Lyra: Summer Break

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All the campers stood at the top of Half-Blood Hill. A buzz of energy filled the camp as everyone said their farewells. I sat in the pine tree with Jimmy, a child of Zeus. 

From my lessons on Greek Mythology, he probably derived from Zeus Xenios. It is a side of Zeus that's not a total jerk. I guess everyone has a soft side even the god of the skies. He is supposedly hospitable to travelers and immense kindness to strangers.

The son of Zeus was the first newbie I showed around camp. He was also able to keep Clarisse from giving him a swirly. That surprised me to no end. 

Eventually when he was claimed I realized that Jimmy was 12. Zeus broke his vow even after Thalia and Jason. I didn't want to intrude and ask about his family life but it was hard. Especially being a daughter of Hermes.

He did confide in me after the first week of getting strange glances from other campers. His full name was Jimmy Grace brother of Jason and Thalia Grace. He explained that he grew up separated from them. Beryl Grace had one more child after Thalia ran away. He was sent to live with other relatives until a Satyr was able to find him.

I tried my best to clear up his history without telling anyone about his family. The Graces still don't know about him and it's becoming a problem.

We grew close together since then. He worked with a different group of newbies. The whole reason I was a teacher was because of him. But that's a whole story in itself. 

"Hey Lyra, you going anywhere this year? I'm going to see my mortal friends I don't want to leave you here."

Despite the fact that I was bored here I knew that it was just his nature to ask me. he'd be better without the constant monster attacks that come with me. 

"No tha-"

"Hi, Lyra! Oh, you know Jimmy! That's awesome, I'm going with him to meet his friends. Chiron said that it wasn't that safe for me to go out alone. I've only been here for a summer. Do you want to come too?"

It was Peter, the climbing prodigy this year. In other words, the dofus that I trained. There was no way I was going now. Sure I liked him but I wanted alone time.

"As I was saying before no thank you. I have stuff to do here. At this point, I'm probably never leaving unless there is a quest that randomly pops out of the blue. I mean what are the chances of Rachel just spew a prophecy. In fact, a prophecy that doesn't include Percy over there."

I pointed to the smiling dude with the obvious mess of hair and green eyes. Connor, Malcolm, Rachel, and his friend group were saying bye.

"Why don't you ask Rachel for a quest then?" Peter asked. As no one really wanted to talk about the awful experiences of being at war most of the demigods here didn't open up. That left most newcomers at a loss of how bad they could really be.

"Peter, quests are more of-" I cut off yet again as the boy flipped off the tree and ran to the senior demigods. Jimmy looked at me expectantly and I glanced back before sighing.

"You know I can't go out there."

"Come on you haven't been out there for months? That's if I'm generous. If I don't count the Giants war or the Titans war then it's thirteen years!"

"I'm not going unless Miss Rachel Dare over there spews another prophecy," I said yet again motioning to the Seven and co. Peter was standing on the sidelines patiently.

Jimmy stuck his head up high and pronounced the second most absurd thing I've ever heard, "I'm going to jinx it. With demigod luck."

"It doesn't work like that," I said pointedly. Honestly, this would be my luck.

"Just watch and see." Then taking a deep breath he practically shouted the words.

"Oh look! Peter is never going to get Rachel, the oracle of Delphi, to generate a prophecy pertaining to Lyra, the daughter of Hermes. Specifically, Lyra being forced to get out of camp and make new friends." That was the first most absurd thing I've ever heard.

I shook my head and put a hand over his mouth. Then think twice I produced a roll of duct tape from gods know where and slapped a piece on to the smug face.

We were getting weird stares but one caught my eye. Rachel Elizabeth Dare stood at the base of the pine tree with Peter at her side. As if that wasn't alarming enough green mist started pouring out of her mouth circling her feet like snakes.

Leaping branch by branch I made it down to the top of the hill. Peter and Jimmy, who came down with me, were smiling. With desperation, I looked at the Oracle. She inhaled through her nose and opened the maw of death to speak. On pure panic and adrenaline, I ripped another strip of duct tape and did exactly what I did to Jimmy. 

Sad to say that this did not work. The voice that was death to so many started to speak.

A Hermes child from the line of Thorn

Lived through ice and death was sworn

Met with, siblings love, death, and fire

The hero's soul, cursed life requires

So a simple choice ends all days

Asgard's king survive or pays

Needless to say, I was ready to blackmail Jimmy really hard.

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