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I'm so sorry for taking so long
Life has been so stressful and I've just not had inspiration or the will to write

I promise I'll try to be quicker though!

Sorry again


Its been a week after Sapotis and not much has happened. There have been a few akumas, but not much that was very interesting.

I wake up to my phone playing a sound, indicating I had a text. I turn it on to see who was texting me so early, only to realize it's already 10 am.

After my eyes adjust to the brightness of my phone I see it was a text from Tyler. -Hey! Do you want to maybe go to the pool with me?-

I sigh and reply. -I just woke up. Maybe another time?-

He replies quickly. -How do you always wake up so late?-

-Dunno. How do you always wake up so early?- I send before getting up and getting dressed. A few minutes later I get a text from marinette.

-Hey Julia! A bunch of us are going to the movies tomorrow to see Mecha Monkey vs. Cyber Shark 3! Wanna come?-

I frown, wondering why the title seemed familiar, then shake it off, assuming it was nothing. -okay!- I smile and just lay around for the rest of the day.

   Before I know it it's the next day, and I get ready to go to the movie. As I'm getting dressed I hear the news in the background talking about Ladybug, Chat Noir and Rena Rouge helping with some escaped animals, but I don't really pay attention, too excited to be doing something with my miraculous friends.

I get to the theater and see Rose and Juleka talking and smile. -ship- I think to myself, watching them

"They're cute, aren't they?" A familiar voice said from behind me, making me jump and trip, falling over in the middle of the movie theater, causing people to stare and point.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you!" A hand reaches down towards me and helps me up. I look up and see Tyler there. "Tyler?"
He smiles. "Hey...sorry for scaring you!"

I look down. "No it's fine. Its my fault for being lost in thought." I look around and see everyone still staring at me. I sit down and try to ignore it as the others arrive.

Eventually, I couldn't handle the stares. "I'll be right back." I mumble and hurry to the bathroom, locking myself in.

Why was I so embarrassed?
   All I did was trip in front of Tyler.. and a bunch of other people..

I sit there for a while, lost in thought. So lost in thought I don't even notice the water flooding the bathroom until it was up to my knees. I gasp. What the heck was going on?! Then I remember.

I remember why the movie title sounded familiar. I remember what was going to happen today. What IS happening.


Meaning if I don't get out of this bathroom soon ………

I grab the bathroom door and try to yank it open but….

It doesn't open. I keep trying, growing more frantic as the water rises.

Eventually the door opens and I try to run out, the water up to my chest. I push through the water and try to find the way out as the water rises faster. I manage to find the stairs, and all the other miraculous characters and Tyler running up it. "Guys!" I exclaim

Tyler turns around. "Julia!" He gasps. "Come on!"

I open my mouth to say something and a ton of water floods in my mouth. My eyes widen as my head goes completely under.

I faintly hear Tyler shout my name, and through my stinging eyes and blurry vision I see a hand reach for me desperately before everything goes black..

Tyler's pov

I desperately reach for Julia as the water rises. Nobody else had noticed she was there, too panicked from the flooding water. "Come on!" Someone shouts at me, I'm not sure who. A hand grabs me and pulls me up the stairs, away from Julia.

At the top I jump into the water when everyone was focused on marinette. I swim down, trying to get to Julia, before returning to the surface and finding Ladybug and Chat Noir arguing. "Guys!" I pant, out of breath. They didn't hear me. "Guys!" I say louder. "Julia….shes drowning!" But they were too focused on each other to notice me.

So I take a deep breath and swim down, as fast as I can. I was about to give up when I saw her.
Her skin was pale, almost lifeless. I grab her and swim up, the world starting to fade to black from lack of oxygen. I burst through the surface and drag both of us onto a roof, breathing heavily.

Once I recovered I quickly checked on Julia and noticed she wasn't breathing. I get the attention of the other Miraculous characters and they help me get the water out of her lungs as the akuma ends and the water disappeared.

I look at Julia to see if the Miraculous Ladybug had healed her, but she was still unconscious. I pick her up and run to the hospital and they take her in.

Julia's pov

I open my eyes to bright light that makes me squint. I hear commotion as someone starts exclaiming. "She's awake! She's awake!"

I wait for my eyes to adjust and turn to see all of Miss Bustiers class standing there, holding cards and gifts.

I smile and try to sit up, but machines hold me back.

"Take it easy." Marinettes voice says next to me, and I turn to see her. "You almost drowned. You were just about dead. If Tyler hadn't saved you…."
Tyler! His name makes me gasp. Where is he? Is he okay? I look around frantically, the machines making it impossible to ask my questions out loud.

Marinette smiles. "He's fine." She points to a chair, where I noticed Tyler sleeping in it. "he hasn't left at all. He's been so worried about you." She looks at me, a playful smirk on her face. "You two are cute together."
Her comment makes me blush and look away

Marinette smiles and hugs me. "Get some rest, Julia." She whispers in my ear. "I'm sorry I didn't save you.." before leaving with the rest of the class

I think about her words and look at Tyler. -he really saved me…- I think before drifting off to sleep

Again I'm really sorry and I know it's pretty bad but yeah

Thanks for reading!


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