Chapter 2: Fate of thy Soul Pt.2 (Finale)

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"Say Yuki-san? Those... Personas you summoned... aren't you confusing them with servants?" Gudao asked him. They were currently getting served a proper meal by EMIYA. Makoto also lended a hand since the Sabers were there too.
"There are similarities, however, Personas are not sentient given how they come from the potential from the human soul. You use a gacha system yes?" "We do, however our luck isn't always the best only if push comes to shove." He put a hand on his chin, thinking of a way to tell them. "And whatever do you mean by the human soul Yuki-san?" "It's just how I mean it. The human soul is a very simple thing yet we cannot always grasp onto it since it works so complex. Whenever, I summon a Persona, it is based on mythological beings from the past. Many of my Personas are linked to them. Like these Sabers. Even I know for a fact that King Arthur was a guy, not a girl, but it goes in to retrospective of multiple universes." "That was a ton of information, so you are technically saying you can some gods as well?" "Yes, I can. Some of which are devoted to me because of my self sacrifice." "And who are they?"
"To name a couple, Zeus and Thanatos." A dead silence followed up. "Lucifer and Reaper are in my soul as well so there's that." An audible gulp was heard.

"Don't worry, their behavior doesn't affect me in the slightest." " are basically a being that has...godly powers?" "Zeltretch did say I was a walking cataclysmic bomb if I were to blow the whole universe away. Good thing I don't use my most powerful attacks right? Imagine the biblical catastrophe, Armageddon, striking everything except me?  Or perhaps wishing everything to my bidding using whatever is left of the Universe Arcana?" "That does sound rather morbid. I would hate to see you be our would be nearly impossible to defeat you." Gudao had said. "Now, do you want to see my persona version of Saber? She's quite overprotective of me I should have you know. Acting like a knight in front of everyone but a doting big sister the next."

"I do not Mako- errr... Messiah-dono! I have to look perfessional in front of them!"

"I know Artoria, I know. It's fun to tease you Onee-chan." "Mou! Ah wait, who's this little girl in your lap?" "Her name is Medusa-chan, she calls me Onii-chan for some reason. I let it slide, it's been a long time since I had a little sister..." Picking up where he drove off, Artoria (Persona) grimaced. Kotone had been crying when she found Makoto laying in Aigis's lap as he breathed out his last breath, he ended up in a deep slumber with no hope of waking up the next day. "It's okay Mako-chan...but it's fine, you got me and the others now."
"Yeah...I just wonder what's she doing right about now..."


Kotone Yuki, the youngest out of the twins, was about to graduate from her senior year before a single tear had dropped on the ground. She touched her face to feel the wetness on her cheek. "Kotone? Are you crying?" Aigis in her concerned tone asked. "I don't know why I am just feels like Onii-chan is thinking about me..." Aigis wrapped her hands around Kotone. "I miss him Aigis...I try to move on from his sacrifice..." "We can only respect and try to live for him Kotone. He would want us to continue living. He is holding the seal for us, as he said in the final battle. 'Live on.'"

"You're right Aigis, I just wish he wasn't alone by himself. Being alone can hurt you a lot." "Don't worry Kotone, I have a strong feeling he will return to us soon..."


"So these are the hunting grounds? It's a lot more open than Tartarus. What kind of enemies appear here?" "Anything basic from slimes to stone golems. Right now, it is infested with stone golems. Our mission is to eliminate as much as we can. You may sit back if you want to Yuki-san." Gudako said. "I'll just stand here, just scream for help if it's a bit too much to handle."

An hour later...

"Yuki! We might need some help right about now!" With a jump, Makoto grabbed his sword and holster. "What the hell are shadows doing here?!" "Wait, you know these things?! None of the servants know these foul creatures and their attacks barely scratch them!" Makoto quickly cuts down one that was aiming for Gudao. "The only way to defeat them is with the sword I wield and Personas!" He put the Evoker to his head as Gudako and the others stood behind him. "There's about 12 shadows surrounding us. Let's see...Thanatos!" A sound of shattering glass was heard before the wind picked up around them. "Take them down Thanatos!" Thanatos let out a grueling roar. "Stand back, Thanatos will destroy them soon. Just don't get caught in the fray. He hates Shadows." Thanatos is seen holding a piece of a shadow before crushing it with pure strength.

After the whole ordeal, Makoto and the group went back to Cheldea, completing the mission (with a small detour). "Say, Yuki-san. What year were you in school? I'm interested in what kind of school you went to." Gudao said. "Junior year, however, I died on the day of graduation, would've made me a Senior if I was still living. The school I went to was named Gekkoukan Academy. One of the top best school's at the time on an artificial island which was constructed by the Kirijo Corporation." "I see, that would've make you our Senpai right? I mean, you have experience in academics and in fighting right?" "Undoubtedly so, Gudako-chan." A shine was emitting from Makoto. "It's time huh. I do hope we had much more time." "Wait-! Um...I have a gift for you! Here take it!" Makoto took the gift before he was enveloped in light. "I hope we meet again Yuki-san!" Gudako yelled.


"Argh...I hope the gift got through with me." Taking a minute to let his eyes adjust, he opened the it was a small pendant with a heart etched inside it. "Oh...this is surprising..." He blushed a tiny bit. "Even only we met for a small amount of time, she loved me genuinely."

"Ah, look Anos! Is he a traveler of some sorts?" A low monotone voice said. "It looks to be Misha. I can feel his power, it's amazing. It matches mine indeed." A broad voice sounded out.

"!" Makoto turned around to see a male and 2 females with what looks to be school uniforms. "Ah..."

To be continued!

How was that? A surprise? I will make this such a long book! Expect to see more! Ticking by, ciao!

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