Chapter Eleven

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Menace stood there, panting, her breath coming out in pools of vapor. Marcus' face seemed more sad than horrified as she yelled at him again.

–Is this enough? Or should I wrap it even tighter?

Mirror took a step closer, her hand resting on Menace's arm. It was almost freezing to the touch, which surprised her – when she used her power, her body's temperature soared.

–Hey, Menace... Maybe you're going a little...

–What is it?!- Her sharp turn sent flakes of ice showering everywhere.- Huh?! Tell me!

–N-nothing...- She backed away.

Menace soon turned her attention back to Marcus. He was clearly showing the telltale signs of hypothermia. His shaking body only made her wrap the ice around him even more. Mirror wondered if she was offended by his claim to be her nephew.

–Alright! I surrender!

His shrill voice made Mirror take another step back. With a start, she realized she'd collided with Giant.

Now that she looked closer, his frame really seemed weaker than usual. His collarbones jutted out, his ribs poking through his shirt. And his eyes had long lost their shine...

–Giant? Are you alri-

She was interrupted by the thud of Marcus' body hitting the hardened, frozen earth. The ice around him slowly melted into a puddle of water as Menace unclenched her fist.

–Oooh!- Sunbeam's legs dangled from one of Giant's earth walls – Aris-knew-how, she'd managed to climb up one of them, and was now sliding down, running to see the criminal.- Hey!- She giggled, nothing but malice in her eyes.

–Keep away.- Menace's tone was still icy, though she seemed a fraction more relaxed. She turned to Marcus.- Now, how did you steal the-

–I didn't steal anything!- His desperate voice yielded a slight raise of Menace's eyebrow.- Look, Grace, I don't know why you suddenly appeared after eight years missing, with a witch's powers, claiming I'm some sort of criminal. Whatever it is, I didn't do it!- He shook his head, his gaze begging Menace to set him free.

Mirror already knew this was going to end badly.

–Liar!- She slammed a fist into one of Giant's walls.- Maelstrom told me you were key to intercepting our supply shipments. You could either tell us everything now, or you could come back with us, and he'll simply force it out of you.- Her face remained impassive. She wasn't one for sweetened threats.

–You... You don't remember me.- Marcus blinked, as if forcing back tears.- Grace... You were my only aunt. You lived with us in town, two miles from Isadaro... You used to take me to the puppet shows when Mom was too busy...

Mirror stared, enraptured in his storytelling. Menace narrowed her eyes. Sunbeam rolled hers, making bored noises as he kept on talking. Giant was silent, as he'd been for most of the journey.

–Did I... Was I married? Or, you know...- Menace's voice was no more than a tiny whisper. She didn't seem to believe any of what Marcus said. And yet, the way she focused intensely... The way she withheld her anger... It was almost like she was trying to believe it.

–No, you were single. Or, well, you never talked about it... But I don't think you ever planned on dating.- Marcus blinked eagerly.- Why? Do you remember?

–Remember? No, I don't—

–Just knock him out already!- Sunbeam's bony, tall figure appeared in the corner of Mirror's vision.- I'm getting bored of this. Papa will want to know why you sat there for so long, listening to this criminal's treacherous lies.- She tossed her huge ponytail.- Don't you see? He's taking advantage of you.

–I... You're right. Criminal.- She stared at Marcus.- If you don't want to talk, then you're coming with us, I guess...

–Wait! Grace!

–It's Menace now...- She sighed, gesturing for everyone to follow as she started packing up the tents. Marcus grabbed her arm.

–Look!- He searched furiously in his brown, faded backpack, then pulled out a slip of paper.- I have a photograph!

"What?!" she thought, surprised.

Mirror had never seen a real photograph, much less one of a family. She'd heard people had to pose for ages to achieve a good result, and her parents never thought it was worth it. Photographs were for rich people, they said.

She peered curiously at the slip of paper. A black-and-white depiction of a family could be seen, though it was faded. A grave-looking older woman stood with a couple, also looking somber. A younger, serious-faced Menace stood to the side, her hands on a serene boy's shoulders. Marcus.

She realized which no one was smiling – of course they couldn't hold that smile for half an hour. Still, she marveled at how the simple photograph could capture the smallest details perfectly. "Wish I could get one taken..." she thought. "If I manage to find a job after I escape, maybe I can spare some money."

Menace's hand covered her mouth as she stared at the photograph.

–It can't be... It's just a very convincing artist. You had this made to fool me...- But Marcus turned it around, revealing the handwriting on the back. The Stone family. Arabella, Rita, Humbert, Grace, and Marcus. Photograph taken by Atticus Riel. 6/8/3577.

Mirror's eyes widened.

–Menace- she near-whispered.- You have a family.

Author's Note: Hey dudes. This one is kind of a continuation of the previous chapter. I managed to sneak in a Poppy reference (to anyone that cares, Sunbeam would totally sing X).
I got wayyy too into the 1800s-except-fantasy setting. Such an underrated century. (The Paper Magician has a 1910s-but-fantasy, so you could always read that.)

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