the constellation of broken hearts

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It was forbidden.

Forbidden in the sun and in the moon,
in the light and in the shadows,
in the day and the night,
ancient laws never to be broken.

Hands never meant to be held unless upon a battlefield, words never meant to be said unless in jest, lips never meant to touch.

And yet they danced, hidden in the dark, where the shine of one was so misplaced, or the light, where ones shadows was never meant to be.

But, no secret can be kept from those born to lie and those born to destroy lies, and the lovers entwined hearts were forced apart.

They still spoke, messages written on tear stained parchment given to the air, hoping that the kind hearted wind would see them safe.

'Oh, my love, how I yearn to see you,'
'Oh, my love, how I wish the same,'
'If only, my love, mother moon did not frown upon us,'
'If only, my love, mother sun did not do the same,'

If only, if only, if only.
If only the earth did not shake at the wrongness of their desire,
the passion of their lips,
and the words they did not need to say.

But their love was doomed,
doomed from the first brush of hands,
the first kiss,
first look where they saw each other as more then enemies.

And so, the destined battle approached,
swords were forged,
armour shaped,
blood shed.

They met, once more, and by silent agreement,
agreement they would rather let blood spill from their hearts then be forced to clash weapons as foes, they raised their knives.

They lay entwined, their bodies and their hearts,
golden blood on black blade,
black blood on golden blade,
a sorry scene of love.

There was no tears shed and no hearts broken when their death was spread.
their hearts belonged to no one but each other and when those hearts were pierced, they left no one to mourn.

Not a single gasp was uttered,
no rumours ran rampant.
Mother moon and mother sun did not hang their heads in shame, as they did when others fell.

They did not,
for they had already mourned their death when they met,
because no forbidden love ends happily.

And it was forbidden.

Forbidden in the sun and in the moon,
in the light and in the shadows,
in the day and the night,
in the words of angels and demons.

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