Prologue Pt. 2

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Voices moving toward the closed door pulled my attention away from my phone. At first, they were mumbled. A conglomeration of male and female. Only I couldn't discern who exactly until the knob on the door twisted.

"So, are you going to come in and help me?" The tone of Sebastian's words was low, husky-flirty?

A female's seductive giggle cut right through me. "Are you sure that's what you want, Bastian?"

Bastian? And more importantly, what exactly was 'Bastian' wanting?

I wasn't stupid. Or at least I kept repeating that mantra to myself. But maybe I was delusional to think that my boyfriend--my ungodly handsome, tall, intelligent, and charming boyfriend--that I was madly in love with, wouldn't cheat on me? Sure we lived almost a thousand miles apart, and hence, the sole reason why I brought this envelope here today. To prove how much he meant to me. But apparently, I was stupid and delusional, and an absolute idiot to even consider moving halfway across the country to be with him. To deal with this. And with Sebastian cheating on me!


The blood pumping through my veins froze. Sebastian's haughty chuckling did nothing to abate  the queasiness roiling my stomach.

My head became a fog. I stood, unsteady and tried to get my bearings. I failed miserably and fumbled the phone in my hands. It fell to the floor with a resounding thud as the door opened.

"Shelby?" The smile in Sebastian's voice faded in an instant.

Good thing my long, strawberry blonde hair created a curtain between us. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes, but there was no way in hell I would allow Sebastian Freaking Birch to see me like this. I bent over, almost losing my balance. I stumbled forward to catch myself when a strong arm wrapped around my waist to stabilize me.

He stood me upright but didn't release me. "Baby, what are you doing here?"

Baby? Oh, now I'm his baby?

I swatted his hand away and retrieved the iPhone from the floor. Silly me, I made the mistake of staring straight into those steely gray eyes of his, and my resolve faltered.

"No reason, apparently." My angered gaze slipped around his arm to the long, ginger-haired girl leaning against the open door frame. Perfect body, big boobs, and evil smirk, she was exactly what I'd envisioned Sebastian would have hooked up with in high school back in the day. Not someone average like me.

Sebastian turned and followed my line of sight. "Shelby, this is-"

The chick charged through the open doorway with her hand already extended. "Oh, my God! The Shelby." She beamed at my giant and then me. "I'm Courtney."

She didn't even wait for me to return her handshake and grasped my hand for herself.

"I've heard so much about you," Courtney said with a manufactured smile.

I had a feeling nothing about this girl was at all natural. Personality, smile- maybe not even her nose? No way possible that chest of hers was.

My mirroring of her fake expression faded when Sebastian caught my gaze.

He, in turn, cleared his throat. "Um, Courtney," he said in an attempt to prompt her to drop my hand.

"Huh?" she sounded.

Sebastian placed his large hands on her shoulders and twisted Courtney to face the doorway. "I'm sure that Clay is probably waiting for you."

"Oh yeah." Courtney pivoted, flashing me another feigned smile. The doe in headlights look she added was classic. I hadn't seen anyone put on such an act since Lindsay Matthews back in high school. "It was nice finally meeting you, Shelby."

I smirked my reply.

Once she exited the room, Sebastian closed the door. He stood there, a slow and meticulous grin growing as the seconds passed. I ignored him and made quick work of retrieving my jacket and overnight bag.

One step and then another, I kept my head down and proceeded toward the door. My plan was to make it out of here without having to say another word to the jerk.

Sebastian took one long stride and blocked my path. I ended up slamming into his broad chest.

"Baby, look at me." He waited maybe only a second for me to comply before tilting my chin upwards.

I shrugged the strap of my bag higher on my shoulder and crossed my arms. "What?"

My giant cocked his head to the side and stared me down. "Where are you going?" He slipped the bag off my arm and let it fall to the ground. Next, he stripped me of my jacket.

Where did he think I was going? I was leaving. Hence me trying to exit via the door he just blockaded.

My exaggerated eye roll didn't phase him. Neither did the aggravated sigh I overplayed that sounded more like a moan.

He chuckled, the sound both annoying and heavenly at the same time. Before I could put up a fight, Sebastian enveloped my body in his strong arms and lifted me.

"You're not going anywhere, baby," he whispered into my ear and laid me on his bed. Sebastian waited, hovering above for a few racing heartbeats. Why did he have to make this so difficult to be angry with him? Ugh!

I rolled onto my side and away from Sebastian. It was fruitless the moment he wrapped an arm around my belly, pulling me close. I could have objected, but my giant positioned me on his chest with me looking straight into his gray eyes, and I was a goner.

Okay so one more part to this to be posted later this week... then the fun begins. ;)

Please remeber to be kind~ vote, comment, and share!!!

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