[Indian Rasoi] Wada Pav by Ashu

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Indian Burger, (Vegetarian) (makes four to six burgers, depending on how big you make the patties and how much of a hog you want to be.)

This is the quintessential Indian Burger which is a staple of every person's diet in Mumbai. I believe the working class if fueled by the Wada Pav because there is a cart, or an outlet selling these at every corner of every street of the city. Every cart is populated with people enjoying the oh so scrumptious taste! Now the recipe varies from chef to chef, but this is a good base to start with. 


For the patty filling
2 medium-sized Boiled potatoes chopped into medium sized chunks,
3 green chillies chopped,
½ teaspoon of Mustard Seeds,
1 teaspoon of Cumin seeds,
½ teaspoon of turmeric powder,
1 sprig of curry leaves,
1 tablespoon of oil,

salt to taste,

For the patty batter

½ cup of gram flour,
½ a teaspoon of chilli powder,

¼ a teaspoon of turmeric powder,

¼ a teaspoon of Asafoetida(also known as hing)

salt to taste,  

For the Chutneys
Sweet Chutney

half a cup of dates(soaked in warm water for ten to fifteen minutes.)
2 tablespoons of Tamarind pulp,
½ a teaspoon of sugar.
pinch of salt for taste. 

Spicy chutney 
two sprigs of mint,
a handful of fresh coriander,
a generous pinch of cumin seeds,
two green chillies,
half a lime juice,
salt to taste.

For Bread
Go to the store and buy four buns. (I am lazy), no but seriously, slider buns would fit perfectly here. :) 


First, we need to prepare the patty filling.

Heat oil in a pan and add the cumin seeds, as soon as they start to pop and crackle add the cumin seeds, after about five to seven seconds add the curry leaves they'll crackle and hiss and basically curse you for killing them, so treat them nicely and just throw the chopped green chilies, let them sizzle, then add the potatoes, the turmeric, the salt. stir well some of the potatoes should get mashed, while some remain chunky.it'll add to the flavour as well as the texture. Once you are happy with this filling, start making the batter.

For the batter just mix all of the ingredients into a smooth batter thick enough to coat the back of your spoon.

Now the chutneys.

De-seed the dates and then blitz them and the tamarind pulp along with the sugar and salt, you can use the water you used to soak the dates, it'll be better tasting. You want a slightly runny chutney, just like your batter.

The spicy chutney is to be prepared the same way, by bunging the ingredients into a blender, but a bit thicker than that of the dates and tamarind.

Now to cook the patties

Make four balls out of the mixture, they should be a decent sized ball of filling... about ye big(how big? Really just the size you feel, or the size that will fit in your slider buns). Then dip them in batter and deep fry them till the batter is cooked and crispy, not burnt and horrible.

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