Lyra Thorn

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Three tall blue icy figures were chasing after her. She called out but nobody came. Running through a puddle she felt it freeze around her foot. They were getting closer. Tugging on it to no avail she hung her head. 

The two figures grabbed her arms and one took out its sword. "Any last words?" She looked up and gave a grim smile, "Yes I do," Then calling out loudly she said, "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there!" The three giants looked confused but a small amulet around her neck glowed and a blinding flash took over the scene.

I woke up in the Hermes cabin breathing loudly. That was the seventh time it had happened this week and it was only Tuesday. Chris Rodriguez was kneeling beside here holding her pendant. "Lyra, you know this was the seventh-"

"Time this week yes, I know. Thanks for helping though." Chris gave an exasperated sigh, "You know we can't just keep doing it. It was meant to help demigods sleep." 

I just scrunched my face up and hopped off my bed. Calling behind me I said to him, "Well if you want me to use it then tell Harley to make cooler phrases. I don't even know where he gets them. That one time where I had to sing Liberty, Liberty, Liberty? Not happening."

 I grabbed a hoodie from a random bunk and a pair of pants from another. It was typical of anyone to do that in the Hermes cabin or at least when no one decided to do the laundry for a week.


The breakfast horn rang just as I finished checking in with the newest campers that had just come in. Because I was the most tolerable of freaked out and confused kids I was put in place of introducing them to camp before the parents claimed them. There were five of them today which was particularly high. 

"So kids that is the breakfast horn which means," I started bolting out the door, "I'm off to eat, good luck!" Okay, okay even though I'm tolerable of kids doesn't mean I want them breathing down my neck every second. To my surprise, as I was sprinting I head a voice right next to me. 

"Ello mate, I'm Peter. You never asked my name. I wanted you to know it just in case something happens." I laughed a little at that and said, "Sure kid, and you realize that you had a little slip up in your accent right there?" 

We slowed down as we reached the dining area. Peter replied, "Yeah, I know the author just wanted to throw in that Easter egg because they love Marvel." 

I shrugged and started to head to the Hermes table when he interrupted me again. "Can I sit next to you?" I nodded and he seemed surprised. Brushing that aside we continued to talk and I was surprised about what had been going on in his life before he got here. 

Apparently, he had an internship at Stark Industries. I've only ever heard of it because of the popularity that Iron Man gained from the campers. Or at least the ones that go out of camp once in a while. 

I was a year-round camper because I had nothing to return too. No one offered for me to visit because to be honest I was kind of a nuisance.

"What did you tell your co-workers after coming here? You have a job after all." I asked. 

Peter shrugged, "Aunt May knows about the gods. My excuse for work is that I am going to a summer camp. They understood because I'm 'just a kid' and 'should go out and have fun.'" 

It made sense but as any demigod got older, like he was, it was harder for them to sneak off.

Chiron gave his normal announcements and we cheered when he gave the new demigods a shout out. Then he continued with something that shocked some of us. "Mr.D had to leave due to what he called an errand to the mortal world." 

I smiled into my food. There is a lot you can find out when you are an expert in eavesdropping. 

I also was able to learn that there is something that was bothering the gods. It is relating to an alien invasion in New York and several other battles. 

I guess that the "gods" Thor and Loki must have upset them. The campers were just glad that they didn't have to save the world on those occasions. In fact, many of the campers begged to hear about the battle's heros. 

Zeus' cabin, who had gained only a couple new members, were fans of Thor and Falcon. The Poseidon cabin didn't have a preference being only Percy. He didn't really care. Though I was thinking that being the Percy that he was, he's met them before. 

The Hermes cabin and Aphrodite's cabin liked Loki, Quicksilver, and Black Widow both for various reasons. Athena's cabin appreciated Bruce Banner's work. 

Though they were smart they still had a hard time learning due to dyslexia and ADHD. 

Demeter's cabin and Dionysus' cabin were feuding on who could get Pepper to grow a garden. Why you ask? I bet it was after hearing that Stark tower was running on clean energy. They wanted to bring it up a notch to creating clean energy. 

The Ares bunch thought they could handle the alien invasion that happened. Stating that they were "Just a bunch of puny squishy aliens". If you sneaked into their cabin late at night you could find what I'm pretty sure are small copies of Captain America's shield and Thor's hammer. 

The Apollo cabin liked Bruce Banner and Hawkeye and the reasons were obvious. Hecate cabin wanted to give Scarlet Witch a few pointers. 

Hephaestus' cabin liked War Machine and Ironman, mainly the suits. Then there was Spider-man. Athena kids freaked out about him though they were cool with Black Widow. Spider-man literally acted like a Spider.

A/N How do you like it? I just got started but thought I would cut it short there.

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