Chapter 40: Chloe w/ Her Sister's arrival, Faithful Encounter, Destiny's Meetup

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(Ocs of Users =

Dragongirl04282004: Artemis Huntress

hiccanna08;DisneyWorksFan : Jordan Huntsman

SleepNeverHeardOfHer: Addi Ford

Goddesslove-: Faith Houtusuka

Story-Tales: Destiny Armor

_WonderlandKit_: Kitty Mikaelson

Artemis_WolfQueen_12: Naomi Young

Lord_Holly: Holly Larkin

MarshalLane6: Andra Agreste

TIRANA--: Jacob Blackblood

Storiez0: Lili Knight

Mac_Anciel;Miraculously_Unlucky : Zach Catorez

RandyNetwork65;RandyNetwork4 : Randy

TimeShadowtempest: Jasmine Tempest

Sonuvapotatoe: Sharon

BelleCullen7: Aayana Athan

SuvdErdeneBoldbaater: ???

Me = Tyler Morgan)

(For Reference =

Artemis: Werewolf, Good
Jacob: Vampire, Middle
Jordan She: Vampire, Unknown
Lili: Hunter. Bad
Zach: Hunter, Bad
Addi: Human, Neutral
Faith: Vampire, Good
Destiny: Hunter, Good
Kitty: Vampire, Good
Naomi: Hunter, Unknown.
Holly: Werewolf, Bad
Andra: Human, Good
Jasmine: Vampire, Werewolf, Human, Dark in action but good in heart
Sharon: Vampire, Twisted Morals
Aayana: Vampire, Unknown
???: Both unknown)

(Current Miraculous Cast :

Chat Noir: Adrien Agreste
Ladybug: Marinette Dupain Cheng
Luka, Juleka: Couffaine Siblings
Mayura: Nathalie Sancouer
Hawkmoth: Gabriel Agreste)



Previously On Miraculous Vampires:
By Francis Dupoint High School; Andra Agreste, Adrien Agreste, Nino Lahiffe, Alya Cesaire, Marinette Dupain Cheng, ?????? and ????

During this, Andra went to the other side of the school where her classroom was. She saw her fellow batchmates greeting each other a good morning. Andra smiled at them and greeted back before going to the girls locker room to grab her stuff for the morning classes.

The locker room is located on the first floor, with 13 lockers on each side and some wooden clothing racks in the middle of the lockers. The entrance door is a huge wooden door with a rug in front of it and with large square windows with 3 window frames, the sides are made from white floor tiles with gray diamond patterns in the middle. It seems that it also has some basketballs on top of the lockers. To the left side there is the male bathroom and to the right side the female bathroom. And in the front, there is a huge window having a view of the outside.

Andra got to her locker inputting the code for the lock then opening it. "My gosh what an experience from what happened before..." She muttered to herself grabbing her stuff. Andra remembered what had happened before hand with Chameleon (Lila Rossi).

Finishing up, she closed the locker door locking it jumbling the code back once again then got out of room. With her backpack and stuff for the morning class, she walked back her classroom.

Marinette walked up the stairs whereas Kitty followed "Umm...You aren't supposed to be here you know that right Kitty?" Marinette mentioned and pointed it out to her. Kitty raised a brow before rubbing the back of her neck letting out a nervous laugh.

"Oh yeah, I'll be around then." Kitty replied then vaulted over the walls then transforming into a bat flying away. Marinette giggled softly then Tikki popped up from her pouch "Marinette, are you sure that letting Kitty out of your sight won't garner attention?" Tikki asked Marinette in a worried tone.

Marinette shakes head "No, she's responsible now." She reassured then headed in see Nino, Alya and Adrien. "Hey girl!" Alya exclaimed happily facing the front door. The other two boys faced towards where Alya is seeing a slender teenage girl of average height with a slightly light skin tone, medium-length black hair with blue reflections that is always seen tied back in twin tails, light scarlet lipstick on her lips, bluebell eyes, light freckles on both sides and the bridge of her nose.

She also wears a dark gray blazer with rolled-up sleeves; the inside of the blazer is lined in white with light fuchsia polka dots, and it has black trimming. Underneath, she wears a white t-shirt with black stitching and a flower design below the collar. The design itself has pink flowers and black leaves. She wears pink rolled-up jeans and light pink ballet flats with very reddish brown soles. She wears eyeliner around her eyes and sports black earrings.

It was Marinette. Marinette looks up to see Adrien in which she lets out a faint blush. "He-hey Adrien. Nino. Alya." She stuttered for a bit but regained. Adrien waved at her. "Hey dudette." Nino mentioned softly.

The 4 chatted for a while before the school bell rang. Unbeknownst to Marinette, two known vampire students were running towards Francis Dupoint.

Artemis, Faith Houtusuka, Randy

Artemis and Randy continued to observe the surroundings just in case like from before when Tyler informed them the increase presence. Artemis was a bit scared due to her being a wolf, the other wolves might brand her as a traitor.

Randy wasn't a bit worried at all. She was determined to stop this pointless war to save the innocent civilians of Paris. Artemis gathered her strength once again then faced Randy "Hey, aren't you a bit afraid because like, well, what we're up against are like vampires, wolves and hunters who are trained professionals?" Artemis asked and explained towards Randy curiously.

Randy looks down at her. She then leans back to the tree and puts her knees by her chest hugging a bit "Of course I'm scared, but I can handle myself. Don't worry." Randy explained and mentioned towards her wolf friend.

Artemis nodded in response "Just making sure. You know I got your back right?" Artemis asked in which Randy nodded in response "And I got yours."

Faith now, is still walking around the streets of Paris. She had visited the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower as well. This walk made her skin sweat but she didn't mind it. As the sun rose now and it was morning, she puts up her umbrella to shield her from the direct sunlight.

Faith, although a powerful vampire on her own rights, needed protection from the basics like the direct sunlight. She hummed to herself now arriving at Francis Dupoint. She sensed the Vampire Princess(Marinette) inside so she knew that she was safe.

She also sensed her two friends, Artemis and Randy, nearby. Faith smiled to herself before walking towards the park crossing the street and walking down the street. 

By Louvre Underground, Moonchaser Hideout; Zach Catorez, Alex, Ryan, and ???

As she commented herself towards it, she arrived to another outdoor local marketplace. She was famished so she decided to steal food. ??? went in and followed the flow of the customers there to blend in.

She stopped by a stall and quickly steal an apple and an orange. ??? quickly turned around and left the stall eating the apple as she goes. However, three French Police was spotted going towards her. ??? noticed this and stopped turning around then walked away.

??? muttered a curse "Cops..." She muttered to herself before looking around trying to find an escape route. Luckily, she found one so she decided to bail already. ??? walked towards the exit blending in with the people.

~Back at Moonchaser Hideout~

Zach nodded in response. He wasn't to keen in hand to hand combat so he kept his distance. The first hunter dashed towards and gotten the upper hand. He began to attack Zach and all he could do is dodge whilst shooting his arrow at the hunter sometimes blocking it or dodging it.

Whilst doing this, Zach had regained most of his strength so he could teleport just in case. Also at the time, the second hunter regained footing and charged at Zach. The two hunters pierced him. Zach eyes widen faking a distress but smirked at the end teleporting away.

The two hunters stopped at their tracks almost colliding to each other. Zach readied his bow and began to fire his arrows in a barrage. The two hunters quickly began to block it using their sabres arrows flying about ricocheting on the ground or on the walls.

Zach continued till he ran out of arrows. The two hunters glad that the barrage was over took a breather. Zach panted a bit before exhausting himself as well before hearing a click of a gun "Uh uh uh~" A familiar voice from Ryan mentioned towards him.

Zach glanced by his shoulder to see Ryan holding up pistol to his back. "Simulations over I guess." Zach mentioned seeing that he has no strength as well to teleport. Ryan holstered his pistol "But good job Zach, just need to keep up your strength and endurance." Ryan mentioned and commented based on what he observes.

He was right however, Zach using his powers to teleport can drain him if not careful. 

Jordan Huntsman

The father lets out a soft chuckle but nodded "I'm glad." He replied before going back to his newspaper. David sighed in relief before looking over to his mother "I'm gonna go jogging." He mentioned to her. "Stay safe sweetie." The mother replied and mentioned over. David nods and left the house for a morning jog. With that, David went onto his jog whilst his parents stayed behind.

Jordan and Flora walked side by side to Flora's school. The two held hands with Flora and her backpack behind her by the body. Flora smiled skipping whilst Jordan just walked normally. "Do good in school yeah?" Jordan asked reminding her little sister.

Flora nodded in response "Mmhmm! I will sis!" She mentioned happily. Soon, the two arrived at Flora's elementary school. Other kids the same with her age and older years from grades 4 to 6 are walking in now.

Jordan pulls Flora by the side gently fixing her hair, dress and backpack making sure everything was there. Flora lets her giggling softly as she fixed her hair. "Thanks sis." She mentioned and thanked her older sister.

Jordan lets out a smile "No problem. Stay safe and be a good girl okay?" Jordan asked her before giving her a peck in the cheek. Flora nodded "I will!" She exclaimed before running into the school. Jordan watched her and once knowing that she was in and safe, she left.

Addi Ford, Alim Kubdel

Addi waited by the lounge area with the others working just like her. Either taking a nap, eating breakfast, or scrolling by the phones. Addi stayed quiet waiting patiently. Alim, by himself, lit the Louvre turning on the lights.

Addi's eyes changed blinking a bit adjusting to the lights. She lets out a yawn before standing up stretching. Addi checked her phone seeing the time. "Almost time." She muttered to herself before composing herself. The others did so to.

Addi walked over by the entrance and waited patiently for the customers and guests to go in. Alim walked over to her and lets out a soft chuckle "Excited huh Ms. Ford?" He asked curiously with a remote for the ac turning it on with a simple click.

Addi nodded in response "Yes sir, and I wanted to be ready just in case." She replied and explained. 

Naomi Young

Naomi was about to leave but was stopped by him. "Just needed some sunlight, I'll be back soon." He replied, lied but reassured him. The worker nodded in response "Stay safe okay?" The worker asked in which she nods. Naomi left opening the door and once she got out closing it. Naomi jogs towards the court from before only jogging to preserve her energy for later.

Naomi jogged towards the court. She smiled seeing it as how she left it. Naomi grabs the three wooden planks and placed it by the wall acting as target practice. Like before she grabbed a knife from her clothes hidden inside it.

Naomi hummed softly. She threw it towards the middle then did a bird hand sign (Naruto Reference, Hand Signs) "Sakkaku!" She stated. The knife splits into other two hitting the three. Naomi went over to grab the middle knife which was the real one. The other two were unscarred.

Naomi smirked to herself twirling the knife a bit "I'm getting the hang of this." Noami commented to herself. She went to open space before opening up her booklet of illusion powers. There was another which was an Illusion mind trick to have a clone of herself that would deal true damage.

"This'll come in handy." She mentioned before focusing her energy. Doing the Ram, Serpent, Tiger hand sign, slowly a puff of dust appeared creating an illusion of herself. Naomi gasped a bit seeing herself. The illusion didn't speak as it was a complete copy of her towards the brim.

Naomi giggled softly then the Illusion lets out a smile. "It responds to my emotion." She thought to herself then experimented for a bit. She twirled her knife making the illusion follow suite in perfect timing.

Holly Larkin and Lili Knight

Holly continued running the rooftops knowing that a certain hunter was following her. So, she decided to give chase fastening her running capabilities. "A Game of tag ey?" Lili muttered ask herself seeing the wolf's fast running. Lili gave chase swinging after her.

Holly gave chase as Lili chased the presumed Holly. Lili swings towards her catching up. Holly did a complete ninety degree turn to the right in trying to lose her. Lili didn't expected this so she over shot her hook going forward.

Holly looked behind and snickered. Lili however determined to chase, regained and swings by. Holly saw this and continued running by now near the tower. Holly saw this as an opportunity to lose her. Holly jumped between two long buildings with a long gap in the middle.

However, Lili swings in by the middle catching her with one arm. She swings to the next building and detached the hook rolling a bit slowly stopping "Caught 'ya Holly." Lili mentioned softly. The wolf lets out a huff and turned back to her human form which was Holly. The two lets out a giggle. 

Destiny Armor

Knight flew to the top and began to fly with the clouds flapping it's wings on a normal pace gliding himself. Destiny held on excited to see Paris and also Shadow wanting to meet up with him like before but not the same circumstances.

They soon reached Paris in top speed. Destiny began to lead Knight towards where Shadow is from before when they separated their ways. Back where Marinette's balcony is. Destiny stopped Knight making the dragon hover on the air.

Destiny pat's Knight by the neck then got up "I'll be right back okay?" She asked assuring the dragon. She jumped and began diving down towards the balcony. She landed with the help of rolling forward. She carefully walked to not cause any noise sneaking by not knowing that Shadow was dealing with a hungry Vampire.

Tyler(Shadow) Kitty Mikaelson, Jacob Blackblood

"Oh yeah, I'll be around then." Kitty replied then vaulted over the walls then transforming into a bat flying away. Kitty as a bat, flew around the area. She was going to be bored when she'll wait for Marinette towards the end of the school.

So, she decided to just fly around exploring Paris. Kitty hasn't gotten the chance to visit around Paris' famous landmarks. Unfortunately, when she was visiting the Louvre, she smelt the smell of strong royal blood.

This made her eyes widen and transform back into human taking another good sniff "Tyler.." She muttered before transforming back flying towards the general direction. "This is bad...This is baddddd." She thought to herself racing against time.

~Warning, Gruesome Sentence Incoming, Skip To Jasmine Tempest. Repeat, Warning; Gruesome Sentence Incoming, You Have Been Warned~

Jacob lets out a sinister chuckle laughing "Gosh Shadow, I think I want more of your blood. Might drain you of your royal blood." He mentioned softly and replied stating it. Tyler went into a defensive stance arms up.

Jacob smirked "There we go" Jacob stated humming. He was still hungry so he revealed his black fangs and sharp claws. Tyler didn't yet before looking down to his right. He kicked down a long pipe like staff twirling it a bit.

"I'm going to knock some sense into you." Tyler stated twirling the staff before putting it forward like this: 

"Your puny pipe won't do jack thing to me." Jacob taunted with a smirk. He used his vampiric speed to dash forward. Tyler's eyes flashed blue, in his perspective, Jacob slowed down making him predict his movement.

Back in reality, Jacob was aiming for a claw. Tyler puts the staff forward to block the claw. It was even as Jacob eyes widen a bit before looking up to see Tyler's blue eyes and a smirk. Tyler kicked his knee making him jump and kneel down.

Jacob grunted as he looked up. Tyler sweeps the pipe to the right but Jacob raised his hand up to block but used the momentum to roll to the side standing up after. Tyler faced him twirling his staff back and forth.

Jacob gritted his teeth before jumped towards him clawing the pipe side ways. Tyler blocked again using the pipe in a vertical line making Jacob grip on it. Tyler twirled throwing him off the pipe and towards the roof floor.

"You are just toying with me, show me your true powers~ So I could get another taste~" Jacob mentioned wanting it so badly. Tyler shakes head controlling himself to not over exert. He twirled his pipe fast running towards him.

Jacob couldn't tell where is he going to attack. Tyler continued twirling before going right in a sweep. Jacob saw it clawing it in a sweep making the pipe broke in half. Tyler eyes widen a bit but smirked. In reflex, he kicked the other half of the pipe swinging his body back. The pipe headed straight towards his head in which Jacob couldn't block hitting him.

Jacob stumbled back as the pipe bounced back to him now dual wielding it. This only angered and hungered Jacob even more. 

Jasmine Tempest

She walked out of the apartment complex then walked by the streets of Paris. Jasmine continued to walk around the streets of Paris not minding the busy people walking by. She stopped by an intersection.

A busy car beats the red light. A puddle of water was near so it got hit splashing the water by the tire making the water fly towards a group of people including Jasmine. In quick thinking and not wanting to be wet, she used her vampiric powers secretly swiping her hand away.

The water stops mid air quickly swiping to the right. The group of people lets out gasp and sighs of relief.


As Sharon walked towards the mall, the Hunters followed her suite. Sharon didn't notice it going towards the entrance. She smiled as the coldness of the ac from the Mall hits her. She sighed in relief before walking around the mall exploring the vicinity.

Sharon looked around the different stalls and shops along with other necessities like department stores, restaurants, and others. She looked at them amazed. The hunters blended in the public wearing casual. "Is she delusional..?" One asked by a radio.

"Or playing dumb...whatever it careful." Another one replied following her.

Aayana Athan

Aayana shakes her head a bit as she continued humming to the tune. Aayana smiled happily to herself enjoying the sun and now the wind blowing by. Her hair flew the direction of the wind letting it happen. She closed her eyes and hummed in satisfaction.

Aayana hummed still to the tune of Problem by Ariana Grande. She enjoyed the cold wind breezing by and the sunlight given by the Sun. Accidentally, she had sensed two beings, a vampire (Faith) and a werewolf (Artemis), the same presence like before.

She opened her eyes making a confused look. Aayana scanned her surroundings before pinpointing the wolf which was under a tree with a female friend. "Where's the other one?" Aayana asked herself in a whisper trying to scan her surroundings. 


(A.N = Good Vibe Song!


By Francis Dupoint High School; Andra Agreste, Adrien Agreste, Nino Lahiffe, Alya Cesaire, Marinette Dupain Cheng, Chloe Bourgeois, ??? ??????, ????

Andra got to her locker inputting the code for the lock then opening it. "My gosh what an experience from what happened before..." She muttered to herself grabbing her stuff. Andra remembered what had happened before hand with Chameleon (Lila Rossi). Finishing up, she closed the locker door locking it jumbling the code back once again then got out of room. With her backpack and stuff for the morning class, she walked back in her classroom.

Her class started as the bell rang sharp. Andra and her classmates got in their class as their subject teacher for the morning got in to start the class. Andra sat by her seat beside a male classmate. She didn't mind and is actual close friends. 

The attendance starts first with the teacher calling their last names one by one they said present. Andra was first "Present." She stated marking her present. Andra waited till it was finished. 

It was Marinette. Marinette looks up to see Adrien in which she lets out a faint blush. "He-hey Adrien. Nino. Alya." She stuttered for a bit but regained. Adrien waved at her. "Hey dudette." Nino mentioned softly. The 4 chatted for a while before the school bell rang. Unbeknownst to Marinette, two known vampire students were running towards Francis Dupoint.

The bell ran signifying that the class is going to start soon. The 4 were about to enter but Marinette stopped staying behind sensing something odd. Adrien glanced over by his shoulder "Hmm? You okay Marinette?" Adrien hummed then asked her. 

Marinette lets out a smile "Um yes Adrien. I'll just fix my hair; you go ahead." She mentioned softly towards him. Adrien smiled back and nodded then going in the classroom trusting Marinette is okay. 

Marinette went towards the entrance where he saw a tall, slender teenage boy of fair skin. He has a Roman nose, pale pink lips, luminous vivid cyan eyes, and medium-length black hair that has dyed strong cyan tips. His attire includes a white t-shirt with a black Jagged Stone imprint and black jeans ripped at the knee. On his right wrist, he also wears a brown leather bracelet, yellow and orange wristbands, and his fingernails are painted black. He has a grayish cerulean denim jacket with a strong blue elbow-length sleeved hooded cardigan underneath, as well as black high top converse sneakers with different colored patterns. He wears a black ring with silver outlining on his left index finger and black earrings in his ears.

Beside the male was a female a slender teenage girl of pale skin who stands at a medium height. She has brilliant red eyes with dark eyeshadow and coccyx-length black hair, with dyed moderate mulberry tips at the end and bangs covering the left side of her face. She wears a light violetish gray lipstick and her fingernails are painted light sapphire, bluish gray with black nail art of intricate patterns on each one with different designs on each hand.

She wears a black swan-necked T-shirt with a sea green lined collar and side pockets, and black mesh sleeves. She also wears purple ripped leggings with rips above the knees and black high top sneakers with white soles. On her hands, she has blue-violetish black fingerless lace gloves that have a diamond pattern design; the right ends halfway up the forearm, while the left is slightly shorter as compared to the right one. She sometimes wears an arctic blue wrist mirror on her right hand with a royal blue gemstone in the center.

"Luka? Juleka? What are you two doing here?" Marinette asked seeing them pant like they ran a marathon. The two Couffaines composed before standing up. "I just came along with Juleka; I have school here to. Last time we fought well, I got hurt." Luka mentioned and assured her. 

Marinette pouted thinking that they were in danger or something. Juleka lets out a soft giggle "He didn't want to be alone." Juleka stated and teased his older brother. Luka faced Juleka "It's going to be boring waiting." Luka retorted to her. 

Marinette giggle at this. "The bell just ran, let's go." She mentioned and led them back inside. The two nodded and followed her. Luckily, their teacher Mrs. Bustier wasn't there yet. The three went inside going into their respective seats. Luka beside Kagami, Rose beside Juleka, Adrien beside Nino, and Marinette beside Alya. 

Going to Francis Dupoint High was a grey modern limousine. Inside, Butler Jean was driving and two females in the back. Chloe, and another female that wears black faux leather jacket, a white top with a pink, cyan and yellow honeycomb flower on the front, and yellow pants. On her feet, her shoes have white shoelaces, toe caps and soles. The sides of her shoes are decorated with blue, lime-green and pink heart and star patterns with black outlines. There's a moderate apple green crown on the left side of her left shoe and a white skull on the left side of her right shoe. The midsole of the shoes seem to be decorated with different drawings that appeared to be drawn with a black permanent marker. The left shoe has a red heart drawn on the toe cap that reads "I ♡︎U". She also wears a two blue beaded brown bracelets and red and yellow pattern wide white bracelet with black lining on each and a luminous vivid opal-colored beanie on her head. 

"Are we going to your school Chloe?" She asked her. Chloe nodded looking away "Yeah." Chloe replied to her. 

Artemis, Faith Houtusuka, Randy Aayana Athan

Randy looks down at her. She then leans back to the tree and puts her knees by her chest hugging a bit "Of course I'm scared, but I can handle myself. Don't worry." Randy explained and mentioned towards her wolf friend. Artemis nodded in response "Just making sure. You know I got your back right?" Artemis asked in which Randy nodded in response "And I got yours."

Faith, although a powerful vampire on her own rights, needed protection from the basics like the direct sunlight. She hummed to herself now arriving at Francis Dupoint. She sensed the Vampire Princess(Marinette) inside so she knew that she was safe.

She also sensed her two friends, Artemis and Randy, nearby. Faith smiled to herself before walking towards the park crossing the street and walking down the street. 

Faith walked down the streets towards the park. The park's ground is mainly yellow-brown dirt with yellow-green grass. The park is surrounded by tall metal fences. There are many trees with green leaves, providing plenty of shade. There are green benches and lamp posts scattered throughout the park. In the center of the park is a fountain, where Aayana is there

Faith had sensed Artemis, Randy and...wait! Another one? Yes, Fait sensed another vampiric sense strong in her own rights. Carefully, she closed her umbrella and gripped like a katana. She walked using her powers to conceal her sense. 

She used her speed to dash through quietly as she could behind Aayana. Aayana hummed still to the tune of Problem by Ariana Grande. She enjoyed the cold wind breezing by and the sunlight given by the Sun. Accidentally, she had sensed two beings, a vampire (Faith) and a werewolf (Artemis), the same presence like before.

She opened her eyes making a confused look. Aayana scanned her surroundings before pinpointing the wolf which was under a tree with a female friend. "Where's the other one?" Aayana asked herself in a whisper trying to scan her surroundings.

"Right behind 'ya." Faith whispered back. This made Aayana flinched making her right hand a fiery one to punch at her but Faith had her umbrella by her left shoulder "Uh uh uh, this umbrella contains a hidden katana. Don't want to spoil your day hmm?" Faith mentioned and replied to her. 

Aayana just glared at her turning her personality in a 180 calming her flames down. "I know you, the one chasing that Ladybug heroine." Aayana replied in a monotone blank. Faith was a bit shock on how would she know but she guessed she didn't took precaution. 

"True, but it's for a good intention you see." Faith replied slowly sitting down beside her. Aayana conjured her fiery hand once again. "Calm down fire girl, just wanted to shade us from the sun." Faith teased and opened the umbrella for them to shade the majority of their body from the direct sunlight. 

Aayana calmed down once again before facing forward "Your friends with a human and a wolf...correct?" Aayana asked Faith a bit confused and disgusted why. Faith nodded not hiding it "Precisely." She replied in honesty. 

By Louvre Underground, Moonchaser Hideout; Zach Catorez, Alex, Ryan, and ???

??? arrived to another outdoor local marketplace. She was famished so she decided to steal food. ??? went in and followed the flow of the customers there to blend in. She stopped by a stall and quickly steal an apple and an orange. ??? quickly turned around and left the stall eating the apple as she goes. 

However, three French Police was spotted going towards her. ??? noticed this and stopped turning around then walked away. ??? muttered a curse "Cops..." She muttered to herself before looking around trying to find an escape route. Luckily, she found one so she decided to bail already. ??? walked towards the exit blending in with the people.

??? sighed in relief only stealing two more applies from the previous one apple and and orange. This would sustain her for now. ??? continued to walk whilst eating her previous apple munching on it. 

It was fresh so it was juicy, not to warm and not to cold. As she continued to wander, her thoughts did so to "I don't have to worry only about the police huh? Even armed individuals like that kid." She thought to herself recalling the events at the airport. 

??? also reminded her to be careful of what she does whether if it's legal, illegal or suspicious. 

~Back at Moonchaser Hideout~

 Zach wasn't to keen in hand to hand combat so he kept his distance. The first hunter dashed towards and gotten the upper hand. He began to attack Zach and all he could do is dodge whilst shooting his arrow at the hunter.

Zach eyes widen faking a distress but smirked at the end teleporting away. The two hunters stopped at their tracks almost colliding to each other. Zach teleported a few distances away from them readying his bow and began to fire his arrows in a barrage. 

The two hunters quickly began to block it using their sabres arrows flying about ricocheting on the ground or on the walls. Zach continued till he ran out of arrows. The two hunters glad that the barrage was over took a breather.

Zach panted a bit before exhausting himself as well before hearing a click of a gun "Uh uh uh~" A familiar voice from Ryan mentioned towards him. Zach glanced by his shoulder to see Ryan holding up pistol to his back. "Simulations over I guess." Zach mentioned seeing that he has no strength as well to teleport. 

Ryan holstered his pistol "But good job Zach, just need to keep up your strength and endurance." Ryan mentioned and commented based on what he observes. He was right however, Zach using his powers to teleport can drain him if not careful.

The two hunters composed themselves slowly standing up sheathing their sabres. The two went up to Zach commenting on his combat readiness and also commented that he needs improvement on his endurance and not over exhaust himself on the usage of his teleportation. 

Zach listened to their comments and advices nodding in agreement. "Yes, thank you." He replied thanking them then bowed. The two hunters left after. Ryan grabs the modified sniper and puts it on the weapons rack where it belongs. "I whether where Alex is." Zach mentioned to Ryan. 

Ryan nodded to him "Same." He replied then shrugs facing Zach who was now grabbing his fallen arrows. As the two wondered, Alex was inside their boss' office. 

The boss sitting by his desk in the dark was on his tablet. "The transaction is approved, the money is now yours." The boss mentioned towards Alex who was all smiles. The reason? Well, their mission with escorting Andre back to the hotel was a success and no vampires/werewolves interfered. 

"What about Ryan and Zach?" Alex asked putting his phone down. "Their payment is already transferred." The boss mentioned and replied to him assuring him. "Also one more thing to send, I've sent this to all of our units. A meter, where the vampire and werewolf presence is increased. It'll track using your phone and our special satellite. 

Alex received this and nodded slowly "Is there a exponential growth?" He asked. The boss nodded to him "Yes, day by day. I don't know what and I don't like it." The boss mentioned to him. "Our hunters are spread and our reserves are mobilizing. Don't worry, we will win this." The boss replied and stated to him. 

Alex nodded in response. 

Jordan Huntsman

Flora nodded in response "Mmhmm! I will sis!" She mentioned happily. Soon, the two arrived at Flora's elementary school. Other kids the same with her age and older years from grades 4 to 6 are walking in now.

Jordan pulls Flora by the side gently fixing her hair, dress and backpack making sure everything was there. Flora lets her giggling softly as she fixed her hair. "Thanks sis." She mentioned and thanked her older sister.

Jordan lets out a smile "No problem. Stay safe and be a good girl okay?" Jordan asked her before giving her a peck in the cheek. Flora nodded "I will!" She exclaimed before running into the school. Jordan watched her and once knowing that she was in and safe, she left.

Jordan left to home. She hid first then transformed into a bat. In her bat form, Jordan flew around the neighborhood happily flapping her wings. Jordan lets out a giggly squeak as she did so. 

However, the direct sun slowly burned her wings. Jordan winced at this and decided to go for home now. She landed on their garden turning into her human form. Jordan walked up to the door opening it then got in closing it as she did so. 

Jordan sighed in relief as the sun wasn't hitting her anymore. Her burnt marks slowly healed thanks to the vampire's regenerative capabilities. Jordan went to the living room where her mother is sitting down watching the morning news on the television.

She sat down beside her "Mom, the sun burnt me." Jordan mentioned softly. Her mother eyes widen facing her quickly "Are you hurt? Is it a third degree burn? Where is it?" She asked in panic her eyes says so in worriedness. 

Jordan smiled reassuringly "Mommm, I'm okay. It's just a small one. And plus it healed already." She mentioned and replied to her. The mother sighed in relief "I'm just worried Jordan, even if we are immortal, be careful about the simple things." She mentioned softly and added. 

Jordan nodded in response "Yes mom." She replied listening to her. 

Addi Ford, Alim Kubdel

Addi's eyes changed blinking a bit adjusting to the lights. She lets out a yawn before standing up stretching. Addi checked her phone seeing the time. "Almost time." She muttered to herself before composing herself. The others did so to.

Addi walked over by the entrance and waited patiently for the customers and guests to go in. Alim walked over to her and lets out a soft chuckle "Excited huh Ms. Ford?" He asked curiously with a remote for the ac turning it on with a simple click. Addi nodded in response "Yes sir, and I wanted to be ready just in case." She replied and explained.

As the morning came by, a group of guests came in. With Alim seeing that Addi was the only one up yet, he brought her up to the group. "Good Morning, let's get going?" She asked in an energetic tone. The group followed her lead around.

Alim went to the other tour guides mentioning that they should compose themselves and be ready now for another customer. Not long after, a bus of tourists appeared. Their representative tour guide guided them in. 

Two tour guides from the group were presented to help the group of tourists. Alim was shock in a good way that many tourists arrived. 

Naomi Young

Naomi smirked to herself twirling the knife a bit "I'm getting the hang of this." Noami commented to herself. She went to open space before opening up her booklet of illusion powers. There was another which was an Illusion mind trick to have a clone of herself that would deal true damage.

"This'll come in handy." She mentioned before focusing her energy. Doing the Ram, Serpent, Tiger hand sign, slowly a puff of dust appeared creating an illusion of herself. Naomi gasped a bit seeing herself. The illusion didn't speak as it was a complete copy of her towards the brim.

Naomi giggled softly then the Illusion lets out a smile. "It responds to my emotion." She thought to herself then experimented for a bit. She twirled her knife making the illusion follow suite in perfect timing.

Practicing with her illusion, they were almost in sync in copying and in thoughts as well. "Let's see how can you response to this." The real Naomi mentioned before swiping a knife up and sliced towards the fake's chest area. 

The fake Naomi flips the same exact knife blocking it. The two knives made screeching noises indicating they were real. She smirked glad that she had blocked it. Nevertheless, the real Naomi pressed on the attack in which the fake goes into the defensive. 

The two sparred for a bit till they stopped. She released the illusion as the fake Naomi faded away. Naomi garnered the experience of the fake Naomi having her defend against the real one's attack. With this knowledge, Naomi theorized that "The illusion me gathered the thoughts and memory, and when I released it, they got to me." Naomi mentioned to herself holding her own chin nodding to herself. 

"Right!" Naomi whispered shouted before taking a look at her booklet to check other Illusion based powers with most the illusion of afterimage, mind trick, and some fighting moves with the knife. 

Holly Larkin and Lili Knight

Holly gave chase as Lili chased the presumed Holly. Lili swings towards her catching up. Holly did a complete ninety degree turn to the right in trying to lose her. Lili didn't expected this so she over shot her hook going forward.

Holly looked behind and snickered. Lili however determined to chase, regained and swings by. Holly saw this and continued running by now near the tower. Holly saw this as an opportunity to lose her. Holly jumped between two long buildings with a long gap in the middle.

However, Lili swings in by the middle catching her with one arm. She swings to the next building and detached the hook rolling a bit slowly stopping "Caught 'ya Holly." Lili mentioned softly. The wolf lets out a huff and turned back to her human form which was Holly. The two lets out a giggle.

The two fist bumped using their hands of course. Lili smiled panting a bit. "Well that was a good morning run and exercise, huh Lili?" Holly mentioned then asked Lili in which she nods in response "Of course. Gets for the mind so that we won't stress ourselves in finding Shadow and the princess." Lili mentioned replied.

Holly nodded leaning back to a wall resting. The two were sitting beside each other as they wipe their sweat. "So...why did you choose me? You know I'm a wolf and a hunter hunts both? Why didn't you do the job when I was vulnerable?" Holly asked her these questions just curious. 

Lili sighed softly "I don't mind the wolves, just that...I have a personal vendetta against them." She mentioned gripping her hook like no tomorrow. Holly listened to her nodding in response "sorry.." She apologized for it. 

Destiny Armor

Knight flew to the top and began to fly with the clouds flapping it's wings on a normal pace gliding himself. Destiny held on excited to see Paris and also Shadow wanting to meet up with him like before but not the same circumstances.

They soon reached Paris in top speed. Destiny began to lead Knight towards where Shadow is from before when they separated their ways. Back where Marinette's balcony is. Destiny stopped Knight making the dragon hover on the air.

Destiny pat's Knight by the neck then got up "I'll be right back okay?" She asked assuring the dragon. She jumped and began diving down towards the balcony. She landed with the help of rolling forward. She carefully walked to not cause any noise sneaking by not knowing that Shadow was dealing with a hungry Vampire.

Destiny got in and looked around the room. Using her hunter skills, she closed her eyes and thought about what had happened. In her mind, Tyler just left the vicinity and out the window. Destiny opened her eyes back and hummed. 

"So that's where you went." She muttered to herself before seeing a picture of Marinette and Alya. "She's familiar..." Destiny commented on it seeing it. She focused trying to get a good look of Marinette before pulling out her phone. 

Opening the gallery, she swiped a few photos before landing on a painting of a bluenette princess with a butterfly necklace. Like this: 

She placed it side by side and eyes widen in shock. "No way...They match" Destiny commented on this before taking a pic of the picture of Alya and Marinette. "They're look alike." Destiny added then puts her phone down. 

Destiny faced the window and got out vaulting over the railings over to the next rooftop building "Shadow, here I come." Destiny mentioned and runs towards his direction. 

Tyler(Shadow) Kitty Mikaelson, Jacob Blackblood

Kitty then smelt the smell of strong royal blood. This made her eyes widen and transform back into human taking another good sniff "Tyler.." She muttered before transforming back flying towards the general direction. "This is bad...This is baddddd." She thought to herself racing against time. 

Kitty hurried flying towards the location where the strong royal blood is. She landed on a ventilation box then transformed back into her human form. Kitty jumped down and hid behind another ventilation box overseeing Tyler and Jacob. 

"Shadow.." She muttered to herself eyes widening seeing that Jacob's lust for hunger is sensed. "I hope Shadow can buy time...or...stop him." She muttered to herself hoping that Shadow would also be okay. 

"You are just toying with me, show me your true powers~ So I could get another taste~" Jacob mentioned wanting it so badly. Tyler shakes head controlling himself to not over exert. He twirled his pipe fast running towards him.

Jacob couldn't tell where is he going to attack. Tyler continued twirling before going right in a sweep. Jacob saw it clawing it in a sweep making the pipe broke in half. Tyler eyes widen a bit but smirked. In reflex, he kicked the other half of the pipe swinging his body back. The pipe headed straight towards his head in which Jacob couldn't block hitting him.

Jacob stumbled back as the pipe bounced back to him now dual wielding it. This only angered and hungered Jacob even more. Kitty saw where Jacob was angered and hungered even more licking his lips. "Shadow's toying him, what's he planning?" Kitty asked herself in a soft whisper. 

Jacob growls as he lunges forward to attack with his claws. Tyler blocks it with his pipe. The two went at it back and forth with attacking and counter attacking. Eventually, Jacob's lust for hunger stops as he began to get tired due to his continuous attacks and his hunger eating his stomach out.  

Tyler threw the pipes away "Enough." He lifted up his watch (like Chat Noir for his ring), "Ashh, Darkness Rise." He commented as Ashh, his God-Like Kwami got sucked in the watch. Tyler transformed into Nightstalker in his level 1 form. 

Night pulls out his katana and aimed at Jacob. Shadows were released from the surrounding areas and went to Jacob to contain him. The shadows tied him up with Jacob having to no to little energy. 

"Now that I have contain you listen okay?" Night asked him. Jacob scoffed at him "Like I wouldn't now." He replied seeing his situation. Kitty sighed in relief at this development. Night glanced by sensing her as well but disregards it for now. 

Jasmine Tempest

A busy car beats the red light. A puddle of water was near so it got hit splashing the water by the tire making the water fly towards a group of people including Jasmine. In quick thinking and not wanting to be wet, she used her vampiric powers secretly swiping her hand away.

The water stops mid air quickly swiping to the right. The group of people lets out gasp and sighs of relief. Jasmine hummed only. "Your welcome." She thought to herself before crossing the streets. 

Jasmine fixed her hair as she walked. She puts strands of her hair behind her neck looking around. She began to get bored from walking so she decided to go to the mall. Jasmine walked to the mall she known...the same as Sharon. 

The cold AC form the mall made her sigh in relief. "I know they have some games here. Or Arcade stations." Jasmine said to herself. She went to a large standing monitor where you can access it and ask directions. 

Using this, Jasmine typed in the arcades in the place. The monitor stated that they have two large ones. She memorized the location and began walking there. 


As Sharon walked towards the mall, the Hunters followed her suite. Sharon didn't notice it going towards the entrance. She smiled as the coldness of the ac from the Mall hits her. She sighed in relief before walking around the mall exploring the vicinity.

Sharon looked around the different stalls and shops along with other necessities like department stores, restaurants, and others. She looked at them amazed. The hunters blended in the public wearing casual. "Is she delusional..?" One asked by a radio.

"Or playing dumb...whatever it careful." Another one replied following her. Sharon still didn't sense them just yet. She decided to walk outside of the mall but at their terrace garden area. 

"She's going outside, we could do the bumping trick." One mentioned over the radio keeping a distance over her. "True, but it would attract attention. Veer off, and be patient." Another replied to the hunter over the radio. 

Sharon walked outside now in the terrace garden area. She hummed softly relaxing before muttering something to herself. Sharon saw other establishments there and eyes widen "There's more!" She exclaimed to herself happily walking over to a few. 

There was a Starbucks, a few restaurants with different themes, another entrance/exit to the mall, and a direct way towards the public transportation area for the commuters. "This place is amazing." She said to herself.  



(7845  Words, Stay Miraculous!)

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