her memories

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*Y/N's Flashback*

"Y/N please!! don't let go of my hand, or else I'll fall!" Taehyung pleaded, gripping your hand tightly as you ice skated.

You had been training him for hours now, but he still struggled to maintain his balance.

It was your monthly date day, and this time you had decided to go ice skating, even though you knew Taehyung didn't know how to skate. You loved how he still came and gave it a try, trusting you with his life.

"Just try to walk towards me, Taehyung... I promise I'll hold you before you fall," you assured him. With his eyes tightly closed, he let go of your hands.

You couldn't help but burst into laughter as he awkwardly moved his hips to make progress, only to lose his balance and end up sitting on the ice with his legs spread.

After his failed attempt, he opened his eyes and saw you laughing uncontrollably. Smirking mischievously, he tugged at your coat and made you fall too.

"You... you bitch... my bum hurts!" you exclaimed, rubbing your hips. He playfully teased you with a scrunched-up nose. But in the next moment, you tightly held his hand and helped him stand. This time, he didn't let go of your hand.

"Let's always hold each other like this, forever, okay?" he said, kissing your forehead. You blinked your eyes slowly in response, a silent yes escaping your lips.

Taehyung and your relationship was a unique blend of maturity and childlike innocence.

Taehyung was a serious person, but not when he was with you. He had a playful, childish side that he only revealed to you. On the other hand, you were the mature one, knowing how to take care of his inner child.

*End of Y/N's flashback.*

You kept changing positions but couldn't sleep. Taehyung's memories were not allowing you to accept the fact that he had left you at the altar.

Annoyed, you got up and decided to make some coffee and watch something on TV. As soon as you stepped out of the room, you noticed the couch was empty.

Your gaze shifted to the kitchen, where Hoseok was preparing something for himself in the middle of the night.

He watched you, unable to find the right words to say. All he could think about was whether the noise from the machine had disturbed your sleep.

"What are you doing?" you asked, walking closer to the kitchen. Hoseok showed you the cup in his hand.

"coffee," he said, focusing on making it. You paused for a moment and then replied, "Make two, then!"

You went back to the room to find the remote to turn on the TV, and clearly heard Hoseok respond with an enthusiastic "Okay!"

After a while, he entered the room with a small tray, carrying two cups on it. He sat beside you and placed the tray between the two of you. Your attention was focused on Lee Min Ho, who was on the TV opening parallel world door.

He joined you in watching without saying a word. You noticed that Hoseok didn't leave; instead, he stayed beside you. So, you turned off the TV and looked at him while sipping your coffee.

"Did you cry?" you asked abruptly, observing his dried cheeks. He looked down at his warm hand holding the cup and replied, "I know you told me not to cry... but I miss her, and I can't help it!"

He took a sip of his coffee. You couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Despite your own difficult situation, you felt empathy towards him. You recalled how he was holding back his tears when min-hee was apologizing to him.

"What can we do now? We were unlucky!" you exclaimed, and Hoseok scoffed, fully agreeing with you. For the next few minutes, you both maintained a peaceful silence as you finished your coffee.

Hoseok wants to know you more, but he can feel the visible boundary you made between them already. To not make you uncomfortable he chose not to ask anything about Taehyung.

"Can I tell you a story?" Hoseok suddenly asked, and you blinked your eyes slowly, indicating a yes He continued,

"When I was five years old, I fell from the couch while sleeping and broke my left arm because of it... I was two week hospitalized and took three months to recover."

"That's bad," you said, glancing at his arm which is obviously Fully healed. He proceeded,

"Since then, I have had a fear of couches. I can't slee--"

"Wait a second! I know where you're taking this conversation!" you interrupted, realizing his intention. Hoseok join his hands in front of you and pleaded with his sad triangular mouth,

"Please, please, please let me sleep on the bed! Just give me a little space here. I swear I'll sleep like a small baby."

You sarcastically laughed at his dramatic actions and clapped twice in frustration. The fact that you had been living with a stranger for almost a day was already freaking you out, and now he wanted to sleep on the bed!

Suddenly, you smiled and held his hand, giving him a sense of relief, thinking that maybe you were allowing him to sleep.

However, he soon found himself being dragged out by you.

"Please, Y/N! Let me sleep with you," he fake sobs like a kid.

"Shut up! That sounds weird," you shouted at him, while he sat on the floor, trying to make it difficult for you. But Hoseok didn't know how good you were with kids. He ended up being pushed out, and you shut the door in his face.

Hoseok leaned his back against the door and let out a sigh. He refused to sleep on the couch under any circumstances, so he attempted to sleep on the kitchen counter.

You lay on the bed but still couldn't sleep. His story about the couch seemed genuine, but you weren't ready to let him sleep with you, and there was no way you would sleep on the couch either.

After minutes of frustration, you shook your legs on the bed and ended up going back out to find Hoseok.

The couch was empty, so you turned on the lights and discovered Hoseok sleeping on the kitchen counter, using his arms as a pillow.

You sighed as you looked at his peacefully sleepy face. Annoyingly, you poked his side to wake him up. After two or three pokes, he opened his eyes, feeling a tingle.

"Y/N? Why? Did something happen?" Hoseok asked, rubbing his eyes and sitting up on the counter. You stared at him with your arms crossed and said,

"Get off from there, sleep inside."

Before he could fully register what you had said in his sleepy state, you had already left. In a matter of minutes, he entered the room, and you threw a pillow beside you.

He swallowed nervously and slowly sat on the bed, then lay down. immediately felling asleep, facing his head to other way.

Meanwhile, you were still lying awake, staring at the ceiling, as it approached 4 o'clock. All you could do was miss Taehyung and tell yourself to move on.

You did moved Hoseok's hand from your belly every five minutes.


(A/n: I missing Jimin 😭)

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