movie time

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hoseok pov:

Thankfully, I set the alarm early so I can leave before Y/n even wakes up... that's the smooth way to get through the rest months easily.

If Minu finds out that I kissed Y/n and we cuddle daily... she would get hurt because of me, which I will never do.

Whatever happened between me and Y/n was a mistake, and it won't happen again. And it's not like we love each other; it's just a favor marriage.


Am I doing the right thing?

I don't know why I'm feeling like a cheater husband. Maybe it's just my overthinking.

I get ready quietly so she won't wake up. Opening the refrigerator to find something for my empty stomach, I see there's too much food. I take one container out and notice a note on it...

a cold note, hahaha.

It says... in case you are hungry, so I open it and find fruit salad.

Two weeks and she knows me this well? Y/n is so beautiful and kind-- NO!!! Min-hee! Hoseok, think about Minu... she is still your girlfriend.

Shrugging everything aside, I eat the salad in haste before she comes out and busts me.

"You're going this early?"

"AAHHHH" I scream, hiding in the kitchen. Fuck, I'm doomed now. She will ask where I was last night, and I won't be able to lie... because she will catch my lie.

"Hoseok! Are you okay?" she bends down, but I stand up, creating some space between us... "Yeah, I'm okay... I'll go."

"Go where? It's 7 in the morning, and office time is at 10!" she states, scanning me from head to toe. "Care to tell me what's going on? Is your father making you work extra?"

"EXACTLY!! MY FATHER IS SO BAD... HE ASKED ME TO COME........ AT 7 AND TOLD ME TO WORK MORE." What the fuck did I just say!? Why did I lie? Why didn't I say I'm going on a date with min-hee?

"Fine then! Complete your work and throw it in his face, okay?" she says, sounding annoyed. She always hated my dad, whatever! my profit.

I pick up my bag and was about to exit, but a weird thought comes to my mind... "Y/n! How did you wake up at 7? I didn't even make any noise!"

Yawning, she replies... "The bed felt too big, so I couldn't get much sleep," and she falls on the couch, waving me goodbye.

Did she mean that she missed me?

Woah, I'm so dumb!


Author pov:

Hoseok is excited for his date with cute girlfriend. Surprisingly, he forgot everything she did that night and forgave her.

He picks min-hee up from her apartment, and they decide to watch an early morning movie. That place will be quiet, and there will be no media.

Both enter the theatre and begin to watch the movie. Hoseok is into the movie because the story is relatable to his situation...

Meanwhile, min-hee is thinking of a way to take more control over Hoseok.

She is not usually a bold person, but when it's Hoseok, she can cross the limit... So, to make Hoseok weak for her, she starts to run her hand on Hoseok's thighs.

Maybe, provoking his hormones will tight the bond- if they decide took that further.

Hoseok caught the action off guard.

He gulps, staring at the screen, knowing exactly where her hand is roaming and how her touch is making him hard.

Min-hee pretends to stare at the screen while secretly arousing Hoseok. Soon enough, she begins to reach for his zipper, thinking that Hoseok will find this thrilling.

But on the other hand, Hoseok is finding this uncomfortable, a feeling that whatever she's trying to do is wrong.

but why??

Even though they both love each other... why does it feel wrong?

He grips min-hee's hand with a firm NO and gives left her with huge embarrassment. She stands, fixing her hair, and speaks... "I- umm I'll be back from the washroom."

Hoseok nods and focuses on the screen. He was surprised by her actions, but his attention remains stuck on the movie because it showcases a story about a caring wife and a cheater husband.

He wants to know how this story will end. Will the husband feel guilty? Will the wife find out the truth? Will they have a happy ending?

Hoseok is now devoted to knowing the end, as if his own story depends on it.


While wiping his tears, he exits the theater, unaware that min-hee never came back from the washroom.

'How could she kill herself? It was all that guy's fault! He made her that miserable,' Hoseok thinks to himself remembering the movie ending and sniffs, trying to stop his cry.

Then he realizes that he didn't come here alone, so where is min-hee? He takes his phone out and sees a message from her.

Minu baby

sorry I left like this

and I'm sorry for what I did

idk what's happening to me
I feel I'm losing you
now a days.. 🙂

I need time to reflect on
actions 🙁

today I realise that..

you changed 👍🏻👍🏻

Hoseok's eyes widen as he reads the text, but before he can reply about why in all these things he changed, a call takes his attention, and it's from you.

Fear rushes through his veins... why would you call him at 11 in the morning? Did you perhaps find out that he's not at work? Did someone post an article by any chance?

Hoseok isn't sure why he's so scared right now! But as he saw in the movie... that his wife was calling, and the guy was busy with his girlfriend when the woman died.

Remembering the scene, he immediately answers your call with tons of anxiety.


"Where are you??" hearing you, he bites his own tongue and runs out of the theater to find a silent spot.

"I- in the office... I told you, right? Di-did something happen?"

"Why do you sound this scared? Nothing happened... Can you order one sandwich? I'm craving for a sandwich, and it's unavailable for delivery in our location... god knows how long I have to stay here!!"

Your playful taunt became a serious issue for Hoseok... "Y/n!! Listen to me, okay! No matter what happens, you will never try to harm yourself, okay?"

"Why the fuck would I try to harm myself for a sandwich?? Hoseok, is everything alright? You are not acting normal sinc--"

Your sentence was held back, hearing the doorbell. Hoseok hears it too... "Who's at the door?"

"I don't know, let me check!" Hoseok waits to know the person at the door from you, but you unintentionally cut the call.


(A/n: idk what movie I showed to hoseok🤣 but I tried to made him reflect on his actions which seems working 💀)

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