said and mentioned.

Marinette sighed softly "Okay okay." She replied before kissing both Tom and Sabine's cheek. "Night mama, night papa." Marinette mentioned before following Kitty up the stairs towards their room. 

Jacob Blackblood

Nevertheless, the take outs made him full and such. He got up to clean the now empty meals throwing in the respective trash bins. Getting full, he yawns before dimming the lights setting the mood. Jacob plops to bed tucking himself in whilst watching the television.

Whilst watching the television, he slowly dazed off into sleepiness. Jacob's eyes closed but subconsciously used his powers to turn of the television.

Jasmine Tempest

The television was on so she watched cartoons and anime whilst eating. She slowly ate the hot fish fillet with salt flavor. Jasmine continued to eat her food warming up thanks to the meal whilst watching television.

Eating her fish fillet with lettuce toppings, she ate it halfway now whilst watching the television. Jasmine didn't mind the fish fillet still hot as she was hungry. She continues to eat whilst watching the television.


She savored her Teriyaki meal a little drips of sauce on her fingers from the sauce. Sharon sighs in content now halfway from her finishing her Teriyaki meal. "So good." She commented to no one in particular.

After resting for a bit, Sharon continued eating her Teriyaki meal whilst drinking her ice tea in the process.

Aayana Athan

Aayana rested for a bit since her stomach was full. After a few minutes of rest, she got up and left the food place walking towards the back of it. She slowly transformed into a bat and tries to find a suitable place to sleep hanging out from.

Flying about, she noticed the park near Francis Dupoint and found a few trees. Aayana squeaked in her bat form diving towards the trees. She hanged upside down and enclosed herself with her small bat wings acting as a blanket from the cold winds. 


By The Agreste Mansion; Gabriel Agreste, Nathalie Sancoeur, Andra Agreste, Adrien Agreste

The three continued to eat. Gabriel finished first then waited for the two to finish. Andra finished second then Adrien finished third. Their plates were empty before Adrien burped quickly covering his mouth. "Sorry." He quickly apologized as Andra held in a laugh.

Gabriel shakes head "It's nothing." He replied and reassured him. He looks over to the left where the kitchen is and mentioned that they are done. Servants got out to to clean up the table as the three got up and left the dining area.

Gabriel went up to his atelier which is a large room with black and white tile flooring in a diagonal checkerboard pattern. The room semi-funnels down to the center, where there is a large rectangular glass block that is purely architectural. On three sides there are magenta seats, with a very light yellow edge. The doors leading into the atelier have white grilles, with openings between them. 

By the middle was his large white standing screen. He stood in front of it and scrolled through the designs that he made before closing it. He hummed sleepily but before he would sleep, Gabriel went towards where Emilie is. 

Gabriel placed a palm on the coffin looking down a bit closing his eyes "Good night Emilie." He mentioned before taking a few moments of silence then faced her opening her eyes. Emilie laying upright in a coma. Gabriel turned around and walked back. 

Nathalie continued to eat her meal before finishing it. The chef was there just waiting for her to finish so that she could assist her. "I'll do it." The chef mentioned stopping her when she tried to clean up. Nathalie listened and nods laying back down to rest. The chef cleans up and after of which, he left the room to let her rest. 

Adrien and Andra went in their respective rooms. Adrien lays down on the bed grabbing his phone continuing to scroll through ladybug pictures and such. Andra did the same but instead with her IPAD scrolling through the Ladyblog. 

By Paris Airport; Zach Catorez, Alex, Ryan, and ???

The female went to a side door where maintenance goes out. She slowly got out and walked quickly with the flow of the passengers. She also closed the door to not arouse suspicion for airport security and personnel.

The female blended in with the flow keeping it to herself not interacting with anyone or not making eye contact to avoid suspicious. She glanced around trying to find the exit of the airport. 

Alex scanned for Andre using his eyes. The passengers walked by the arrivals but alas, Andre wasn't spotted. Alex groaned in annoyance. Zach glanced up at Alex "Maybe the second plane?" Zach asked and suggested. "Maybe." Alex replied softly folding his arms.

Now the second plane unloaded it's passengers. Alex scanned for Andre once again with Zach now before Alex spotted a man that wears a dark gray dress jacket with three large black buttons over a white dress shirt,  a strong red ties a matching red folded handkerchief in the jacket's upper left pocket, dark gray slacks, and black shoes. 

"It's him alright." Zach mentioned before Alex nodded "Mr. Bourgeois!" Alex shouted to get his attention. Andre accompanied by two more females shot eyes towards the noise. He led the other two towards Alex and Zach. 

Alex and Zach waited. Arriving there, Andre nodded to them "Evening, sorry for the delay. Our airplane got second." Andre greeted and apologized to the two. Alex chuckled lightly "It's alright sir." Alex mentioned and reassured him. 

The first female which was Chloe Bourgeois  mostly seen wearing makeup; pale, light grayish cerulean eye-shadow, pale, light grayish brown lipstick, and a light scarlet blush. For accessories, she has a gold chain necklace, with a small gold disco ball, and white-rimmed sunglasses on her head. Chloé wears a sparkly brilliant yellow bolero that goes halfway down her forearms with a light blue button on the left side and two pockets over a white shirt with black stripes around the chest running down to the bottom of the waist. The rest of her outfit includes white jean capris with a golden belt that has pyramid-shaped bumps and white dress shoes adorned with white bows with black lining and soles. 

"Oh my gosh Daddy, it's super late now. And the WIFI here sucks to.  Let's go back to the hotelllllll." Chloe whined and complaint. Zach raised a brow hearing Chloe's whining/brat personality. "Is this what the boss wants us to protect?" Zach thought to himself. 

Alex didn't mind it at all. Andre looks down at Chloe "We will we will." He reassured her. And the second female wears a black faux leather jacket, a white top with a pink, cyan and yellow honeycomb flower on the front, and yellow pants. On her feet, her shoes have white shoelaces, toe caps and soles. The sides of her shoes are decorated with blue, lime-green and pink heart and star patterns with black outlines. There's a moderate apple green crown on the left side of her left shoe and a white skull on the left side of her right shoe. The midsole of the shoes seem to be decorated with different drawings that appeared to be drawn with a black permanent marker. The left shoe has a red heart drawn on the toe cap that reads "I ♡︎U". On her left wrist, she also wears a two blue beaded brown bracelets and red and yellow pattern wide white bracelet with black lining on each and a luminous vivid opal-colored beanie on her head.

Alex smiled gently "Let's go?" He asked with Chloe marching forward towards the exit "With pleasure." Alex chuckled softly grabbing their extra luggage with Zach helping as well. Andre and Alex kept up with Chloe with Zach with the second female. 

"Is she always like that?" Zach asked her. She nodded in response "Yes." She replied. 

Jordan Huntsman

Jordan was about to wake her up but David stopped her shaking his head. "Don't. Let's let her sleep and rest till dinner." He mentioned and suggested. Jordan nodded in response "Let's help set up the table." She replied then the two went to the dining room.

Jordan grabs place mats for them setting it down on the table. David grabs plates with spoon and forks setting it down. Jordan on the other hand now grabs a pitchel filled with water also grabbing glasses for them

In the right timing, the parents walked in with their food for dinner setting it down. "Good job you two." The father mentioned and commented on this. David and Jordan nodded. "Go wake up your little sister you two." The mother mentioned setting the food down. 

Jordan volunteered going back to the living room slowly and gently waking up Flora so she wouldn't be in shock. Flora yawned tiredly licking her lips "Mmm?" Jordan awws a bit "Dinner time." Jordan mentioned before Flora nods getting off from the couch.

Jordan and Flora walked side by side with Flora's legs a bit wobbly but managed to walk to the dining area where the three are now sitting down waiting for them. With Flora and Jordan who is in their seat now, they eat together. 

Addi Ford

 She continued eating her meal savoring it taking it slow as well. Finishing the meal after a while, she drank her glass of water and got up. Addi grabs the finished plate and empty glass. She went to the kitchen sink placing it down then began to clean it.

Addi finished cleaning up the plate, glass and the kitchen utensils she used from cooking. She sets it up on the dryer before yawning tiredly. "Whooo, I think I need to hit the hay now."  Addi said to herself.

And with that, Addi walked towards her bedroom and lays down on the bed tucking herself in. Once laid down, she didn't feel sleepy so she just used her phone. 

Naomi Young

Naomi pouted on this before punching his shoulder playfully. The worker rolled eyes at this before continuing to eat his chicken salad. "How's the orphanage?" She asked curiously whilst eating hers.

The worker glanced by her. "Well, two got adopted a while ago from the afternoon." The worker mentioned softly replying to her question. Naomi nodded in response "I see" She replied before phasing out.

The worker finished his chicken salad already before facing Naomi seeing her phased out. "Hey, you okay?" He asked calling her attention as well. Naomi flinched going back into reality facing him "Hmm? Yeah." She replied softly before continuing to eat her chicken salad making it halfway.

The worker looks at her serious "Is it about your past?" The worker asked. Naomi nodded sadly putting her chicken salad down. The worker smiled gently before hugging her "I'm here for you okay? No matter what, I'm not going to leave your side." The worker mentioned reassuring her trying to make her feel the parental needs.

Naomi hugs back listening to his words. She now hugs tighter gripping like no tomorrow. The worker just lets her before feeling something wet by his shirt. She was tearing but he didn't complain

Holly Larkin and Lili Knight

Lili, after a few moments, finished eating then drinks her glass. She slurps it up before leaning back content. "Ahhh.' She breaths out letting a sigh of relief. She stayed like this for a while because she ate a lot.

After of which, she got up and lets the crew or staff of the place to clean it up. Lili walked out of the place and returned to the building where her hideout is. Couple minutes of walking, she used her hook to swing up and back to her hideout exactly on how she left it. 

Holly didn't move an inch still sleeping. To be fair, she ran around Paris to find leads Vampire Princess and Shadow. She slept resting as well laying down. Moments later, the breeze of the wind went colder making Holly shiver and wake up.

"Dang winddd." Holly muttered groaning in annoyance that the wind disturbed her sleep. She went back to her room and turned up the heater. "What to eat what to eat." She asked herself before yawning stretching her hands up.

Holly then plops to bed holding her phone deciding to order take outs. She ordered then began to wait. The door knocked making Holly get up and open it. The delivery lady was holding her take outs. Holly paid then received the take outs.

Holly goes to her dining area and begins to eat the take outs. Halfway through eating, she stopped for a bit before breathing in and out letting her stomach process it for a bit. Minutes later, she continued back to eating her dinner for tonight. Holly finished it after a while licking her lips as a sign that it was great. 

Holly hummed in satisfaction before throwing the excess or garbage down to the bin. She walked back to her bedroom before sitting down on the bed resting for a bit. 

Destiny Armor

Still on their deep slumber, Knight felt Destiny sleeping at him literally. The dragon adjusted so the wings covered her. This made Destiny not feel cold anymore nor shivering in cold. The dragon noticed this before slowly returning back to sleep.

Destiny and Knight still slept throughout now that Destiny didn't shiver in the cold. 

Tyler(Shadow), Marinette, Kitty Mikaelson, Artemis, Faith Houtusuka, Randy

"Then we must protect the civilians, keep them away from harm's way." Artemis said and suggested to him."A wise move but who will be said harm's way? They fear us, Loathe us, they love the hunters." Tyler replied sadly with a defeated tone to this. 

Faith nodded in response "Even if it's just your common stereotypes, they are afraid of us." Faith replied and backed up Tyler. Artemis frowns her ears fall down. "There must be some way right?" Artemis asked the two about it. Tyler was about to reply before Randy yawned big interrupting him.


"What matter the case is, whether if a vampire's good or bad, a wolf good or bad, or a hunter's good or bad. If that bad case scenario happens, we protect the Parisians if they know the Stereotype." Randy mentioned and stated to the three.

Faith looked over her shoulder to see Randy. "Randy..." She muttered. Tyler listened to this and sighed deeply "If only that's easy, we'll have to cover each other's back right you two?" Tyler mentioned then asked Artemis and Faith.

Faith nodded in response agreeing to him. Artemis looks up her ears perked "Mmhmm!" She hummed happily agreeing to him. Randy nodded letting out a smile on her face.


Marinette got up from her seat and was about to grab the plates. Sabine stopped her insisting that they should rest early. "But-" Marinette replied before getting cut off by Kitty "Come on, let's go." Kitty said and mentioned.

Marinette sighed softly "Okay okay." She replied before kissing both Tom and Sabine's cheek. "Night mama, night papa." Marinette mentioned before following Kitty up the stairs towards their room.

With Tom and Sabine cleaning up the dining table, Kitty and Marinette went up back to their room. This made Tyler be on the alert "Hate to ruin this mood but she's returning back from her dinner." Tyler mentioned softly and stated to the three. 

Faith nodded in response understanding it. Same as Randy and Artemis likewise. "Do you want to leave any message from her?" Tyler asked the three. They thought about it before one by one they said their message. 

Tyler nodded in response. By an earshot, the trap door creaked open which was heard from their standpoint. "Go, we'll meet again." Tyler mentioned and stated towards the three. "Bye Tyler." Artemis waved before vaulting over and down to the fire escape.

"Shadow." Faith curtseyed in which Tyler bowed back whilst his face stay up facing her. Faith then vaulted over following Artemis. Randy looks at him "Bye." She waved goodbye. Tyler nodded to her before Randy vaulted following suite. 

Tyler watched them before going back in to see that Kitty was sitting on the bed and Marinette in the bathroom brushing her teeth "How was your dinner?" Tyler asked curiously towards Kitty. "It was amazing Shadow." Kitty mentioned softly grinning her sharp teeth shown. 

Tyler sighed softly "Great for you. And I do remember to not call me formally ever since we're here on Earth." Tyler replied eying her grin. Kitty giggled once again. 

Jacob Blackblood

Nevertheless, the take outs made him full and such. He got up to clean the now empty meals throwing in the respective trash bins. Getting full, he yawns before dimming the lights setting the mood. Jacob plops to bed tucking himself in whilst watching the television.

Whilst watching the television, he slowly dazed off into sleepiness. Jacob's eyes closed but subconsciously used his powers to turn of the television. 

Unbeknownst to him, that his father was watching by the window "Hmm, son...One day.. You'll be my successor." The father stated watching him sleep. He slowly disappeared into the night. 

Jasmine Tempest

The television was on so she watched cartoons and anime whilst eating. She slowly ate the hot fish fillet with salt flavor. Jasmine continued to eat her food warming up thanks to the meal whilst watching television.

Eating her fish fillet with lettuce toppings, she ate it halfway now whilst watching the television. Jasmine didn't mind the fish fillet still hot as she was hungry. She continues to eat whilst watching the television.

Jasmine, halfway done with her meal, took a drink of water before continuing to eat the remaining fish fillets. As she eat, the air condition made her cool and cold so it won't be to hot. She continued to eat plus watching the television in front of her. She constantly changed channels when she didn't like the show portrayed by the television.


She savored her Teriyaki meal a little drips of sauce on her fingers from the sauce. Sharon sighs in content now halfway from her finishing her Teriyaki meal. "So good." She commented to no one in particular.

After resting for a bit, Sharon continued eating her Teriyaki meal whilst drinking her ice tea in the process. Sharon ate all of the Teriyaki meal clean along with the sauce as well due to the greatness of it's savory-salty-sweet flavor. Grabbing tissues from a tissue box offered from the table, she wipes the sauce from her fingers.

Sharon grabs the ice tea and drinks it all then placing it back down. She lets out a low burp so she wouldn't stand out in the public or the public hearing it. 

Aayana Athan

Aayana rested for a bit since her stomach was full. After a few minutes of rest, she got up and left the food place walking towards the back of it. She slowly transformed into a bat and tries to find a suitable place to sleep hanging out from.

Flying about, she noticed the park near Francis Dupoint and found a few trees. Aayana squeaked in her bat form diving towards the trees. She hanged upside down and enclosed herself with her small bat wings acting as a blanket from the cold winds.

Even with the cold winds, Aayana stayed warm thanks to her bat wings covering her. Her clawed feet clinged on the branch tightly and completely gripping it like no tomorrow. Aayan slept peaceful even snoring cutely a bit.  



(5097 Words, Stay Miraculous!)

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