handcuffs fear

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"Hoseok. Get fresh, I'll be back," you said and went out with the hotelier.

Locking the door from the inside, Hoseok slowly made his way to the bed feeling chills on his spines, his fingers trembling.

"She was going to kiss me... I have to maintain distance with her. But why didn't I stop her?"

In a few seconds, his thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of a phone. He picked up the luggage to find the phone and discovered that it was your phone ringing inside your purse.

Hoseok read the name displayed on the screen, Taetae, raising his eyebrows in confusion as to who it could be. He answered the call.


"Y/N!!" The yell told Hoseok that it's Taehyung "Where are you? And why the fuck did you write 'honeymoon' on the leaving form?"

"Actually, Y/N isn't here! It's me, Hoseok... I'll tell--"

"What you doing with her phone? And where is she? Where are you both? Say something!"

Taehyung's voice sounded aggressively desperate, and Hoseok found it overly creepy. Somehow, he felt the need to shut Taehyung.

"Will you let me talk, at least? She forgot her phone. We are on the honeymoon she mentioned... I'll tell her to call you back when she returns."

"Where are you both?"

"I don't know whether she wants you to know or not! She'll call later, and you can hear it from her directly."

"Forget it! I'll find you both... And Hoseok! Remind yourself that she took pity on you and agreed to stay married, nothing more than that. do not even touch her!"


The call was abruptly cut by Taehyung, leaving Hoseok speechless. He clenched his jaws, unable to comprehend how anyone could tell him not to touch his wife.

He tossed the phone onto the bed and made up his mind. "I'll get another room for myself now! It's not compulsory for us to stay together here too."

He said to himself and walked out to where you were, at the check-in counter.


"I'm sorry, sir, but all the rooms are booked, and we can't arrange another place right now," the registrar apologise, causing Hoseok's face to drop.

On the other side, you felt a tinge of guilt. 'Is he doing this because I intimidated him?' you thought to yourself, and you went to your room, leaving Hoseok alone at the counter.

As soon as Hoseok noticed you heading upstairs, he had no choice but to follow you. Upon reaching the room, Hoseok noticed you picking up your suitcase. He stopped you and asked, "Where are you going?"

"You seem uncomfortable around me. Well, now I'm in no mood to stay here, so I'm going back," you said, shoving his hand away in anger.

"It's not like that! I'm very comfortable. It's just..." Hoseok paused, prompting you to gesture for him to continue.

"Your Taetae called earlier and told me not to touch you because you are staying with me out of pity."

Palming your forehead with a sigh, you dropped the handle of the suitcase. "What else did you guys talk about?" you asked, sitting on bed and covering your face with hands. Hoseok joined you, ready to explain further.

"He asked where we are, but I didn't tell him because I thought you wouldn't want him to know."


"Then he said that he'll find us and not to touch you."

"He'll find us anyway, but that doesn't concern me, yo--"

"Wait! How will he find us when he doesn't know our location?"

You left your place and started to unpack your suitcase to freshen up, while Hoseok still expected you to provide further answers. And you did, right before going into the bathroom.

"Hacking and tracking are his specialties."


After a very long discussion, you gave up and agreed to go where he wanted to go today. According to his research, there was a small event happening near your location, and Hoseok wanted to attend it.

Using the map book that Hoseok obtained from the hotel, both of you reached the destination.

"I'm already loving Hawaii!" Hoseok jumped happily, trying to persuade you to join him. However, you stared at him with a tired expression, as resting was your priority.

The crowd inside the venue was fantastic. You both ordered some juice and found a nice seat for the two of you. Internally, you were impressed by the beauty of this place and how everyone was enjoying the moment.

Whether it was groups of friends or couples, children were rarely seen around. Hoseok captured every moment on his camera, with most of the shots featuring you.

He wants to post pictures of his wife to make someone jealous.

You both chatted while enjoying yourselves, when suddenly a man approached your table. "Good to have this beautiful couple here. Would you like to participate in my small event? Come on, join us over there."

The man gestured for you both to follow him. With nothing to lose, you decided to go along. Through the crowd, he led you both to the other side of the venue.

The seaside scenery was remarkably heavenly, with small multicolored lights above people, creating a tremendous atmosphere.

While both of you were appreciating the beauty, a girl handed you a pamphlet. Without reading it, you passed it to Hoseok, and he read it aloud...


"Do they think we have nothing to do in life?!" you said, being sassy. But Hoseok held onto your hand and showed you the pamphlet.

"Look at the reward," he said with a hopeful expression, expecting you to agree.

And by seeing the reward, you disowned your own words, because who would reject a free dinner in front of the beach?


"Dear husband, your wife is very competitive, so we have to win this, okay? Otherwise, I won't be accompanying you anymore," you warned Hoseok before signing the form.

"Don't worry, your husband won't let his wife lose," he assured, patting your shoulder. Sometimes, Hoseok does match your vibe.

Now, you and Hoseok are standing in pairs with six other couples. Nobody knows exactly what the game entails, but you both are confident that you will win. It's just a gut feeling.

"Can we have everyone's attention now?" a man speaks into the microphone, and the crowd cheers loudly.

"First, I'll explain the game, and then the rules," the man yells, as two individuals step forward to demonstrate the game, while the man commentates from the back.

"Our pairs will be inside this two-meter sand circle, and one hand of each pair will be handcuffed together..."

Simultaneously, you and Hoseok turned your heads towards each other and then towards the couple who had just locked their hands together.

"You guys have to find the exact key to the handcuff under the sand. But... there are six keys in this circle, and you have three minutes to find the main key," the man explained.

You both sighed with relief because it seemed like a piece of cake as long as you both had one hand free.

"But the rule doesn't end there... Whoever finds the key has to pass it to their partner using their mouth, and then that person can try to unlock the cuff..."

Both of your jaws dropped simultaneously upon hearing the part about passing the key with your mouth.

If you couldn't find the key quickly, you and Hoseok might end up kissing each other multiple times...

Well, it wasn't that bad for you, as you had secretly been longing for a way to reach his lips.

Hoseok, unaware of this thought, became incredibly nervous about how he would touch you with his lips, considering you had warned him not to touch you.

What if you just slapped him in front of everyone?

With that trembling thought, he immediately covered his cheeks and shook his head at you.

"Let's withdraw our names. I'll buy dinner... I'm out."


(A/n: sometimes I feel, I know hoseok more than he knows himself 😑👀)

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