Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ What is Going on?

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Halle's POV (Right after Dominique says she found the forbidden corridor):

"What!" I said.

"How did you-" Louis started.

"It was easy," Dominique interrupted.

"I am not too sure that facing killer monkey's is considered easy..." Louis shot back.

I gave James an inquisitive look as he gave me one back.

"I hate to interrupt this little fiasco of yours," I stated, "but what does a killer MONKEY have to do with Dominique breaking the schools most crucial rule?"

I turned from Dominique to Louis, who seemed to be searching for something.

"Louis?" I asked.

"Where's Gracie?" He replied.

We all got very quiet as we looked around.

"Did anyone see her leave?" James questioned.

"Well we wouldn't be asking if we knew, genius," I retorted back.

"Okay, sheez..."

I don't think he knew that I heard him mutter under his breath, 'What's up with you?' I rolled my eyes as I turned to Louis who seemed to be giving a monologue about how we were going to find Gracie.

"We need to split up so we can cover more ground. Then we should-"

"Here's an idea Louis," Dominique cut off, "She's sitting in the common room, trying to avoid all of us since James here was being a big jerk headed git."

"But why would she-"

"Louis, Dom is right. We're all tired and if she didn't want to talk to anyone right now, I can't say I blame her. She's probably sitting in bed right now thinking about how her friends are such jerks," I said.

"But when has she ever-"

"Louis, let it sit, we're going to bed," Dominique sighed.

Louis threw his arms up in protest as we all walked away. Dom and I walked down the main hall to the Ravenclaw Common Room. As we walked through the doorway to the Grand Staircase, Ally Hart, or should I say Gaunt, pulled me over.

"We need to talk," she said sternly.

Through my peripheral, I saw Dom roll her eyes.

"I'll see you in the common room, Halle."


What does the Gaunt want...

James POV:

I could feel Louis's eyes burning at me.

"I know you are..."

"Really mad at you? Well, I am."

Crap, he must be really mad at me if he's acting like this...

"But, let's save it for the common room."


We climbed the long staircases to the common room.

"Pinkleberry," I said to the Fat Lady.

"What is with students up till just before curfew these days?..." she grunted.

The door swung open and I walked over to the couch.

"Alright, hit me," I said to Louis as he sat on his favorite couch."

He chewed me out for what felt like a half an hour when I heard something behind me. Louis and I both flip around to see Gracie walking toward us. We both jump to our feet.

"Hey G... you don't look so good, are you ok?" Louis says tenderly.

I could gag. He goes from yelling his head off at me to soothing to her! Ugh.

"Yeah, I'm fine. McGonagall needs both of you..."

I inhaled deeply. I fall back onto the couch. She told McGonagall. I am going to be expelled.

"G... what did you- you told on James! Why?" Louis says, shocked.

I am not surprised. I knew she wouldn't have enough integrity to not.

"I didn't mean to! It wasn't my fault! I never intended to! I- I'm sorry..."

Yeah, like you could not intentionally tell on someone.

She runs out as I scowl at her.

"Lets go Louis, time for me to go get expelled..."

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