Chapter Twelve: The effects of an awkward moment.

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     "Get a room" Tom said jokingly before he walked into the class. Hannah giggled and Richard shot Tom a playful glare

"I'll see you tomorrow" he said

"Bye" Hannah said.

When Richard was out of the class Rebecca finally recovered from her state of shock. Tom noticed the worried look on her face.

"What's the matter Becca?" He asked

"And where's Gabriella?" Hannah asked "I thought she was coming with you guys"

"Gabriella likes Richard" Rebecca said. There was no point in keeping it a secret anymore. Tom shook his head and Hannah sighed.

"If I had known.. I never would have... Why didn't she tell me?" Hannah said.

"Well she didn't know she had competition did she?" Rebecca asked.

"No, I guess not. But you're not angry with me, are you?" Hannah asked.

"No, I'm not. A very special person taught me the importance of staying calm" I said with a glance at Tom. He grinned.

"You have to tell Gabriella about your relationship and explain how you got together. Maybe then she'll feel better" Tom suggested.

"Richard thought she was with Daniel because of that dare. She kissed him" Hannah explained "I actually thought they were dating too"

"Who told Richard about the kiss?" Rebecca asked.

"I think it was Mabel. We were talking about complicated relationships in the school and her name and Gabriella's name came up" Hannah said.

"You should explain everything today before she goes home" Rebecca advised. Hannah left the classroom quickly with her bag. Rebecca groaned.

"So much drama! I'm so sick of it. Why can't we just live normal lives that don't involve all this" Rebecca complained. Tom laughed.

"You would have your life of it didn't have any drama" Tom said. "Trust me"

"I'll take your word for it" Rebecca said grabbing her bag. She waited for Tom to grab his and they ward down the stairs together.


Hannah looked all over the place for Gabriella silently praying that she hadn't gone home. She finally found her sitting alone on one of the steps of the staircase. She had buried her face in her palms but she wasn't crying.

"Uh, hi Gaby" Hannah said tentatively. Gabriella didn't answer.

"Look, I just came to explain what you saw in class.."

"You don't need to explain everything. Why are you even here?"

"Because you're my friend and I don't want you to be angry at me"

Gabriella put her hands down and looked up at Hannah.

"You have five minutes to explain" she said.

"I'm sorry about what you saw. I didn't know that you liked him. While we were talking, he mentioned you. He said that you were pretty but you already liked Daniel"

"Is it because of the dare"

"Yes. Rumours have been going round about you and Daniel"

"When did you start liking him"

"Two days ago when he lent me his Chemistry textbook. It as like we had some sort of connection" she said.

"You didn't have to explain anything you know. It's not like you stole him from me"

"I know. But I can't just watch you sulk like this. You're a beautiful girl with a beautiful figure. There are many other fishes in the sea. You'll catch another"

Gabriella laughed "Tell Richard that I'm expecting your bride price next week"

The girls laughed. Gabriella didn't care about Richard that much anymore. Hannah was right. There are other guys.


When Rebecca had gone home, Tom had Daniel to keep him company. Presently, they were talking about girls

"She's available" Tom said to Daniel. "Strike while the iron is hot"

"Look at who is talking"

"I'm serious guy. You need to tell her before she moves on to someone else"

"I won't tell her now. It was because of Betty's dare that I kissed her in the first place. I'll wait till the time is right"

"Wait oh. Wait till Sarah starts to mind her own business before you ask her out"

"Okay, how about this, I'll start by being nicer to her first" Daniel said "Then, if in two days I haven't asked her out yet, I will owe you give thousand naira"

"And if you do ask her out" Tom said "I will finally do it"

"Then we have ourselves a deal"

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I just realized that I have 100+ reads. Thank you so much. Keep reading to find out what Tom's secret is. And remember,
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