Chapter Five ~ The Sorting

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Halle's POV:

I squirmed as they called James up to the stool. He smirked at me, then whispered something to Gracie that I couldn't read


The hat shouted as soon as it was placed on his head.

As presumed. We all expected him to become a Gryffindor. Sadly, I could not help the fact that I blushed seriously red as he blew a kiss to me.

Next, it was Gracie. We waited for what I guessed was about seven minutes as the hat decided what house she should be in. Finally, the hat shouted,


I clapped as hard as I could and went to my seer powers to see who was next. Before the vision even started, I heard

"Swan, Halle,"

Crap. How could I forget! S is right after R. I slowly walked up to the stool and saw James give me a wink. I gave him an unsure grin back and sat on the stool.

Hmmm, the hat said in my mind, Very difficult. You could do well in Gryffindor, Ravenclaw also. Hmmm better be,


I smiled and saw James and Gracie stand up to clap for me. As the sorting went on, Dominique got sorted into Ravenclaw and Louis to Gryffindor.

Authors Note: In J.K. Rowling's original storyline, Dominique Weasley was a Gryffindor and Louis Weasley was a Hufflepuff, but for the storyline purposes we are changing it.

Headmistress McGonagall stood up to speak to us,

"Welcome back to Hogwarts!" She said in her aging voice, "And welcome to our new students. I trust that you all are satisfied with the houses you are sorted in as your house will now become like your new family. For all students, the room on the third floor, next to the trophy room, is forbidden. All who enter will surely be expelled."

There was a sudden silence as she said that.

"Well, let's eat!" McGonagall said.

We all laughed and started eating the newly appeared food.

"Hey Halle," Dominique said, "Meet my older sister, Victorie."

I was taken aback by how beautiful her sister was. It was almost scary. She was a stunning blonde with bright blue eyes.

Authors Note: Victoire is actually a Hufflepuff.

"Hi, Halle!" She said in a high, melodic voice, "Dominique was just telling me all about you!"

"Really," I said, smiling, "Well that was very nice of her."

I gave a thankful look to Dominique since she just got me on good terms with our prefect. After we finished what I thought was the best meal ever, Victoire looked down the table,

"Ravenclaws! Follow me!" she said in her perfect voice.

All of the first years followed her. Eventually, we got to the Ravenclaw common room and the part that I dreaded.

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