Chapter 11: Glaciator

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   I'm soooo so sorry it took this long.

I'm basically the best at procrastinating.

   Aaanyway herez ze chapter!

(Also u all are amazing)

I wake up early. Too early. I groan, trying to go back to sleep with no luck.

Eventually, I give up and get dressed. I step outside and bump right into Wyatt.

"Oh! Wyatt! Hi!" I exclaim, surprised to see him here.

"Hey Julia." He smiles, not quite meeting my eyes.

I frown. "You okay?" I ask the stranger who became my friend.

He finally looks at me, smiling. "Yeah." He says, the smile not reaching his eyes.

I frown, not fully believing him. "You sure..?"

He nods quickly. "Yeah I'm sure!" He pauses for a second before continuing. "I uh..tried to visit you yesterday."

I gasp. "Oh! Sorry I met up with a friend from real life! She's also trapped here with us!" I exclaim, smiling.

"Oh! That's amazing!" he smiles.

I smile back at him. "I know right! And, to make it up to you for not being here yesterday, let's hang out!"

"Okay!" Wyatt smiles wider, seemingly excited at the thought of hanging out

"What do you wanna do today in this beautifully animated world?" I ask quietly, laughing.

He laughs with me. "Well I was gonna take the bus around, maybe go to the one bridge-"

"You mean the Pont Des Arts?" I interrupt excitedly.

He smiles nervously. "Y-yeah that's what I mean! I..sorta forgot the name." he explains, embarrassed. 

I squeal. "I've always wanted to go there! Let's do it!" I grab his hand and run to the nearest bus station.

We get on, and the ride starts smoothly.

We start whispering about which episode might be next, when suddenly there's commotion in the driver's seat.

"What happened?" I asked the orange haired woman next to me.

"The breaks are busted." She replies. Her voice startles me; I've never heard her speak before. It's nice, kind of quiet, like a background person would be.

All of the sudden there's a zipping noise outside, and a flash of red, with a silly cat following it.

I recognize this scene...... My brain processes what's happening, trying to remember the episode this was from.

The bus is stopped, barely sparing some civilians, including baby August.

I fall back in my seat, dizzy from the excitement and the sudden stop.

"Need help?" Someone asks. I turn to see Wyatt, hand extended towards me.

I smile. "Why thank you, Chaton." I take it, curtsying to him, and I almost fall back down.

He guides me to the door, where Ladybug and Chat Noir are helping people off, and chatting.

"-and I met up for a little dinner? Rooftop style?" Chat was asking his lady.

I shake my thoughts out, clearing my head. 'Rooftop dinner.....'

Then it hits me. "Of course!" I exclaim.

Wyatt looks at me like I'm crazy.

I turn to him, excited. "Meet me at my place later. Trust me!" I shout, running home.

I don't turn around to see his completely confused and lost face.

I dial a number, putting it to my ear. "Bria!" I almost shout.

She sighs drowsily. "What is it Jul?" She asks.
"Glaciator!" I hiss at her, so nobody would hear.

She pauses for a minute. There's a quiet sound on her end of the line.

"Ah the Marichat episode." She smiles

"Hey!" I protest. "It has Ladynoir and sort of has Adrienette in it tooo!" I whine.

She laughs. "I know, I know."

"Sooo anyway we should go get ice cream together on the Pont Des Art!" I exclaim. Brianna is silent.

"Bria?" I ask. 

"Hmm?" She mumbles, sounding distracted.

"I said we should all go to the Pont Des Art together and get some ice cream from Andres! I can introduce you to my new friend Wyatt!" I exclaim happily.

Bria is silent for another second. " friend?" She asks.

"Um......yeah? Well I mean I did meet him maybe a few weeks ago so he isn't quite new I would say....more like newer." I ramble.

I hear Bria sigh on the other end. "Oh Julia....."

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"Nevermind." She says hastily. "And I would love to get ice cream, but I planned on looking around for more people like us. Sorry!" She says.

I tilt my head, confused. Bria would never refuse ice cream, especially the chance to get Andres ice cream.

"O....Kay then?" I say, still confused.

"Sorry again see you later byyyyye!" Bria hangs up.

I stare at my now black screen for a few minutes.

I shrug, and look in my closet for something that isn't what I've been wearing since I got here.

I find a cute pink lace dress and put it on, with some silver earrings and pink flats.

I turn to the mirror to look at myself.

I look at the beautiful girl in the mirror, shocked. I look awesome.

I walk outside, almost running into Wyatt for the second time today. 

He catches me easily, laughing.

"Thanks." I smile, standing myself up.

I look at him, and his face is as bright red as Ladybugs costume. 

"Are you hot?" I ask. "Your face is red."

He looks down, covering his face. "Uh, yeah sure." He mutters.

I smile. "Okay then let's go!" I grab his arm, pulling him all the way to the Pont Des Art.

We arrive, and I drop his hand, my eyes wide at how beautiful such a simple bridge is.

I run over to the side, running my hand across all of the locks. Wyatt comes up behind me.

"Wow, people really don't want anyone to steal the bridge. Don't think these locks are gonna help though." He jokes, laughing.

"It's more than that." I sigh dreamily. "They're love locks." I can see his confused expression from the corner of my eye.

I sigh, turning to look at him. "One way that some couples express their love for each other is the take a lock that might have their initials, or the date, and they lock it to a bridge or a monument, and throw away the key, symbolizing their love. I've always wanted to do it, and the Pont Des Art is a popular place for love locks, as you can see." I gestured my hand to all the locks.

His eyes widen. "Wow..." He mutters, stunned.

I return to tracing the locks, reading the dates on them. I'm so lost in the beauty I don't even notice when Andre opens his stand.

"Julia." Wyatt says from right behind me. I whirl around, and see him standing there with two ice creams.

"You're the best!" I squeal, throwing my arms around him.

He freezes, shocked.

I let him go. "Yeah well I didn't really understand what he said." He looked down, sort of looking like he was lying, but I don't want to push him.

"What did he say? Maybe I can help?" I offer.

He looks up, eyes wide. "I....don't remember."

I brush off the feeling that he's lying and look at the ice creams. "It's ok. Which one's mine?" I ask, observing the two.

The one in his left hand is vanilla with chocolate chips, with chocolate as the middle and strawberry flavored on top, with the typical cherry to top it all off.

The one in his right is chocolate on the bottom, cherry in the middle and caramel on top, also with the typical cherry.

"This one." He responds, holding out the ice cream in his right hand, with the chocolate cherry and caramel.

I stare at the ice cream in my hand, wondering who it could possibly represent. Someone from this world? Or...someone from my world?

Our world. I correct myself, glancing over at Wyatt. He's watching me, curious. I smile, taking a bite out of my ice cream.

We eat in silence as we watch Ivan and Mylene, and Alya and Nino get theirs.

After I finish my ice cream I turn to stare out across the bridge, watching the sun go down
     "We should probably get home, before-" I'm cut off by a snowman singing.

   I turn to look, and that was when the now-akumatized Andre spotted us.

    Wyatt clung to me, obviously scared. I try to hug him, to comfort him.

  Glaciator leaves us alone.

     "Why didn't it hurt us? Isn't it supposed to turn us into ice cream or something?" Wyatt asks.

    I laugh. "Don't you remember? He doesn't attack people who are in......." I trail off, my eyes widening. "" I whisper.

   "A-are we in love?" Wyatt whispers back.

     "I don't know. He probably got it wrong.. He got it wrong with Ladybug and Chat Noir." I explain. "Because we.. we aren't in love. We barely know each other!"

Wyatt is quiet for a long time. "I...I should go." he whispers and runs away.

I stand there, confused. "....Wyatt..?" He just...left. No goodbye or anything.

Did I do something wrong?

I go home and collapse on my bed, confused and hurt.


Again sorry it took so long at least the chapter isn't short.

K baiiiiii!


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