Title and Cover - Chronology

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Hello again! I bet this isn't the update you were expecting ;) BUT, as I have received a cover from sulkytae (check out her shop, she's amazing!!!), I decided to make this and go through the stages the title and covers of the story had gone through (whichever I can find, anyway. It's been a long time.).

The very first name the book had was actually heavily based off of the very first book I'd written - titled 'The Elementals: The Remake of Peace'.

I'd come up with the story idea featuring the Elementals during the summer of 2019 (hence why it's been 5 years), and originally, the main character was Mavis. Back then, however, her name was 'Maria'.

I'll delve into more detail in Mavis's chronology and probably have a separate chronology chapter for this. Most probably will be about 'the Elementals' as a concept (and why I decided to keep this name).

So, the first book title I had was in correspondence with this one as it was supposed to be a book 2. The title was 'The Elementals: Cultivation of Tranquility', starring Kiara Mae Ashwood - who you have now come to know as 'Alcestis', the main character of the book. She was created back in the May of 2020, in the kiddle of quarantine.

The concept was very different back then. I had no clear goal in mind other than the fact I want to write more about these characters and delve into their world. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture for the first book cover of this.

Now, you're probably wondering about the title. It doesn't make sense, now, does it? Well, just know I was a stupid 13 year old whose native language wasn't English and I depended heavily on Merriam Webster. 😂

Quick shoutout to Milicaorevi7 for being there since the very start. I still remember her commenting on the very first book, wondering about some very valid things as I wrote with no solid plot and no solid goal in mind. But hey! I was learning and that's what matters. 😅🙏

Now, the next phase of the title. Here comes the current title - 'Oblivion, A Timeless Void'. It had 'The Elementals' before it, actually, and this is the earliest cover that I still have on my phone.

A while later, when I decided to forsake the original Elementals and finally found the revolutionary plot point which turned it into a standalone I forsook the first half of the title, leaving it as only 'Oblivion, A Timeless Void'.

Back then, the concept of Oblivion that exists today didn't exist. It is something that came much later as I tried to make sense of a cool-sounding title - bringing us to a series of coincidences that turned the book into what it is today.

While rewriting the book, I began to rethink the title. At some point, I sat down to brainstorm for fitting titles based on the storyline. The attempts were as follows:

• Oblivion, A Timeless Void
• To You, From Oblivion
• Once Upon A Starry Night
• Once Upon A Fallen Star
• For Your Fractured Light
• To My Dearest Alcestis

As for the reason behind each title... I'll have a separate chapter in the 'symbolism' section for that. Only after the book ends, though, since they contain heavy spoilers.

So, the next (current) cover came as I was trying to whip up something for when I publish the book. You can see it on my profile, of course, but here's a mockup!

And last but not least... the cover I received from Rosy! I absolutely love it and will definitely use it after the Wattys shortlist is announced.

I'm fairly certain she wasn't aware of it as she created it, but it carries a lot more symbolism towards the book than one would imagine!

The golden colours (both in the current one and this one) refer heavily to Tiamat, the World Tree. Fun fact: the concept of the World Tree did not exist when I made my cover.

The black is far more fitting than dark blue, correctly portraying the void that is Oblivion. The hints of red portray the main colour of the antagonist - Adira.

Once again, I'd really like to thank Rosy for this amazing cover.

Aaand that's it! Thank you for attending to my Ted talk. Have a nice day/night!

~ With love, Astraea

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