Chapter 52: Prince of Darkness Vs. Le Papillon, Evening Episode 2, Patrols,

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(Ocs of Users =

Dragongirl04282004: Artemis Huntress

hiccanna08;DisneyWorksFan : Jordan Huntsman

SleepNeverHeardOfHer: Addi Ford

Goddesslove-: Faith Houtusuka

Story-Tales: Destiny Armor

_WonderlandKit_: Kitty Mikaelson

Artemis_WolfQueen_12: Naomi Young

Lord_Holly: Holly Larkin

MarshalLane6: Andra Agreste

TIRANA--: Jacob Blackblood

Storiez0: Lili Knight

Miraculously_Unlucky;Mac_Anciel : Zach Catorez

RandyNetwork65;RandyNetwork4: Randy

TimeShadowtempest: Jasmine Tempest

Sonuvapotatoe: Sharon

BelleCullen7: Aayana Athan

SuvdErdeneBoldbaater: Luna Brookfield

Me = Tyler Morgan)

(For Reference =

Artemis: Werewolf, Good
Jacob: Vampire, Middle
Jordan She: Vampire, Unknown
Lili: Hunter. Bad
Zach: Hunter, Bad
Addi: Human, Neutral
Faith: Vampire, Good
Destiny: Hunter, Good
Kitty: Vampire, Good
Naomi: Hunter, Unknown.
Holly: Werewolf, Bad
Andra: Human, Good
Jasmine: Vampire, Werewolf, Human, Dark in action but good in heart
Sharon: Vampire, Twisted Morals
Aayana: Vampire, Unknown
Luna: Both unknown)

(Current Miraculous Cast :

Chat Noir: Adrien Agreste
Ladybug: Marinette Dupain Cheng
Luka, Juleka: Couffaine Siblings
Mayura: Nathalie Sancouer
Hawkmoth: Gabriel Agreste)



Previously On Miraculous Vampires:
Zoe, Adrien, Marinette, Chloe, Tyler Morgan, Kitty Mikaelson, Volpina

Tyler quickly looks forward to see a female teen wearing an orange mask with black edges, and her hairbands are black. On top of her head, two fake orange ears with white and black insides are attached. The top of her hair is black and then quickly ombrés down to light brown with the tips of her hair being white. She also has orange lipstick, and her eyes remained hazel. The necklace with a foxtail hanging off of it is worn around her neck. She wears an orange jumpsuit with a white section going down the front. Wrapped around her waist is an orange sash that looks like a foxtail. The edges of her collar and the tops of her upper arms have black lines, and her forearms and lower legs are solid black, with the soles of her feet being white with an orange fox foot printed on each. Her weapon is a replica of the flute staff.


 Ashh takes a peek "That's a fake Fox Miraculous, it's not the real one." Ashh whispered to him. Tyler nods and looks forward "The name is Volpina, You have to go through me first to see Shadow Moth." Volpina replied softly and extended her flute staff.

Tyler sighed and got up "I hate fighting unarmed." He mentioned before raising his two hands going into his fighting stance. Turning his body to the side to present a smaller target, slightly bent knees for balance and agility, feet about two shoulder widths apart, and hands up, protecting the head

Volpina was unfazed by this before playing her flute making more rockets behind her back. Tyler steps back once continuing with his stance "Ashh?" He whispered asked him "A minute more, the akuma is heading north." Ashh whispered back to him.


Kitty smiled brightly "Let's get you home shall we?" Kitty asked her. Zoé nodded accepting her company back. She led Kitty back to the hotel.

As Ladybug returned to Chat Noir they encountered one another. Ladybug landed in front of him before sensing another vampire in the vicinity but didn't pay to much attention to it. The male cat themed hero faced her "Another job well done." Chat nodded extending his hand.

Ladybug extends hers and fist bumped him. "Pound it." The two mentioned together making both blush. Chat purred a bit fixing his hair "So my lady...Gonna go now?" He asked softly. Ladybug nodded "Yeah, I used my lucky charm so I need to recharge." Ladybug replied softly facing him.

Chat nodded in response before taking her hand then kissed the it. Ladybug was flustered trying to hide it anyway. Chat noticed this giggling softly "Always cute My Lady." He mentioned and commented. Ladybug pouted and booped his nose "You always make me do that, bye Chaton."

Ladybug detransformed in a nearby alleyway. Marinette pulls out her phone. On the blog, Alya uploads information about Ladybug, including, but not limited to, the traditional cultural symbolism of ladybugs, theories on Ladybug's origin and the source of her powers, interviews from people who have interacted with Ladybug in various contexts, and attempts to discover Ladybug's secret identity.

However, due to the rising surge of the new superhero, her content on the blog changes and now focuses talking about other superheroes trying to find their secret identity. Marinette was shock at the new content containing well...Nightstalker.

Marinette balls a fist "Oh Tyler we are going to have a lengthy discussion later..." She stated to herself before hiding her phone her eyes a bloody red.

~Back To Tyler-Volpina~

Tyler jumps spinning a 360 angle whilst twisting his watch "Ashh Darkness Rise." He stated turning into the new hero. Once finishing spinning, he transitions into a forward kick. Volpina blocks with her flute stopping Night continuing on with his kick.

Volpina pushed her block up as Night backflipped extending his right hand fingers out. Out cam shadows making Volpina do a few backflips to out range it. Night landed on the edge of the rooftop then used his special "Shadow Marionette!" He stated making Volpina flinch.

Night smirked extends his left hand doing the same. The 10 fingers released shadow string like towards Volpina. She tries to fight it off using her Flute Staff veering a few off but it got a hold of the flute then herself.

Night got up and continued extending his fingers as he walks to her. He hummed before tempting to finish her off but stopped seeing the akuma flying away. Night shakes head before turning away "You're lucky...whoever you are...bear in mind...I'm not the superhero like Ladybug nor Chat." He warned to her before the strings slowly got off of her.

Night looks over his shoulder "Bye...for now." He replied then jumps after the akuma. Volpina collapses landing in her knees detransforming back to Lila Rossi. She pulls out her phone contacting someone "I slowed him down a few minutes." She stated.

"A few minutes is all I need..." A male voice replied and mentioned.

~Timeskip; Evening~

In the evening, Zoé is welcomed aboard the Liberty with the macaroons as Chloé and Audrey watch from the Hotel balcony. Some of the class was there including Adrien., Marinette and Kitty Section. Marinette welcomed her before Zoé walks in and apologized.

Zoé apologizes for the mess she caused, saying she only wanted to impress her family and be accepted. She told her backstory when back home, people bullied her and called her a loser, but she vows to be different.

Ivan takes the first step and warmly hugs her, with Mylène saying that they can be her new family. Chloé is outraged as they all eat the macaroons and party into the night.

~In the field where the team of 5 superheroes fought against the army of Villains~


Two individuals stood a few meters apart....

One was purple, One was pure black...

The wind blew fast and cold....

"Why do you want me?" Asked the purple themed individual.
"I want stop what you are doing...and help me..." The black themed individual stated facing him but constantly glancing around seeing a bat.
"Hah! Do you think I give up that easily Nightstalker?" He retorted and name dropped him.
"No, I don't. Hawkmoth." Night name dropped him back.

Hawkmoth glared down at him gripping his cane having Volpina's analyzation come through his head again plus remembering the fighting style on television. Night sighed softly "Help me...In a future will know it..." He stated. 

Zach Catorez, Alex, Ryan

Alex nodded slowly. "This might be a theory but...I think that Night guy is a vampire." Alex replied and added towards. Zach faced the television to see and watch the rest of the news covering the new hero.

The camera pans away to the reporter "You've heard it here Parisians, your new Prince of the Night sky, Nightstalker! Back to you." The reporter of course reported and replied.

"Remember what the boss says, we need to make sure that he is actually a vampire. We don't want to eliminate a normal teen." The fourth hunter mentioned towards. Zach backs him up "Yeah, true." He replied and nodded.

~Timeskip; Evening~

It was now night time. Walking down the halls of the Moon Chaser Hideout, Zach, Ryan and Alex went towards the exit to go for their night time patrol. Battle ready, they did their final checks before being stopped by a call from the boss.

"Zach, Ryan, Alex. We are encountering a strong sense of nearby vampires. Investigate this matter, I'm sending the coordinates. Good Luck." The boss replied. Alex smirked "Alright, let's do this huh?" Alex asked the other two.


Ryan and Zach stated simultaniously. They exited the door and went around the city of Paris using the rooftops jumping around. Zach used his bow and arrow to swing away whilst the two veterans was just jumping

Jordan Huntsman

Soon, it was the end of the afternoon classes. Jordan got up cleaning her mess up with scattered pencils or such. She made sure that she didn't leave anything before waving goodbye to her new classmates.

She shook hand with the last teacher then got out, and thankfully, the sun wasn't shining the directly under Earth so her skin won't get a degree burn from it. Jordan sighs in relief knowing this and giggled as well.

"First day of school done!" She whispered shouted and fist bumped the air. Jordan quickly run down the stairs and went back to her home.

~Timeskip; Evening~

Jordan was inside her house setting up the plates with David. Flora was with her parents at the master bedroom watching. "How was school?" David asked Jordan in which she replied "Well, we did history lessons. I've also met some new friends." Jordan replied whilst putting the plates down.

"That's good." David replied finishing up the rest of the plates then grabbed some glasses for them. "And your problem with blood?" David asked looking at her seriously. "Mom gave me a drink and I've taken another sip at school. It's so great." She mentioned and explained to him.

David nodded in response "Good." He replied in relief "I don't want you to go on instincts, like most vampires do when they are thirsty." David replied and explained towards her.

Addi Ford

"Our reporter got an instant shoot with this new hero." Nadja added towards. The camera man shoots at the supposed new hero as the reporter went towards him "Sir sir! Are you the new Paris hero?" The reporter asked as the teen raised his hand making shadows appear covering the female(Kitty) behind her.

"Why yes." He replied softly. "What's your name? Whole of Paris wants an answer" The reporter asked him. The teen smirked "The name is Nightstalker, keeper and prince of the night sky." Night mentioned and mocked bowing like a prince.

"Is this Nightstalker a new hero? We'll find out, stay tuned." Nadja added and replied. The third tour guide which was a female squealed "Oh my gosh! The new hero looks amazing! And good looking to." She mentioned and replied commenting about him.

Addi giggled softly at this and smiled "Pipe down y'know. Their are passengers here to." Addi replied and mentioned towards. She bit her lip glancing around seeing other passengers in the bus making her sink in her seat.

~Timeskip; Evening~

It was around 6:30pm and the last one to get out of the buss was Addi. Her stop was there so the bus stopped for her. She got up and paid for the ride. The driver nodded and pressed a button to open the automatic small sliding door for her.

Addi soon returned back to her apartment. She noticed that the rooms were clean just like she left. She goes to turn on all of the lights whilst going to the kitchen to make herself food for dinner.

Addi cooked rice for her whilst also reheating left overs like her fish fillet. She turns on the television so that she can watch whilst cooking so it wouldn't be that boring. It was news about recapping about the recent akuma surprised about it since she only heard about it now. 

Holly Larkin, Lili Knight, Luna Brookfield

Luna curious pressed a video link forwarding her to a news report The camera man shoots at the supposed new hero as the reporter went towards him interviewing him as well asking about the name and such.

She puts her phone down and continue to watch the movie.

"You took your analyzing skills way to far." Holly teased the hunter as she eats a snack.

"Oh my gosh, we got him." Lili mentioned excited that he was made public. Holly nodded towards him "Yes we did." Holly added backing her up that the shadow kid was in tv. "Surely he knows by now." Holly added referring to Jacob.

Lili nodded but thought to herself "But why go public?" She thought to herself asking the question in her mind making a troubled look. Holly noticed this but disregarded it.

~Timeskip; Evening~

In the evening, Luna had finished the said movie. She yawns before switching it back to numerous channels it offers. She leans back and yawned softly grabbing her phone scrolling up. She used the same hashtag from before redirecting her to a few sites, articles and news pages about said new hero.

One brought it to a video link of Nadja Chamack's reporting. The news came back from their break "And we are back love at TVi Studios were this new hero is taking the media and the Parisians by storm. We have interviewed a lot of people who were in the scene. Let's go to them."

"Thank your Nadja Chamack." The reporter replied. Luna watched still curious on what the public says. "Like you said, we had a lot of Parisians here." He replied as the camera man shoots to the side with a group of Parisians are grouped up of course.

"Nighstalker's the best!", "Oh my gosh we didn't know about this! This is so cool!". Some chanted and some cheered. "His eyes! His Eyes a natural!" Another replied making the reporter chuckle "settle down you guys, Nadja Chamack this new hero is taking the Parisians by storm. Back to you at TVi Studios." The reporter stated.

Luna rolled her eyes before then checking onto his eyes. "What's so natural about it..?" She asked herself before seeing it. As a slight/minor goddess of fire and ice, she knew about some mythologies and some creatures in the night.

Luna lets out a chuckle "That's why he has his charms." She figured it out before putting her phone down. "Vampire eyes." She replied and stated to herself. The phone revealed a paused video from the flash interview portraying Nightstalker's face with pure red eyes.

Holly and Lili looked at the television before it went into break. The two sighed before Holly looked at the time as it was evening. Lili saw it as well before cleaning up her mess to make it convenient for Holly to clean it up.

Holly helps as well. Lili finished before grabbing her gear as well as her hook equipping it on her right hand. "I better must be going now." Lili mentioned towards her "It's been fun." She added as well. Holly nodded "Why don't you stay here for the night?" She asked offering her as well.

Lili was taken back by this and got flustered. "Umm, why do you think of that?" She asked her wolf friend. Holly shrugs at her "Well, it's late already and I don't want some vampires again to attack you." Holly replied reasoning it out.

Lili smiled listening to her concern about it. "Thank you, and sure." Lili replied happily. Holly chuckled at this and nods. "Let me grab some extra pillows and blankets for you." She mentioned indirectly telling her that she would sleep at the couch.

Lili accepts it nevertheless happy that she was to sleep with one with her new friends. Holly excused herself grabbing extra pillows and blankets from the closet. Lili on the other hand puts the finished food either in the sink or in the trash can.

Lili unequipped her gear and hook whilst waiting for her return. Soon, Holly returned with the pillows putting it on the couch. "There, that should suffice." She mentioned to her. Lili nods and hugs her "Thanks." She thanked her as Holly hugs back as well. 

Jacob Blackblood and Destiny Armor

Nothing much happened between the two as Destiny continued to sleep by the Dragon's body. Knight, the pet dragon of Destiny was staying still keeping ears up for any intruders and using senses as well to detect movement.

"Shadow kid..." He mentioned towards. Unfortunately, the silhouette of the female was watching from behind "I guess I'll have to deal with him." The silhouette not knowing that Night saved Jacob from hunger, disappeared without a trace to confront said Night.

Jacob sighed softly before sitting back down "Now I need to worry about him, and my father's 50 human goal." He sighed softly and groaned again in annoyance. Jacob stressed about this, decided to get up and went to the shower to take a break.

Jacob removed his black shirt, a silver belt with a red buckle, a black pencil t-shirt and black tights. The vampire also removes his black knee length boots and elbow length gloves with red details.

Going inside the bathroom, he began to shower using warm water. The warm water hits his body making him sigh in satisfaction.

~Timeskip; Evening~

It was now in the evening. With Destiny continuing to sleep in the evening, Knight, her pet dragon joined her as well sleeping. Her wings covered Destiny a bit to shield her form the cold breeze.

Knight has his body to warm himself up along with his fire breath inside to keep him warm. Nevertheless, the two were in deep slumber.

Finishing up with his shower, Jacob dried up using a towel of course. He is in his bedroom laying down wearing his black shirt and black tights. The former student was tempted about the decision whether or not he would do his father's wishes.

He contemplated a bit before sitting up straight looking directly at the wardrobe. She used his mind powers to open the wardrobe revealing an open coat with a built in black jacquard fabric vest trimmed attached in the built-in vest. The vest buttons down the front with antique-stile silver tone buttons. Coat sleeves are accented with jacquard fabric bands and matching silve buttons. 

Jasmine Tempest, Sharon

Minutes later, she slowly sits up to turn on the television. Jasmine channel surfed changing the channels of the television frequently seeing that most didn't peek her interest or others. Jasmine continued to rest her stamina going back up.

Soon, she reached the news were Nadja Chamack was reporting about an akuma terrorizing the city causing destruction as well.

The camera man shoots at the supposed new hero who was helping a panting Zoe Lee who was moments ago the akumatized Sole Crusher. He held her gently "You are going to be alright okay?" The new hero asked and assured her.

"Thank your Nadja Chamack." The reporter replied. Jasmine hummed softly curious on what the public says. "Like you said, we had a lot of Parisians here." He replied as the camera man shoots to the side with a group of Parisians are grouped up of course.

"Nighstalker's the best!", "Oh my gosh we didn't know about this! This is so cool!". Some chanted and some cheered. Sharon shakes head at this before turning off the television for a while to calm the trend down. She also wants to finish her sandwich as well.

Sharon giggled softly shaking head "My my, if that is your way of keeping discreet Shadow, you better watch out." She replied and stated before yawning again. She turns down the volume of the television then slowly sleeps closing her eyes to rest.

~Timeskip; Evening~

In the evening, Jasmine wore a green swan-necked T-shirt with a sea blacklined collar and side pockets, and green mesh sleeves. She also wears black ripped leggings with rips above the knees and black high top sneakers with white soles.

She was watching the television then as the night went on, she hissed at the bright light disliking it very much. Jasmine pulls out her wand and twirled her wand a bit then snaps "Nox" She chanted before the lights dimmed.

The lights dimmed then putting her wand back. Jasmine continued to watch then transformed into her wolf form. She was a grey themed wolf laying down on bed continuing to watch the television.

Sharon in the other hand, left the television open in low volume, whilst she was asleep. Resting from the exercises she did a few while ago, her energy went back up continuing to rest. She was laying down in bed laying sideways.

Sharon wore a black crop hoodie and grey sweats pants. Slowly she wakes up yawning as well as stretching cracking a few knuckles. Sharon got up and stretched as well before turning off the television.

Sharon hummed bored. She turned the lights on a bit before looking around the motel room to check if it has books to read. Surprisingly, there is a cabinet where some books are. "Yes" Sharon whispered cheer before checking onto it.

Sharon checks and saw a different variety before seeing Hamlet, by William Shakespeare. She yips happily before grabbing it. Sharon plops to bed opening the book happily; she loves books including some famous arts like Shakespeare himself. 


By Dupain-Cheng Bakery; Zoe, Adrien(Chat Noir), Marinette(Ladybug), Chloe, Tyler Morgan(Nightstalker), Kitty Mikaelson

Chat nodded in response before taking her hand then kissed the it. Ladybug was flustered trying to hide it anyway. Chat noticed this giggling softly "Always cute My Lady." He mentioned and commented. Ladybug pouted and booped his nose "You always make me do that, bye Chaton."

Ladybug jumped away making a frozen Chat Noir standing. He chuckled softly before jumping away to detransform. Ladybug detransformed in a nearby alleyway. Marinette pulls out her phone. On the blog, Alya uploads information about Ladybug, including, but not limited to, the traditional cultural symbolism of ladybugs, theories on Ladybug's origin and the source of her powers, interviews from people who have interacted with Ladybug in various contexts, and attempts to discover Ladybug's secret identity.

However, due to the rising surge of the new superhero, her content on the blog changes and now focuses talking about other superheroes trying to find their secret identity. Marinette was shock at the new content containing well...Nightstalker.

Marinette balls a fist "Oh Tyler we are going to have a lengthy discussion later..." She stated to herself before hiding her phone her eyes a bloody red.

Night smirked extends his left hand doing the same. The 10 fingers released shadow string like towards Volpina. She tries to fight it off using her Flute Staff veering a few off but it got a hold of the flute then herself.

Night got up and continued extending his fingers as he walks to her. He hummed before tempting to finish her off but stopped seeing the akuma flying away. Night shakes head before turning away "You're lucky...whoever you are...bear in mind...I'm not the superhero like Ladybug nor Chat." He warned to her before the strings slowly got off of her.

Night looks over his shoulder "Bye...for now." He replied then jumps after the akuma. Volpina collapses landing in her knees detransforming back to Lila Rossi. She pulls out her phone contacting someone "I slowed him down a few minutes." She stated.

"A few minutes is all I need..." A male voice replied and mentioned.

~Timeskip; Evening~

In the evening, Zoé is welcomed aboard the Liberty with the macaroons as Chloé and Audrey watch from the Hotel balcony. Some of the class was there including Adrien, Marinette and Kitty Section. Marinette welcomed her before Zoé walks in and apologized.

Zoé apologizes for the mess she caused, saying she only wanted to impress her family and be accepted. She told her backstory when back home, people bullied her and called her a loser, but she vows to be different.

Ivan takes the first step and warmly hugs her, with Mylène saying that they can be her new family. Chloé is outraged as they all eat the macaroons and party into the night.

After the party, Zoé returns to the hotel. She returns the diamond shoes and Chloé demands André to let Zoé leave Paris "I demand to have Zoé return to wherever she was before!" Chloe stated as Audrey backs her up. 

André says that the paperwork will take a while, so Zoé will have to stay with them for a couple of months. Zoé lets out a soft sigh of relief. "Arghh! Use the basement!" Chloé  stated wanting her room to be in the basement. André insisted that she would be in another room. 

Leaving them and the room, he takes her to another room instead. Away from Audrey and Chloé, Zoé thanks him "Thank you André. And, don't give up on your dreams. It's a long way but it'll be worth it." She mentioned and said to him. André nodded in response "Yes Zoé." 

Back at the Dupain-Cheng Bakery, Marinette was back inside with Kitty. Marinette smiled as she receives a text from Zoé, "I want to thank you Marinette and the others as well for being their by my side." The text read then follows "I got to meet a lot of your friends, Rose and Juleka colouring a strand of her hair pink, and lots more. But most importantly-" 

A montage shows Zoé meeting more of Marinette's friends, and allowing Rose and Juleka to dye a strand of her hair pink, "Me being free, being my own person and not a fake one"finally giving her the freedom of being her own person. 

Marinette smiled happily at this. Kitty saw and sighed in relief seeing her eyes calming down. "Zoé?" Kitty asked. Mari nodded in response "Yeah, she just texted me about the rest of her day." She replied softly looking over to her then turns into sadness. 

"With Tyler being a bit to much would attract some hunters?" Marinette asked her. Kitty nodded "It will be but, we'll be safe. We done this before, and we'll win again." She mentioned and stated. 

Marinette nodded in response before waiting for him to arrive. 

~In the field where the team of 5 superheroes fought against the army of Villains~


"Why do you want me?" Asked the purple themed individual.
"I want stop what you are doing...and help me..." The black themed individual stated facing him but constantly glancing around seeing a bat.
"Hah! Do you think I give up that easily Nightstalker?" He retorted and name dropped him.
"No, I don't. Hawkmoth." Night name dropped him back.

Hawkmoth glared down at him gripping his cane having Volpina's analyzation come through his head again plus remembering the fighting style on television. Night sighed softly "Help me...In a future will know it..." He stated.

Hawk Moth wears a dark purple dress shirt with a black butterfly-shaped big collar, the Butterfly Miraculous brooch on the center of the collar, and dark purple dress pants and dark blue-voletish gray dress shoes. Over the majority of his face and neck, he wears a silver mask. He also has a dark indigo cane as his tool and weapon. Whenever he is controlling and communicating to his victims with an akuma, a bright purple butterfly-shaped outline appears on his face and around his eyes. It appears on the person's face as well as on the other side. 

Appearing around them was a bunch of akumas. Night saw this and chuckled softly "I guess I'll have to knock some sense into you." Night mentioned pulling out his katana the silver steel shining over the moon light reflecting it towards him and the reflection of the surroundings behind him including a Bat


Seeing this, Night twirled his katana before walking towards Hawkmoth dragging his weapon across the floor. Hawkmoth uses his cane to order the swarms of akuma towards him. Night saw this and was unfazed. 

Just by looking at it, shadows rose up and shooed the akuma away diverting them in different direction. Hawkmoth grips his cane and charged towards him. Night slashed him but Hawkmoth blocks then retaliates with a counter attack to his side. Night absorbed it wincing a bit. 

Night pressed on the attack swinging his Katana around trying to go off guard. Hawkmoth went into the defensive stepping back ever more dodging his strikes whilst also blocking it. Night continued before continuously kicking forward. Hawkmoth caught one before smirking "Gotcha" He stated. 

The bat observed the fight from behind anxious if to help fellow Vampire Night. The vampire hero smirked before doing an Enzuigiri, hitting the opponent in the back of the head, using his free foot. This made Hawkmoth stumble back holding the back of his head then knelt down in one knee.

Night smirked at this his eyes red meaning he was using his Vampiric Prowess already. "Had enough Old man?" Night trash talked a bit facing him. This angered the Butterfly Miraculous user and charged right back at him. Night's eyes was about to change blue(Defensive meaning observant) but was slow. 

Night parried the attack making it miss but Hawkmoth persisted on continuing on the attack. Night struggled for a bit before maintaining the rhythm sometimes parrying his attack or blocking it. Hawkmoth used the cane as a sword trying to land a hit then made the swarm of akuma go back towards him from under. 

Night leans back barely dodging the swarm but cuts his bandana handkerchief face making him stumble back falling on his knees facing away at Hawkmoth to not reveal it. The butterfly user smirked "It's time to see your identity~" He stated. 

Hawkmoth walks over to him with a few akumas backing him up. The bat squeaked in distraught nervous about this. Night covered half of his face before smirking to himself. Hawkmoth removed his hood revealing his black hair then heard him shout "Shadow Marionette!" 

Shadows rushed towards Hawkmoth to tie him up puppet style. With this split second decision, Hawkmoth leads the akuma towards Night's watch. Seeing this, Night tried to pull away his hand as Hawkmoth tried to dodge it by leaping backwards. 

Who would be faster...

Artemis, Faith Houtusuka, Randy, Aayana Athan

~Timeskip; Evening~

It was now evening in Paris. Faith got up seeing that it was now night time "Soo...Tomorrow?" Faith asked the two individuals. Randy nods. "Tomorrow!" Artemis replied excitedly. She bit her lip before nodding as well.

Faith lets out a soft chuckle before noticing that Randy kept laying down by the tree "You're not going back home?" Faith asked Randy. The female human teen shakes head "Don't have one." Artemis backed her up "Same, we're just sleeping here." She mentioned and replied.

Faith felt bad about this "Why don't you crash on my place?" Faith asked the two. Randy shot eyes towards her "That would be delightful." She replied and quickly got up. Artemis nods happily at this. Faith smiled and led them out of the park.

Faith smiled gently leading them out of the park walking down the streets. Randy and Artemis walks towards following the vampire in front of them. Randy has still her water bottle holding it on her right hand. 

Artemis was excited to see Faith's apartment would look like. After a few much of walking, they arrived at her apartment. Faith walks in the front door and enters the vicinity as the land lord greeted her "Evening Faith, those your friends?" The landlord asked. 

Artemis and Randy walks past following Faith close by "Yes, sorry didn't informed you." Faith apologized calling for the elevator. The landlord nods "It's alright, just don't cause some ruckus." He stated to her. The elevator opened as they go in. 

Faith pressed the top most floor before roof access. The two waited before it dings. The elevator opened as they go out. Faith smiled leading them in "Welcome to my apartment room." She welcomed them in. Her room was a large one with a few rooms for her bedroom, a secondary bedroom and two bathrooms. 

Artemis and Randy were amused by it "It's big, and many spaces." Randy mentioned observing her surroundings. Artemis didn't hesitate to go plop down at the couch "And comfy as well." Artemis added and giggled snuggling the couch.

Faith smiled sighing softly before closing the blinds. 

~Timeskip; Evening, Moments before Tyler confronting Hawkmoth and Present~

The teen stopped in a halt before turning around his shining red with black outlined eyes facing her. Aayana steps back a bit "Yes, I am. Now tell me why are you chasing me this whole time?" He asked her curiously and hurriedly.

Aayana bit her lip "I just want to confirm that you are a vampire, great for you that you are a hero to." She mentioned also about the new found Paris hero. He nodded once "Thanks, I'll be best going now." He replied before turning around ready to leave. Aayana hesitated to follow but stops.

"Watch by a distance." The teen mentioned before jumping away. Aayana nods and turned into her bat form flying after him.

The teen arrived at his destination as Aayana landed beside him then turned into her human form. "So, you're meeting someone. Do you need help?" She asked her fellow vampire. The teen shakes head "It's alright. Just jump in if needed." The teen replied to her looking around the open area. 

Aayana sighed softly looking around seeing the clearing "Hmm, this looks familiar..." Aayana mentioned and stated the obvious about it. The teen chuckled a bit "Wait here." He mentioned before jumping off turning into his bat form flying towards it. 

Aayana waited as the evening engulfs the sky. The teen transformed back into human as the darkness rise. Aayana turned into her bat form "What is he waiting for?"  Aayana thought to herself before moments passed, a purple themed individual arrived making her eyes widen "No...Can't be." 

Zach Catorez, Alex, Ryan

~Timeskip; Evening~

It was now night time. Walking down the halls of the Moon Chaser Hideout, Zach, Ryan and Alex went towards the exit to go for their night time patrol. Battle ready, they did their final checks before being stopped by a call from the boss.

"Zach, Ryan, Alex. We are encountering a strong sense of nearby vampires. Investigate this matter, I'm sending the coordinates. Good Luck." The boss replied. Alex smirked "Alright, let's do this huh?" Alex asked the other two.


Ryan and Zach stated simultaneously. They exited the door and went around the city of Paris using the rooftops jumping around. Zach used his bow and arrow to swing away whilst the two veterans was just jumping

Ryan and Alex jumped around whilst keeping a look out for anything fishy. They were in patrol mode so any disturbance whether local crimes or the more serious ones like vampires and wolves. 

Zach kept swinging about using his bow and arrow not keeping one left behind. "We'll rendezvous at the front of the Louvre. HQ has our position so don't worry about getting lost." Alex mentioned through the earpiece. 

Zach nodded in response "We'll split up to cover more ground, if you need help just say it." Ryan added towards before splitting off from the two. Alex did so to going right. With Ryan going left, Zach went forward holstering his bow before jumping.

Just about he was to fall and plummet to his doom, he teleported forward covering two buildings. Zach chuckled a bit before running forward jumping again then teleports covering another two buildings. 

He rested for a bit, a perfect time to look around just in case for wolves or vampires. Zach looked around curiously whilst keeping on his surroundings for any ambushes. 

Jordan Huntsman

~Timeskip; Evening~

Jordan was inside her house setting up the plates with David. Flora was with her parents at the master bedroom watching. "How was school?" David asked Jordan in which she replied "Well, we did history lessons. I've also met some new friends." Jordan replied whilst putting the plates down.

"That's good." David replied finishing up the rest of the plates then grabbed some glasses for them. "And your problem with blood?" David asked looking at her seriously. "Mom gave me a drink and I've taken another sip at school. It's so great." She mentioned and explained to him.

David nodded in response "Good." He replied in relief "I don't want you to go on instincts, like most vampires do when they are thirsty." David replied and explained towards her.

Jordan received and listened to his warning "Of course, I couldn't do it and I won't" She replied and reassured him. David nodded in response before going to grab their dinner for tonight. He placed it down on the middle of the table. 

Jordan on the other hand grabs a pitchel of water inside the fridge. She poured water into the glasses for them to drink later. She smelled the food "Wow! So good." Jordan mentioned softly and commented towards. 

David chuckled softy "Our parents taught this." He mentioned and chuckled softly on her response. "So, let's call them and Flora?" David asked her in which she nodded in response. She walks over to their room to call them for dinner. 

Jordan knocks and opens the door "Dinner time." She mentioned to them as Flora immidiately got out from bed "Foood!" She explained happily giggling. Jordan lets her through as she saw her parents getting up. 

Jordan led them to the dining area with David sitting Flora down. He sat beside her as Jordan waited for her parents to sit down. They all soon sat down and began to eat their meal for today's dinner. 

Addi Ford

~Timeskip; Evening~

It was around 6:30pm and the last one to get out of the buss was Addi. Her stop was there so the bus stopped for her. She got up and paid for the ride. The driver nodded and pressed a button to open the automatic small sliding door for her.

Addi soon returned back to her apartment. She noticed that the rooms were clean just like she left. She goes to turn on all of the lights whilst going to the kitchen to make herself food for dinner.

Addi cooked rice for her whilst also reheating left overs like her fish fillet. She turns on the television so that she can watch whilst cooking so it wouldn't be that boring. It was news about recapping about the recent akuma surprised about it since she only heard about it now.

"I am here live at TVi Studios, Nadja Chamack reporting, a recent akuma attack rampaging around Paris." Nadja mentioned towards the audience at home. Addi grabs a plate for her rice and fish fillet. 

Grabbing some salt and pepper, she seasoned the frying fish fillet in the pan. Addi hummed softly before listening to more of the news. "The akuma, named Sole Crusher, crushed and absorbed Parisians in return making her big and stronger." Nadja explained again. 

"Luckily, thanks to our famous duo and now one new hero, they were able to successfully take down the akuma and revert everything back to normal." Nadja stated and explained once again. Addi was glad sighing in relief. 

The rice was done so she grabs a few using her serving spoon. Moments passed, the leftover food was ready to be consumed so she stops the fryer. Grabbing tongs, she grabs the fish fillet using it and puts it down on the plate with rice on it. 

Addi puts it all on there then puts the tongs and frying pan in the sink. She turned on the water letting it down in the pan making some sizzle sounds after it made contact. Steam rose up from the pan as Addi faced the television once again. 

"Parisians went wild on this new hero and how'd it affect the hero we will find out next time." Nadja added and stated the obvious about it. Addi shakes head "Well it is the top story for today.'' She added saying to herself before going to the couch to sit and eat there. 

Naomi Young

~Timeskip; Evening~

In the evening, Naomi removed black leather jacket, black combat boots and black leather fingerless gloves. She only wore her black jeans and black tank top. The worker didn't mind about it.

Naomi drinks the cold glass of water replenishing herself. "I see..this new" Addi whispered as the worker nodded "Yeah...more showing up. Maybe Ladybug enlisted help." He added and theorized.

The two were by the couch like before watching the television in the living room. Naomi got up and yawns "So what do you want to eat for dinner?" Naomi asked looking down at him. The worker shrugs "Well, maybe like before?" He asked secretly hinting that he likes last night's dinner.

Naomi giggled softly "I'll add more seasoning to it." She mentioned and went back to the kitchen. Preparing the same utensils and grabbing the remaining food from last time in the fridge, she marinades it. After a while, she puts the food in the frying pan to re-cook it.

Naomi grabs the vegetables and began to chop it. The worker smelled it already and lets out a contentive sigh. Naomi smiled chopping the vegetables up into small chopped up pieces. Grabbing two bowls, she puts equal amounts in the two bowls.

After waiting for a bit, the food was cooked turning off the stove. She used a tong to grab it and puts it in the bowl. The worker saw this and got up to grab two glasses filling it up with cold water "Thanks." She thanked him.

Naomi and the worker ate the meal in front of them inside the bowl. The worker hummed in satisfaction "Always good." He commented towards her cooking. Addi giggled softly having some food still in her mouth. 

"Well, I have been taught by the best." Naomi teased towards him talking with her mouth full. The worker looks at her "But I didn't taught you talking whilst having food in your mouth." He mentioned stating the facts about it.

Naomi swallows it down "True true." She mentioned and replied. Naomi tunes up the television turning the volume up.  "I am here live at TVi Studios, Nadja Chamack reporting, a recent akuma attack rampaging around Paris." Nadja mentioned towards the audience at home.

"The akuma, named Sole Crusher, crushed and absorbed Parisians in return making her big and stronger." Nadja explained again. "Luckily, thanks to our famous duo and now one new hero, they were able to successfully take down the akuma and revert everything back to normal." Nadja stated and explained once again. 

"Good thing to." The worker added and repeated. Naomi bit her lip not wanting to give away hint that she was there as well on saving Parisians that almost got absorbed by Sole Crusher. She'd also hope that Nadja didn't report on her. 

"Parisians went wild on this new hero and how'd it affect the hero we will find out next time." Nadja added and stated the obvious about it. Naomi sighed in relief at this before continuing to eat her meal. 

Holly Larkin, Lili Knight, Luna Brookfield

~Timeskip; Evening~

In the evening, Luna had finished the said movie. She yawns before switching it back to numerous channels it offers. She leans back and yawned softly grabbing her phone scrolling up. She used the same hashtag from before redirecting her to a few sites, articles and news pages about said new hero.

One brought it to a video link of Nadja Chamack's reporting. The news came back from their break "And we are back love at TVi Studios were this new hero is taking the media and the Parisians by storm. We have interviewed a lot of people who were in the scene. Let's go to them."

"Thank your Nadja Chamack." The reporter replied. Luna watched still curious on what the public says. "Like you said, we had a lot of Parisians here." He replied as the camera man shoots to the side with a group of Parisians are grouped up of course.

"Nighstalker's the best!", "Oh my gosh we didn't know about this! This is so cool!". Some chanted and some cheered. "His eyes! His Eyes a natural!" Another replied making the reporter chuckle "settle down you guys, Nadja Chamack this new hero is taking the Parisians by storm. Back to you at TVi Studios." The reporter stated.

Luna rolled her eyes before then checking onto his eyes. "What's so natural about it..?" She asked herself before seeing it. As a slight/minor goddess of fire and ice, she knew about some mythologies and some creatures in the night.

Luna lets out a chuckle "That's why he has his charms." She figured it out before putting her phone down. "Vampire eyes." She replied and stated to herself. The phone revealed a paused video from the flash interview portraying Nightstalker's face with pure red eyes.

Luna chuckled softly at herself before saving it as a screenshot. Afterwards, she puts her phone down inserting it in her pocket. Luna got up turning the television on switching it from movie mode now to it's regular television with many different channels. 

Luna hummed going to the kitchen fridge opening it grabbing her stolen apples. She grabbed two and closed the fridge then got back to the couch. Luna sat down and ate one of the cold apples raw.  

"I am here live at TVi Studios, Nadja Chamack reporting, a recent akuma attack rampaging around Paris." Nadja mentioned towards the audience at home.  "The akuma, named Sole Crusher, crushed and absorbed Parisians in return making her big and stronger." Nadja explained again.

Luna munches one side of her current apple. "Hmm" She hummed to herself watching the television peeking interest on this. "Luckily, thanks to our famous duo and now one new hero, they were able to successfully take down the akuma and revert everything back to normal." Nadja stated and explained once again. 

Luna heard the news and yawns softly at this. "Akuma attack ey?" Luna asked herself before continuing to listen to the story at hand"Parisians went wild on this new hero and how'd it affect the hero we will find out next time." Nadja added and stated the obvious about it.

She finished her first apple after the story was done. Luna leans back bored as she kept watching the shows and channels in front of her. 

Holly and Lili looked at the television before it went into break. The two sighed before Holly looked at the time as it was evening. Lili saw it as well before cleaning up her mess to make it convenient for Holly to clean it up.

Holly helps as well. Lili finished before grabbing her gear as well as her hook equipping it on her right hand. "I better must be going now." Lili mentioned towards her "It's been fun." She added as well. Holly nodded "Why don't you stay here for the night?" She asked offering her as well.

Lili was taken back by this and got flustered. "Umm, why do you think of that?" She asked her wolf friend. Holly shrugs at her "Well, it's late already and I don't want some vampires again to attack you." Holly replied reasoning it out.

Lili smiled listening to her concern about it. "Thank you, and sure." Lili replied happily. Holly chuckled at this and nods. "Let me grab some extra pillows and blankets for you." She mentioned indirectly telling her that she would sleep at the couch.

Lili accepts it nevertheless happy that she was to sleep with one with her new friends. Holly excused herself grabbing extra pillows and blankets from the closet. Lili on the other hand puts the finished food either in the sink or in the trash can.

Lili unequipped her gear and hook whilst waiting for her return. Soon, Holly returned with the pillows putting it on the couch. "There, that should suffice." She mentioned to her. Lili nods and hugs her "Thanks." She thanked her as Holly hugs back as well.

Holly smiled gently. Lili sat down organizing her couch/bed putting the pillows down and blankets around it. She smiled gently. Holly nodded before she faced the television sitting down beside her. 

The news went back on air. Holly and Lili listened to the news.   "I am here live at TVi Studios, Nadja Chamack reporting, a recent akuma attack rampaging around Paris." Nadja mentioned towards the audience at home. "The akuma, named Sole Crusher, crushed and absorbed Parisians in return making her big and stronger." Nadja explained again.

Lili sighed in relief at this "Good." She replied softly. Holly hummed in response  agreeing to it. "Luckily, thanks to our famous duo and now one new hero, they were able to successfully take down the akuma and revert everything back to normal." Nadja stated and explained once again.

Lili and Holly listened to this "New hero, Shadow Kid."  Lili stated to this and added. Holly growls a bit "Prince of Night." Holly mocked towards as well.  "Parisians went wild on this new hero and how'd it affect the hero we will find out next time." Nadja added and stated the obvious about it. 

Jacob Blackblood and Destiny Armor

~Timeskip; Evening~

It was now in the evening. With Destiny continuing to sleep in the evening, Knight, her pet dragon joined her as well sleeping. Her wings covered Destiny a bit to shield her form the cold breeze.

Knight has his body to warm himself up along with his fire breath inside to keep him warm. Nevertheless, the two were in deep slumber.

The two were asleep still as the night is still there. Destiny snored a bit resting her body and snuggling into Knight to keep herself warm. Knight lets her as his instincts were up along with it's senses just in case any would want to disrupt their night sleep.

Finishing up with his shower, Jacob dried up using a towel of course. He is in his bedroom laying down wearing his black shirt and black tights. The former student was tempted about the decision whether or not he would do his father's wishes.

He contemplated a bit before sitting up straight looking directly at the wardrobe. She used his mind powers to open the wardrobe revealing an open coat with a built in black jacquard fabric vest trimmed attached in the built-in vest. The vest buttons down the front with antique-stile silver tone buttons. Coat sleeves are accented with jacquard fabric bands and matching silver buttons.

Jacob sighed softly before facing the television turning it on to hear more about the latest news about Sole Crusher.  "I am here live at TVi Studios, Nadja Chamack reporting, a recent akuma attack rampaging around Paris." Nadja mentioned towards the audience at home. 

"The akuma, named Sole Crusher, crushed and absorbed Parisians in return making her big and stronger." Nadja explained again. "Luckily, thanks to our famous duo and now one new hero, they were able to successfully take down the akuma and revert everything back to normal." Nadja stated and explained once again.

"Parisians went wild on this new hero and how'd it affect the hero we will find out next time." Nadja added and stated the obvious about it. Jacob listened to all of this before sighing again. "If I'm going to take people away for father, Night's going to be there. heh." He mentioned and stated to himself.

Jacob stretched for a bit "Night's red eye and blue eye information, better watch out." Jacob added to himself. 

Jasmine Tempest, Sharon

~Timeskip; Evening~

In the evening, Jasmine wore a green swan-necked T-shirt with a sea blacklined collar and side pockets, and green mesh sleeves. She also wears black ripped leggings with rips above the knees and black high top sneakers with white soles.

She was watching the television then as the night went on, she hissed at the bright light disliking it very much. Jasmine pulls out her wand and twirled her wand a bit then snaps "Nox" She chanted before the lights dimmed.

The lights dimmed then putting her wand back. Jasmine continued to watch then transformed into her wolf form. She was a grey themed wolf laying down on bed continuing to watch the television.

"I am here live at TVi Studios, Nadja Chamack reporting, a recent akuma attack rampaging around Paris." Nadja mentioned towards the audience at home. Jasmine's ears perk up as she looks to see this. Curious about the story, she listened.  

"The akuma, named Sole Crusher, crushed and absorbed Parisians in return making her big and stronger." Nadja explained again. "I didnn't know that there was an akuma around...must've been when I was getting chased..." Jasmine thought to herself since she can't really speak in in her wolf form. 

"Luckily, thanks to our famous duo and now one new hero, they were able to successfully take down the akuma and revert everything back to normal." Nadja stated and explained once again.  

"Thank goodness no one got hurt and went back to normal." She thought to herself once again thankful about it. "Parisians went wild on this new hero and how'd it affect the hero we will find out next time." Nadja added and stated the obvious about it. 

Jasmine nodded to herself "This Night guy is taking the media by storm, wonder what'll do next." She thought to herself once again before switching the media channel away. 

Sharon in the other hand, left the television open in low volume, whilst she was asleep. Resting from the exercises she did a few while ago, her energy went back up continuing to rest. She was laying down in bed laying sideways.

Sharon wore a black crop hoodie and grey sweats pants. Slowly she wakes up yawning as well as stretching cracking a few knuckles. Sharon got up and stretched as well before turning off the television.

Sharon hummed bored. She turned the lights on a bit before looking around the motel room to check if it has books to read. Surprisingly, there is a cabinet where some books are. "Yes" Sharon whispered cheer before checking onto it.

Sharon checks and saw a different variety before seeing Hamlet, by William Shakespeare. She yips happily before grabbing it. Sharon plops to bed opening the book happily; she loves books including some famous arts like Shakespeare himself.

Sharon read began to read the book. It talks about the ghost of the King of Denmark telling his son Hamlet to avenge his elimination by taking out the new king. The new king was Hamlet's uncle. 

Hamlet feigns madness, contemplates life and afterlife, and seeks revenge. His uncle, fearing for his life, also devises plots to eliminate Hamlet. Sharon was super interested in the story as the faint tune of the television was in the background.

It was the news of Nadja Chamack.  "I am here live at TVi Studios, Nadja Chamack reporting, a recent akuma attack rampaging around Paris." Nadja mentioned towards the audience at home. Sharon heard this whilst reading but kept her eyes focused on the book.  

"The akuma, named Sole Crusher, crushed and absorbed Parisians in return making her big and stronger." Nadja explained again. "Luckily, thanks to our famous duo and now one new hero, they were able to successfully take down the akuma and revert everything back to normal." Nadja stated and explained once again. 

"Parisians went wild on this new hero and how'd it affect the hero we will find out next time." Nadja added and stated the obvious about it.



(9339 Words; Stay Miraculous!)

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