Chapter Sixteen: The secret.

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     A few days had passed since Gabriella had been rushed to the clinic. It was Monday and Rebecca had spread the news that Gabriella would be back in school the next day. Tom had reminded Daniel about their bet.

"I'm giving you another chance" Tom said "If after today you don't tell her, I will not do it"

"Okay, I'll text her this evening" Daniel said.

In the evening, when Daniel had gotten home, he went straight to his room and picked up his phone from his reading table. He looked at the paper Rebecca had given him. He had told Rebecca that he just wanted to check in on Gabriella and she had happily given it to him. Well, here goes nothing...

Daniel: Hello wise one

Gabriella: Hi. It looks like I have a nickname now 🙄

Daniel: I like calling you wise one😋 how was your day.

Gabriella: boring!  I can't wait to be at school tomorrow😁

Daniel: I can't wait to see you too.

Gabriella: What are you implying? 😁😁🤔

It's now or never.

Daniel: I really like you wise one.

Gabriella: and how do I know that you aren't just trying to play with my feelings🤔

Daniel: The only reason why Betty dared you to kiss me was because I asked her to. I've liked you since the very first day of school and I had hoped that you would feel the same way.

Gabriella: Awww😏☺

Gabriella: I like you too. You're cute, funny and really nice. I think this could work😁

Daniel: cool. Are you going to get to school really early tomorrow?

Gabriella: Yeah, why?

Daniel: We can spend some time alone together before the morning service starts.

Gabriella: That would be perfect 😊☺

Daniel: well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then.

Gabriella: Bye 😘

It was done. Daniel felt like the happiest guy in the world.


Rebecca rushed into her class. There has been a lot of traffic this morning and the bell had just been rung. It was first period and she was just arriving.

"Hi, sorry I'm late" Rebecca said as she plopped into her chair.

"You shouldn't have missed the announcements this morning. Now you won't believe it if I tell you" Tom said sitting in Gabriella's empty seat.

"What happened?" Rebecca asked.

"She's been expelled" Tom said.

"Well... She did break someone's nose" Rebecca said.

"Hi Rebecca" Hannah said sitting in her own seat which wasn't too far away from Rebecca's

"Hi Hannah" Rebecca said.

"I guess Tom already told you about Sarah" Hannah said.

"Oh and I almost forgot. Betty is still on suspension for helping Sarah but the duration has been reduced to one week" Tom said.

"That's good" Rebecca said "But I do feel a bit bad for Sarah"

"She'll be fine" Tom said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

After a few minutes, walking hand in hand, Gabriella and Daniel walked into the class. Gabriella's nose was covered up with bandages but she still looked okay.

"Hello everyone" Daniel said more to Tom than to Rebecca and Hannah.

"Hi" Rebecca said.

"Are you two an item?" Hannah asked.

"Yes" Gabriella answered.

"How do we know that you're not lying" Tom said

"Don't be stupid Tom..."  But before Gabriella could complete her statement, Daniel had kissed her on the lips. After what seemed like forever he pulled away from her.

"Satisfied?" he asked Tom. Tom gulped. He knew what he had to do.

"Rebecca" Tom said. "Can I have a word?" He asked.

"But our English teacher will soon be here" Rebecca said

"She's not in school today" Tom said.

"Okay" she said before turning to Gabriella " I hope your nose is getting better " she said.

"Forget about my nose" Gabriella said "go have some fun" she adds with a wink. Rebecca left the class with Tom.

When they were out of the class Tom spoke first.

"Can we walk as we talk?" He asked.

"Okay" Rebecca said and they began to walk along the corridor.

"You remember that time that you wanted to know what Daniel and I had been talking about but I wouldn't tell you?" Tom asked

"Yeah" Rebecca said.

"We were talking about a girl he liked"


"I made a bet with him later telling him that of he asked her out I would ask the girl that I liked out"

"So who did he like at that time?" Rebecca asked


"That explains a lot"

Tom nodded.

"So... Who do you like?'

" You"

Rebecca stopped walking and turned to face Tom Who had stopped walking too.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yeah. I've liked you for a while now. I mean... We always had that..."

"Special connection"


Rebecca smiled. "I like you too Tom. But I have a question"

"Go ahead" Tom said.

"Did Daniel give you that dare just so that you would use that opportunity to ask me out" Rebecca asked.

"Yes" Tom said.

"It's just too bad that good girls don't date" Rebecca said as they turned into a corner.

"I understand..."

"But I don't want to be a good girl anymore so it doesn't matter"

"So if I kiss you right now? " Tom asked looking around tentatively "You won't get mad?"

"Why don't you find out"

And that was all it took. Tom leaned in and kissed her gently and passionately. The tingly sensation was stronger than it had ever been before. Tom placed one of his hand on her waist and the other on the small of her back. Rebecca had one of her hands around his back and another in his hair. It was a beautiful moment. They were kissing in the school corridor.

Anyone could catch them here...

Rebecca reluctantly pulled away from Tom.

"What's wrong?' Tom asked.

"A teacher could catch us here" Rebecca said.

"Lets go back to the class then. It will soon be time for the next period" Tom Said.

They walked back to the classroom feeling like they were the only ones in the world.


"I'm so happy for you!" Hannah said. Gabriella smiled at her.

"It was a very good thing that he likes you back. It would have gotten really awkward if he hadn't" Gabriella said. It was almost closing time and the girls were talking to while away the time.

"Hey!" Richard said trying to get everyone's attention. "I brought my phone and speaker to school. Who wants to dance?"

A few students rushed towards him and in no time Richard had connected his phone to his speaker and was playing the song  beginning by Joeboy.

"Would you like to dance with me?" Tom asked as he walked up to Rebecca.

"I would love to" she said as they walked to the centre of the class. Gabriella, Daniel, Richard and Hannah joined them and soon the whole class was dancing.

This was definitely the best first term that Rebecca had ever had.


Author's note

Hi 👋
I just wanted to use this moment to appreciate chisom_dili who stuck with me as I wrote this book, reading every chapter. Thank you so much.
I also want to thank every other person who checked my book out . It was really nice of you to do so and all your corrections and tips were definitely helpful. Thank you.
I hope you really liked the ending. Finally Tom and Rebecca are together.

If you really enjoyed this book, check out the other book I'm working on titled "Don't give up" I'm sure you'll enjoy it too. And remember,
Leave a comment if you have anything to say,
Tell your friends about it and,
Vote for it if you think it's that good  👍

Bye for now
Thank you for reading this book to the end 📚
Stay safe!!!


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