Chapter 1: Miraculous

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     The obnoxiously loud sound of my alarm is, annoyingly, the first thing I hear when I wake up.

Ugh, school again.

After turning my alarm off, I sit up and look around my room. Three of my walls are painted pink, and have been since I was born. A few months ago I convinced my parents to let me paint one of the walls blue. My comfy bed sits in the middle of the blue wall, with a pink comforter on it, decorated with colorful flowers. Across the room is my desk, where my laptop sits on top. I have a bunch of pictures of my friends and I hanging over it.

My dresser is next to my desk, with the small tv my parents allowed me to have sitting on it. Going over to it, I pull out my favorite pink sweater and a pair of blue jeans, wishing I could wear it everyday like the characters in Miraculous.

After getting dressed, I run downstairs, grabbing some toast and fruit. While shoving the food into my mouth I wave goodbye to my parents as I run to catch the bus before I'm late.

The first thing I do after getting on the bus and plopping down in my seat is pull my earbuds and phone out of my backpack and start my playlist. I sit closer to the back, and the other students in other grades are always loud and annoying, so for me music is a must.

I watch the trees and cars pass by, watch as we slowly pull towards the school.

The bus slowly pulls up to the front of the school building, coming to a stop.

And then my boring school routine begins.

I meet up with my friends, who are all, well almost all, Miraculous fans. After talking for some time, the bell rings and we hurry to our classes.

There are so many long, draining classes that it seemed like school would never end. But, finally, the last bell rings and I dash for the bus, excited to be home.

Listening to my music, I stare out the window, lost in thought. So lost in thought I almost miss my stop, and stumble off the bus just in time.

After entering the empty house the first thing I do is throw my backpack on the ground and make some grilled cheese for a snack.

When I'm finished, I pull out my homework and sit at the small desk in my room. I mostly just stare at it for a while before deciding to do it later.

Abandoning my homework, I turn to the tv and put on Miraculous. Then, I take out my phone and open Instagram to see if there are any updates.

After scrolling a bit, I see a post from a small, random account with a strange name I've never seen before. It's strange because I follow every update account I can. The post shows a spoiler for an akumatized villain named Wallbreaker. Ignoring how strange it is, I like the post and keep scrolling.

Once I finished looking through updates I focused back on the tv, and watch Miraculous.

It was around midnight when my mom opened my door. I was still up, watching the show. "What are you doing awake?! You know you have school tomorrow!" She scolds, turning off my tv and storming out of the room.

I groan, knowing I'll be in trouble tomorrow.

Climbing into bed, I barely notice some strange light coming from my phone. Realizing I must have left it on, I flip it over, assuming it would just time itself out and turn off. I was too tired to care.

Laying down, I slowly drift off to sleep.


The first thing I hear...isn't my alarm. It sounds like an alarm, but not mine. This one was...musical, and quieter. Mine is usually loud and blaring, to make sure I wake up.

The first thing I think of is my sister snuck in and changed it. She's done it before, so I immediately sit up to go scold her for touching my phone.

But that was when I noticed how different everything looked.

My room.. doesn't look like my room. All four walls are blue, and my bed is in the corner, with only a plain pink comforter on it. Instead of a dresser, there's a full closet, or what looks like a closet by the doors on the wall across from my bed. Next to the closet doors, almost in the corner opposite of my bed is another door, probably the one that goes to the rest of the house.

  On the other side of the room there's a window, and to the left there's a pink lounge chair. There's also a desk set against the foot of my bed, though no pictures above it.

   But there's something else that's very off about this place.

Everything looks......wrong. Not only am I not in my room, but everything looks animated.

Animated.. like I'm in a TV show.

Bolting off the bed, I run for the window.

I can't believe what I see out of it.

It looks like I'm on the second or third floor of some house, and there's a road going across below. But across from the road

It's...a bakery. And.. a school. But not just any bakery and school.

The Dupain-cheng bakery. And the Francoise Dupont school.

But...those are in... A certain show..

That means..








Oh my gosh.


I'm in Miraculous.

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