Chapter 58: Formation of Cat Blanc?, A Shattered Future, Individual Stories

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(Ocs of Users =

Dragongirl04282004: Artemis Huntress

hiccanna08;DisneyWorksFan : Jordan Huntsman

SleepNeverHeardOfHer:Addi Ford

Goddesslove-: Faith Houtusuka

Story-Tales: Destiny Armor

_WonderlandKit_: Kitty Mikaelson

Artemis_WolfQueen_12: Naomi Young

Lord_Holly: Holly Larkin

MarshalLane6: Andra Agreste

TIRANA--: Jacob Blackblood

Storiez0: Lili Knight

Miraculously_Unlucky;Mac_Anciel : Zach Catorez

RandyNetwork4;RandyNetwork65: Randy

TimeShadowtempest: Jasmine Tempest

Sonuvapotatoe: Sharon

BelleCullen7: Aayana Athan

LunariaBoldstone: Luna Brookfield

Me = Tyler Morgan)

(For Reference =

Artemis: Werewolf, Good
Jacob: Vampire, Middle
Jordan She: Vampire, Unknown
Lili: Hunter. Bad
Zach: Hunter, Bad
Randy: Human, Neutral Good
Addi: Human, Neutral
Faith: Vampire, Good
Destiny: Hunter, Good
Kitty: Vampire, Good
Naomi: Hunter, Unknown.
Holly: Werewolf, Bad
Andra: Human, Good
Jasmine: Vampire, Werewolf, Human, Dark in action but good in heart
Sharon: Vampire, Twisted Morals
Aayana: Vampire, Unknown
Luna: Both unknown)

(Current Miraculous Cast:

Chat Noir: Adrien Agreste
Ladybug: Marinette Dupain Cheng
Luka, Juleka: Couffaine Siblings
Mayura: Nathalie Sancouer
Hawkmoth: Gabriel Agreste)



Previously On Miraculous Vampires:
Marinette(Ladybug), Tyler Morgan(Nightstalker), Kitty Mikaelson, Luka, Juleka,


(Link to Song they played:

(0:17 - 1:45) The two played this instrumental making Reaper grit his teeth trying to resist it. Though the sound was heard, Reaper's movements slowed down as Kitty backs off a bit easily dodging his attacks.

Reaper growls at them "No!" Reaper shouted as he held his head growling. Ladybug flinched but continued to play it. "Ty...I'm sorry.." Ladybug apologized continuing to play it. Flashback began to rush his head as the song played. Once the tune slows down, Reaper was kneeling down tired and calming down.

Kitty went to Juleka to protect her. Reaper's eyes teared a bit before being engulfed again with Purple Mist. He slowly turns back into Tyler as the Akuma got out. The akuma before has a black with translucent purple highlights. Now, it is slightly white with translucent purple highlights losing all darkness.

Tyler was kneeling down tired. Ladybug grabs her yo-yo and threw it towards the akuma "Time to De-evilize!" She shouted before capturing it. Spinning it around, the yo-yo cures it. When the yo-yo opens revealing the pure white akuma "Bye-bye little butterfly." She responded as the akuma flew away.

Juleka and Kitty went to his aide and helps him up. "You are one heavy vampire." Juleka muttered and commented making Kitty laugh a bit. Luka was furious and steps up "What in the world are you doing just being akumatized? Why are you here in the first place?" Luka asked him growling a bit.

The two females look up at shock but stayed quiet. Tyler sighed a bit "I'm sorry.." He apologized to him. "Tyler, what were you doing?" Luka asked him again. "I was chasing the akuma! Hoping to get to Hawkmoth. When you are busy after the Sole Crusher, I...followed it and encountered Volpina." He mentioned and explained to him the two females helping him up stand.

Ladybug went forward to calm Luka down "Why?" She asked him with a soft voice. Tyler sighed softly looking up at her "Trying to figure out if he would appear. He did, went south." He replied to her rubbing the back of his neck.

Luka looks at him tempted to punch him but stopped him by his little sister Juleka. "You went 'rogue' again, didn't you?" Kitty asked him as Tyler shot eyes to her shaking head "No. No-no, I would never do that again." Tyler replied turning it down.

Ladybug was worried enough but felt some others watching, the others being Hunters. Ladybug sighed softly "Go, I'll meet you tomorrow so we can talk. It's getting late." She replied and 'you' being referring to Tyler.

They all nodded before slowly dispersing into the night going into their separate ways. Tyler was about to go but Ladybug detransformed letting Tikki eat her Macarons. Tyler uncovered his face and sighed softly "What do you want Marinette?" Tyler asked his back facing her. "Look, I don't want to lose you again, and since Chloe returned, you-you're going to be a servant again right?" Marinette asked him.

Tyler nodded in response. "Don't go rouge again okay?" Marinette asked and begged a bit. Tyler chuckled a bit and nodded "Yeah. I won't." Tyler replied and reassured. Marinette let's out a smile as Tyler glanced behind him seeing it.

This made him light up "Chat Noir's really lucky to have such kind partner." Tyler commented making Marinette blush madly remembering that they were super close, remembering the first Eiffel Tower kiss, and the date over it before the hunters arrived.

Tyler chuckled before digging his hands in his jacket pocket walking towards the Bourgeois Hotel.

Marinette smiled and rushed off into the night with Tikki following her. "When are you planning Chat Noir?" Tikki asked flying inside Marinette's bag. "I have no idea yet Tikki, but, soon I hope." Marinette replied and assured her. Tikki huffed a bit looking up at her

"This week is an eventful one. Zoe, Sole Crusher, A Lot!" She exclaimed squeaking a bit. Marinette giggled softly nodding "But we managed, and we have help to." She replied referring to Tyler and his alter ego.

Tikki nodded once "But I have to tell Master Fu about that Miraculous." Tikki explained and mentioned to her knowing that Master Fu needed to know this. Marinette smiled at her "Sure, but tomorrow." She replied and assured her. Marinette leaps up using her Vampire Powers to get up at the balcony.

She landed by the terrace, which is in a hexagonal shape and encompassed by a wrought iron railing with an intricate design. A flower box of roses embellishes the left side. Marinette quickly dived in the trap door and landed on her bed plopping.

This made the two girls giggle before putting the bag to the side. Tikki flew up and looked down at her "Goodnight Marinette." Tikki mentioned brightly. Marinette nodded in response "Night Tikki." She replied to her seeing Tikki going to her small home, which she made.

Marinette tucked herself in before facing the wall where a lot of Adrien Pictures she has. She sighed softly "Adrien..." She muttered before slowly drifting away into her slumber.

Unbeknownst to her, Kitty had arrived earlier and watched her from the side by the couch. Kitty felt bad about her and the lifestyle she has been living. A Vampire, hero of Paris, and constant stress from school and others.

Kitty got up and went over to her. She tucked her firm and stroked her hair back to fix it from running "Goodnight Marinette." Kitty mentioned to her before going back to the couch, wearing her dark red crop top and black ripped jeans.

Kitty turned off the lights then lays down on the couch proper to sleep.


Tyler walked back to the Bourgeois Hotel. The Le Grand Paris is a six-story building painted white with red fabric awnings on all windows except the ones on the uppermost floor. The building is roughly square with one corner rounded to make room for the main entrance and balcony.

The fifth floor is the balcony for Chloé's room with long windows, a wooden floor, and numerous chairs and potted trees. Above these is the main sign of Le Grand Paris made of stone with the writing colored gold.

Tyler transformed into a bat and flew up towards the balcony. The balcony has several white chairs and sofas around a small blue table in the center part and a single white chair on the right side. Several small trees in white pots adorn the balcony and the balcony is fenced off with flower stylized metal bars the middle and white stone pillars to the sides.

(Link to Song they played:

(0:17 - 1:45); He landed and transformed back into human. Tyler looked at his watch before remembering that the akuma before, when it came out, was not that all black with translucent purple highlights. As it came out, it was slightly white with translucent purple highlights.

Ashh came out of the watch and chuckled evilly. "My plan worked" He thought to himself before looking up at him. "You felt that surge of power?" Ashh asked him. "So that's being akumatized.." He muttered before looking up at Ashh nodding.

"The watch absorbed it, a perk of being the holder of the Black Dragon Miraculous. A Risk~ I am happy to use~" Ashh explained to him. Tyler listened before shaking head not wanting to deal with it now. "Hide Ashh, I'm going in." He mentioned. This made Ashh blank and went back to the watch.

Tyler got in her room sliding the glass door then got in. Perfect timing as Chloe had come out of the bathroom from her showering. "Tyler?!" Chloe asked before Tyler smiled a bit "Hey Chloe, sorry didn't know. I thought you were rest-"

Tyler was cut off by Chloe rushing over and giving him a hug, then pulling out. "I missed you. We've spent a lot of time with my family, mostly me and my mom." Chloe explained to him as he only chuckled softly.

Chloe went over to bed sitting at the edge of it. "And Zoe? How is she?" Tyler asked her. Zoe looks away "She's Fine." She stated to him not wanting to look at him eye to eye. Tyler shakes head "Chloe, we talked about this." Tyler mentioned to him.

Chloe sighed softly "Yeah Yeah, I know." Chloe replied then plops to bed. "Can you..?" Chloe asked before Tyler turned off the main light then turned on the side ones for her. "There." Tyler replied making Chloe giggle a bit "As always." She replied.

Tyler bows to her "Chloe, Goodnight." He replied and said to her. Chloe nodded "Night." She replied before Tyler leaves her room to let her sleep the night.

Andra Agreste, Aayana Athan, Adrien Agreste, Gabriel Agreste and Nathalie Sancoeur

~Evening, Around the same time~

Curiosity got the best of him as the older brother went outside silently to see. Gabriel walks in and towards Nathalie's room. Andra stayed silent before walking out seeing him walk in. Inside, Nathalie was doing more research to somehow overpower Ladybug and cause her to make a mistake.

Nathalie's health was deteriorating due to the usage of the Peacock Miraculous now causing her health issues. Though, she persisted on. Gabriel walks in "Nathalie, I almost got Ladybug." He mentioned softly and explained.

Nathalie eyes widen and shot eyes "What? How?" Nathalie asked baffled about what she had heard. Andra tip toes towards the said room and began to eavesdrop. "The new miraculous holder, I had managed to akumatize him. Taking on Ladybug but-something felt off about him. I was this close getting it but it failed." He explained and at the end balling a fist.

Nathalie saw this and puts her palm over it "It's alright Gabriel, try again. It's bound for Ladybug to make a mistake. We'll be patient." Nathalie reassured him making Gabriel calm down himself. "Can you give me a description of what the miraculous is? He could be a valuable asset." She asked him.

Gabriel nodded "Male, teenager. All black, the miraculous is his watch." Gabriel replied softly as Norroo flew out of the Butterfly Miraculous. Nooroo is a light purple, butterfly-like creature who is 10 centimeters tall. He has butterfly wings that have a long tail with a tip at the end of each lower wing and dark purple eyes. There is a slightly dark purple spiral mark on his forehead and one on each lower part of the back of his wings.

"Yes Nooroo?" Gabriel asked him. "U-um master, there are different types of Miraculous. Remember the Dragon miraculous? When it first came out?" Gabriel just nodded to him. "There are different varieties of it." He responded making Gabriel peek interest. "Go on." He replied softly

Meanwhile, Andra had heard this ever since he starts eavesdropping. He only heard some stuff but not fully ones. He steadied breath to hear more leaning to the door.

Nooroo looked over at him. "Well, the Dragon Miraculous we all known is with Ladybug. I remembered that there are many Miraculouses in which cases, here in Paris, all known Miraculouses are from Master Fu. However, the Miraculous is spread all across the Globe." Nooroo explained to him before continuing.

(Link to the song:

(0:00 - 1:40) "The Dragon Miraculous you encountered, is the Dark Dragon Miraculous. It's holder, can have the abilities of the Dark Dragon. It grants the following:

Passive Shadow Aura: The power to generate shadows and darkness
Darkness Blast: The ability to release darkness/shadows on a specific target area
Shadow Breath: The ability to generate from within oneself darkness/shadow and release them from the mouth
Darkness Cutting: The ability to use darkness/shadows to slice any object; And finally, it's special superpower, the

Shadow Marionette: The ability to control the targets movements via shadows.

It's considered as a myth, but now.." Nooroo explained fully before stopping at the end. "Till now." Gabriel replied before Nathalie swiped a bit on her tablet accessing it. "Some are teared and old but here." She replied and gave it to him.

The tablet was from Master Fu's who Nathalie stole from "The Battle of the Miraculouses" giving it to Gabriel before hand gaining the deciphered copies of the spell book's text, granting the ability to fix the Peacock Miraculous.

"Dark Dragon Miraculous...grants the power of the wielding of eternal darkness...entering state...of everlasting darkness. Cannot be contained, Must be destroyed?" Gabriel reads it out before making a confused face.

Nooroo dives in a bit "It says at the end, the miraculous has a mind of it's own." Nooroo exclaimed before Nathalie looked over "If that's the case, if we can control it using the Amok and Akuma, surely enough." Nathalie suggested to him.

"Not a bad idea. We can use this. It'll be a Risk."
"You can do this Gabriel, for Emilie."

Andra eyes widen at this upon hearing this. "No.." he mouthed not believing it. He carefully took a step back accidentally knocked his hand towards the door making all of who is inside look over.

Andra realizing this, made the dash back to his room. "It's probably one of the servants, closing the lights." Nathalie replied and assured Gabriel. "Let's continue tomorrow" Gabriel replied before giving her back the tablet.

Nathalie lays back down on her bed as Andra got in his room and closed the door. He didn't believe, nor want to believe this. Hoping to not get caught, he went to bed and lays down closing his eyes pretending to be asleep.

However, he didn't got caught and instead slowly drifted into slumber.

Zach Catorez w/ Hunters Alex & Ryan

~Evening, Around the Same Time~

Alex checks his phone to see the time seeing it was complete night. "We also have a few more hunters joining us in." Alex stated and mentioned towards Zach making him look at him. "Why?" Zach asked him curiously.

"Cause we are dealing an immense power not unlike before. It's class A+" Alex mentioned towards him implying that it is truly immense. Zach raised a brow "Meaning?" Zach asked then Ryan butts in "Meaning, you don't mess with it if you are alone or in a three man." Ryan replied and mentioned stating it to him.

Whilst waiting, Zach fixed his looks and checked his arrow count. "30 Still." Zach thought to himself before fixing his hair style. He fixes his black hair then gloves tightening it up. He waited for the hunters to join in.

A few minutes later, six(6) hunters arrived with different equipment carried majority around in their 30s. Four(4) males and two(2) females by teams of 3. "We're sent by the boss. We haven't have a class A since that Vampire Boss." A male hunter replied and mentioned.

Alex nodded and shook hands with the team leader "Alex. Glad you six(6) are here to provide backup." Alex replied softly. Zach eyed them not trusting them since he just firstly met them. His personality switched as a cold one to them.

The hunter leader saw him "Your new recruit?" The hunter asked Alex in which he nodded. "Yeah, a few successful missions in his belt." Alex replied softly. Ryan cuts in "Not to waste time, but we need to go now." Ryan replied and mentioned tapping his watch.

They all nodded and went towards the disturbance. Arriving there, they dispersed hiding behind rooftops, trees and posts. "Can you see us?" Alex asked his boss via earpiece. "Yes. The disturbance should be right in front of you." The boss replied to him.

The hunter leader looks through his binoculars and saw two figures, one which was all black and another was of bright colors of white blue and brown. "I can't make it out but there's two individuals there." He replied and mentioned softly.

All hunters and huntress hold their respective positions. Alex used his device that was given by his boss(a few chapters back) that can triangulate which are friendly or foe. Checking it, all of his friends are blue dots, whilst the two figures are pure red both classed A.

"It's both of them but the right one has more." Alex mentioned to the group. "What do you want us to do?" Zach asked towards his earpiece. As the boss thinks, the male slowly left walking away. "We have movement here, they are moving." The lead hunter mentioned softly.

"We don't want another incident. Permission to finish them off?" A huntress asked having a switch blade ready hiding on top of the tree. "And what if it fails?" Ryan asked who is posted up on a rooftop.

"We are hunters." The huntress replied to him. "Request permission to do it?" She asked again. "Denied, we don't want to Risk ourselves here and expose us to the whole world." The boss replied to them.

"Everyone back to the hideout. That's enough for one night." The boss stated in which they had agreed. Zach however, wasn't to please about it but ever so loyal, obeyed the command given by his higher ups.

Back at Moonchaser Hideout...

"Why? Just why?" The huntress asked annoyed. Zach backed her up "Yeah, why? We could've have them." Zach added towards the statement. They told this to their boss who was inside his office of the Hideout.

Zach was accompanied by Alex and Ryan and the Huntress was accompanied by her team of three her included. The boss shakes head "It's a big Risk to lose all of you in one single night." The boss vaguely replied to the two.

"We are Hunters, we Hunt Vampires and Werewolves till the very start. We are born ready for this." The huntress replied crossing her arms. "I joined Moonchasers to be battle ready, for months I was trained by fellow hunters to be darn ready for the battle of my life." Zach explained angry gritting his teeth.

Alex and Ryan stood silent by the sidelines. The boss sighed deeply "You two really want to discover why I pulled you all out?" The boss asked the two. The huntress scoffed "Curiosity eliminated the cat, satisfaction brought it back." The huntress added.

The boss pressed a remote as the left side wall, slid open slowly revealing a secret television. They all paid attention to it. The boss pressed it. "That Vampire, is an Alpha Class. That Vampire alone took out three dozen vampires, in one single night. An ambush was set, the target is there, the hunters striked, and was gonna leave but he rose up."

~Warning, Specific Texts, Warning~

The video was caught via drone footage having the Vampire covered with blood, hunters blood to be exact. Three dozen bodies laid lifeless on the ground, some even dismembered or even annhilated. Many weapons were used such as blades, bows, sidearms, spear, axe, even a Thurible(a metal censer in which it suspended from chains and is gently swung by the priest or thurifer in order to spread the fragrant smoke of the incense).

Zach and the Huntress eyes widen at this. "It took us, 2 weeks to hunt him down, and countless Hunter lives." The boss replied and pressed the remote revealing a row of deceased hunters all ranging from teenagers to adults covered in towels. The boss looked down not wanting to see it.

Alex went over to the two "That's why he pulled us out there. Both are Alpha Classes in their own right." Alex replied and mentioned to them. The huntress was frozen in shock shadowing at the back of her mind what would've happen if they didn't fall back.

Zach understood the reason now calming down. The boss leans back to his chair "We'll continue our operations here at Paris, and 'till then, we will not engage them until we are provoked, or with no other choice. I sense a dark scenario coming for us, so be ready." The boss replied and stated making them stood in attention.


? ? ? ? ? London, England

"Boarding at Gate 2, from England To Paris. Again, Boarding at Gate 1, from England to Paris." The PA announced.

A tall with blond, combed-down hair and bright green eyes walked up to the boarding procedure showing a ticket. The lady receiving nodded and approved "You may go in." She replied to him. The male blond walked down towards the tube going to the Airplane.

The flight attendant saw him and smiled brightly "Right this way sir." She replied before leading the male to his seat. It was a private jet he is using as he sits down comfortably leaning back breathing in and out.

The male wore light gray, long-sleeved dress shirt with a black neck tie underneath a dark gray vest, dark gray dress pants, and black dress shoes. After a few minutes, the Private Jet's doors closed now initiating that they are leaving.

"Good Morning, I am your pilot for today. Our destination, France. Sit tight and relax." The pilot mentioned over PA before the male sighed softly looking out the window with a grin

"I'm coming back to Paris...


Jordan Huntsman


The three after, Jordan had finished organizing her materials for tomorrow, watched the television. Having her black hair with red streaks let loose, Purple eyes towards the television, and wearing her pajamas, she relaxed by the television.

Nothing much had happen between them as they continued to watch. David, their older brother began to use his phone. Flora, their younger sister had been getting sleepy constantly yawning and blinking her eyes.

Jordan saw this and smiled laying her head towards her shoulder. Flora accepts laying her head down on Jordan's shoulder. Flora snuggled in whilst semi-laying down watching the television with them.

Moments later, Flora is now snoring eyes shut and asleep. Jordan heard it and smiled. "Carry her back to her room." David mentioned softly watching them. Jordan nods and gently carried Flora up. She went towards Flora's room whilst carrying her.

Flora hanged on asleep not knowing she was being transported to her room. Jordan opened the door with one hand and got in laying her sleeping younger sister down to the bed. Flora was still asleep and was just fidgeting around.

Jordan tucks her in bed using her blanket whilst stroking her hair to calm her down. Flora smiled in her sleep sleeping peacefully and quietly. Jordan smiled at this and pecked her forehead "Goodnight." She whispered to her.

After Flora was tucked in, Jordan got up and tiptoed out to not wake up the sleeping Flora. She got out and closed the door quietly. Jordan got back to the living room where David had turned the television off "Sleep time." He mentioned to her as she nods.

Jordan turned around and went to her room going inside closing the door. David did the same after turning the tv off. Jordan lets her black hair with red streaks loose removing her purple dress. In exchange, was her pajamas.

Jordan drinks water before closing the main lights turning the night light on. She lays down on her bed and yawned tucking herself in. David did the same yawning laying down on his own bed in his own room.

Nothing much happened between then and now.

Addi Ford


"I really need to balance it" She added before going to her bed. Turning the AC on, she lays down on bed and tucked herself in. She sets her phone down before resting now.

Addi hummed as she stared at the ceiling whilst laying down. Addi then tried to remember what she had reviewed a while ago. "Greeting guests, arriving at the desired time, memorizing the place? Yes what else?;" She thought to herself before her train of thought was stopped as she tried to think of the next one.

"Provide accurate information, answer any questions from guests, remain calm and take breaks." Addi finished listing down in her thoughts. Addi smiled before nodding to herself. She slowly then closed her eyes content that she had memorized it.

Addi adjusted before finding her spot. Addi content from memorizing it, now fully sleeps. Nothing much happened between then and now.

Naomi Young


He was the worker that found her on the front of the orphanage. His co worker chose her name which was Naomi Young. He smiled gently remembering it before going inside his room to likewise rest as well.

Naomi rested on her bed laying down. Finishing recalling what had happen, she decided to sleep and call it a night. Naomi closed her eyes before shooting up forgetting something. Naomi got up and went towards her bathroom.

She grabs her toothbrush and puts some toothpaste in it. Naomi looks at herself in the mirror before beginning to brush her teeth. She sweeps the brush gently back and forth over teeth and gums in soft strokes aiming to remove the tartar on her teeth.

Finishing up, she spits it out then cleaned her toothbrush. Naomi gargled some water before spitting it out again. She cleans up before leaving the room, changing her clothes towards her pajamas.

Naomi turned the main lights off then the night lamp open. Naomi hummed content before laying down on bed. Naomi slowly closed her eyes drifting towards sleeping.

Nothing much happened between then and now.

Holly Larkin, Lili Knight, Luna Brookfield

Luna walks inside the master bedroom. The room had a window that have the beautiful views outside of Paris. There was also a small balcony to go out and enjoy the High End rise of the apartment. Also, was a mini fridge by the left where it is below and inside a small drawer.

Luna removed her black combat high heels by the door. Luna got to the bathroom removing everything. Luna took a long hot shower making her sigh in relief and satisfaction taking it all in her stress from being homeless gone.

After a few minutes, she finished after bathing herself. She dried herself up before putting her purple black crop top with white tight jeans back on. Luna only used this clothes as it was the only thing she had.

After drying her hair, she lays down on bed immediately letting the AC cool her room. Luna sighed contently but remembered she would also work on the High-End Apartment. She didn't care now since she has now a roof to sleep with.

This made her close her eyes drifting to sleep thanks to the hot shower and cold AC releasing cold air.

Nothing much happened between then and now.

Lili was amazed with how the production team had documented this. Each episode is 50 minute long. This features an overview of a different biome on Earth where it was mountains, caves, deserts, forests and water like seas, oceans and rivers.

Lili was watching episode two from season one titled Mountains. Lili was amazed on the different mountains and mountain ranges given by nature and Earth itself. It was then followed by a ten-minute featurette which takes behind-the-scenes look at the challenges on filming the the said episode.

Holly fidgets a bit in her sleep remembering the immense power she felt. Though, after experiencing a few minutes in her sleep the nightmare, Lili appeared and comforted her, like what she did before.

Holly calmed down steadying her breath before continuing to sleep.

Lili continued to watch before yawning to herself getting bored watching Planet Earth. She got up and turned the television off. Lili stretched a bit before going to Holly's kitchen. She grabs a glass and a pitchel inside the refrigerator.

Lili poured herself some cold water filling it up. Lili drinks it full returning the pitchel back and puts the glass in the sink. She tiptoed back to the living room seeing her gear namely her knives and a her hook.

Lili lets loose her soft orange hair and stretched again. Lili lays down back to the couch and tucked herself in. She made herself comfortable before drifting into sleep. Holly on the other hand, though asleep, her ears perk up hearing her tiptoeing back. She lets it slide before sleeping.

Nothing much happened between then and now.

Jacob Blackblood and Destiny Armor


Destiny and Knight slept through the night. Destiny had her long wavy black hair loose as previously it was a stylish messy bun. Her blue eyes were close as she slept with Knight having her as a pillow as well.

Destiny wore her white loose long sleeve shirt, black pants with brown belt and tall brown boots. Destiny hummed softly in her sleep relaxed and peaceful. Knight slept through with her as well.

Nothing had much happen except them sleeping still through the night. The night sky glows upon them along the bright city lights along the horizon which was the city of love, Paris. The moon, though not a full one, was a crescent white one.

Whilst also that, a new command from his father to get new victims for him. Jacob sighed deeply before closing his eyes relaxing steadying his breath as well.

The female silhouette then continued jumping about from shadow to shadow recollecting her thoughts about the immense power. Not resisting it, she then headed towards the direction of the power. It was at the Eiffel Tower.

Jacob on the other hand, falling asleep. He hummed softly in his black pencil t-shirt relaxing. Finished steadying his breath, he now sleeps as he was now calm. The female silhouette tried to resist it still as she made her way there but stopped half way. "No...I need to return back.." She stated to herself before using her will power to redirect away.

On the other hand, Jacob asleep, a tall man got out around fifties wearing a tuxedo but has a dark shade of red eyes and a cane. "Son...I hope you don't disappoint me tomorrow." He whispered stated to him. It was his father as Jacob was asleep.

His father then flash backs when he was still around mid 30s, a vampire for his previous ruler before he became one. He had been deployed in Earth to get humans like what he had tasked Jacob did.

"Do not let me down." He added before slowly phasing out and into the darkness. Jacob shifted around uneasy about something. After a couple of minutes, he slowly stops and continued to sleep.

Nothing much happened between then and now.

Jasmine Tempest, Sharon

Though calm and sleeping now, she couldn't remove the immense power that had coursed through her a while back. Recalling it, the power was of shadow and dark origins, really shadowy and dark origins.

Jasmin currently wears her black swan-necked T-shirt with a sea green lined collar, and side pockets, and black mesh sleeves. Below, she was wearing her black ripped leggings with rips above the knees.

Her long black hair tipped in silver loose on the pillow below her head. Jasmine now sleeps thanks to the AC letting out the cold air. It relaxed her fully sleeping fully. Nothing had happen between the time period.

She can't help but to feel excited about continuing reading what is next on Act IV on Hamlet. Sharon slept but also remembered the immense power. She had just shrugged it since it was just a feeling.

Sharon slept fully shifting a bit to find her comfortable side. She hummed softly before opening her eyes. Sharon held her face as she couldn't sleep. Sharon lays back down and closed her eyes once again trying to force herself to sleep.

She hummed again before steadying her breath sleeping finally.

Nothing much happened between then and now.


Marinette(Ladybug), Gabriel Agreste, Nathalie Sancoeur, Adrien Agreste, Andra Agreste,


(Link to Song they played:

(0:17 - 1:45); He landed and transformed back into human. Tyler looked at his watch before remembering that the akuma before, when it came out, was not that all black with translucent purple highlights. As it came out, it was slightly white with translucent purple highlights.

Ashh came out of the watch and chuckled evilly. "My plan worked" He thought to himself before looking up at him. "You felt that surge of power?" Ashh asked him. "So that's being akumatized.." He muttered before looking up at Ashh nodding.

"The watch absorbed it, a perk of being the holder of the Black Dragon Miraculous. A Risk~ I am happy to use~" Ashh explained to him. Tyler listened before shaking head not wanting to deal with it now. "Hide Ashh, I'm going in." He mentioned. This made Ashh blank and went back to the watch.

Tyler got in her room sliding the glass door then got in. Perfect timing as Chloe had come out of the bathroom from her showering. "Tyler?!" Chloe asked before Tyler smiled a bit "Hey Chloe, sorry didn't know. I thought you were rest-"

Tyler was cut off by Chloe rushing over and giving him a hug, then pulling out. "I missed you. We've spent a lot of time with my family, mostly me and my mom." Chloe explained to him as he only chuckled softly.

Chloe went over to bed sitting at the edge of it. "And Zoe? How is she?" Tyler asked her. Zoe looks away "She's Fine." She stated to him not wanting to look at him eye to eye. Tyler shakes head "Chloe, we talked about this." Tyler mentioned to him.

Chloe sighed softly "Yeah Yeah, I know." Chloe replied then plops to bed. "Can you..?" Chloe asked before Tyler turned off the main light then turned on the side ones for her. "There." Tyler replied making Chloe giggle a bit "As always." She replied.

Tyler bows to her "Chloe, Goodnight." He replied and said to her. Chloe nodded "Night." She replied before Tyler leaves her room to let her sleep the night.

~The Next Morning~ 

(A switch to the normal Character A wakes up and goes to school, this starts in the day itself ^^")

At the Trocadero, the girls(Alya, Alix, Rose, Juleka, Mylene) wait for Marinette to come back. Why? Well, Marinette decided early morning to give Adrien a gift. Alya is confident enough that she would deliver it successfully but Alix wasn't sure. 

"I'm not so sure Alya." Says Alix crossing her arms as she looked at Alya who just waited for her return. As they continue to argue about it, sometimes betting on their certain objects, Marinette returned back. Juleka frowns a bit knowing the news using her telepathy skills to Marinette. 

The rest saw she didn't deliver the gift. "I was thinking...maybe Adrien doesn't like Berets or what if he hates people celebrating his fifth name's day. Or he wouldn't want to know I love him..." Marinette replied looking down hugging her gift. 

Minus them knowing that she, as Ladybug, had already dated Chat Noir in the past and have a healthy relationship, Alya then says looking at Marinette walking over the bench "The only way you would know, is to tell him how you really feel." Alya stated and tried to persuade her. 

Marinette sighed softly "I know but-" She replied before Rose got up to give her a warning/ultimatum. "That's it! No more picnics, sleepovers or movies until you give him that present!" She stated to her also adding that Marinette herself stated that she would give it to him today and had called them prior to it this morning. 

Marinette listening to this, mentally smirked at this. "Today is the day!" Alya stated and began to cheer. The rest began to cheer with her as well before Marinette nodded once and raced out back to the Agreste Mansion 

~Agreste Repository and Mansion~ 

"Emilie...I miss you every moment..." Gabriel stated watching over Emilie's comatose body. "But one day, I will get the miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Repair the mistakes of the past, and make sure you return to us.." Gabriel vowed before the scene had changed. 

"Are you really going to do this Marinette?" Tikki pitched in from her bag as she was about to be ready to leave for Master Fu. "Yes Tikki, I won't take no for an answer." Marinette replied walking towards the front gate but was interrupted by Intercom by Nathalie. 

Marinette bit her lip rubbing the back of her neck "Um...when will he be back?" Marinette asked Nathalie. "I can't tell you, goodbye young lady." Nathalie only and simply replied. Marinette sighed in frustration 

"Adrien's Fencing Lesson should end 27 minutes ago." Marinette stated remembering it. "Maybe you can give him the gift tomorrow? Plus I need to go to Master Fu to tell him about that Miraculous." Tikki replied softly and suggested to her. 

"You heard what Rose said." Marinette replied exploring around for her options before spotting a loose end "I can go through the walls and through the window." She stated but not wanting to use her Vampire transformation, instead wanting to use Ladybug. 

Tikki immediately replied with a negative no. "It's not a good idea to use your powers for personal use." Tikki reminded her. "I'll be quick Tikki. And afterwards you can go back to Master Fu." She said determined before

Marinette went and run down street to find herself an alley to transform, whilst a limo drove past. Inside was Adrien and Andra mostly Adrien who saw her running down.  "You see someone Adrien?" Andra asked him in which he nods once

"Yeah, classmate." Adrien replied softly before the limo drove towards the mansion. Now as Ladybug, she leaps then  then enters Adrien's room through an open window. Once inside, she immediately begins admiring all his possessions.

"Adrien's Trophies, Basketball Hoop, Foosball Table" Ladybug fangirls before walking over to his desk sliding it using her red latex hand "Adrien's Desk, Videogames, Bed" Ladybug listed and went over to the games then laid down on his bed sighing happily. 

"Chat..." She thought to herself. The limo arrived as Nathalie was there waiting. The two got out of the limo. "You are very late, the two of you." Nathalie pointed the obvious as Adrien and Andra went over to the steps. "The award ceremony took longer than expected." Adrien replied and reasoned with her. 

Nathalie looked at Andra in which he nods "Yes Nathalie, it did." He backed him up. "And we gave fellow fencer Kagami a ride back home." Andra added and dug his hands inside his pockets. After that, the two walked up to the stairs and goes in with Nathalie following from behind. 

Andra was about to go up the stairs before Adrien stops looking at his father's door. "Will you let my Father know that I've won?" Adrien asked Nathalie, in which she nods. "After work." She simply replied in a stern manner. The now disheartened Adrien followed Andra, who glared at Nathalie for it. 

"Sorry Adrien, but hey, I'm here for you." Andra replied trying to reassure him. Adrien nodded to him "I know Andra, thanks for cheering me on." He replied to him and by they reached the 2nd floor, they hugged each other. 

Andra pulls out of the hug "I'll just be at my room if you need me." Andra replied and walked away. Adrien smiled softly before going back to his room. Ladybug on the other hand sniffed his pillow "His scent...His Present!" She muttered shouting before putting it on the pillow. 

Ladybug grabs a red pencil and signed the card with two hearts and her name. Ladybug dashed to the window and swings her yoyo out. She pulled it, flinging herself then went out. Adrien opened the door and managed to saw it happen. 


He spots Marinette's gift, a beret, on his bed. "Why would...Ladybug give me gift that is from Marinette?" Adrien asked himself then inspects it "With a heart embraided on it?" Adrien asked himself again.  

 Plagg then stuttered step "Don't jump into conclusions yet Adrien but, it-it's obvious th-that um, Mar-Marinette as-asked her for it." Plagg tried to reason out but Adrien thought deeply into it. He looks down at the Beret then came into the sudden realization "Or because...Ladybug and Marinette...are the same people!" He said with pure happiness.

Flashbacks came when Chat was flirting with Marinette, at the Frightningale event where their identities were almost revealed, when Chat gave a rose to Ladybug, the date they did on the Eiffel Tower, and where they had kissed as well. 

"You're my friend and I'd never want to lie to a friend" Ladybug said 

"But why would you think it would be lying?" Chat asked

"Because...there's this boy I love-" Ladybug replied. 

"And that's me" Adrien replied forming a happy smile. 


Ladybug headed back to her friends parkouring around the rooftop before a certain female figure came out from a blue portal. She wears a vivid arctic blue and white jumpsuit with pockets at her stomach, which has a black turtleneck with a white cotton ball attached. Her mask is blue at the top, and white at the bottom, and it has small sapphire blue–colored circles at the corners. She has white rabbit ears, which have black lining, and are baby blue on the insides.

This made Ladybug stop. "Bunnyx?" Ladybug asked curiously with her walking toward her with a serious look "Minibug, something happened today that provided a major disaster in the future, a Shattered One." 

 Aayana Athan, Kitty Mikaelson, Zach Catorez

Kitty, by the time had Marinette woke up with an energetic face, and herself slowly waking up from her sleep, had helped made Marinette's last decision making of a beret for Adrien's Fifth Name Day. 

"Are you sure Marinette?" Kitty asked who was helping her make the Beret using her sewing sets and such. Marinette nodded happily "With your help- we can finish this beret in just a few minutes." Marinette replied softly grabbing some green and white thread to form designs. 

Kitty shrugs before continuing what she was doing. She looked to see Marinette multi tasking taking care of Tikki, the Beret and calling her friends to meet her at the Trocadero. After of which, Kitty finished sewing the remaining of the beret giving it to Marinette. 

Marinette began to sew the white thread forming two hearts embroiling it into the beret. Kitty and Tikki watched her work at it. Kitty focused on her before Marinette spotted it "Do you mind?" Marinette asked. 

Kitty leans back and rubs the back of her neck letting her continue. Marinette continued before finishing it. She inspected it before smiling at it imagining Adrien with it or Chat Noir. "It's Purr-fect~" Marinette did a pun making Tikki groan softly. 

Kitty lets out a soft giggle. "You should go now Marinette." Kitty replied before giving her the sling bag as Tikki dived in. Marinette received and went on with it "Thanks Kitty." She thanked her before leaving using the balcony jumping down then runs to the Trocadero. 

Place Des Vogas, where Aayana had been sleeping on a tree, was open.  The park's ground is mainly yellow-brown dirt with yellow-green grass. The park is surrounded by tall metal fences. There are many trees with green leaves, providing plenty of shade. There are also green benches and lamp posts scattered throughout the park.  

Aayana, from her bat form, slowly woke up and flapped her bat wings a bit before flying down transforming back to her human form. Aayana saw it was early morning so she decided to go get some breakfast. 

Aayana jumps a bit on a tree to pick up two apples before heading down. Needless to say, it wasn't enough. She munched on one and decided to go on a local Cafe to order there. She wore her red loose shirt and white shorts walking out of the park and towards a Cafe to get her breakfast. 

~Warning, Specific Texts, Warning~

After the night where Zach got scolded by his boss, he decided to go out on a walk leaving the Moonchaser Hideout. Zach informed Alex and Ryan about it but made it discreet. Zach remembered it reminiscing and sometimes doing a flashback. 


The video was caught via drone footage having the Vampire covered with blood, hunters blood to be exact. Three dozen bodies laid lifeless on the ground, some even dismembered or even annhilated. Many weapons were used such as blades, bows, sidearms, spear, axe, even a Thurible(a metal censer in which it suspended from chains and is gently swung by the priest or thurifer in order to spread the fragrant smoke of the incense).

~End of Flashback~

Zach understood the reason now why their boss didn't want to. Simply because of just not wanting to lose hunters, but also caring for them as well. Zach explored what Paris can offer ranging firstly from the Louvre towards the Eiffel Tower. 

Fortunately, Zach and Aayana would meet. As Aayana walked towards a local cafe, she saw a male teen wearing black boots lined with wool, black pants, black cotton shirt with long sleeves, partial black capes that go to the elbows and black gloves. 

Zach saw Aayana as well and had met eye to eye but only in a glance. Zach had a negative feeling about her and had also feeling bad vibes. Aayana felt the same way as well. The two walked past each other with Aayana, being a keen ice and fire user, produced a cold front on Zach as she walked by. 

Zach shivered a bit then continued to walk. Aayana went inside the local Cafe as Zach turned over his shoulder to see her go in and gave a suspicious look. 

Jordan Huntsman


Moments later, Flora is now snoring eyes shut and asleep. Jordan heard it and smiled. "Carry her back to her room." David mentioned softly watching them. Jordan nods and gently carried Flora up. She went towards Flora's room whilst carrying her.

Flora hanged on asleep not knowing she was being transported to her room. Jordan opened the door with one hand and got in laying her sleeping younger sister down to the bed. Flora was still asleep and was just fidgeting around.

Jordan tucks her in bed using her blanket whilst stroking her hair to calm her down. Flora smiled in her sleep sleeping peacefully and quietly. Jordan smiled at this and pecked her forehead "Goodnight." She whispered to her.

After Flora was tucked in, Jordan got up and tiptoed out to not wake up the sleeping Flora. She got out and closed the door quietly. Jordan got back to the living room where David had turned the television off "Sleep time." He mentioned to her as she nods.

Jordan turned around and went to her room going inside closing the door. David did the same after turning the tv off. Jordan lets her black hair with red streaks loose removing her purple dress. In exchange, was her pajamas.

Jordan drinks water before closing the main lights turning the night light on. She lays down on her bed and yawned tucking herself in. David did the same yawning laying down on his own bed in his own room.

Nothing much happened between then and now.


Jordan woke up early to start the day. She prepared their breakfasts, prepare Flora's clothing for school and also prepared hers. David had also woken up early taking his morning jog before hand. 

Their father and mother woke up with Flora going to the table to eat her breakfast. "Always the nice cooking Jordan." Her mother commented and mentioned it to her. "Thanks Mother." She replied softly. 

David finished up showering and went to grab Flora "Ready Flora?" He asked his much younger sister if she was ready. Flora nodded happily grabbing her toast and munched on it. She bit it holding with her teeth as she got off the chair to go to the living room. 

David followed suite. Jordan giggled softly then waited for her parents to finish up. She took afternoon classes because the morning class was full. Her afternoon class means that she has all of the morning to herself being productive or what not. 

After Flora finished munching her toast, she changed clothing to her school one and slings her backpack on. David fixed her hair doing it into a pony tail one. "All done." He commended before their father approved of it. 

"Bye sweetie." Their father mentioned and waved goodbye. Flora waves excitedly "Bye Papa! Bye Mama!" She replied giggling before racing out with David following. Jordan, now left alone with them, began to clean up the table after they are finish with their meal.

Jordan cleaned the plates, utensils and glasses before going to the living room to check upon her notebook to see if there was any homework. "None, time for me!" She cheered before leaning back. It didn't take to much time for her mother to call for her to help her do the chores. 

Jordan helped her mother do the laundry washing dirty and used clothes from before hand. 

Addi Ford


Addi hummed and saw the last one which was taking breaks. "Hmm," She hummed to herself remembering the time she was super tired after touring a lot. Addi hummed before getting up stretching and yawning.

"I really need to balance it" She added before going to her bed. Turning the AC on, she lays down on bed and tucked herself in. She sets her phone down before resting now.

Addi hummed as she stared at the ceiling whilst laying down. Addi then tried to remember what she had reviewed a while ago. "Greeting guests, arriving at the desired time, memorizing the place? Yes what else?;" She thought to herself before her train of thought was stopped as she tried to think of the next one.

"Provide accurate information, answer any questions from guests, remain calm and take breaks." Addi finished listing down in her thoughts. Addi smiled before nodding to herself. She slowly then closed her eyes content that she had memorized it.

Addi adjusted before finding her spot. Addi content from memorizing it, now fully sleeps. Nothing much happened between then and now.


The day started for Addi in the Louvre. She woke up bright and early ready to continue her job. Addi, thanks to her remembering all of the notes she memorized last night, had balanced herself from energetically working and resting. 

This new lifestyle of hers had made her take rest sometimes and efficiently tour around visitors and guests in the Louvre. Addi arrived on time 15 minutes before opening. For preparing, she memorized the place taking mental and key notes on what part of the building they are in and what exhibit. 

Once it was open, she greeted the guests wholeheartedly and toured them around. Of course, Addi entertained questions as well as improving on her mind providing them accurate information of the place. 

And most of all, importantly was being calm and friendly whilst also taking breaks after three to four touring. This made her improve a lot gaining the attention of her fellow work mates there in the Louvre. 

"I must say Addi, you are doing great on your second day" Said one to her in a complimenting way. "Aww, thanks." Replied Addi. "Yeah girl, you are killing it." Another replied and added to the previous one. 

The three was taking their break letting the other tour guides lead the tourists/guests. Whilst taking her break, she contacted her mother and told her about what had happen.

Naomi Young


He was the worker that found her on the front of the orphanage. His co worker chose her name which was Naomi Young. He smiled gently remembering it before going inside his room to likewise rest as well.

Naomi rested on her bed laying down. Finishing recalling what had happen, she decided to sleep and call it a night. Naomi closed her eyes before shooting up forgetting something. Naomi got up and went towards her bathroom.

She grabs her toothbrush and puts some toothpaste in it. Naomi looks at herself in the mirror before beginning to brush her teeth. She sweeps the brush gently back and forth over teeth and gums in soft strokes aiming to remove the tartar on her teeth.

Finishing up, she spits it out then cleaned her toothbrush. Naomi gargled some water before spitting it out again. She cleans up before leaving the room, changing her clothes towards her pajamas.

Naomi turned the main lights off then the night lamp open. Naomi hummed content before laying down on bed. Naomi slowly closed her eyes drifting towards sleeping.

Nothing much happened between then and now.


Realizing the potential power she held within her, Naomi decided to train herself whilst also making the power of illusion so real that she made her own suit and such. Naomi checked her small book to see anymore useful spells and fighting techniques as well. One was the bow techniques. 

Of course, Naomi did this discreetly so that she wouldn't get the attention of the worker. Naomi left and went back to the covered court where she had trained previously. She used her illusion powers to make it that the court was under renovation. 

With that, she made illusions of herself "Sakkaku!" She shouted as three illusions of herself holding daggers in a reverse grip. The real Naomi used a bow and arrow, yes, a bow and arrow. Naomi made the illusion of a bow and arrow so powerful that it was real. 

Though it was real, it can still be reverted back. With that, the three fake Naomi's attacked her. Naomi steps back charging her bow then shoots it at the three with two deflecting and one taking the hit. The two fake ones sliced and diced her attacking non stop. 

Naomi steps back constantly dodging and blocking using her bow and arrow. However, she tripped on herself and fell back. The first fake Naomi kneels down as the second one leaps over it and attempted to slash her down straight to the body. 

Naomi thinking on her head, cancelled the illusion due to panic. This prompted all three Naomi's to disappear as well as the renovation sign and the bow and arrow. Naomi breathes a sigh of relief. 

Holly Larkin, Lili Knight, Luna Brookfield

Luna walks inside the master bedroom. The room had a window that have the beautiful views outside of Paris. There was also a small balcony to go out and enjoy the High End rise of the apartment. Also, was a mini fridge by the left where it is below and inside a small drawer.

Luna removed her black combat high heels by the door. Luna got to the bathroom removing everything. Luna took a long hot shower making her sigh in relief and satisfaction taking it all in her stress from being homeless gone.

After a few minutes, she finished after bathing herself. She dried herself up before putting her purple black crop top with white tight jeans back on. Luna only used this clothes as it was the only thing she had.

After drying her hair, she lays down on bed immediately letting the AC cool her room. Luna sighed contently but remembered she would also work on the High-End Apartment. She didn't care now since she has now a roof to sleep with.

This made her close her eyes drifting to sleep thanks to the hot shower and cold AC releasing cold air.

Nothing much happened between then and now.

Holly fidgets a bit in her sleep remembering the immense power she felt. Though, after experiencing a few minutes in her sleep the nightmare, Lili appeared and comforted her, like what she did before.

Holly calmed down steadying her breath before continuing to sleep.

Lili continued to watch before yawning to herself getting bored watching Planet Earth. She got up and turned the television off. Lili stretched a bit before going to Holly's kitchen. She grabs a glass and a pitchel inside the refrigerator.

Lili poured herself some cold water filling it up. Lili drinks it full returning the pitchel back and puts the glass in the sink. She tiptoed back to the living room seeing her gear namely her knives and a her hook.

Lili lets loose her soft orange hair and stretched again. Lili lays down back to the couch and tucked herself in. She made herself comfortable before drifting into sleep. Holly on the other hand, though asleep, her ears perk up hearing her tiptoeing back. She lets it slide before sleeping.

Nothing much happened between then and now.


After the three had their goodnight sleep, they woke up and did their own. Luna got up and went out of her room. "Again, no lollygagging, not trash the place, and clean up." She muttered to herself over and over again. 

Luna wore her purple black crop top with white tight jeans and black combat high heels. The owner met her as she looked over. "Alright, there's a room in the third floor to clean up. Any questions?" The owner asked her. 

Luna shakes head as she now had her master keycard. "Nope." She winked and replied to him. Luna went up to the third floor using the elevator. She got in and dinged the third floor then the door closed. 

The owner sighed softly at this "Why did I even hire her.." He muttered to himself before going to his small officer. The owner sat down and leans back waiting. Luna hummed softly before she reaches the third floor. 

Luna saw a Hotel Trolley Cart and went over to it. Her natural instincts kicked in walking towards it inspecting it.  It was are made of metal or wooden frames with multiple wooden partitions and shelf's. The cart is  spacious enough to carry all the supplies needed for Room Attendants. 

It had all of the necessary items to clean the room. With that, she began to grab a dustpan to clean the floor. 

Holly and Lili had woke up early and decided to do a morning walk. Holly and Lili walked mindlessly around. "Hmm.." Holly hummed softly before Lili looked over to her "Yes?" Lili asked her curiously. 

Holly wore her black jean jacket, blue t-shirt and  jeans with a few holes into it. Lili on the other hand wore he, black leather jacket, black tights, black leather knee height boots and wrapped around her neck was a ruby and her top under her jacket. 

Holly shakes head "No, no. It's fine." She reassured her before then asking "How was your sleep?" Holly asked her curiously wanting to know. Lili rubs the back of her neck. "It's relaxing, the cold air hitting your face snuggling the blanket like no tomorrow." Lili explained to her.

Holly resist the urge to snicker at her "Really now?" Holly asked before following it up "Never knew a hunter is that soft." Holly mentioned to her. Lili playfully glared at her "Am not." Lili replied to him. 

The two continued to walk around with Lili remembering the time where they had helped an elementalist against vampires. But now, they wanted to keep their mind off from it by starting the morning with a walk. 

A morning walk can Improved self-esteem, having a better mood, and can reduce in stress and anxiety. It offers great and excellent benefits with the likes of giving time to think, reflect and clear a person's mind. 

Jacob Blackblood, Destiny Armor

Destiny wore her white loose long sleeve shirt, black pants with brown belt and tall brown boots. Destiny hummed softly in her sleep relaxed and peaceful. Knight slept through with her as well.

Nothing had much happen except them sleeping still through the night. The night sky glows upon them along the bright city lights along the horizon which was the city of love, Paris. The moon, though not a full one, was a crescent white one.

The female silhouette tried to resist it still as she made her way there but stopped half way. "No...I need to return back.." She stated to herself before using her will power to redirect away On the other hand, Jacob asleep, a tall man got out around fifties wearing a tuxedo but has a dark shade of red eyes and a cane. 

"Son...I hope you don't disappoint me tomorrow." He whispered stated to him. It was his father as Jacob was asleep. His father then flash backs when he was still around mid 30s, a vampire for his previous ruler before he became one. He had been deployed in Earth to get humans like what he had tasked Jacob did.

"Do not let me down." He added before slowly phasing out and into the darkness. Jacob shifted around uneasy about something. After a couple of minutes, he slowly stops and continued to sleep.

Nothing much happened between then and now. 


In the morning, both had woken up and began their morning routine. Destiny had given Knight his meal for the day and she decided to go to Paris and buy from their. Once the two duo got out, Destiny hopped up on Knight and away they flew. 

As they flew, they oversee Paris or France. Paris is positioned at the center of the Ile-de-France region, which is crossed by the Seine, Oise, and Marne rivers. They flew over it seeing their reflection stare back at them. 

The city is ringed with great forests of beech and oak which are also called the "lungs of Paris," Their purpose is to help help to purify the air in the heavily industrialized region. Destiny saw this and awed at the natural beauty. 

They headed to Paris and saw the morning due on time as cars drove by and the streets getting busy due to the morning hours of work, or school time. Nevertheless, she tries to find a place to eat at. 

Jacob on the other hand, wore her black shirt,  silver belt with a red buckle, black pencil t-shirt and black tights. He also wore his black knee length boots and wears an elbow length gloves with red details.

He decided to go off in the morning using the opportunity to scout ahead for low lying areas or crowded places. Places, where people wouldn't miss them, a prime example of what was needed for his father's command. 

Jacob spotted some place beside the river on the low-lying areas prone from flooding. Jacob took mental note of it. He was in his bat form to not arouse suspicion and would land on lamp post then transforming back to his human form. 

Jacob sighed softly before thinking "Maybe in the Agriculture Area...Yeah, That Night kid won't find me there." Jacob thought to himself and it was decided. Jacob transformed back before flying away not spotting the dragon that was flying in to Paris. 

Jasmine Tempest, Sharon

Though calm and sleeping now, she couldn't remove the immense power that had coursed through her a while back. Recalling it, the power was of shadow and dark origins, really shadowy and dark origins.

Jasmin currently wears her black swan-necked T-shirt with a sea green lined collar, and side pockets, and black mesh sleeves. Below, she was wearing her black ripped leggings with rips above the knees.

Her long black hair tipped in silver loose on the pillow below her head. Jasmine now sleeps thanks to the AC letting out the cold air. It relaxed her fully sleeping fully. Nothing had happen between the time period.

She can't help but to feel excited about continuing reading what is next on Act IV on Hamlet. Sharon slept but also remembered the immense power. She had just shrugged it since it was just a feeling.

Sharon slept fully shifting a bit to find her comfortable side. She hummed softly before opening her eyes. Sharon held her face as she couldn't sleep. Sharon lays back down and closed her eyes once again trying to force herself to sleep.

She hummed again before steadying her breath sleeping finally.

Nothing much happened between then and now.


Jasmine had woken up and walked out of her apartment room. Jasmine went to the front office to order herself a breakfast meal. "I'll get it right over." The owner replied and assured her. Jasmine nodded and returned back. 

She was thankful that the apartment complex she chose was semi-like a hotel with their own large kitchen to order food from. Jasmine returned to her room and got in dusting the place cleaning it whilst opening the blinds. 

Jasmine looked over to see the sun shining through her window sighing happily letting the natural sunlight in. She cleaned her bed up before turning on the television waiting for her meal. 

The door knocked as Jasmine uses a spell chanting "Alohomora" . The spell or known an unlocking charm or Thief's Friend is a charm that can unlock windows and doors. The door automatically opened as a server brought her the food and set it on the table.

"Thank you." Jasmine replied softly and thanked the individual. The server nods once and left. The meal French Cafe au Lait. A traditional French Breakfast. It has the following: French coffee beverage with equal parts steamed milk and strong that includes steaming hot milk using a glass jar, and two flaky hot croissants to be with it. 

Sharon got up early around early morning of 5:00am. She got up so she could leave early whilst also try to finish the part of Hamlet. "Where was I again?" Sharon whispered asked herself before using the darkness energy to conjure a small ball.

The small ball went to the Book and engulfed it. Out came a small thread connecting to her hand and pulled it towards herself making it fly. Sharon caught it before opening it towards Act IV. 

"Ah yes." She now remembering where she last left off is where  the three would be sent to England with a sealed letter to the English king requesting that Hamlet be eliminated immediately.

Sharon continued to read it. Now continuing on Act IV, Unhinged by grief at Polonius's elimination, Ophelia wanders Elsinore. Laertes arrives back from France, enraged by his father's elimination and his sister's madness. "Wow...Heartless Hamlet, he-" Sharon couldn't form words before continuing to read it. 

Claudius convinces Laertes that Hamlet is solely responsible, but a letter soon arrives indicating that Hamlet has returned to Denmark, foiling his plan. Claudius switches tactics, proposing a fencing match between Laertes and Hamlet to settle their differences. Laertes will be given a poison-tipped foil, and, if that fails, Claudius will offer Hamlet poisoned wine as a congratulation. 

Sharon giggled a bit at this "Really now Claudius..? Ever so ready to switch and use unconventional tactics to win." Sharon added really liking it into the story. Sharon constantly checked the time just in case as well. 



(11154 Words;
Next week, is going to be another busy week so expect no upload. School work? Nope, It's Holy Week! So, this week before Holy Week I'll try to upload at least twice!

With that said, Stay Miraculous!)

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