Chapter 1

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Sebastian slammed the rear door to the Jeep closed. His poor vehicle was packed to the brim, basically meaning every square inch of usable space was occupied by one of my boxes or suitcases.

"Is this all of it?" my giant asked in a huff.

The vehicle was strategically parked beneath a canopy of tall oaks, providing for a much-needed respite from the sun for the time being. Even though it was only nine in the morning, the heat index inched closer to a hundred degrees already. Just had to love summers here in the Midwest.

I strode over from the passenger side and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Not even close."

He threw his long arms up towards the sky. "Shelby, I don't know how we're--"

A simple placement of a finger over his lips halted his complaining. "Shhh... it's fine. I've got it all taken care of."

His forehead scrunched into a few lines. Sebastian grabbed my hand from his face, kissing the palm. "Baby, not that I'm doubting you." His eyes focused on the interior of his vehicle. "But, I don't know what the hell you're thinking."

I exaggerated an eye roll while producing the last text message that his older sister had sent a few minutes prior.

Robin: Road trip! Are you kidding me? Matt and I would love to make the drive over to see you and my brother.

Shelby: Did you ask Matt if it was okay?

Robin: No. But like he has a say-so anyway.

"Plus, I don't need all my clothes for winter yet. So as you can see, I have it all taken care of," I said. The stupid smile I wore in satisfaction fell once Sebastian finished reading the screen.

He returned my phone to me in silence and opened the passenger's door. "Let me get this straight. You basically conned my sister into being a U-haul for you?"

"No," I said, feigning that he'd offended me. "Didn't you read it?" Holding the phone up again as proof was pointless. "See, right here, Robin clearly says that 'Matt and I would love to make the drive over...'"

Sebastian waited until I sat in the front seat to close the door. "Uh-huh," he said and leaned through the open window to kiss my forehead. "That's what I would say too, baby."

"Whatever, Bass." I quickly fanned myself as the thick, humid, August heat had me already breaking out in a full-blown sweat. "Can we just hurry up and go, so you'll turn on the air?"

Not only was the sweltering temps a reason to leave as soon as possible, but the slight likelihood that I'd balk and change my mind for the millionth time. For the past month, I kept flip-flopping as to whether or not this was the right decision. To leave my home. My school. My friends--all for Sebastian. Lord knows, I'd never made mention of my worries to him. Not even once. Just the happiness factor alone that he'd been experiencing since I told him last February--he was on cloud nine. And there was no way I would dare do anything to change that now.

He rushed to the driver's seat, started the Jeep, and rolled up the automatic windows. "Do we need to stop by Trina's for you to say goodbye or anything?"

"No, we're good," I said as he reversed down the driveway. "I met Sarah and her for breakfast at Waffle House early this morning, so..." A quick pat of my full stomach filled in the blanks.

Sebastian's arm rested on the headrest behind me, his fingers caressing the nape of my neck. "So... I guess you're not hungry or anything, huh?"

"Nope." I lowered my sunglasses over my eyes and opened the latest issue of Cosmopolitan that I brought with me for the ride. "I think we're all ready to hit the road."

"Alrighty then." He winked and flashed me a cocky, sideways grin. "As you wish, princess."

A few hours passed of us being on the highway, and I so needed Sebastian to make a pit stop.

"Um, Bass, do you need to get gas or anything?" I grabbed my phone from the dashboard and checked the time. It read almost one o'clock. The growling in the pit of my stomach was almost as urgent as my overwhelming demand to pee.

Sebastian ducked his head lower to look at the fuel gauge. It showed less than a quarter of a tank full. "We're okay for a little bit longer. Why? Are you getting hungry,? Do you need to get out and stretch? Maybe use the restroom?"

"Like all the above," I said with a slight laugh. Especially since Sebastian still enforced the no food rule for riding in his precious Beast, I'd need sustenance and soon, judging by the rumbling sounds in my tummy.

"Okay, um." Sebastian looked out the side window at a few billboards we passed. "Burgers? Tacos? Pizza?" The last choice left his lips, and he offered without me saying a word, "Pizza it is."

He dropped me off at a pizzeria in a quaint nearby town before parking the Jeep a few blocks down the street. I hurried to use the restroom and made my way to restaurant's lobby to peruse the menu. It took me only a couple of seconds to decide on a slice of sausage and mushroom. With that major life-altering decision made, I kept my eyes focused on the front door, awaiting my giant's long-overdue arrival.

A few minutes passed, and I pulled my phone from my back pocket of my jeans to send Sebastian a quick message.

Shelby: Marco???

Staring at the screen for an extended amount of time didn't produce automatic results. I huffed and took a couple of steps back, letting the other patrons waiting behind me to go ahead.

Person after person, a man and then a few women all darted past. After a few minutes of standing here alone, I was just about to head back outside when two guys, a year or so older than me, strode up and blocked the exit.

"Hey, honey. You lost?" The first man moved closer, his light brown eyes lingering over my skin tight jeans a little longer than what was necessary. I consciously moved my left leg back to avoid any added attention. He seemed like the complete blockhead jock type. I'd encountered more than my fair share back in high school alone.

"No..." I shook my head and spun, facing away from the front entrance. "Just waiting for my fiance is all." Fiance? Where the hell did that come from?

"Jason, did you hear that? Miss Thing here says she's waiting for her fiance." The way the man over accentuated "fiance" had the second guy chuckling. Well, I wasn't actually lying per se. Sebastian was my boyfriend and given enough time, I was sure he'd eventually be my fiance. Right?

"Well, I can almost guarantee that's not the case since no man in his right mind would let you out of his sight," Jason added coolly, and I stifled an eye roll at his expense. No reason to instigate anything; especially without backup.

I took a couple of steps back, stumbling over my own feet, and lost my balance. I hoped they would get a damn clue. But no. Instead, they followed suit and continued with their lame pick up lines. Like they would have ever worked on me.

A nervous laugh escaped my lips while I began fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. Desperation had me searching out the window when the feel of someone's familiar hand in mine set a million butterflies in my stomach fluttering.

"Polo," Sebastian cooed into my ear as his other arm wrapped around my waist. Just breathing in the usual scent of his body wash mixed with mint gum instantly made everything better. "Did you figure out what you want to order?" His attention didn't stray away from the chalkboard menu hanging behind where the cashier stood.

"Uh-huh. The usual." My words sounded a little shakier than I liked. Considering the effect he had on me, it was better than just nodding like a baboon.

From the way he was acting, he behaved like he didn't have any idea these two pricks had been hitting on me. Since Sebastian never shied away from letting others know when to back off or staking his claim, it was probably for the best. If not, he'd surely make a scene. And that wouldn't work well for anyone. Let alone, Jason and his friend here.

The two guys stood there a little slack-jawed at the sight of Sebastian. With standing at over six-eight and weighing two hundred and forty pounds at least, my giant had that effect on people.

"See," I said, smirking to the two imbeciles while Sebastian rested his head on my shoulder. "I told you I was waiting for my." A quick pause had me rethinking what I was about to say. "Fiance."

Just saying the word "fiance" had Sebastian using the side of my neck to muffle his laughter. Asshole. The buzzing sensation of his lips against my skin sent these warm shivers trickling down my spine. And if he didn't stop soon, he'd have to hold me upright since it was making me a little weak in the knees.

I jerked my shoulder, prompting Sebastian to tilt his head and take in our spectators.

"Is there a problem here?" he asked unabashedly. Making himself appear all the more imposing, Sebastian stood straight. He somewhat puffed out his chest while keeping our intertwined hands situated on my hip.

"No... not at all," Jason said, and they started backing away. I didn't even bother checking if they left or not.

The line inched forward as Sebastian stayed attached to me. With at least three more people in front of us, he took up his original position by settling his chin on my shoulder. We stepped closer to the counter as the next customers placed their order and now waited off to the side.

Sebastian didn't immediately say anything. Instead, he pressed his lips right underneath my left earlobe, lingering there for a while longer. I reacted by shuddering and earning myself a soft chuckle from him at my response.

I turned slightly, so he was forced to stand straight again. Gazing into those playful gray eyes of his, my heartbeat thundered against my chest.

Sebastian gave me a wink. "You know, being your fiance wouldn't be half bad." He paused as the girl at the counter asked for our order. "I'll have three slices of pepperoni and a Coke, and she'll have a slice of sausage and mushroom and a diet."

He knew me too well.

The girl just finished ringing our order in when Sebastian whipped out money to pay.

"I'll get it this time," I said while pulling thirty dollars from my back pocket.

Once he saw my money sitting there, his hand shoved it back toward me. "Again, fiance perks," he joked. Before I could protest, Sebastian grabbed the tray with our food and drinks.

Damn, I could get used to this. Again.

With us being apart for so long, I wasn't accustomed to Sebastian taking care of me as much. So maybe, this move across the country to be with him was a good one after all.

Please remember to vote, comment and share. See ya all on Friday! XOXXO

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