the discussion of logic and emotion; undertaken by emotion and logic.

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The man once spoke to Logic and Emotion,
and asked them both a question.

Said the man to Emotion and Logic,
'Which one of you is scarier?'

'It is I,' Logic replied,
'And why is that?'

'I designed the crash and roar of bombs,
Created weapons of fire,

Given man the power to burn and scorch,
Given the power to end lives,

I created the need for armies,
And then created the armies,

Sent many young men to their graves,
And plan to send many more.

In short, I have armed the world,
and given reasons to fire.

I have created the worst of humanity,
Created your weapons of death.'

Satisfied with this, the man agreed,
And turned to leave the pair.

But then Emotion raised its ice cold hand,
And spoke with a note of triumph,

'Your argument is very well, dear Logic,
And many are inclined to agree.

But after you created your weapons,
Who was left to fire, but me?

You may have created the weapons, my dear,
But in the end -
                               I used them.'

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