Our house 👀

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After work, Hoseok takes you with him to his father's mansion. Along the way, many paparazzi take pictures of the new couple. In order not to spoil his remaining decent image, you act along

You enter a magnificent palace that leaves you speechless, but you pretend not to care. Deep down, you wish to spend the next three months here.

To make you comfortable, Hoseok assists you to the guestroom, which strangely is next to his room.

"I arranged everything for you... but do tell me if you need anything. My room is right beside yours," he says, leading you into your room. You scan the room, which is decent and clean, impressing your soul.

"It's great! Since you're shifting my stuff to your new place, make sure to create space for my PC and work stuff."

"Oh, okay! I'll definitely do that. Do you want to have dinner with everyone or in the room?"

He gives you options that make you think for a moment, but you end up requesting dinner in the room. Before heading out, he looks at you.

Furrowing your brows you sat on bed "What?" you ask, to which he responds with a bigger smile and says, "Thanks for being my wife!"

You roll your eyes and lie back on the bed, which makes him chuckle. He locks the door himself.


--Next morning--

The entire night's sleep was uncomfortable since it wasn't your own bed. Getting refreshed, you decide to explore the house.

As you step out, you contemplate peeking into Hoseok's room in case he's awake too. Just as you turn the doorknob, the person on the other side opens the door immediately, startling both of you.

"You scared me! Jeez!" you exclaim, still catching your breath and instinctively covering your chest with one hand.

Hoseok wears the same expression of surprise, but quickly regains his composure.

"Do you need something?" he asks, stepping out of the room.

You absentmindedly rub your arms, trying to come up with a reason for your sudden visit, even though you didn't have one in the first place.

"Well... maybe I'm hungry!"

His eyes widdens in shock and responds, "You should have called me... Anyways, let's have breakfast downstairs, and then I'll take you to our new house."

He turns and you follow him. As you walk downstairs, you internally admit how dashing Hoseok Is looking in all black outfit.


The table is grand, adorned with numerous chairs. Hoseok graciously offers you a seat, but you signal for him to sit beside you as the situation feels a bit awkward.

He takes the seat next to you, and the breakfast is served for four. Just as the question begins to form in your mind, Hoseok's mother and another woman approach from the other side and join you both at the table.

Hoseok warmly greets them and proceeds to introduce you. He points towards the elderly woman and says, "This is my mother."

Then, he gestures towards the younger lady and adds, "And this is my sister-in-law, Mi-ra... my brother's wife."

Both women smile at you, although you instantly notice a wicked undertone in Hoseok's mother's smile. Hoseok points in your direction and happily announces,

"This is y/n, my wife,"

The phrase feels incredibly new to you. It's quite surprising that someone claims you as their wife when you barely know him.

You remind yourself, the favor you're doing for him and tried to focus on eating, disregarding the unpleasant mutterings from Hoseok's mother. You can't help but think, 'Typical mother', as you roll your eyes.

"So, how did you do it?" she asks, and you understand exactly what she means. However, you decide to play dumb.

"What did I do?" you innocently respond.

She scoffs, and Mi-ra tries to silence her, but she manages to speak again.

"Did you plan this for a long time or did you stumble upon my drunk son? Maybe you thought, 'Why not take advantage of him?' Right?"

You glance at Hoseok, who is already looking at you, silently pleading with his eyes for you to refrain from saying anything inappropriate.

For his sake, you choose to ignore her. However, she continues, saying something that annoys you even more.

"Now you will shamelessly eat and try to make yourself at home... but I won't let that happen. Only three months, dear!"

You place down your spoon and delicately wipe your fingers with a tissue, signaling that you are finished with your meal. gazing at Hoseok, you and speak up.

"Take me out before I say something regrettable!"

Your words carry enough volume to capture everyone's attention.

"Do you have the audacity to speak??" his mother challenges.

"I do. I can speak well enough to shut your nast—"

"Let's get you out, y/n!" Hoseok interrupts, gripping your wrist and bowing to the others before swiftly guiding you away.

As he pulls you along, you can't help but notice that he didn't eat anything properly.

"I told you not to touch me!" you whine, attempting to release your hand from his grasp. He remains silent until you reach his car, where he finally lets go of your wrist.

"Look, I'm sorry for whatever my mom said... and I promise you won't have to see her again. I just didn't want you to say anything that could upset Mi-ra!"

He scratches his temple in frustration, as you inquire further. "Why would my words disturb Mi-ra?"

"Because she's pregnant... Didn't you notice her baby bump? She's seven months along," he reveals.

You let out an exclamation of 'Ohh!' and inwardly curse yourself for not noticing Mi-ra's pregnancy. Hoseok takes his place in the driver's seat and signals for you to get in, and you comply.

Hoseok gazes at you forgetting the past and gave you a bright smile while asking, "Shall we go to our new house?"

"Yes! But stop calling it 'our house'," you reply firmly.

Hoseok playfully zips his lips and starts the car.


"Tada!" Hoseok exclaims as he opens the door and extends his hand, as if he is welcoming you into a grand palace. However, the reality of the house is quite the opposite.

You give him a serious look, not knowing that he has higher expectations for your reaction.

"Don't you like it?" he asks, taking his luggage inside. You enter and look around, growing increasingly angry.

"There's only one bedroom!" you exclaim as soon you was done examining everything.

"I know... So what's the problem with that? We are married!" he responds.

"Okay... Let me correct you there! We are married, but not happily. That means we can't share a bed," you assert being annoyed over his actions.

He ponders for a moment, realizing the validity of your statement. Scratching the back of his head, he looks around with disappointment.

Meanwhile, you stand there, emanating the aura of a wife who does not approve her husband's choice.

"I believe, I can't stay being your wife."


(A/n: then Hoseok understood her reason and took divorce then they never crossed eachother paths, hoseok hit bottom of his career and eventually gave up, while y/n left the city to never face taehyung again)

No!!! That's not, how it went.....

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