Chapter Seventeen ~ Revelations Part Two

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James POV:

I walked down the dark hall silently. I was headed to Potions with the Slytherins. Yuck, I love Potions, but hate Slytherins. I continued but, I heard a pair of familiar voices.

"Louis! Argh. Why didn't you ever tell me you were a legimentis! I'm your sister! I shouldn't need to go to the Room of Requirement to find out that you've been reading my mind since we were born!"

I think I just came across a very private conversation. I am going to listen to it anyway. Louis is a legimentis though?! That explains why he always knew what I was going to say...

"I'm sorry! Dad made sure that only McGonagall knew. Mom doesn't even know!"

"I'm guessing that you know about Halle and Gracie if you're this 'great mind-reader'."

This keeps getting more and more mysterious. I wouldn't blame Gracie if she kept a secret from me, but Halle? She said she was always being honest with me... What is going on!

"Yes. Halle's supposedly an Oracle. There hasn't been one since the times of Merlin. As for Gracie, I have no idea what she is."

Ok. What is going on! Louis is this 'great legimentis', Halle is an Oracle-thingy, and Gracie has this great power that no one has heard of. How is it that I know all of these powerful extra-ordinary people!

"I don't either. All the book said was 'the power to take/add memories.'"

This is crazy! I don't care if I'm late for class right now. I need to talk to Halle and see what this is all about.

Halle's POV:

I turned the corner to go to History of Magic with the Hufflepuffs, when James, who is leaning against the wall, very handsomely, pinned me against the wall next to him.

"Why didn't you tell me," he muttered to me.

"Why didn't I tell you what," I asked back.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that you are supposedly powerful seer called an Oracle."

Oh crap. How in the world did he find out?

"How on Earth and did you find that out! I made sure that only McGonagall knew about that!"

"Louis and Dominique weren't fibbing then."

"What does Dominique OR Louis have to do with any of this!"

"They have everything to do with this."

There was a long pause.

"Will you bother to tell me," I questioned.

"I'm not sure if it's in my rights to tell you."

"Will you tell me anyway?" I raised my voice.

"Louis is a legimentis and he read your mind to find out."

I felt my jaw drop. Man, I am jealous! I've always wanted to be a legimentis! I have been meaning to ask McGonagall if I could train in my fifth year!

"However, I don't know how Dominique found out though. All I heard was she used some kind of magic book."

"Wouldn't Louis have just told her?"

James shook his head,

"No, when I heard them talking about you and Gracie, she was yelling at him for not telling her about his powers."

I nodded my head, but as I turned to go to History of Magic I realized something,

"Wait, you said me AND Gracie, what does SHE have to with this catastrophe?!"

"I think everyone will have a lot of explaining to do during lunch. I think you will find out then."

I nodded again, then walked into Professor Binns classroom.

The classroom was dark and dreary. Not to my surprise, Dominique wasn't in her normal seat next to me.

"Hey, Halle!" Gwen whisper-yelled at me.


"What was Potter doing on this end of the school talking to you? I thought the Gryffindors had Potions?"

"Ummm- he wanted to tell me that... Dominique wouldn't be here because she and Louis had some uhh important family business to take care of," I sort of lied.

That's what they were doing, right?

She smirked and turned to Professor Binns, who was starting the lesson. I sighed. The rumors would never end that James and I were a 'thing'.

After class ~ Lunch ~ Halle's POV:

The Great Hall had been transformed from the spooky, eerie night that it had been yesterday night, to a now festive fall of Thanksgiving. I sat down at the Gryffindor with Gracie on my left, James on my right, and Dominique in front of me. Louis, who was next to Dom, said,

"I think that we all have a lot of explaining to do. I know that James has already explained everything to Halle-"

James looked very confused, probably wondering how Louis knew that figured out that he's a legimentis and probably read one of our minds to find that out.

Louis continued,

"I took the liberty of explaining everything to G. I will start the confessing. I am indeed a legimentis, I was born with it. It is very rare to be born with it. Most people have to be well trained to be able to read minds, and they have to cast a spell to do it. I can do it anytime I want to. I try my hardest to stay out of your minds, but I will admit, some of the things that go through your guy's minds are very fun to listen to!"

He glanced at me, then James, then faced me again,

"Your next Halle."

Darn it.

"It is true that I am an Oracle. I can choose to see my future or anyone's future. But I can't go that far into the future. When McGonagall found out, she wouldn't let me go farther than a year into the future. With proper training, I could go up to twenty years, but there aren't any Oracles left, so I couldn't receive proper training, even if I wanted to. I mostly use it to see the immediate future, the future that will happen in one to five minutes. It is also true that no one has had it since the days of Merlin. There was a cult of Oracles that banded together, and they used their powers to predict his future."

"In the books I read, it said that seers can go crazy, does that pertain to you?" Dominique asked.

"Unless your book was from 1000 AD, I highly doubt it. But, you never know. So far I don't think I have."

I turned to Gracie.

"I actually never knew about my power until Louis told me today. But it was actually very believable once he told me. So no one knows what my power is actually called, but the people of the time called it the 'memory call'. I have the power to add or subtract anyone's memories. But what surprised me the most was the fact that I used it, accidentally, on myself."

She hesitated, then started again,

"But when Louis told me, I remembered everything. The one that stood out the most was the - what I'm trying to say is that I knew Halle as a kid, and I accidentally used it on her."

Out of all the possible outcomes, I never could have foreseen this...

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